Comprehensive water and sewage system of Kurów commune – stage II (Q105607)

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Project Q105607 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Comprehensive water and sewage system of Kurów commune – stage II
Project Q105607 in Poland


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    8,165,188.82 zloty
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    1,815,121.47 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    12,808,139.34 zloty
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    2,847,249.38 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    63.75 percent
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    28 October 2015
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    31 October 2019
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    51°25'7.39"N, 22°4'13.08"E
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    Głównym celem projektu jest uporządkowanie gospodarki wodno-ściekowej w aglomeracji Kurów.Realizację celu umożliwi zwiększenie stopnia skanalizowania aglomeracji Kurów,ograniczenie emisji biogenów zagrażających ekosystemom wodnym.Osiągnięcie celów przyczyni się realizacji celu nadrzędnego-poprawy jakości i zapobiegania degradacji środowiska oraz efektywnego gospodarowania zasobami wodnymi.To z kolei możliwe będzie dzięki:ograniczeniu procesu przedostawania się niebezpiecznych substancji zagrażających życiu i zdrowiu ludzi do wody i gleby,poprawie stanu czystości wód powierzchn.,poprawie jakości wody pitnej,ograniczeniu strat wody.Realizacja ww.celów pozwoli na poprawę warunków życia mieszkańców,zwiększenie satysfakcji użytkowników z usług,wzrost atrakcyjności inwestycyjnej gminy,rozwój turystyki.Projekt zakłada budowę kanalizacji sanitarnej i przebudowę sieci wodociągowej.Najważniejszą grupą docelową są mieszkańcy aglomeracji Kurów(części miejsc. Kurów i Brzozowa Gać).Podłączenie do sieci nowych użytkowników pozwoli na osiągnięcie wskaźników rezultatu:-Liczba dodatkowych osób korzystających z ulepszonego oczyszczania ścieków-1815 os.,-Przewidywana liczba dodatkowych osób korzystających z ulepszonego oczyszczania ścieków-1815RLM.Przebudowa sieci wodociągowej pozwoli na osiągnięcie wskaźnika:-Liczba dodatkowych osób korzystających z ulepszonego zaopatrzenia w wodę-441os.Zadania, które przyczynią się do osiągnięcia celów i kluczowych wskaźników rezultatu: 1.Roboty budowlane-budowa kanalizacji sanitarnej o dł.24882,5mb(sieć-16303,5m,przyłącza do granicy działki,1-wszej studzienki-8579m),budowa przepompowni -9 szt.,przebudowa sieci wodociągowej o dł.4995 mb(sieć-2533 m,przyłącza-2462m),roboty drogowe(odtworzenie nawierzchni).2. Nadzór inwestorski 3.Uruchomienie podstrony internetowej służącej badaniu satysfakcji klienta z usług wod-kan,4.Promocja projektu(zakup tablic informacyjnych i pamiątkowych,zamieszczenie informacji o projekcie na stronie internet. beneficjenta) (Polish)
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    The main objective of the project is to organise water and sewage management in the agglomeration of Kurów.The aim of the objective will increase the degree of scanning of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of superiority-improvement of quality and prevention of environmental degradation and water efficiency.This in turn will be possible thanks to:limiting the process of infiltration of hazardous substances threatening the life and health of people. Connection to the network of new users will help achieve the result indicators:-Number of additional people benefiting from improved waste water treatment-1815 people,-The expected number of additional people benefiting from improved sewage treatment-1815RLM.Reconstruction of the water network will achieve the indicator:-Number of additional people benefiting from improved water supply-441os.Tasks, which will contribute to and contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the new users. 1.Construction works-construction of sanitary sewage system with a length of 24882.5mb(network-16303.5 m, connects to the edge of the plot,1-universal well-8579 m), construction of pumping room -9 pieces,reconstruction of the water supply network by 4995 m(network-2533 m, connectors-2462 m), roadworks(reconstruction of the surface).2. Investor supervision 3. Launch of a subpage used to test customer satisfaction with water and sewer services,4.Promotion of the project(purchase of information boards and commemorative boards, posting information about the project on the website of the beneficiary) (English)
