Qualification is the basis! (Q121856)

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Project Q121856 in Poland
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Qualification is the basis!
Project Q121856 in Poland


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    1,328,766.24 zloty
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    295,384.74 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    1,563,254.4 zloty
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    347,511.45 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    1 June 2017
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    31 December 2019
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    54°14'44.02"N, 18°6'35.64"E
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    GRUPĘ DOCELOWĄ W PROJ. STANOWI: 640os(352K,288M) w wieku 25 l. i więcej będących wyłącznie pracownikami sektora MMŚP/dużych przeds./samozatrudnieni,podmiotów ekon.społ/przedsięb. społ. lub jedn. sektora fin. pub lub osób bezrobotnych/ biernych zawodowo, zamieszkujących (zg z KC) w woj. pomorskim i z własnej inicjatywy zainteresowanych nabyciem, uzupełnieniem lub podwyższeniem umiejętności, kompetencji lub kwalifikacji zawod. Ponadto: - Min. 60% uczestników stanowią os. o niskich kwalifikacjach zawodowych (z wykształceniem na poziomie max ISCED 3; min. 384os- 212K, 172M). - Minimum 20% uczestników stanowią osoby w wieku 50 lat i więcej (128os-70K, 58M). Łącznie os. 50+ i o niskich kwalifikacjach zawodowych stanowią min. 80% uczestników projektu. CELEM PROJ. JEST: Poprawa sytuacji osób w wieku aktywności zawodowej na rynku pracy poprzez wzrost kwalifikacji w zakresie j. angielskiego lub niemieckiego w okresie 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 u 640 os (352K,288M) w wieku 25 lat i więcej będących pracownikami sektora MMSP/ dużych przeds./ samozatrudnieni, podmiotów ekon.społ/przedsięb. społ. lub jedn. sektora fin. publ. lub osób bezrobotnych/ biernych zawodowo, którzy z własnej inicjatywy są zainteresowani nabyciem, uzupełnieniem lub podwyższeniem umiejętności, kompetencji lub kwalifikacji zawod. zamieszkujący w woj. pomorskim (w tym min. 384 osób o niskich kwalifikacjach oraz 128 os. w wieku 50+) poprzez wysokiej jakości szkolenia z j. angielskiego lub niemieckiego zakończone egzaminem TELC lub równoważnym. ABY TO OSIĄGNĄĆ ZREALIZOWANE ZOSTANĄ: szkolenia z zakresu j. angielskiego i niemieckiego o poziomie dostosowanych do potrzeb każdego uczestnika (projekt o charakterze popytowym), zakończone egzaminem TELC lub równoważnym, które zaplanowane zostały na podstawie konsultacji z lokalnymi pracodawcami. GŁÓWNE REZULTATY: min. 85% uczestników nabędzie kwalifikacje językowe(w zakresie j. angielskiego lub niemieckiego) potwierdzone zewnętrznym certyfikatem TELC lub równoważnym. (Polish)
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    TARGET GROUP IN THE PROJECT. PROVIDES: 640os(352K,288M) at the age of 25 and more who are exclusively employees of the SME sector/large pre-employment/self-employed persons living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship and on their own initiative interested in acquiring, supplementing or improving skills, competences or competences. In addition: — Min. 60 % of participants are low-skilled people (with ISCED 3 max education; min. 384os-212K, 172M). — A minimum of 20 % of participants are people aged 50 and over (128os-70K, 58M). Total wasps. 50+ and low-skilled professional make up at least 80 % of project participants. THE AIM OF THE PROJECT. THERE IS: Improvement of the situation of persons of active age on the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications in the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 in 640 people (352K,288M) aged 25 years or more who are employees of the MMSP/large pre-employment sector/self-employed, econs. IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THIS, THE FOLLOWING WILL BE: trainings in English and German at a level tailored to the needs of each participant (a project of a demand character), completed by TELC or equivalent examination, which were planned on the basis of consultation with local employers. THE MAIN RESULTS ARE: at least 85 % of participants will acquire language qualifications (in English or German) attested by an external TELC certificate or equivalent. (English)
    21 October 2020
