Implementation of innovative wood products production technology as an opportunity to expand export activity (Q104505)
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Project Q104505 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Implementation of innovative wood products production technology as an opportunity to expand export activity |
Project Q104505 in Poland |
1,998,632.26 zloty
0 references
2,863,370.0 zloty
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69.8 percent
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1 February 2019
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31 October 2023
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0 references
Głównym celem projektu jest zwiększenie konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstwa Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST. na rynku krajowym i zagranicznym, podniesienie produktywności i wydajności przedsiębiorstwa dzięki wprowadzeniu do produkcji innowacyjnej technologii suszenia drewna a tym samym udoskonaleniu 12 obecnie oferowanych produktów oraz wdrożeniu 4 nowych nieoferowanych obecnie produktów tj.: 1. Deski tarasowej 2. Deska elewacyjna 3. Elementy meblowe stelażowe 4. Deski podłogowe, które cechować się będą unikalnymi właściwościami, takimi jak: lepsze odprężenie drewna, zwiększenie dokładności wymiarów materiałów gotowych, co bezpośrednio wpłynie na ostateczny produkt finalny, skrócenie czasu suszenia i inne. Projekt obejmuje wdrożenie wyników B+R opracowanych na indywidualne zamówienie przez jednostkę naukową. Projekt obejmuje realizację 1 zadania, które realizowane będzie przez w okresie 01.02.2019 - 31.12.2021 r. W ramach zadania Wnioskodawca dokona zakupu nowych środków trwałych oraz wartości niematerialnych i prawnych, oraz jednego urządzenia używanego. Wnioskodawca zamierza sfinansować inwestycję ze źródeł zewnętrznych tj. z kredytu inwestycyjnego. Wskaźniki rezultatu: Liczba wdrożonych wyników prac B+R [szt.] | rozliczeniowy szt.1 Liczba wprowadzonych innowacji nietechnologicznych [szt.] | rozliczeniowy szt.1 Liczba wprowadzonych innowacji procesowych [szt.] | rozliczeniowy szt.1 Liczba wprowadzonych innowacji produktowych [szt.] | rozliczeniowy szt.1 Przychody ze sprzedaży nowych lub udoskonalonych produktów/procesów [zł] | rozliczeniowy - 3986120,00 Przychód z wdrożonych wyników prac B+R [zł] | rozliczeniowy - 3986120,00 Wzrost zatrudnienia we wspieranych przedsiębiorstwach (CI8) [EPC] | rozliczeniowy 2 etaty Grupą docelową niniejszego projektu jest przedsiębiorstwo Wnioskodawcy, a także zarówno dotychczasowi, jak i potencjalni Klienci Wnioskodawcy zarówno z kraju jak i zagranicy. (Polish)
0 references
The main objective of the project is to increase the competitiveness of Wiatrzyk Marek Forest. on the domestic and foreign markets, to increase the company’s productivity and productivity by introducing innovative wood drying technology and thus improving the 12 products currently offered and implementing 4 new products not currently offered, i.e.: 1. Terrace boards 2. Facade board 3. Frame furniture elements 4. Floorboards that will have unique properties, such as: better wood relaxation, increasing the accuracy of finished materials, which will directly affect the final product, reduce drying time and others. The project includes implementation of R & D results developed on individual order by the scientific unit. The project involves the execution of 1 tasks, which will be carried out during the period 01.02.2019-31.12.2021. As part of the task, the applicant will purchase new fixed assets and intangible assets, as well as one used equipment. The applicant intends to finance the investment from external sources, i.e. from an investment loan. Result indicators: Number of implemented R & D results [pcs] | billing pcs 1 Number of non-technological innovations [pcs] | clearing units.1 Number of process innovations [pcs] | clearing units 1 Number of product innovations introduced [pcs] | clearing units of this project 1 Revenue from the sale of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | clearing works in B & D – 3986120.00 Revenue from B & R works [pcs] | Questions of the total number of non-technological innovations introduced by the R & D works [pc.] (English)