    17 October 2020
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    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the La connexion au réseau de nouveaux utilisateurs permettra d’atteindre les indicateurs de résultat:-Nombre de personnes supplémentaires bénéficiant d’un traitement amélioré des eaux usées-1815 pers.,-Nombre de personnes supplémentaires utilisant un traitement amélioré des eaux usées-1815RLM.La reconstruction de l’approvisionnement en eau permettra d’atteindre l’indicateur:-Nombre de personnes supplémentaires utilisant un approvisionnement en eau amélioré-441os.Tâches qui contribueront à la réalisation des objectifs et des indicateurs clés de résultat: 1.Travaux de construction-construction d’égouts sanitaires d’une longueur de 24882.5mb(réseau-16 303,5 m, raccords à la limite de la parcelle,1-puits-8 579 m), construction d’une station de pompage -9 pcs.,reconstruction du réseau d’alimentation en eau d’une longueur de 4995 mb (réseau-2 533 m, raccords-2 462 m), travaux routiers (reconstruction de la chaussée).2. 3. Lancement d’une sous-page pour l’enquête de satisfaction de la clientèle avec les services de canalisation de l’eau,4.Promotion du projet (achat de tableaux d’information et de cartes souvenir, affichage d’informations sur le projet sur le site Web du bénéficiaire) (French)
    1 December 2021
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    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Die Anbindung an das Netz neuer Nutzer wird es ermöglichen, die Ergebnisindikatoren zu erreichen:-Anzahl der zusätzlichen Personen, die von einer verbesserten Abwasserbehandlung profitieren-1815 pers.,-Geplante Anzahl zusätzlicher Personen, die eine verbesserte Abwasserbehandlung nutzen-1815RLM.Der Wiederaufbau der Wasserversorgung wird es ermöglichen, den Indikator zu erreichen:-Anzahl zusätzlicher Personen, die eine verbesserte Wasserversorgung nutzen-441os.Aufgaben, die zur Erreichung der Ziele und der wichtigsten Ergebnisindikatoren beitragen werden: 1.Bauarbeiten-Konstruktion der sanitären Kanalisation mit einer Länge von 24882,5mb (Netz-16 303,5 m, Verbinder an der Grenze des Grundstücks,1-Well-8 579 m), Bau der Pumpstation -9 Stk., Wiederaufbau des Wasserversorgungsnetzes mit einer Länge von 4995 mb (Netz-2 533 m, Verbinder-2 462 m), Straßenarbeiten (Rekonstruktion des Pflasters).2. 3. Einleitung einer Unterseite für die Kundenzufriedenheitsumfrage mit Wasserkannen-Dienstleistungen,4.Förderung des Projekts (Kauf von Informationstafeln und Souvenirtafeln, Veröffentlichung von Informationen über das Projekt auf der Website des Begünstigten) (German)
    7 December 2021
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    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the De aansluiting op het netwerk van nieuwe gebruikers maakt het mogelijk om de resultaatindicatoren te bereiken:-Aantal extra mensen die profiteren van een verbeterde afvalwaterbehandeling-1815 pers.,-Voorspeld aantal extra mensen die gebruikmaken van verbeterde afvalwaterbehandeling-1815RLM.Reconstructie van de watervoorziening zal het mogelijk maken om de indicator te bereiken:-Aantal extra mensen die gebruikmaken van verbeterde watervoorziening-441os.Taken die zullen bijdragen aan de verwezenlijking van de doelstellingen en kernresultaatindicatoren: 1. Bouwwerken-constructie van sanitaire riolering met een lengte van 24882,5mb (netwerk-16 303,5 m, aansluitingen aan de grens van het perceel,1-well-8 579 m), bouw van pompstation -9 st., reconstructie van het watervoorzieningsnetwerk met een lengte van 4995 mb (netwerk-2 533 m, aansluitingen-2 462 m), wegenwerken (reconstructie van bestrating).2. 3. Starting van een subpagina voor klanttevredenheidsonderzoek met waterkandiensten,4.Bevordering van het project (aankoop van informatieborden en souvenirborden, het plaatsen van informatie over het project op de website van de begunstigde) (Dutch)