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    GROUPE CIBLE DANS LE PROJET. IL PRÉVOIT: 640os(352K,288M) âgés de 25 ans ou plus qui sont exclusivement des salariés du secteur des PME/des grands entrants/indépendants, des entités ekon.społ/communautaires ou l’un des secteurs des pubs ou des chômeurs/passifs résidant (selon le CC) dans la voïvodie de Poméranie et de leur propre initiative intéressés à acquérir, compléter ou améliorer les qualifications, compétences ou qualifications de la profession. En outre: Au moins 60 % des participants sont des personnes ayant de faibles qualifications professionnelles (avec une formation de maximum CITE 3; min. 384os- 212K, 172M). Au moins 20 % des participants ont 50 ans et plus (128os-70K, 58M). Un total de guêpes. 50+ et avec de faibles qualifications professionnelles représentent au moins 80 % des participants au projet. L’OBJECTIF DU PROJET. C’EST COMME: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people À CETTE FIN, LES OBJECTIFS SUIVANTS SERONT ATTEINTS: des cours de formation en anglais et en allemand avec un niveau adapté aux besoins de chaque participant (projet de demande), aboutissant à l’examen TELC ou équivalent, qui ont été planifiés sur la base de consultations avec les employeurs locaux. PRINCIPAUX RÉSULTATS: au moins 85 % des participants obtiendront une qualification linguistique (en anglais ou en allemand) attestée par un certificat TELC externe ou équivalent. (French)
    2 December 2021
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    ZIELGRUPPE IM PROJEKT. ES BIETET: 640os(352K,288M) im Alter von 25 Jahren oder mehr, die ausschließlich Beschäftigte des KMU-Sektors/große Marktteilnehmer/Selbstständige, Einrichtungen ekon.społ/Gemeinschaft oder eines der Fin. Kneipensektors oder arbeitslose/passive Personen sind, die (laut dem ZK) in der Woiwodschaft Pommern wohnen und auf eigene Initiative daran interessiert sind, die Fähigkeiten, Kompetenzen oder Qualifikationen des Berufs zu erwerben, zu ergänzen oder zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus: — Mindestens 60 % der Teilnehmer sind Personen mit geringer beruflicher Qualifikation (mit einer Ausbildung von maximal ISCED 3; min. 384os- 212K, 172M). Mindestens 20 % der Teilnehmer sind 50 Jahre und älter (128os-70K, 58M). Insgesamt Wespen. 50+ und mit geringer beruflicher Qualifikation machen mindestens 80 % der Projektteilnehmer aus. DAS ZIEL DES PROJEKTS. ES IST WIE: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people UM DIES ZU ERREICHEN, WIRD FOLGENDES ERREICHT: Schulungen in englischer und deutscher Sprache mit einem auf die Bedürfnisse jedes Teilnehmers zugeschnittenen Niveau (Nachfrageprojekt), gipfeln in der TELC oder einer gleichwertigen Prüfung, die auf der Grundlage von Konsultationen mit lokalen Arbeitgebern geplant wurden. HAUPTERGEBNISSE: mindestens 85 % der Teilnehmer erwerben eine Sprachqualifikation (auf Englisch oder Deutsch), die durch ein externes TELC-Zertifikat oder ein gleichwertiges Zertifikat bescheinigt wird. (German)
    8 December 2021
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    DOELGROEP IN HET PROJECT. HET BIEDT: 640os(352K,288M) van 25 jaar of ouder die uitsluitend werknemers zijn van de MKB-sector/grote deelnemers/zelfstandigen, entiteiten ekon.społ/gemeenschap of een van de fin. pubsector of werklozen/passieve personen die (volgens het CC) in het woiwodschap Pommeren wonen en op eigen initiatief geïnteresseerd zijn in het verwerven, aanvullen of verbeteren van de vaardigheden, competenties of kwalificaties van het beroep. Daarnaast: Ten minste 60 % van de deelnemers zijn mensen met lage beroepskwalificaties (met een opleiding van maximaal ISCED 3; min. 384os- 212K, 172M). Ten minste 20 % van de deelnemers is 50 jaar en ouder (128os-70K, 58M). Een totaal aan wespen. 50+ en met lage beroepskwalificaties vormen ten minste 80 % van de deelnemers aan het project. HET DOEL VAN HET PROJECT. HET IS ALS: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people OM DIT TE BEREIKEN, ZAL HET VOLGENDE WORDEN BEREIKT: cursussen in het Engels en Duits met een niveau afgestemd op de behoeften van elke deelnemer (vraagproject), culminerend in het TELC of gelijkwaardig examen, die werden gepland op basis van overleg met lokale werkgevers. BELANGRIJKSTE RESULTATEN: ten minste 85 % van de deelnemers krijgt een taalkwalificatie (in het Engels of Duits) getuigt van een extern TELC-certificaat of gelijkwaardig. (Dutch)
    17 December 2021