17 October 2020
0 references
L’objectif principal du projet est d’accroître la compétitivité de l’entreprise Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST. sur les marchés intérieurs et étrangers, d’augmenter la productivité et l’efficacité de l’entreprise grâce à l’introduction de la technologie innovante de séchage du bois et d’améliorer ainsi les 12 produits actuellement proposés et la mise en œuvre de 4 nouveaux produits non proposés actuellement, à savoir: 1. Planche de terrasse 2. Planche d’élévation 3. Éléments de cadre de meubles 4. Les planchers, qui seront caractérisés par des propriétés uniques, telles que: une meilleure relaxation du bois, augmentant la précision des dimensions des matériaux finis, ce qui affectera directement le produit final, raccourcissant le temps de séchage et d’autres. Le projet implique la mise en œuvre des résultats de R & D élaborés à la demande individuelle d’une unité scientifique. Le projet implique la mise en œuvre d’une tâche, qui sera réalisée d’ici la période allant du 1.2.2019 au 31.12.2021. Dans le cadre de cette tâche, la requérante achètera de nouvelles immobilisations fixes et incorporelles et un dispositif d’occasion. La requérante a l’intention de financer l’investissement par des sources externes, c’est-à-dire par un prêt d’investissement. Indicateurs de résultat: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (French)
1 December 2021
0 references
Das Hauptziel des Projekts ist es, die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Firma Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST. auf den in- und ausländischen Märkten zu erhöhen, die Produktivität und Effizienz des Unternehmens dank der Einführung der innovativen Technologie des Trocknens von Holz zu erhöhen und so die 12 derzeit angebotenen Produkte und die Umsetzung von 4 neuen Produkten zu verbessern, die derzeit nicht angeboten werden, d. h.: 1. Terrassenbrett 2. Höhenbrett 3. Möbelrahmenelemente 4. Dielen, die sich durch einzigartige Eigenschaften auszeichnen, wie z. B.: bessere Entspannung von Holz, Erhöhung der Genauigkeit der Abmessungen der fertigen Materialien, die direkt das Endprodukt beeinflussen, Verkürzung der Trocknungszeit und andere. Das Projekt beinhaltet die Umsetzung von FuE-Ergebnissen, die auf individuellen Wunsch einer wissenschaftlichen Einheit entwickelt wurden. Das Projekt beinhaltet die Durchführung von 1 Aufgabe, die bis zum 1.2.2019 – 31.12.2021 durchgeführt wird. Im Rahmen der Aufgabe wird der Antragsteller neue feste und immaterielle Vermögenswerte und ein gebrauchtes Gerät erwerben. Die Klägerin beabsichtigt, die Investition aus externen Quellen, d. h. aus einem Investitionskredit, zu finanzieren. Ergebnisindikatoren: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (German)
7 December 2021
0 references
Het belangrijkste doel van het project is het vergroten van het concurrentievermogen van het bedrijf Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST. op de binnenlandse en buitenlandse markten, het verhogen van de productiviteit en efficiëntie van het bedrijf dankzij de introductie in de productie van innovatieve technologie voor het drogen van hout en dus het verbeteren van de 12 momenteel aangeboden producten en de implementatie van 4 nieuwe producten die momenteel niet worden aangeboden, d.w.z.: 1. Terrasplank 2. Hoogtebord 3. Meubelframe elementen 4. Vloerplanken, die zullen worden gekenmerkt door unieke eigenschappen, zoals: betere ontspanning van hout, het verhogen van de nauwkeurigheid van de afmetingen van afgewerkte materialen, die direct van invloed zijn op het eindproduct, het verkorten van droogtijd en anderen. Het project omvat de uitvoering van O & O-resultaten die op individueel verzoek van een wetenschappelijke eenheid zijn ontwikkeld. Het project omvat de uitvoering van 1 taak, die zal worden uitgevoerd in de periode 01.02.2019-31.12.2021. Als onderdeel van de taak koopt de aanvrager nieuwe vaste en immateriële activa en één tweedehands apparaat. De aanvrager is voornemens de investering uit externe bronnen te financieren, d.w.z. uit een investeringslening. Resultaatindicatoren: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Dutch)
17 December 2021
0 references
L'obiettivo principale del progetto è quello di aumentare la competitività dell'azienda Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST. sui mercati nazionali ed esteri, aumentando la produttività e l'efficienza dell'azienda grazie all'introduzione alla produzione di tecnologie innovative di essiccazione del legno e migliorando così i 12 prodotti attualmente offerti e l'implementazione di 4 nuovi prodotti non attualmente offerti, vale a dire: 1. Bordo terrazza 2. Tavola di elevazione 3. Elementi della struttura dei mobili 4. Pavimenti, che saranno caratterizzati da proprietà uniche, come ad esempio: migliore rilassamento del legno, aumentando la precisione delle dimensioni dei materiali finiti, che influenzerà direttamente il prodotto finale, riducendo i tempi di asciugatura e altri. Il progetto prevede l'attuazione di risultati di R & S sviluppati su richiesta individuale di un'unità scientifica. Il progetto prevede l'implementazione di 1 compito, che sarà svolto entro il periodo 01.02.2019-31.12.2021. Nell'ambito del compito, il richiedente acquisterà nuovi beni fissi e immateriali e un dispositivo di seconda mano. Il richiedente intende finanziare l'investimento da fonti esterne, vale a dire da un prestito di investimento. Indicatori di risultato: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Italian)
15 January 2022
0 references
El objetivo principal del proyecto es aumentar la competitividad de la empresa Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST. en los mercados nacional y extranjero, aumentando la productividad y eficiencia de la empresa gracias a la introducción a la producción de tecnología innovadora de secado de madera y así mejorar los 12 productos ofertados actualmente y la implementación de 4 nuevos productos no ofrecidos actualmente, es decir: 1. Tabla de terraza 2. Tabla de elevación 3. Elementos del marco de los muebles 4. Suelos, que se caracterizarán por propiedades únicas, tales como: mejor relajación de la madera, aumentando la precisión de las dimensiones de los materiales terminados, lo que afectará directamente al producto final, acortando el tiempo de secado y otros. El proyecto consiste en la aplicación de los resultados de I+D elaborados a petición individual de una unidad científica. El proyecto implica la ejecución de 1 tarea, que se llevará a cabo en el período 01.02.2019-31.12.2021. Como parte de la tarea, el solicitante adquirirá nuevos activos fijos e intangibles y un dispositivo de segunda mano. El solicitante tiene la intención de financiar la inversión a partir de fuentes externas, es decir, de un préstamo de inversión. Indicadores de resultados: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Spanish)
18 January 2022
0 references