    17 December 2021
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the La connessione alla rete di nuovi utenti consentirà di raggiungere gli indicatori di risultato:-Numero di persone aggiuntive che beneficiano di un migliore trattamento delle acque reflue-1815 pers.,-Numero proiettato di persone aggiuntive che utilizzano un migliore trattamento delle acque reflue-1815RLM.La ricostruzione dell'approvvigionamento idrico consentirà di raggiungere l'indicatore:-Numero di persone aggiuntive che utilizzano un migliore approvvigionamento idrico-441os.Compiti che contribuiranno al raggiungimento degli obiettivi e degli indicatori chiave di risultato: 1.I lavori di costruzione-costruzione di fognature sanitarie con una lunghezza di 24882,5mb (rete-16 303,5 m, connettori al confine del terreno, 1-well-8 579 m), costruzione della stazione di pompaggio -9 pz., ricostruzione della rete di approvvigionamento idrico con una lunghezza di 4995 mb (rete-2 533 m, connettori-2 462 m), lavori stradali (ricostruzione di pavimentazione).2. 3. Avvio di una sottopagina per il sondaggio di soddisfazione del cliente con servizi water-can,4.Promozione del progetto (acquisto di bacheche informative e bacheche souvenir, pubblicazione di informazioni sul progetto sul sito web del beneficiario) (Italian)
    15 January 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the La conexión a la red de nuevos usuarios permitirá lograr los indicadores de resultados:-Número de personas adicionales que se benefician de un mejor tratamiento de aguas residuales-1815 pers.,-número de personas adicionales que utilizan un mejor tratamiento de aguas residuales-1815RLM.La reconstrucción del suministro de agua permitirá lograr el indicador:-Número de personas adicionales que utilizan un mejor suministro de agua-441.os.Tareas que contribuirán al logro de los objetivos e indicadores clave de resultados: 1.Trabajos de construcción-construcción de alcantarillado sanitario con una longitud de 24882,5mb (red-16 303,5 m, conectores al límite de la parcela, 1 pozo-8 579 m), construcción de estación de bombeo -9 piezas, reconstrucción de la red de suministro de agua con una longitud de 4995 mb (red-2 533 m, conectores-2 462 m), obras de carretera (reconstrucción de pavimento).2. 3. Lanzamiento de una subpágina para la encuesta de satisfacción del cliente con servicios de lata de agua,4.Promoción del proyecto (compra de tableros de información y tableros de recuerdos, publicación de información sobre el proyecto en el sitio web del beneficiario) (Spanish)
    18 January 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Forbindelsen til netværket af nye brugere vil gøre det muligt at opnå resultatindikatorerne:-Antal yderligere mennesker, der nyder godt af forbedret spildevandsbehandling-1815 pers.,-Projiceret antal yderligere personer, der bruger forbedret spildevandsbehandling-1815RLM.Rekonstruktion af vandforsyningen vil gøre det muligt at opnå indikatoren:-Antal yderligere mennesker, der bruger forbedret vandforsyning-441os.Opgaver, der vil bidrage til at nå målene og nøgleresultatindikatorer: 1.Bygningsarbejder-konstruktion af sanitære kloakering med en længde på 24882,5mb (network-16 303,5 m, forbindelser til grænsen af plottet,1-brønd-8 579 m), opførelse af pumpestation -9 stk., genopbygning af vandforsyningsnettet med en længde på 4995 mb (network-2 533 m, tilslutninger-2 462 m), vejarbejder (genopbygning af fortovet).2. 