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    GRUPPO TARGET NEL PROGETTO. FORNISCE: 640os(352K,288M) di età pari o superiore a 25 anni che sono esclusivamente dipendenti del settore PMI/grandi operatori/lavoratori autonomi, entità ekon.społ/comunità o uno dei settori dei pub fin. o disoccupati/passivi che risiedono (secondo il CC) nel Voivodato della Pomerania e di propria iniziativa interessati ad acquisire, integrare o migliorare le competenze, le competenze o le qualifiche della professione. Inoltre: — Almeno il 60 % dei partecipanti sono persone con qualifiche professionali basse (con un'istruzione di massimo ISCED 3; min. 384os- 212K, 172M). Almeno il 20 % dei partecipanti ha 50 anni e più (128os-70K, 58M). Un totale di vespe. 50+ e con qualifiche professionali basse costituiscono almeno l'80 % dei partecipanti al progetto. LO SCOPO DEL PROGETTO. È COME: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people A TAL FINE, SI OTTERRÀ QUANTO SEGUE: corsi di formazione in inglese e tedesco con un livello su misura per le esigenze di ciascun partecipante (progetto di richiesta), che culminano nell'esame TELC o equivalente, che sono stati pianificati sulla base di consultazioni con i datori di lavoro locali. RISULTATI PRINCIPALI: almeno l'85 % dei partecipanti acquisirà una qualifica linguistica (in inglese o tedesco) attestata da un certificato TELC esterno o equivalente. (Italian)
    15 January 2022
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    GRUPO OBJETIVO EN EL PROYECTO. EN ÉL SE DISPONE: 640.os(352K,288M) de edad igual o superior a 25 años que sean exclusivamente empleados del sector de las PYME/grandes entrantes/trabajadores por cuenta propia, entidades ekon.społ/community o uno de los pubs fin. o desempleados/pasivos residentes (según el CC) en el Voivodeado Pomerania y por iniciativa propia interesados en adquirir, complementar o mejorar las capacidades, competencias o cualificaciones de la profesión. Además: — Al menos el 60 % de los participantes son personas con baja cualificación profesional (con una educación máxima CINE 3; mínimo 384.os- 212K, 172M). Al menos el 20 % de los participantes tienen 50 años o más (128.os-70K, 58M). Un total de avispas. 50+ y con baja cualificación profesional constituyen al menos el 80 % de los participantes en el proyecto. EL OBJETIVO DEL PROYECTO. ES COMO: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people PARA LOGRARLO, SE LOGRARÁ LO SIGUIENTE: cursos de formación en inglés y alemán con un nivel adaptado a las necesidades de cada participante (proyecto de demanda), que culminaron en el examen TELC o equivalente, que se planificaron sobre la base de consultas con los empleadores locales. PRINCIPALES RESULTADOS: al menos el 85 % de los participantes adquirirá una cualificación lingüística (en inglés o alemán) acreditada por un certificado TELC externo o equivalente. (Spanish)
    18 January 2022
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    PROJEKTI SIHTRÜHM. SEE NÄEB ETTE: 640os(352K,288M) vanuses 25 aastat või rohkem, kes on eranditult VKEde sektori töötajad/suured turuletulijad/füüsilisest isikust ettevõtjad, üksused ekon.społ/kogukond või mõni fin. pubisektor või töötud/passiivsed isikud, kes elavad Pommeri vojevoodkonnas ja on omal algatusel huvitatud kutseala oskuste, pädevuste või kvalifikatsioonide omandamisest, täiendamisest või parandamisest. Lisaks: – Vähemalt 60 % osalejatest on madala kutsekvalifikatsiooniga inimesed (kuni ISCED 3; min 384os-212K, 172M). Vähemalt 20 % osalejatest on 50-aastased ja vanemad (128os-70K, 58M). Täielik herilane. Vähemalt 80 % projektis osalejatest on 50 % ja madala kutsekvalifikatsiooniga. PROJEKTI EESMÄRK. SEE ON NAGU: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people SELLE SAAVUTAMISEKS SAAVUTATAKSE JÄRGMINE: koolituskursused inglise ja saksa keeles, mis on kohandatud iga osaleja vajadustele (nõudluse projekt), mis kulmineeruvad TELC või samaväärse eksamiga, mis kavandati kohalike tööandjatega peetud konsultatsioonide alusel. PEAMISED TULEMUSED: vähemalt 85 % osalejatest omandab keelekvalifikatsiooni (inglise või saksa keeles), mida tõendab väline TELC sertifikaat või samaväärne. (Estonian)
    27 July 2022
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    PROJEKTO TIKSLINĖ GRUPĖ. JAME NUMATYTA: 640os(352K,288M) 25 metų ar vyresni, kurie yra tik MVĮ sektoriaus darbuotojai/dideli rinkos dalyviai/savarankiškai dirbantys asmenys, subjektai ekon.społ/bendruomenė arba vienas iš finansinių barų sektoriaus, arba bedarbiai/pasyvūs asmenys, gyvenantys (pagal CC) Pamario vaivadijoje ir savo iniciatyva suinteresuoti įgyti, papildyti ar tobulinti profesijos įgūdžius, kompetenciją ar kvalifikaciją. Be to: – Ne mažiau kaip 60 proc. dalyvių yra žemos profesinės kvalifikacijos asmenys (išsilavinę ne daugiau kaip ISCED 3; min. 384os- 212K, 172M). Ne mažiau kaip 20 % dalyvių yra 50 metų ir vyresni (128os-70K, 58M). Iš viso vapsvų. 50+ ir žemos profesinės kvalifikacijos sudaro ne mažiau kaip 80 % projekto dalyvių. PROJEKTO TIKSLAS. TAI KAIP: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people SIEKIANT ŠIO TIKSLO, BUS PASIEKTI ŠIE TIKSLAI: mokymo kursai anglų ir vokiečių kalbomis, kurių lygis pritaikytas kiekvieno dalyvio poreikiams (paklausos projektas), baigiant TELC arba lygiaverčiu egzaminu, kurie buvo suplanuoti konsultuojantis su vietos darbdaviais. PAGRINDINIAI REZULTATAI: ne mažiau kaip 85 % dalyvių įgis kalbos kvalifikaciją (anglų arba vokiečių kalba), patvirtintą išoriniu TELC pažymėjimu arba lygiaverčiu dokumentu. (Lithuanian)