Hovedformålet med projektet er at øge konkurrenceevnen for virksomheden Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST. på de indenlandske og udenlandske markeder, øge virksomhedens produktivitet og effektivitet takket være introduktionen til produktion af innovativ teknologi til tørring af træ og dermed forbedre de 12 produkter, der tilbydes i øjeblikket, og gennemførelsen af 4 nye produkter, der ikke tilbydes i øjeblikket, dvs.: 1. Terrasse bord 2. Elevation board 3. Møbelstelelementer 4. Gulvbrædder, som vil være kendetegnet ved unikke egenskaber, såsom: bedre afslapning af træ, øge nøjagtigheden af dimensionerne af færdige materialer, hvilket vil direkte påvirke det endelige produkt, forkorte tørretiden og andre. Projektet indebærer gennemførelse af F & U-resultater, der er udviklet efter individuel anmodning fra en videnskabelig enhed. Projektet indebærer gennemførelse af 1 opgave, som vil blive udført i perioden 01.02.2019-31.12.2021. Som en del af opgaven vil ansøgeren købe nye faste og immaterielle aktiver og et brugt udstyr. Ansøgeren har til hensigt at finansiere investeringen fra eksterne kilder, dvs. gennem et investeringslån. Resultatindikatorer: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Danish)
2 July 2022
0 references
Ο κύριος στόχος του έργου είναι η αύξηση της ανταγωνιστικότητας της εταιρείας Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST. στην εγχώρια και ξένη αγορά, αυξάνοντας την παραγωγικότητα και την αποτελεσματικότητα της εταιρείας χάρη στην εισαγωγή στην παραγωγή καινοτόμου τεχνολογίας ξήρανσης ξύλου και βελτιώνοντας έτσι τα 12 προϊόντα που προσφέρονται σήμερα και την υλοποίηση 4 νέων προϊόντων που δεν προσφέρονται σήμερα, δηλαδή: 1. Ταράτσα 2. Πίνακας ανύψωσης 3. Στοιχεία πλαισίου επίπλων 4. Σανίδες δαπέδου, οι οποίες θα χαρακτηρίζονται από μοναδικές ιδιότητες, όπως: καλύτερη χαλάρωση του ξύλου, αυξάνοντας την ακρίβεια των διαστάσεων των τελικών υλικών, τα οποία θα επηρεάσουν άμεσα το τελικό προϊόν, μειώνοντας το χρόνο ξήρανσης και άλλα. Το έργο περιλαμβάνει την υλοποίηση των αποτελεσμάτων Ε & Α που αναπτύσσονται κατόπιν ατομικής αίτησης από επιστημονική μονάδα. Το έργο περιλαμβάνει την εκτέλεση ενός έργου, το οποίο θα πραγματοποιηθεί την περίοδο 1.2.2019 — 31.12.2021. Στο πλαίσιο του έργου, ο αιτών θα αγοράσει νέα πάγια και άυλα περιουσιακά στοιχεία και μία μεταχειρισμένη συσκευή. Ο αιτών προτίθεται να χρηματοδοτήσει την επένδυση από εξωτερικές πηγές, δηλαδή από επενδυτικό δάνειο. Δείκτες αποτελεσμάτων: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Greek)
2 July 2022
0 references
Glavni cilj projekta je povećati konkurentnost tvrtke Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST na domaćem i inozemnom tržištu, povećati produktivnost i učinkovitost tvrtke zahvaljujući uvođenju u proizvodnju inovativne tehnologije sušenja drva i na taj način poboljšati 12 trenutno ponuđenih proizvoda i implementaciju 4 nova proizvoda koji trenutno nisu ponuđeni, odnosno: 1. Terasa pansion 2. Nadmorska ploča 3. Okvirni elementi namještaja 4. Podne ploče, koje će karakterizirati jedinstvena svojstva, kao što su: bolje opuštanje drva, povećavajući točnost dimenzija gotovih materijala, što će izravno utjecati na konačni proizvod, skraćivanje vremena sušenja i drugih. Projekt uključuje provedbu rezultata istraživanja i razvoja razvijenih na pojedinačni zahtjev znanstvene jedinice. Projekt uključuje provedbu 1 zadatka, koji će se provesti do 1.2.2019 – 31.12.2021. U sklopu zadatka, podnositelj zahtjeva će kupiti novu fiksnu i nematerijalnu imovinu i jedan rabljeni uređaj. Podnositelj zahtjeva namjerava financirati ulaganje iz vanjskih izvora, tj. iz investicijskog zajma. Pokazatelji rezultata: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Croatian)
2 July 2022
0 references