3. Lancering af en underside til kundetilfredshedsundersøgelse med water-can services,4.Promovering af projektet (køb af informationstavler og souvenir boards, udstationering oplysninger om projektet på støttemodtagerens websted) (Danish)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Η σύνδεση με το δίκτυο των νέων χρηστών θα επιτρέψει την επίτευξη των δεικτών αποτελεσμάτων:-Αριθμός πρόσθετων ατόμων που επωφελούνται από τη βελτίωση της επεξεργασίας λυμάτων-1815 ανά άτομο.,-Προβλεπόμενος αριθμός πρόσθετων ατόμων που χρησιμοποιούν βελτιωμένη επεξεργασία λυμάτων-1815RLM.Ανασυγκρότηση της υδροδότησης θα επιτρέψει την επίτευξη του δείκτη:-Αριθμός πρόσθετων ατόμων που χρησιμοποιούν βελτιωμένη παροχή νερού-441os.Θέσεις που θα συμβάλουν στην επίτευξη των στόχων και των βασικών δεικτών αποτελεσμάτων: 1.Κατασκευαστικές εργασίες-κατασκευή υγειονομικών λυμάτων με μήκος 24882.5mb (δίκτυο-16 303,5 m, σύνδεσμοι στο όριο του οικοπέδου, 1-well-8 579 m), κατασκευή αντλιοστασίου -9 τεμ., ανακατασκευή του δικτύου ύδρευσης με μήκος 4995 mb (δίκτυο-2 533 m, συνδέσεις-2 462 m), οδικά έργα (ανακατασκευή πεζοδρομίου).2. 3. Έναρξη υποσελίδας για έρευνα ικανοποίησης πελατών με υπηρεσίες water-can,4.Προώθηση του έργου (αγορά ενημερωτικών πινάκων και πινάκων αναμνηστικών, ανάρτηση πληροφοριών σχετικά με το έργο στην ιστοσελίδα του δικαιούχου) (Greek)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Povezivanje na mrežu novih korisnika omogućit će postizanje pokazatelja rezultata:-Broj dodatnih ljudi koji imaju koristi od poboljšanog pročišćavanja otpadnih voda-1815 pers.,-Projektirani broj dodatnih ljudi koji koriste poboljšano pročišćavanje otpadnih voda-1815RLM.Rekonstrukcija vodoopskrbe omogućit će postizanje pokazatelja:-Broj dodatnih ljudi koji koriste poboljšanu opskrbu vodom-441os.Zadaci koje će doprinijeti postizanju ciljeva i ključnih pokazatelja rezultata: 1.Izgradnja sanitarije – izgradnja sanitarne kanalizacije duljine 24882,5mb (mreža-16 303,5 m, priključci do granice parcele, 1-buna-8 579 m), izgradnja crpne stanice -9 kom., rekonstrukcija vodoopskrbne mreže duljine 4995 mb (mreža-2 533 m, priključci-2 462 m), cestovni radovi (rekonstrukcija kolnika).2. 3. Pokretanje podstranice za anketu o zadovoljstvu kupaca s uslugama kanta za vodu, 4.Promicanje projekta (kupnja informativnih ploča i suvenirnih ploča, objavljivanje informacija o projektu na web-mjestu korisnika) (Croatian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Conectarea la rețeaua de noi utilizatori va permite atingerea indicatorilor de rezultat:-Număr de persoane suplimentare care beneficiază de îmbunătățirea tratării apelor uzate-1815 pers.,-Numărul de persoane suplimentare care utilizează îmbunătățirea tratării apelor uzate-1815RLM.Reconstrucția alimentării cu apă va permite atingerea indicatorului:-Număr de persoane suplimentare care utilizează o alimentare îmbunătățită cu apă-441os.Sarcini care vor contribui la realizarea obiectivelor și a indicatorilor de rezultat cheie: 1. Lucrări de construcție-construcție de canalizare sanitară cu o lungime de 24882,5mb(rețea-16 303,5 m, racorduri la limita parcelei, 1-well-8 579 m), construcția stației de pompare -9 buc., reconstrucția rețelei de alimentare cu apă cu o lungime de 4995 mb(rețea-2 533 m,conectoare-2 462 m), lucrări rutiere(reconstrucție de pavaj).2. 3. Lansarea unei subpagini pentru sondajul de satisfacție a clienților cu servicii de alimentare cu apă,4. Promovarea proiectului (achiziționarea de panouri informative și panouri de suveniruri, afișarea informațiilor despre proiect pe site-ul beneficiarului) (Romanian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Pripojenie k sieti nových užívateľov umožní dosiahnuť ukazovatele výsledkov: – Počet ďalších ľudí, ktorí majú prospech zo zlepšeného čistenia odpadových vôd-1815 pers.,-Projektovaný počet ďalších ľudí využívajúcich zlepšené čistenie odpadových vôd-1815RLM.Rekonštrukcia zásobovania vodou umožní dosiahnuť ukazovateľ: – Počet ďalších ľudí využívajúcich zlepšené zásobovanie vodou-441os.