    27 July 2022
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    CILJNA SKUPINA U PROJEKTU. U NJEMU SE NAVODI: 640os(352K,288M) u dobi od 25 godina ili više koji su isključivo zaposlenici sektora MSP-ova/veliki sudionici/samozaposleni, subjekti ekon.społ/zajednica ili jedna od fin. pub sektora ili nezaposlene/pasivne osobe koje borave (prema CC-u) u pomeranskom vojvodstvu i na vlastitu inicijativu žele steći, dopuniti ili poboljšati vještine, kompetencije ili kvalifikacije profesije. Osim toga: — Najmanje 60 % sudionika čine osobe s niskim stručnim kvalifikacijama (s obrazovanjem od najviše ISCED 3; min. 384os- 212K, 172M). Najmanje 20 % sudionika ima 50 i više godina (128os-70K, 58M). Ukupno ose. 50+ i s niskim stručnim kvalifikacijama čine najmanje 80 % sudionika projekta. CILJ PROJEKTA. TO JE KAO: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people KAKO BI SE TO POSTIGLO, POSTIĆI ĆE SE SLJEDEĆE: tečajevi osposobljavanja na engleskom i njemačkom jeziku s razinom prilagođenom potrebama svakog sudionika (projekt potražnje), koji su kulminirali TELC-om ili jednakovrijednim ispitom, koji su bili planirani na temelju konzultacija s lokalnim poslodavcima. GLAVNI REZULTATI: najmanje 85 % sudionika steći će jezične kvalifikacije (na engleskom ili njemačkom jeziku) potvrđene vanjskim TELC certifikatom ili jednakovrijednim certifikatom. (Croatian)
    27 July 2022
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    ΟΜΆΔΑ-ΣΤΌΧΟΣ ΣΤΟ ΈΡΓΟ. ΠΑΡΈΧΕΙ: 640os(352K,288M) ηλικίας 25 ετών και άνω που είναι αποκλειστικά μισθωτοί του τομέα των ΜΜΕ/μεγάλοι νεοεισερχόμενοι/αυτοαπασχολούμενοι, φορείς ekon.społ/κοινότητα ή ένας από τους τομείς fin. pub ή άνεργοι/παθητικοί που διαμένουν (σύμφωνα με την ΚΕ) στο Βοεβοδάτο Πομερανίας και με δική τους πρωτοβουλία ενδιαφέρονται να αποκτήσουν, να συμπληρώσουν ή να βελτιώσουν τις δεξιότητες, τις ικανότητες ή τα προσόντα του επαγγέλματος. Επιπλέον: Τουλάχιστον το 60 % των συμμετεχόντων είναι άτομα με χαμηλά επαγγελματικά προσόντα (με εκπαίδευση μέγιστης ISCED 3· ελάχ. 384ος- 212Κ, 172Μ). Τουλάχιστον το 20 % των συμμετεχόντων είναι ηλικίας 50 ετών και άνω (128os-70K, 58M). Ένα σύνολο σφήκες. 50+ και με χαμηλά επαγγελματικά προσόντα αποτελούν τουλάχιστον το 80 % των συμμετεχόντων στο έργο. Ο ΣΤΌΧΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΈΡΓΟΥ. ΕΊΝΑΙ ΣΑΝ: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people ΓΙΑ ΝΑ ΕΠΙΤΕΥΧΘΕΊ ΑΥΤΌ, ΘΑ ΕΠΙΤΕΥΧΘΟΎΝ ΤΑ ΕΞΉΣ: μαθήματα κατάρτισης στα αγγλικά και γερμανικά με επίπεδο προσαρμοσμένο στις ανάγκες κάθε συμμετέχοντος (σχέδιο ζήτησης), με αποκορύφωμα τις εξετάσεις TELC ή ισοδύναμες εξετάσεις, οι οποίες σχεδιάστηκαν βάσει διαβουλεύσεων με τοπικούς εργοδότες. ΚΎΡΙΑ ΑΠΟΤΕΛΈΣΜΑΤΑ: τουλάχιστον το 85 % των συμμετεχόντων θα αποκτήσουν γλωσσικά προσόντα (στα αγγλικά ή τα γερμανικά) πιστοποιημένα με εξωτερικό πιστοποιητικό TELC ή ισοδύναμο. (Greek)
    27 July 2022
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    CIEĽOVÁ SKUPINA V PROJEKTE. POSKYTUJE: 640os(352K,288M) vo veku 25 rokov alebo viac, ktorí sú výlučne zamestnancami sektora MSP/veľkí účastníci/samostatne zárobkovo činné osoby, subjekty ekon.społ/spoločenstvo alebo jeden z fin. krčmárskeho sektora alebo nezamestnané/pasívne osoby s bydliskom (podľa CC) v Pomoranskom vojvodstve a z vlastnej iniciatívy, ktoré majú záujem o získanie, doplnenie alebo zlepšenie zručností, kompetencií alebo kvalifikácií povolania. Okrem toho: — Najmenej 60 % účastníkov sú ľudia s nízkou odbornou kvalifikáciou (so vzdelaním maximálne ISCED 3; min. 384os- 212K, 172M). Najmenej 20 % účastníkov je vo veku 50 rokov a viac (128os-70K, 58M). Totálne osy. 50+ a s nízkou odbornou kvalifikáciou tvorí najmenej 80 % účastníkov projektu. CIEĽOM PROJEKTU. JE TO AKO: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people NA DOSIAHNUTIE TOHTO CIEĽA SA DOSIAHNE TOTO: kurzy odbornej prípravy v angličtine a nemčine s úrovňou prispôsobenou potrebám každého účastníka (projekt dopytu), ktoré vyvrcholia TELC alebo rovnocennou skúškou, ktoré boli naplánované na základe konzultácií s miestnymi zamestnávateľmi. HLAVNÉ VÝSLEDKY: najmenej 85 % účastníkov získa jazykovú kvalifikáciu (v angličtine alebo nemčine) osvedčenú externým osvedčením TELC alebo rovnocenným dokladom. (Slovak)
    27 July 2022