Obiectivul principal al proiectului este creșterea competitivității companiei Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST. pe piețele interne și externe, creșterea productivității și eficienței companiei datorită introducerii în producție a tehnologiei inovatoare de uscare a lemnului, îmbunătățind astfel cele 12 produse oferite în prezent și implementarea a 4 produse noi care nu sunt oferite în prezent, și anume: 1. Placă de terasă 2. Placa de elevație 3. Elemente de cadru pentru mobilier 4. Podele, care vor fi caracterizate prin proprietăți unice, cum ar fi: o mai bună relaxare a lemnului, creșterea preciziei dimensiunilor materialelor finite, ceea ce va afecta direct produsul final, scurtarea timpului de uscare și altele. Proiectul implică punerea în aplicare a rezultatelor C & D elaborate la cererea individuală a unei unități științifice. Proiectul presupune punerea în aplicare a unei sarcini, care va fi realizată până în perioada 01.02.2019-31.12.2021. Ca parte a sarcinii, Solicitantul va achiziționa noi imobilizări fixe și necorporale și un dispozitiv de ocazie. Solicitantul intenționează să finanțeze investiția din surse externe, adică dintr-un împrumut pentru investiții. Indicatori de rezultat: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Romanian)
2 July 2022
0 references
Hlavným cieľom projektu je zvýšiť konkurencieschopnosť spoločnosti Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST. na domácom a zahraničnom trhu, zvýšiť produktivitu a efektívnosť spoločnosti vďaka zavedeniu inovatívnej technológie sušenia dreva a tým zlepšiť 12 v súčasnosti ponúkaných výrobkov a implementovať 4 nové výrobky, ktoré v súčasnosti nie sú ponúkané, t. j.: 1. Terasová doska 2. Výšková doska 3. Nábytkové rámové prvky 4. Podlahové dosky, ktoré budú charakterizované jedinečnými vlastnosťami, ako sú: lepšia relaxácia dreva, zvýšenie presnosti rozmerov hotových materiálov, ktoré priamo ovplyvnia konečný produkt, skrátenie času sušenia a ďalšie. Projekt zahŕňa realizáciu výsledkov výskumu a vývoja vypracovaných na základe individuálnej žiadosti vedeckej jednotky. Projekt zahŕňa realizáciu 1 úlohy, ktorá sa uskutoční v období 1.2.2019 – 31.12.2021. Žiadateľ v rámci úlohy kúpi nový fixný a nehmotný majetok a jedno použité zariadenie. Žiadateľ má v úmysle financovať investíciu z externých zdrojov, t. j. z investičného úveru. Ukazovatele výsledkov: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Slovak)
2 July 2022
0 references
L-għan ewlieni tal-proġett huwa li jżid il-kompetittività tal-kumpanija Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST. fis-swieq domestiċi u barranin, iżid il-produttività u l-effiċjenza tal-kumpanija bis-saħħa tal-introduzzjoni għall-produzzjoni ta’ teknoloġija innovattiva tat-tnixxif tal-injam u b’hekk itejjeb it-12-il prodott offrut bħalissa u l-implimentazzjoni ta’ 4 prodotti ġodda li bħalissa mhumiex offruti, jiġifieri: 1. Bord terrazzin 2. Bord ta’ elevazzjoni 3. Elementi ta’ qafas tal-għamara 4. Bordijiet tal-art, li se jkunu kkaratterizzati minn proprjetajiet uniċi, bħal: rilassament aħjar tal-injam, żieda fil-preċiżjoni tad-dimensjonijiet tal-materjali lesti, li se jaffettwaw direttament il-prodott finali, iqassru l-ħin tat-tnixxif u oħrajn. Il-proġett jinvolvi l-implimentazzjoni tar-riżultati tar-R & Ż żviluppati fuq talba individwali minn unità xjentifika. Il-proġett jinvolvi l-implimentazzjoni ta’ kompitu wieħed, li se jitwettaq sal-perjodu 01.02.2019–31.12.2021. Bħala parti mill-kompitu, l-Applikant se jixtri assi fissi u intanġibbli ġodda u apparat wieħed użat. L-applikant għandu l-intenzjoni li jiffinanzja l-investiment minn sorsi esterni, jiġifieri minn self ta’ investiment. Indikaturi tar-riżultati: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Maltese)
2 July 2022
0 references