Úlohy, ktoré prispejú k dosiahnutiu cieľov a kľúčových ukazovateľov výsledkov: 1. Stavebné práce-stavba sanitárnej kanalizácie s dĺžkou 24882,5mb(sieť-16 303,5 m, prípojky k hranici pozemku,1-jamka-8 579 m), výstavba čerpacej stanice -9 ks., rekonštrukcia vodovodnej siete s dĺžkou 4995 mb (sieť-2 533 m, konektory-2 462 m), cestné práce (rekonštrukcia chodníka).2. 3. Spustenie podstránky pre prieskum spokojnosti zákazníkov so službami vodného hospodárstva,4.Podpora projektu (nákup informačných tabúľ a suvenírov, zverejňovanie informácií o projekte na webovej stránke príjemcu) (Slovak)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Il-konnessjoni man-netwerk ta’ utenti ġodda se tippermetti li jinkisbu l-indikaturi tar-riżultati:-Għadd ta’ nies addizzjonali li jibbenefikaw minn trattament imtejjeb tal-ilma mormi-1815 pers.,-Numru proġettat ta’ nies addizzjonali li jużaw trattament imtejjeb tal-ilma mormi-1815RLM.Il-bini mill-ġdid tal-provvista tal-ilma se jippermetti li jinkiseb l-indikatur:-Numru ta’ nies addizzjonali li jużaw provvista tal-ilma mtejba-441os.Kompiti li se jikkontribwixxu għall-kisba tal-objettivi u l-indikaturi ewlenin tar-riżultati: 1. Kostruzzjoni xogħlijiet-kostruzzjoni ta ‘drenaġġ sanitarju b’tul ta’ 24882.5mb (netwerk-16 303.5 m, konnekters għall-konfini tal-plott, 1-well-8 579 m), kostruzzjoni ta ‘stazzjon ta’ l-ippumpjar -9 pcs., kostruzzjoni mill-ġdid tan-netwerk tal-provvista ta ‘l-ilma b’tul ta’ 4995 mb (netwerk-2 533 m, konnetturi-2 462 m), xogħlijiet fit-toroq (rikostruzzjoni ta ‘bankina).2. 3. Tnedija ta’ sottopaġna għal stħarriġ dwar is-sodisfazzjon tal-klijent b’servizzi tal-ilma-kan,4.Promozzjoni tal-proġett (xiri ta’ bordijiet ta’ informazzjoni u bordijiet ta’ tifkiriet, tqegħid ta’ informazzjoni dwar il-proġett fuq is-sit web tal-benefiċjarju) (Maltese)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the A ligação à rede de novos utilizadores permitirá alcançar os indicadores de resultados:-Número de pessoas adicionais que beneficiam de um tratamento melhorado de águas residuais-1815 pers.,-Número de pessoas adicionais que utilizam um tratamento melhorado de águas residuais-1815RLM.Reconstrução do abastecimento de água permitirá alcançar o indicador:-Número de pessoas adicionais que utilizam um melhor abastecimento de água-441.ºs.Tarefas que contribuirão para a consecução dos objetivos e dos principais indicadores de resultados: 1. Construção de obras-construção de esgotos sanitários com um comprimento de 24882.5mb (rede-16 303,5 m, conectores até o limite da parcela, 1-well-8 579 m), construção da estação de bombeamento -9 pcs., reconstrução da rede de abastecimento de água com um comprimento de 4995 mb (rede-2 533 m, conectores-2 462 m), obras de estrada (reconstrução de pavimento).2. 3. Lançamento de uma subpágina para pesquisa de satisfação do cliente com serviços de lata de água, 4.Promoção do projeto (compra de placas de informação e placas de lembranças, postando informações sobre o projeto no site do beneficiário) (Portuguese)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Yhteys uusien käyttäjien verkostoon mahdollistaa tulosindikaattorien saavuttamisen:-Lisämäärä ihmisiä, jotka hyötyvät jäteveden paremmasta käsittelystä 1815 pers.,-Projected määrä ihmisiä, jotka käyttävät parannettua jätevedenkäsittelyä-1815RLM.Vedenjakelun uudelleenrakentaminen mahdollistaa indikaattorin saavuttamisen:-Lisämäärä ihmisiä, jotka käyttävät parannettua vesihuoltoa-441os.Tehtävät, jotka edistävät tavoitteiden saavuttamista ja keskeisiä tulosindikaattoreita: 1.Rakennustyöt-rakentaminen saniteetti viemäröinti pituus 24882,5mb(verkko-16 303,5 m, liittimet rajaan tontin,1-well-8 579 m), rakentaminen pumppausaseman -9 kpl.,rekonstruktio vesijohtoverkon pituus 4995 mb(verkko-2 533 m, liittimet-2 462 m), tietyöt (rekonstruktio jalkakäytävä).2. 