Support to the main administrators of the Medical Rescue Teams for the implementation of actions related to the prevention, prevention and eradication of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases from funds under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 for the District Emergency Station of the Independent Public Workshop in Mielec (Q2693068)

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Project Q2693068 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Support to the main administrators of the Medical Rescue Teams for the implementation of actions related to the prevention, prevention and eradication of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases from funds under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 for the District Emergency Station of the Independent Public Workshop in Mielec
Project Q2693068 in Poland


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    1,511,136.33 zloty
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    335,925.61 Euro
    0.2223 Euro
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    1,777,807.45 zloty
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    395,206.6 Euro
    0.2223 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 February 2020
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    30 April 2021
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    50°16'48.7"N, 21°27'47.2"E
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    Działania związane z zapobieganiem, przeciwdziałaniem i zwalczaniem „COVID-19” oraz innych chorób zakaźnych. (Polish)
    0 references
    Actions related to the prevention, prevention and eradication of “COVID-19” and other communicable diseases. (English)
    7 July 2021
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    Actions liées à la prévention, à la prévention et à l’éradication de la COVID-19 et d’autres maladies transmissibles. (French)
    3 December 2021
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    Maßnahmen im Zusammenhang mit der Prävention, Prävention und Tilgung von „COVID-19“ und anderen übertragbaren Krankheiten. (German)
    14 December 2021
    0 references
    Acties in verband met de preventie, preventie en uitroeiing van „COVID-19” en andere overdraagbare ziekten. (Dutch)
    17 December 2021
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    Azioni relative alla prevenzione, alla prevenzione e all'eradicazione della "COVID-19" e di altre malattie trasmissibili. (Italian)
    15 January 2022
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    Acciones relacionadas con la prevención, prevención y erradicación de «COVID-19» y otras enfermedades transmisibles. (Spanish)
    19 January 2022
    0 references
    COVID-19 ja muude nakkushaiguste ennetamise, ennetamise ja likvideerimisega seotud meetmed. (Estonian)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Veiksmai, susiję su COVID-19 ir kitų užkrečiamųjų ligų prevencija, prevencija ir likvidavimu. (Lithuanian)
    28 July 2022
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    Djelovanja povezana sa sprečavanjem, sprečavanjem i iskorjenjivanjem bolesti COVID-19 i drugih zaraznih bolesti. (Croatian)
    28 July 2022
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    Δράσεις που σχετίζονται με την πρόληψη, την πρόληψη και την εξάλειψη της νόσου COVID-19 και άλλων μεταδοτικών νόσων. (Greek)
    28 July 2022
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    Akcie týkajúce sa prevencie, prevencie a eradikácie ochorenia COVID-19 a iných prenosných chorôb. (Slovak)
    28 July 2022
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    Toimet, jotka liittyvät covid-19:n ja muiden tartuntatautien ehkäisemiseen, ehkäisemiseen ja hävittämiseen. (Finnish)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    A Covid19 és más fertőző betegségek megelőzésével, megelőzésével és felszámolásával kapcsolatos intézkedések. (Hungarian)
    28 July 2022
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    Opatření související s prevencí, prevencí a eradikací onemocnění COVID-19 a jiných přenosných nemocí. (Czech)
    28 July 2022
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    Darbības, kas saistītas ar Covid-19 un citu infekcijas slimību profilaksi, profilaksi un izskaušanu. (Latvian)
    28 July 2022
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    Gníomhaíochtaí a bhaineann le ‘COVID-19’ agus galair theagmhálacha eile a chosc, a chosc agus a dhíothú. (Irish)
    28 July 2022
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    Ukrepi v zvezi s preprečevanjem, preprečevanjem in izkoreninjenjem COVID-19 in drugih nalezljivih bolezni. (Slovenian)
    28 July 2022
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    Действия, свързани с профилактиката, профилактиката и ликвидирането на COVID-19 и други заразни болести. (Bulgarian)
    28 July 2022
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    Azzjonijiet relatati mal-prevenzjoni, il-prevenzjoni u l-eradikazzjoni tal-“COVID-19” u mard ieħor li jittieħed. (Maltese)
    28 July 2022
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    Ações relacionadas com a prevenção, prevenção e erradicação da «COVID-19» e de outras doenças transmissíveis. (Portuguese)
    28 July 2022
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    Aktioner vedrørende forebyggelse, forebyggelse og udryddelse af covid-19 og andre overførbare sygdomme. (Danish)
    28 July 2022
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    Acțiuni legate de prevenirea, prevenirea și eradicarea „COVID-19” și a altor boli transmisibile. (Romanian)
    28 July 2022
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    Åtgärder som rör förebyggande, förebyggande och utrotning av covid-19 och andra överförbara sjukdomar. (Swedish)
    28 July 2022
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    WOJ.: PODKARPACKIE, POW.: mielecki
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    24 May 2023
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