O principal objetivo do projeto é aumentar a competitividade da empresa Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST. nos mercados interno e externo, aumentando a produtividade e eficiência da empresa graças à introdução à produção de tecnologia inovadora de secagem de madeira e, assim, melhorando os 12 produtos atualmente oferecidos e a implementação de 4 novos produtos não oferecidos atualmente, ou seja: 1. Placa de terraço 2. Placa de elevação 3. Elementos de moldura para móveis 4. Tábuas, que serão caracterizadas por propriedades únicas, tais como: melhor relaxamento da madeira, aumentando a precisão das dimensões dos materiais acabados, o que afetará diretamente o produto final, encurtando o tempo de secagem e outros. O projeto envolve a implementação de resultados de I & D desenvolvidos a pedido individual por uma unidade científica. O projeto envolve a implementação de 1 tarefa, que será realizada no período 01.02.2019 — 31.12.2021. Como parte da tarefa, o Requerente adquirirá novos ativos fixos e intangíveis e um dispositivo em segunda mão. O requerente tenciona financiar o investimento a partir de fontes externas, ou seja, através de um empréstimo ao investimento. Indicadores de resultados: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Portuguese)
2 July 2022
0 references
Hankkeen päätavoitteena on lisätä Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST -yhtiön kilpailukykyä koti- ja ulkomaanmarkkinoilla, lisätä yrityksen tuottavuutta ja tehokkuutta innovatiivisen puun kuivausteknologian käyttöönoton ansiosta ja siten parantaa tällä hetkellä tarjolla olevia 12 tuotetta ja ottaa käyttöön neljä uutta tuotetta, joita ei tällä hetkellä tarjota. 1. Terassilauta 2. Korkeustaulu 3. Huonekalujen runkoelementit 4. Lattialaudat, joille on ominaista ainutlaatuisia ominaisuuksia, kuten: puun parempi rentoutuminen, valmiiden materiaalien mittojen tarkkuuden lisääminen, joka vaikuttaa suoraan lopputuotteeseen, lyhentää kuivumisaikaa ja muita. Hankkeessa toteutetaan tutkimus- ja kehitystyön tuloksia, jotka on kehitetty tieteellisen yksikön yksilöllisestä pyynnöstä. Hankkeessa toteutetaan 1 tehtävä, joka toteutetaan ajanjaksolla 01.02.2019–31.12.2021. Osana tehtävää hakija ostaa uuden kiinteän ja aineettoman omaisuuden sekä yhden käytetyn laitteen. Hakija aikoo rahoittaa investoinnin ulkoisista lähteistä eli investointilainasta. Tulosindikaattorit: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Finnish)
2 July 2022
0 references
Glavni cilj projekta je povečati konkurenčnost podjetja Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST. na domačem in tujem trgu, povečati produktivnost in učinkovitost podjetja zaradi uvedbe inovativne tehnologije sušenja lesa in s tem izboljšati 12 trenutno ponujenih izdelkov ter implementacijo 4 novih izdelkov, ki trenutno niso na voljo, in sicer: 1. Terasa deska 2. Višinska plošča 3. Elementi okvirja pohištva 4. Talne plošče, za katere bodo značilne edinstvene lastnosti, kot so: boljša sprostitev lesa, povečanje natančnosti dimenzij končnih materialov, kar bo neposredno vplivalo na končni izdelek, skrajšanje časa sušenja in drugo. Projekt vključuje izvajanje rezultatov raziskav in razvoja, ki jih znanstvena enota pripravi na posamezno zahtevo. Projekt vključuje izvedbo 1 naloge, ki bo izvedena v obdobju 01.02.2019–31.12.2021. V okviru naloge bo prijavitelj kupil nova stalna in neopredmetena sredstva ter eno rabljeno napravo. Vlagatelj namerava naložbo financirati iz zunanjih virov, tj. iz naložbenega posojila. Kazalniki rezultatov: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Slovenian)
2 July 2022
0 references
Hlavním cílem projektu je zvýšit konkurenceschopnost společnosti Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST. na tuzemském i zahraničním trhu, zvýšit produktivitu a efektivitu společnosti díky úvodu do výroby inovativní technologie sušení dřeva a tím zlepšit 12 aktuálně nabízených výrobků a implementaci 4 nových produktů, které nejsou v současné době nabízeny, tj.: 1. Terasová deska 2. Nadmořská výška 3. Nábytkové rámové prvky 4. Podlahové desky, které budou charakterizovány jedinečnými vlastnostmi, jako jsou: lepší relaxace dřeva, zvýšení přesnosti rozměrů hotových materiálů, což bude mít přímý vliv na konečný výrobek, zkrácení doby sušení a další. Projekt zahrnuje realizaci výsledků výzkumu a vývoje vyvinutých na individuální žádost vědecké jednotky. Projekt zahrnuje realizaci 1 úkolu, který bude proveden v období od 01.02.2019–31.12.2021. V rámci tohoto úkolu si žadatel nakoupí nová pevná a nehmotná aktiva a jedno použité zařízení. Žadatel má v úmyslu financovat investici z externích zdrojů, tj. z investičního úvěru. Ukazatele výsledků: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Czech)