3. Alasivun käynnistäminen asiakastyytyväisyyskyselyä varten vesisäiliöpalveluilla,4.Hankkeen edistäminen (tietotaulujen ja matkamuistojen hankinta, hankkeen tietojen julkaiseminen edunsaajan verkkosivustolla) (Finnish)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Povezava z omrežjem novih uporabnikov bo omogočila doseganje kazalnikov rezultatov:-število dodatnih ljudi, ki imajo koristi od izboljšanega čiščenja odpadne vode-1815 pers.,-Projektno število dodatnih ljudi, ki uporabljajo izboljšano čiščenje odpadne vode-1815RLM.Obnova oskrbe z vodo bo omogočila doseganje kazalnika:-število dodatnih ljudi, ki uporabljajo izboljšano oskrbo z vodo-441os.Naloge, ki bodo prispevale k doseganju ciljev in ključnih kazalnikov rezultatov: 1.Gradbena gradnja sanitarne kanalizacije z dolžino 24882,5mb(mreža-16 303,5 m, konektorji do meje parcele,1-dolga-8 579 m), gradnja črpalne postaje -9 kosov, rekonstrukcija vodovodnega omrežja z dolžino 4995 mb(omrežje-2 533 m, priključki-2 462 m),cestna dela(rekonstrukcija pločnika).2. 3. Začetek podstrani za anketo o zadovoljstvu strank s storitvami za vodne pločevinke,4.Spodbujanje projekta (nakup informacijskih desk in plošč za spominke, objava informacij o projektu na spletni strani upravičenca) (Slovenian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Připojení k síti nových uživatelů umožní dosáhnout ukazatelů výsledků:-Počet dalších osob, které mají prospěch ze zlepšení čištění odpadních vod-1815 pers.,-Projekt počtu dalších osob využívajících lepší čištění odpadních vod-1815RLM.Rekonstrukce zásobování vodou umožní dosáhnout ukazatele:-Počet dalších osob využívajících lepší zásobování vodou-441os.Úkoly, které přispějí k dosažení cílů a klíčových ukazatelů výsledků: 1. Stavební práce-stavba sanitární kanalizace o délce 24882,5mb (síť-16 303,5 m,konektory na hranici pozemku,1-jamky-8 579 m), výstavba čerpací stanice -9 ks.,rekonstrukce vodovodní sítě o délce 4995 mb (síť-2 533 m,konektory-2 462 m), silniční práce (rekonstrukce dlažby).2. 3. Spuštění podstránky pro průzkum spokojenosti zákazníků s vodohospodářskými službami,4.Propagace projektu (nákup informačních tabulí a suvenýrů, zveřejnění informací o projektu na webových stránkách příjemce) (Czech)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Prisijungimas prie naujų vartotojų tinklo leis pasiekti rezultatų rodiklius:-papildomų žmonių, kurie naudojasi geresniu nuotekų valymu, skaičius-1815 asm.-Projektas papildomų žmonių, naudojančių geresnį nuotekų valymą-1815RLM.Vandens tiekimo rekonstrukcija leis pasiekti rodiklį:-papildomų žmonių, naudojančių geresnį vandens tiekimą, skaičius-441os.Užduotys, kurios padės pasiekti tikslus ir pagrindinius rezultatų rodiklius: 1.Statybos darbai-sanitarinės kanalizacijos statyba, kurios ilgis 24882,5mb (tinklas-16 303,5 m, jungtys prie sklypo ribos,1-duobutis-8 579 m), siurblinės statyba -9 vnt., vandens tiekimo tinklo rekonstrukcija, kurios ilgis yra 4995 mb (tinklas-2 533 m, jungtys-2 462 m), kelių darbai (pagrindinės dangos rekonstrukcija).2. 3. Projekto skatinimas (informacijos lentų ir suvenyrų lentų pirkimas, informacijos apie projektą skelbimas paramos gavėjo interneto svetainėje) (Lithuanian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Pieslēgums jauno lietotāju tīklam ļaus sasniegt rezultātu rādītājus:-Papildu cilvēku skaits, kas gūst labumu no uzlabotas notekūdeņu attīrīšanas-1815 pers.,-Projekts papildu cilvēku skaits, izmantojot uzlabotu notekūdeņu attīrīšanu-1815RLM.Ūdensapgādes rekonstrukcija ļaus sasniegt rādītāju:- Papildu cilvēku skaits, kas izmanto uzlabotu ūdensapgādi-441os.Uzdevumi, kas palīdzēs sasniegt mērķus un galvenos rezultātu rādītājus: 1.Būvniecības darbi — sanitārās kanalizācijas izbūve ar garumu 24882,5mb (tīkls-16 303,5 m, savienotāji zemes gabala robežai, 1-laba-8 579 m), sūknēšanas stacijas būvniecība -9 gab., ūdensapgādes tīkla rekonstrukcija ar garumu 4995 mb(tīkls-2 533 m, starpsavienojumi-2 462 m), ceļu darbi (konstrukcija bruģakmens).2. 3. apakšlapas uzsākšana klientu apmierinātības aptaujai ar ūdens skārda pakalpojumiem, 4.Projekta veicināšana (informācijas dēļu un suvenīru dēļu iegāde, informācijas par projektu publicēšana saņēmēja mājas lapā) (Latvian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Връзката с мрежата от нови потребители ще позволи да се постигнат показателите за резултати: — Брой допълнителни хора, които се възползват от подобрено пречистване на отпадъчни води-1815 на.,- Проектиран брой допълнителни хора, използващи подобрено пречистване на отпадъчни води-1815RLM.