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    KOHDERYHMÄ PROJEKTISSA. SIINÄ SÄÄDETÄÄN: 640os(352K,288M), jotka ovat vähintään 25-vuotiaita ja jotka ovat yksinomaan pk-sektorin/suurten tulokkaiden/itsenäisten ammatinharjoittajien työntekijöitä, yhteisöjä ekon.społ/yhteisö tai jokin fin. pub-sektorista tai työttömistä/passiivisista henkilöistä, jotka asuvat (CC:n mukaan) Pommerin voivodikunnassa ja jotka omasta aloitteestaan ovat kiinnostuneita hankkimaan, täydentämään tai parantamaan ammatin taitoja, pätevyyttä tai pätevyyttä. Lisäksi: — Vähintään 60 prosenttia osallistujista on henkilöitä, joilla on alhainen ammattipätevyys (enintään ISCED 3; vähintään 384os- 212K, 172M). Vähintään 20 % osallistujista on vähintään 50-vuotiaita (128os-70K, 58M). Yhteensä ampiaisia. Vähintään 80 prosenttia hankkeen osallistujista on vähintään 50+ ja heikosti koulutettuja. HANKKEEN TAVOITE. SE ON KUIN: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people TÄMÄN SAAVUTTAMISEKSI SAAVUTETAAN SEURAAVAT TAVOITTEET: englanninkielisiä ja saksankielisiä kursseja, joiden taso on räätälöity kunkin osallistujan tarpeisiin (kysyntähanke), joka huipentui TELC-tutkintoon tai vastaavaan tenttiin, joka suunniteltiin paikallisten työnantajien kuulemisen perusteella. TÄRKEIMMÄT TULOKSET: vähintään 85 % osallistujista hankkii (englanniksi tai saksaksi) kielitutkinnon, josta on osoituksena ulkoinen TELC-todistus tai vastaava. (Finnish)
    27 July 2022
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    CÉLCSOPORT A PROJEKTBEN. EZ BIZTOSÍTJA: 640 (352K,288M) 25 éves vagy annál idősebb, akik kizárólag a kkv-szektor alkalmazottai/nagy belépők/önfoglalkoztatók, ekon.społ/közösségi szervezetek vagy a fin. pub szektor valamelyike, vagy a pomerániai vajdaságban (a CC szerint) lakóhellyel rendelkező és saját kezdeményezésükre a szakma készségeinek, kompetenciáinak vagy képesítéseinek megszerzése, kiegészítése vagy javítása iránt érdeklődő munkanélküli/passzív személyek. Ezen kívül: – A résztvevők legalább 60%-a alacsony szakmai végzettséggel rendelkezik (max. ISCED 3; min. 384os- 212K, 172M). A résztvevők legalább 20%-az 50 éves és idősebb (128os-70K, 58M). Összesen darazsak. 50+ és alacsony szakmai képesítéssel rendelkezők a projekt résztvevőinek legalább 80%-át teszik ki. A PROJEKT CÉLJA. EZ OLYAN, MINT: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people ENNEK ELÉRÉSE ÉRDEKÉBEN A KÖVETKEZŐK ÉRHETŐK EL: tanfolyamok angol és német nyelven, az egyes résztvevők igényeihez igazított szinttel (keresleti projekt), melynek csúcspontja a TELC vagy azzal egyenértékű vizsga, amelyet a helyi munkáltatókkal folytatott konzultációk alapján terveztek. FŐBB EREDMÉNYEK: a résztvevők legalább 85%-a megszerez egy külső TELC-tanúsítvánnyal vagy azzal egyenértékű bizonyítvánnyal igazolt (angol vagy német nyelvű) nyelvi képesítést. (Hungarian)
    27 July 2022
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    CÍLOVÁ SKUPINA V PROJEKTU. POSKYTUJE: 640os(352K,288M) ve věku 25 let nebo více, kteří jsou výhradně zaměstnanci odvětví malých a středních podniků/velkých účastníků na trhu/samostatně výdělečně činných osob, subjektů ekon.społ/komunity nebo jedné z finských odvětví hospod nebo nezaměstnaných/pasivních osob s bydlištěm (podle CC) na Pomeranském vojvodství a z vlastní iniciativy mají zájem na získání, doplnění nebo zlepšení dovedností, kompetencí nebo kvalifikací daného povolání. Kromě toho: — Alespoň 60 % účastníků jsou osoby s nízkou odbornou kvalifikací (se vzděláním max. ISCED 3; min. 384os- 212K, 172M). Nejméně 20 % účastníků je ve věku 50 let a více (128os-70K, 58M). Celkem vosy. 50+ a s nízkou odbornou kvalifikací tvoří nejméně 80 % účastníků projektu. CÍL PROJEKTU. JE TO JAKO: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people K DOSAŽENÍ TOHOTO CÍLE BUDE DOSAŽENO TĚCHTO CÍLŮ: školení v angličtině a němčině s úrovní přizpůsobenou potřebám každého účastníka (projekt poptávky), které vyvrcholí zkouškou TELC nebo rovnocennou zkouškou, která byla naplánována na základě konzultací s místními zaměstnavateli. HLAVNÍ VÝSLEDKY: nejméně 85 % účastníků získá jazykovou kvalifikaci (v angličtině nebo němčině) doloženou externím certifikátem TELC nebo rovnocenným certifikátem. (Czech)
    27 July 2022
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    PROJEKTA MĒRĶA GRUPA. TAJĀ IR NOTEIKTS: 640os(352K,288M), kas ir 25 gadus veci vai vecāki un kas ir tikai MVU sektora darbinieki/lielie dalībnieki/pašnodarbinātie, subjekti ekon.społ/Kopiena vai kāds no finanšu krogu sektora vai bezdarbniekiem/pasīvajām personām, kas dzīvo (saskaņā ar KP) Pomerānijas vojevodistē un pēc savas iniciatīvas vēlas iegūt, papildināt vai uzlabot profesijas prasmes, kompetences vai kvalifikācijas. Papildus: — Vismaz 60 % dalībnieku ir cilvēki ar zemu profesionālo kvalifikāciju (ar izglītību, kas nepārsniedz ISCED 3; min. 384os- 212K, 172M). Vismaz 20 % dalībnieku ir 50 gadus veci un vecāki (128os-70K, 58M). Kopumā lapsenes. 50+ un ar zemu profesionālo kvalifikāciju veido vismaz 80 % no projekta dalībniekiem. PROJEKTA MĒRĶIS. TAS IR TĀPAT KĀ: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people LAI TO PANĀKTU, TIKS SASNIEGTI ŠĀDI MĒRĶI: mācību kursi angļu un vācu valodā ar katra dalībnieka vajadzībām pielāgotu līmeni (pieprasījuma projekts), kas beidzas ar TELC vai līdzvērtīgu eksāmenu, kas tika plānots, pamatojoties uz konsultācijām ar vietējiem darba devējiem. GALVENIE REZULTĀTI: vismaz 85 % dalībnieku iegūs valodas kvalifikāciju (angļu vai vācu valodā), ko apliecina ar ārēju TELC sertifikātu vai līdzvērtīgu dokumentu. (Latvian)