2 July 2022
0 references
Pagrindinis projekto tikslas – didinti įmonės „Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST“ konkurencingumą vidaus ir užsienio rinkose, padidinti įmonės produktyvumą ir efektyvumą diegiant naujovišką medienos džiovinimo technologiją ir taip pagerinti 12 šiuo metu siūlomų produktų bei įgyvendinti 4 naujus produktus, kurie šiuo metu nėra siūlomi, t. y.: 1. Terasos lenta 2. Aukščio lenta 3. Baldų rėmo elementai 4. Grindų plokštės, kurioms bus būdingos unikalios savybės, tokios kaip: geresnis medienos atsipalaidavimas, didinant gatavų medžiagų matmenų tikslumą, kuris tiesiogiai paveiks galutinį produktą, sutrumpins džiovinimo laiką ir kt. Projektas apima mokslinių tyrimų ir taikomosios veiklos rezultatų, parengtų individualiu mokslinio padalinio prašymu, įgyvendinimą. Projektas apima 1 užduoties įgyvendinimą, kuri bus atlikta iki 2019 02 01–2021 12 31. Atlikdamas užduotį Pareiškėjas įsigys naują ilgalaikį ir nematerialųjį turtą bei vieną naudotą prietaisą. Pareiškėjas ketina finansuoti investicijas iš išorės šaltinių, t. y. iš investicinės paskolos. Rezultatų rodikliai: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Lithuanian)
2 July 2022
0 references
Projekta galvenais mērķis ir palielināt uzņēmuma Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST konkurētspēju iekšzemes un ārvalstu tirgos, palielinot uzņēmuma produktivitāti un efektivitāti, pateicoties inovatīvas koksnes žāvēšanas tehnoloģijas ieviešanai un tādējādi uzlabojot 12 pašlaik piedāvātos produktus un ieviešot 4 jaunus produktus, kas pašlaik netiek piedāvāti, t. i.: 1. Terases dēlis 2. Pacēluma dēlis 3. Mēbeļu rāmja elementi 4. Grīdas dēļi, ko raksturos unikālas īpašības, piemēram: labāka koka relaksācija, palielinot gatavo materiālu izmēru precizitāti, kas tieši ietekmēs galaproduktu, saīsinot žāvēšanas laiku un citus. Projekts ietver pētniecības un attīstības rezultātu īstenošanu, kas izstrādāti pēc zinātniskas vienības individuāla pieprasījuma. Projekts ietver 1 uzdevuma izpildi, kas tiks veikts līdz 01.02.2019.-31.12.2021. Uzdevuma ietvaros Pieteikuma iesniedzējs iegādāsies jaunus pamatlīdzekļus un vienu lietotu ierīci. Pieteikuma iesniedzējs plāno finansēt ieguldījumus no ārējiem avotiem, t. i., no ieguldījumu aizdevuma. Rezultātu rādītāji: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Latvian)
2 July 2022
0 references
Основната цел на проекта е повишаване на конкурентоспособността на фирма Витржик Марек Фирма Форест на вътрешния и външния пазар, повишаване на производителността и ефективността на компанията благодарение на въвеждането в производството на иновативна технология за сушене на дървесина и по този начин подобряване на 12-те предлагани в момента продукта и внедряването на 4 нови продукта, които в момента не се предлагат, т.е.: 1. Дъска за тераса 2. Дъска за надморска височина 3. Елементи на рамката на мебелите 4. Подови дъски, които ще се характеризират с уникални свойства, като: по-добро отпускане на дървесината, увеличаване на точността на размерите на готовите материали, което пряко ще повлияе на крайния продукт, съкращаване на времето за сушене и други. Проектът включва изпълнението на резултатите от научноизследователската и развойната дейност, разработени по индивидуална молба от научно звено. Проектът включва изпълнение на 1 задача, която ще бъде изпълнена до периода 01.02.2019—31.12.2021 г. Като част от задачата заявителят ще закупи нови дълготрайни и нематериални активи и едно устройство втора употреба. Заявителят възнамерява да финансира инвестицията от външни източници, т.е. от инвестиционен заем. Показатели за резултатите: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Bulgarian)