Реконструкцията на водоснабдяването ще позволи да се постигне показателят:-Брой допълнителни хора, използващи подобрено водоснабдяване-441os.Задачи, които ще допринесат за постигането на целите и ключовите показатели за резултати: 1.Строителни работи-строителство на санитарна канализация с дължина 24882.5mb(мрежа-16 303,5 м, конектори към границата на парцела,1-ям-8 579 м), изграждане на помпена станция -9 бр.,реконструкция на водоснабдителната мрежа с дължина 4995 mb(мрежа-2 533 m, конектори-2 462 m), пътни работи (реконструкция на настилката).2. 3. Стартиране на подстраница за проучване на удовлетвореността на клиентите с услуги за водни консерви,4.Насърчаване на проекта (закупуване на информационни табла и сувенирни табла, публикуване на информация за проекта на уебсайта на бенефициента) (Bulgarian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Az új felhasználók hálózatához való csatlakozás lehetővé teszi az eredménymutatók elérését:-A jobb szennyvízkezelésben részesülő további személyek száma-1815 pers.,-A jobb szennyvízkezelést használók tervezett száma-1815RLM.A vízellátás rekonstrukciója lehetővé teszi a mutató elérését:-A jobb vízellátást használó további személyek száma-441os.Tanaszok, amelyek hozzájárulnak a célkitűzések és a fő eredménymutatók eléréséhez: 1. Építési munkák-építése szanitercsatorna hossza 24882,5mb(hálózat-16 303,5 m, csatlakozók a határ a telek,1-well-8 579 m), építési szivattyú állomás -9 db., rekonstrukciója a vízellátó hálózat hossza 4995 mb (hálózat-2 533 m, csatlakozók-2 462 m), közúti munkák (felépítése burkolat).2. 3. Az ügyfél-elégedettségi felmérés aloldalának elindítása víztartályos szolgáltatásokkal,4.A projekt népszerűsítése (információs táblák és emléktáblák vásárlása, a projekttel kapcsolatos információk közzététele a kedvezményezett honlapján) (Hungarian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Leis an nasc le líonra na n-úsáideoirí nua, beifear in ann na táscairí toraidh a bhaint amach:-Líon na ndaoine breise a bhaineann tairbhe as cóireáil fuíolluisce fheabhsaithe-1815 pers.,-Líon na ndaoine breise a úsáideann cóireáil fuíolluisce níos fearr-1815RLM.Leis an soláthar uisce a thógáil, beifear in ann an táscaire a bhaint amach:-Líon na ndaoine breise a úsáideann soláthar uisce feabhsaithe-441os.Tascanna a chuideoidh leis na cuspóirí agus na príomhtháscairí toraidh a bhaint amach: Oibreacha 1.Construction-tógáil séarachais sláintíochta le fad 24882.5mb (líonra-16 303.5 m, nascóirí go dtí teorainn an plota,1-well-8 579 m), tógáil stáisiún pumpála -9 ríomhairí pearsanta., atógáil an líonra soláthair uisce le fad 4995 mb (líonra-2 533 m, nascóirí-2 462 m), oibreacha bóthair (atógáil pábhála).2. 3. Seoladh foleathanaigh le haghaidh suirbhé sástachta custaiméara le seirbhísí uisce-is féidir,4.Cur chun cinn an tionscadail (boird faisnéise agus boird cuimhneacháin a cheannach, faisnéis faoin tionscadal a phostáil ar shuíomh gréasáin an tairbhí) (Irish)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Anslutningen till nätverket av nya användare kommer att göra det möjligt att uppnå resultatindikatorerna:- Antal ytterligare personer som drar nytta av förbättrad rening av avloppsvatten-1815 pers.,-Projecterat antal ytterligare personer som använder förbättrad avloppsvattenrening-1815RLM.Rekonstruktion av vattenförsörjningen kommer att göra det möjligt att uppnå indikatorn:- Antal ytterligare personer som använder förbättrad vattenförsörjning-441os.Uppgifter som kommer att bidra till uppnåendet av målen och de viktigaste resultatindikatorerna: 1. Byggarbeten-konstruktion av sanitetsavlopp med en längd av 24882,5mb (nät-16 303,5 m, anslutningar till gränsen för tomten, 1-brunn-8 579 m), konstruktion av pumpstation -9 st., återuppbyggnad av vattenförsörjningsnätet med en längd av 4995 mb (nät-2 533 m, anslutningar-2 462 m), vägarbeten (ombyggnad av trottoar).2. 