    27 July 2022
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    SPRIOCGHRÚPA SA TIONSCADAL. SOLÁTHRAÍONN SÉ: 640os(352K,288M) atá 25 bliana d’aois nó níos sine atá ina bhfostaithe go heisiach san earnáil FBM/iontrálaithe móra/féinfhostaithe, eintitis ekon.społ/community nó duine den earnáil tithe tábhairne nó daoine dífhostaithe/éighníomhacha a bhfuil cónaí orthu (de réir CC) sa Pomeranian Voivodeship agus ar a dtionscnamh féin suim i scileanna, inniúlachtaí nó cáilíochtaí na gairme a fháil, a fhorlíonadh nó a fheabhsú. Ina theannta sin: — Is daoine le cáilíochtaí ísle gairmiúla iad 60 % ar a laghad de na rannpháirtithe (le huasoideachas ISCED 3; 384os- 212K, 172M). Tá 20 % ar a laghad de rannpháirtithe 50 bliain d’aois agus níos sine (128os-70K, 58M). Cóipeáil nasc leis an tweet Leabaigh an Tweet. Is ionann 50+ agus ar a laghad 80 % de rannpháirtithe an tionscadail agus a bhfuil cáilíochtaí ísle acu. AIDHM AN TIONSCADAIL. TÁ SÉ COSÚIL LE: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people CHUN É SIN A BHAINT AMACH, BAINFEAR AMACH AN MÉID SEO A LEANAS: cúrsaí oiliúna i mBéarla agus i nGearmáinis le leibhéal in oiriúint do riachtanais gach rannpháirtí (tionscadal éilimh), a chríochnaíonn sa TELC nó scrúdú coibhéiseach, a bhí beartaithe ar bhonn comhairliúcháin le fostóirí áitiúla. NA PRÍOMHTHORTHAÍ: gheobhaidh 85 % ar a laghad de na rannpháirtithe cáilíocht teanga (i mBéarla nó i nGearmáinis) arna fhianú le teastas seachtrach TELC nó a chomhionann. (Irish)
    27 July 2022
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    CILJNA SKUPINA V PROJEKTU. ZAGOTAVLJA: 640os(352K,288M), starih 25 let ali več, ki so izključno zaposleni v sektorju MSP/veliki udeleženci/samozaposleni, subjekti ekon.społ/skupnost ali eden od sektorjev fin. puba ali brezposelne/pasivne osebe, ki prebivajo (glede na CC) v Pomorjanskem vojvodstvu in na lastno pobudo želijo pridobiti, dopolniti ali izboljšati spretnosti, kompetence ali kvalifikacije poklica. Poleg tega: — Vsaj 60 % udeležencev je ljudi z nizkimi poklicnimi kvalifikacijami (z izobrazbo največ ISCED 3; min. 384os- 212K, 172M). Vsaj 20 % udeležencev je starih 50 let in več (128os-70K, 58M). Skupno število os. 50+ in z nizkimi poklicnimi kvalifikacijami predstavlja najmanj 80 % udeležencev projekta. CILJ PROJEKTA. TO JE KOT: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people DA BI TO DOSEGLI, BOMO DOSEGLI NASLEDNJE: tečaji v angleškem in nemškem jeziku, prilagojeni potrebam vsakega udeleženca (projekt povpraševanja), ki se zaključijo z izpitom TELC ali enakovrednim izpitom, ki so bili načrtovani na podlagi posvetovanj z lokalnimi delodajalci. GLAVNI REZULTATI: vsaj 85 % udeležencev bo pridobilo jezikovno kvalifikacijo (v angleščini ali nemščini), potrjeno z zunanjim certifikatom TELC ali enakovrednim potrdilom. (Slovenian)
    27 July 2022
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    ЦЕЛЕВА ГРУПА В ПРОЕКТА. ТЯ ПРЕДВИЖДА: 640os(352K,288M) на възраст 25 години или повече, които са изключително наети лица в сектора на МСП/големи участници/самостоятелно заети лица, образувания ekon.społ/общност или един от секторите на кръчмата или безработни/пасивни лица, пребиваващи (съгласно МК) в Померанското войводство и по тяхна собствена инициатива заинтересовани от придобиване, допълване или подобряване на уменията, компетентностите или квалификациите на професията. В допълнение: — Най-малко 60 % от участниците са хора с ниска професионална квалификация (с образование до максимум ISCED 3; мин. 384os- 212K, 172M). Най-малко 20 % от участниците са на възраст 50 и повече години (128os-70K, 58M). Пълен брой оси. 50+ и с ниска професионална квалификация представляват най-малко 80 % от участниците в проекта. ЦЕЛТА НА ПРОЕКТА. ТОВА Е КАТО: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people ЗА ДА СЕ ПОСТИГНЕ ТОВА, ЩЕ СЕ ПОСТИГНЕ СЛЕДНОТО: курсове за обучение на английски и немски език с ниво, съобразено с нуждите на всеки участник (проект за търсене), което завършва с TELC или еквивалентен изпит, които са планирани въз основа на консултации с местни работодатели. ОСНОВНИ РЕЗУЛТАТИ: най-малко 85 % от участниците ще придобият езикова квалификация (на английски или немски език), удостоверена с външен сертификат за TELC или еквивалентен документ. (Bulgarian)
