Greedy country: extension of the label to craftsmen, valorisation of local know-how and development of links between agriculture and tourism (Q193113)

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Project Q193113 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
Greedy country: extension of the label to craftsmen, valorisation of local know-how and development of links between agriculture and tourism
Project Q193113 in France


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    56,344.5 Euro
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    112,689.0 Euro
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    50.0 percent
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    1 January 2016
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    30 June 2019
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    Communauté de Communes Alpes Provence Verdon "Sources de Lumière"
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    Pays Gourmand : Extension du label aux artisans de bouche, valorisation des savoir-faire locaux et développement des liens entre agriculture et tourisme (French)
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    Country Gourmand: Extension of the label to craftsmen, valorisation of local know-how and development of links between agriculture and tourism (English)
    13 October 2020
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    Land Gourmand: Erweiterung des Siegels auf Mundhandwerker, Aufwertung des lokalen Know-hows und Ausbau der Verbindungen zwischen Landwirtschaft und Tourismus (German)
    1 December 2021
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    Land van Gourmand: Uitbreiding van het keurmerk tot mondarbeiders, valorisatie van lokale knowhow en ontwikkeling van banden tussen landbouw en toerisme (Dutch)
    6 December 2021
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    Paese di Gourmand: Estensione del marchio agli artigiani della bocca, valorizzazione del know-how locale e sviluppo dei legami tra agricoltura e turismo (Italian)
    12 January 2022
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    País de Gourmand: Extensión de la etiqueta a artesanos bucales, valorización de los conocimientos locales y desarrollo de vínculos entre la agricultura y el turismo (Spanish)
    14 January 2022
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    Gourmand Country: Extension of the label to mouth craftsmen, valorisation of local know-how and development of links between agriculture and tourism (English)
    22 November 2021
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    Paese di Gourmand: Estensione del marchio agli artigiani della bocca, valorizzazione del know-how locale e sviluppo dei legami tra agricoltura e turismo (Italian)
    13 January 2022
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    Riik Gourmand: Märgise laiendamine käsitöölistele, kohaliku oskusteabe väärtustamine ning põllumajanduse ja turismi vaheliste sidemete arendamine (Estonian)
    27 July 2022
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    Šalis Gourmandas: Ženklo taikymas amatininkams, vietos praktinės patirties panaudojimas ir žemės ūkio ir turizmo ryšių plėtojimas (Lithuanian)
    27 July 2022
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    Zemlja Gourmand: Proširenje oznake na obrtnike, vrednovanje lokalnog znanja i iskustva te razvoj veza između poljoprivrede i turizma (Croatian)
    27 July 2022
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    Χώρα Gourmand: Επέκταση του σήματος στους βιοτέχνες, αξιοποίηση της τοπικής τεχνογνωσίας και ανάπτυξη δεσμών μεταξύ γεωργίας και τουρισμού (Greek)
    27 July 2022
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    Krajina Gourmand: Rozšírenie značky na remeselníkov, zhodnotenie miestneho know-how a rozvoj väzieb medzi poľnohospodárstvom a cestovným ruchom (Slovak)
    27 July 2022
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    Maa Gourmand: Merkinnän laajentaminen käsityöläisiin, paikallisen taitotiedon hyödyntäminen sekä maatalouden ja matkailun välisten yhteyksien kehittäminen (Finnish)
    27 July 2022
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    Country Gourmand: Rozszerzenie oznakowania na rzemieślników, waloryzacja lokalnego know-how i rozwój powiązań między rolnictwem a turystyką (Polish)
    27 July 2022
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    Ország Gourmand: A címke kiterjesztése a kézművesekre, a helyi know-how hasznosítása, valamint a mezőgazdaság és az idegenforgalom közötti kapcsolatok fejlesztése (Hungarian)
    27 July 2022
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    Země Gourmand: Rozšíření označení na řemeslníky, zhodnocení místního know-how a rozvoj vazeb mezi zemědělstvím a cestovním ruchem (Czech)
    27 July 2022
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    Valsts Gourmand: Marķējuma attiecināšana uz amatniekiem, vietējās zinātības vērtības palielināšana un saiknes veidošana starp lauksaimniecību un tūrismu (Latvian)
    27 July 2022
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    Tír Gourmand: An lipéad a leathnú chuig ceardaithe, fios gnó áitiúil a luacháil agus naisc idir talmhaíocht agus turasóireacht a fhorbairt (Irish)
    27 July 2022
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    Država Gourmand: Razširitev oznake na obrtnike, vrednotenje lokalnega znanja in izkušenj ter razvoj povezav med kmetijstvom in turizmom (Slovenian)
    27 July 2022
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    Държава Гурманд: Разширяване на етикета върху занаятчиите, валоризация на местното ноу-хау и развитие на връзките между селското стопанство и туризма (Bulgarian)
    27 July 2022
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    Pajjiż Gourmand: L-estensjoni tat-tikketta għall-ħaddiema tas-sengħa, il-valorizzazzjoni tal-għarfien lokali u l-iżvilupp tar-rabtiet bejn l-agrikoltura u t-turiżmu (Maltese)
    27 July 2022
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    Gourmand do País: Extensão do rótulo aos artesãos, valorização do saber-fazer local e desenvolvimento das ligações entre agricultura e turismo (Portuguese)
    27 July 2022
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    Land Gourmand: Udvidelse af mærket til håndværkere, udnyttelse af lokal knowhow og udvikling af forbindelser mellem landbrug og turisme (Danish)
    27 July 2022
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    Țara Gourmand: Extinderea etichetei la meșteșugari, valorificarea know-how-ului local și dezvoltarea legăturilor dintre agricultură și turism (Romanian)
    27 July 2022
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    Land Gourmand: Utvidgning av märkningen till hantverkare, tillvaratagande av lokalt kunnande och utveckling av kopplingar mellan jordbruk och turism (Swedish)
    27 July 2022
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    Example of a dish bearing the "Pays Gourmand” label. (English)
    Pays Gourmand 2019
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    7 December 2023
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