3. Lansering av en undersida för kundnöjdhetsundersökning med vattenburktjänster,4.Främjande av projektet (inköp av informationstavlor och souvenirtavlor, publicera information om projektet på stödmottagarens webbplats) (Swedish)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    The main objective of the project is to organise water and wastewater management in the Kurów agglomeration.Realisation of the target will allow to increase the degree of sewerage of the agglomeration of Kurów, reduce the emissions of biogens threatening water ecosystems.Achieving the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of overarching quality and prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of the water surface., improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the residents, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the water and waste water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will help to improve the living conditions of people, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the water and water resources, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the population, increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the water and water resources, reduce the emissions of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the objective of the overarching quality of the quality of the waters and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people to water and soil, improve the cleanliness of water surfaces, improve the quality of the drinking water, reduce water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the populations, increase the health of the residents, improve the quality of the agglomeration of the Kurs, reduce the emission of biogens that threaten water ecosystems.The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the achievement of the goal of the overarching quality of the water surface and the prevention of environmental degradation and the efficient management of water resources.This in turn will be possible to dzięki:ograniczeniu the process of the passage of dangerous substances threatening the life and health of people into water and soil, improvement of the cleanliness of water surfaces, improvement of the quality of the drinking water, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow for the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants, the increase of the satisfaction of the inhabitants of the area, the improvement of the quality of water, the improvement of the quality of the water, the reduction of water losses, the reduction of water losses.The implementation of the above objectives will allow to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, increase the health of the population, improve the quality of water surfaces, improve the quality of the Ühendus uute kasutajate võrguga võimaldab saavutada tulemusnäitajaid:- täiendavate inimeste arv, kes saavad kasu täiustatud reoveepuhastusest-1815 pers.,-Projekteeritud arv täiendavaid inimesi, kes kasutavad täiustatud reoveepuhastust-1815RLM. Veevarustuse rekonstrueerimine võimaldab saavutada näitaja:-parandatud veevarustust kasutavate täiendavate inimeste arv-441os.Ülestused, mis aitavad kaasa eesmärkide ja peamiste tulemusnäitajate saavutamisele: 1.Ehitustööd-sanitaarkanalisatsiooni ehitamine pikkusega 24882,5mb (võrk-16 303,5 m, krundi piiriühendused,1-kaev-8 579 m), pumbajaama ehitamine -9 tk., veevarustusvõrgu rekonstrueerimine pikkusega 4995 mb (võrk-2 533 m, ühendused-2 462 m), teetööd(sillutise rekonstrueerimine).2. 3. Launching kliendirahulolu uuring vee-can teenused,4.Projekti edendamine (infotahvlite ja suveniirlaudade ostmine, projekti kohta teabe postitamine toetuse saaja kodulehel) (Estonian)
    2 July 2022
    0 references
    WOJ.: LUBELSKIE, POW.: puławski
    0 references
    13 December 2023
    0 references


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