    27 July 2022
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    GRUPP FIL-MIRA FIL-PROĠETT. HIJA TIPPROVDI: 640os(352K,288M) ta’ 25 sena jew aktar li huma esklussivament impjegati tas-settur tal-SMEs/parteċipanti kbar/persuni li jaħdmu għal rashom, entitajiet ekon.społ/komunità jew wieħed mis-settur tal-pubs jew persuni qiegħda/passivi residenti (skont is-CC) fil-Voivodeship Pomeranjan u fuq inizjattiva tagħhom stess interessati li jiksbu, jissupplimentaw jew itejbu l-ħiliet, il-kompetenzi jew il-kwalifiki tal-professjoni. Barra minn hekk: — Mill-inqas 60 % tal-parteċipanti huma persuni bi kwalifiki professjonali baxxi (b’edukazzjoni massima ta’ ISCED 3; minimu 384os- 212K, 172M). Mill-inqas 20 % tal-parteċipanti għandhom 50 sena jew aktar (128os-70K, 58M). Total ta ‘wasps. 50+ u bi kwalifiki professjonali baxxi jikkostitwixxu mill-inqas 80 % tal-parteċipanti tal-proġett. L-GĦAN TAL-PROĠETT. HUWA SIMILI: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people SABIEX JINKISEB DAN, SE JINKISEB DAN LI ĠEJ: korsijiet ta’ taħriġ bl-Ingliż u bil-Ġermaniż b’livell imfassal għall-ħtiġijiet ta’ kull parteċipant (proġett ta’ talba), li laħqu l-qofol tagħhom fit-TELC jew eżami ekwivalenti, li kienu ppjanati abbażi ta’ konsultazzjonijiet ma’ impjegaturi lokali. RIŻULTATI EWLENIN: mill-inqas 85 % tal-parteċipanti jiksbu kwalifika lingwistika (bl-Ingliż jew bil-Ġermaniż) attestata b’ċertifikat TELC estern jew ekwivalenti. (Maltese)
    27 July 2022
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    GRUPO-ALVO NO PROJETO. PREVÊ: 640.º(352K,288M) com idade igual ou superior a 25 anos que são exclusivamente empregados do setor das PME/grandes participantes/trabalhadores por conta própria, entidades ekon.społ/comunidade ou um do setor dos estabelecimentos de ensino final ou desempregados/passivos residentes (de acordo com o CC) na voivodia da Pomerânia e por sua própria iniciativa interessados em adquirir, completar ou melhorar as aptidões, competências ou qualificações da profissão. Além disso: — Pelo menos 60 % dos participantes são pessoas com baixas qualificações profissionais (com uma formação máxima de CITE 3; min. 384.ºs- 212K, 172M). Pelo menos 20 % dos participantes têm idade igual ou superior a 50 anos (128.º-70K, 58M). Um total de vespas. 50+ e com baixas qualificações profissionais constituem, pelo menos, 80 % dos participantes no projeto. O OBJETIVO DO PROJETO. É COMO: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people PARA TAL, SERÃO ALCANÇADOS OS SEGUINTES OBJETIVOS: cursos de formação em inglês e alemão com um nível adaptado às necessidades de cada participante (projeto de procura), culminando no TELC ou exame equivalente, que foram planeados com base em consultas com empregadores locais. PRINCIPAIS RESULTADOS: pelo menos 85 % dos participantes adquirirão uma qualificação linguística (em inglês ou alemão) certificada por um certificado TELC externo ou equivalente. (Portuguese)
    27 July 2022
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    MÅLGRUPPE I PROJEKTET. DEN INDEHOLDER: 640os(352K,288M) på 25 år eller derover, som udelukkende er ansatte i SMV-sektoren/store virksomheder/selvstændige, enheder ekon.społ/community eller en af de offentlige myndigheder eller arbejdsløse/passive personer, der er bosiddende (i henhold til CC) i Pomeranian Voivodeship, og som på eget initiativ er interesseret i at erhverve, supplere eller forbedre erhvervets færdigheder, kompetencer eller kvalifikationer. Hertil kommer: — Mindst 60 % af deltagerne er personer med lave faglige kvalifikationer (med en uddannelse på max ISCED 3; min. 384os- 212K, 172M). Mindst 20 % af deltagerne er 50 år og derover (128os-70K, 58M). I alt hvepse. 50+ og med lave faglige kvalifikationer udgør mindst 80 % af projektdeltagerne. FORMÅLET MED PROJEKTET. DET ER LIGESOM: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people FOR AT OPNÅ DETTE VIL FØLGENDE BLIVE OPNÅET: uddannelseskurser på engelsk og tysk med et niveau, der er skræddersyet til hver deltagers behov (efterspørgselsprojekt), der kulminerer med TELC eller tilsvarende eksamen, som blev planlagt på grundlag af konsultationer med lokale arbejdsgivere. VIGTIGSTE RESULTATER: mindst 85 % af deltagerne vil erhverve en sprogkvalifikation (på engelsk eller tysk) attesteret med et eksternt TELC-certifikat eller tilsvarende. (Danish)
    27 July 2022
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    GRUP ȚINTĂ ÎN CADRUL PROIECTULUI. ACESTA PREVEDE: 640os(352K,288M) cu vârsta de 25 de ani sau mai mult, care sunt exclusiv angajați ai sectorului IMM-urilor/intraților mari/lucrători independenți, entități ekon.społ/comunity sau una din sectorul pub-urilor sau șomeri/pasivi care locuiesc (în conformitate cu CC) în Voievodatul Pomeranian și din proprie inițiativă interesate să dobândească, să completeze sau să îmbunătățească aptitudinile, competențele sau calificările profesiei. În plus: Cel puțin 60 % dintre participanți sunt persoane cu calificări profesionale scăzute (cu o educație de max. ISCED 3; min. 384os- 212K, 172M). Cel puțin 20 % dintre participanți au vârsta de 50 de ani și peste (128os-70K, 58M). Un total de viespi. 50+ și cu calificări profesionale scăzute reprezintă cel puțin 80 % din participanții la proiect. SCOPUL PROIECTULUI. E CA ȘI CUM: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people PENTRU A REALIZA ACEST LUCRU, SE VOR REALIZA URMĂTOARELE: cursuri de formare în limba engleză și germană, cu un nivel adaptat nevoilor fiecărui participant (proiect de cerere), culminând cu TELC sau examenul echivalent, care au fost planificate pe baza consultărilor cu angajatorii locali. PRINCIPALELE REZULTATE: cel puțin 85 % dintre participanți vor dobândi o calificare lingvistică (în engleză sau germană) atestată printr-un certificat TELC extern sau echivalent. (Romanian)
    27 July 2022
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    MÅLGRUPP I PROJEKTET. DEN HAR FÖLJANDE LYDELSE: 640os(352K,288M) som är 25 år eller äldre och som uteslutande är anställda inom sektorn för små och medelstora företag/stora aktörer/egenföretagare, enheter ekon.społ/community eller någon av pubsektorn eller arbetslösa/passiva personer som är bosatta (enligt CC) i Pomeranian Voivodeship och på eget initiativ intresserade av att förvärva, komplettera eller förbättra yrkets färdigheter, kompetens eller kvalifikationer. Dessutom: Minst 60 % av deltagarna är personer med låga yrkeskvalifikationer (med en utbildning på högst ISCED 3, min. 384os- 212K, 172M). Minst 20 % av deltagarna är 50 år och äldre (128os-70K, 58M). Totalt getingar. 50+ och med låga yrkeskvalifikationer utgör minst 80 % av deltagarna i projektet. SYFTET MED PROJEKTET. DET ÄR SOM: Improving the situation of persons of working age in the labour market through an increase in English or German qualifications during the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K,288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/large entrant/self-employed sector, ekon.społ/social entities or one of the fin. publ. sector or unemployed/secondary persons who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 qualifiers) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications, or equivalent to an English qualification with a minimum of 384 German+ qualified persons with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region (including a minimum of 384 Eligible Eligible Persons) with a minimum of 384 German skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a period of 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 and over who are employed in the MMSP/largely entrants/self-employed persons, who are interested on their own initiative to acquire, complement or improve skills, competences or qualifications of the profession living in the Pomeranian Voivodeship Region (including a minimum of 384 German qualifications) with a high German qualification or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, competences or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 1 June 2017-31.12.2019 at 640 persons (352K, 288M) aged 25 years and over those who are employed in the MMSP/largest entrepreneurship sector, who, on their own initiative, are interested in acquiring, supplementing or increasing the skills, competences or qualifications of the profession residing in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German-qualified persons) with a minimum of 384 German qualifications or equivalent skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including a minimum of 384 German skills completed or equivalent to a minimum of 384 German skills, skills, skills or qualifications in the Pomeranian Voivodeship (including the period 01.06.2017-31.12.2019) at 640 people FÖR ATT UPPNÅ DETTA KOMMER FÖLJANDE ATT UPPNÅS: kurser på engelska och tyska med en nivå som är anpassad till varje deltagares behov (efterfrågaprojekt), som kulminerar i TELC eller motsvarande examen, som planerades på grundval av samråd med lokala arbetsgivare. HUVUDRESULTAT: minst 85 % av deltagarna kommer att förvärva en språkkvalifikation (på engelska eller tyska) styrkt med ett externt TELC-certifikat eller motsvarande. (Swedish)
    27 July 2022
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    13 December 2023
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