2 July 2022
0 references
A projekt fő célja a Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST vállalat versenyképességének növelése a hazai és külföldi piacokon, a vállalat termelékenységének és hatékonyságának növelése a fa szárításának innovatív technológiájának bevezetésével, ezáltal a jelenleg kínált 12 termék fejlesztésével és a jelenleg nem kínált 4 új termék megvalósításával, azaz: 1. Terasz tábla 2. Magassági tábla 3. Bútorkeret elemek 4. Padlólapok, amelyeket egyedi tulajdonságok jellemeznek, mint például: a fa jobb relaxációja, a kész anyagok méreteinek pontosságának növelése, amely közvetlenül befolyásolja a végterméket, lerövidíti a szárítási időt és másokat. A projekt magában foglalja a tudományos egység által egyéni kérésre kidolgozott K+F eredmények megvalósítását. A projekt 1 feladat végrehajtását foglalja magában, amelyeket a 2019. február 1. és 2021. december 31. közötti időszakban hajtanak végre. A feladat részeként a kérelmező új fix és immateriális javakat, valamint egy használt eszközt vásárol. A kérelmező a beruházást külső forrásokból, azaz beruházási hitelből kívánja finanszírozni. Eredménymutatók: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Hungarian)
2 July 2022
0 references
Is é príomhchuspóir an tionscadail cur le hiomaíochas na cuideachta Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST. ar na margaí baile agus eachtrannacha, ag méadú táirgiúlacht agus éifeachtúlacht na cuideachta a bhuíochas leis an tabhairt isteach chun teicneolaíocht nuálach a thriomú agus dá bhrí sin feabhas a chur ar an 12 táirgí atá ar fáil faoi láthair agus cur chun feidhme 4 táirgí nua nach bhfuil ar fáil faoi láthair, i.e.: 1. Bord ardán 2. Bord ingearchló 3. Eilimintí fráma troscáin 4. Cláir urláir, a mbeidh airíonna uathúla mar shaintréith acu, mar shampla: scíthe níos fearr ar adhmad, ag méadú cruinneas na toisí na n-ábhar críochnaithe, a mbeidh tionchar díreach ar an táirge deiridh, a ghiorrú am a thriomú agus daoine eile. Is éard atá i gceist leis an tionscadal ná torthaí T & F a chur chun feidhme ar iarratas aonair ó aonad eolaíochta. Tá cur chun feidhme tasc amháin i gceist leis an tionscadal, a dhéanfar faoin tréimhse 01.02.2019-31.12.2021. Mar chuid den chúram, ceannóidh an tIarratasóir sócmhainní seasta agus doláimhsithe nua agus gléas athláimhe amháin. Tá sé ar intinn ag an iarratasóir an infheistíocht a mhaoiniú ó fhoinsí seachtracha, i.e. ó iasacht infheistíochta. Táscairí toraidh: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Irish)
2 July 2022
0 references
Huvudsyftet med projektet är att öka konkurrenskraften för företaget Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST. på den inhemska och utländska marknaden, öka produktiviteten och effektiviteten i företaget tack vare införandet av innovativ teknik för torkning av trä och därmed förbättra de tolv produkter som för närvarande erbjuds och genomförandet av fyra nya produkter som för närvarande inte erbjuds, dvs. 1. Terrassbräda 2. Höjdbräde 3. Möbelram element 4. Golvbrädor, som kommer att kännetecknas av unika egenskaper, såsom: bättre avkoppling av trä, öka noggrannheten i dimensionerna av färdiga material, vilket direkt kommer att påverka slutprodukten, förkorta torktiden och andra. Projektet omfattar genomförandet av FoU-resultat som utvecklats på individuell begäran av en vetenskaplig enhet. Projektet omfattar genomförandet av 1 uppgift, som kommer att utföras under perioden 01.02.2019–31.12.2021. Som en del av uppgiften kommer sökanden att köpa nya fasta och immateriella tillgångar och en begagnad enhet. Sökanden avser att finansiera investeringen från externa källor, dvs. från ett investeringslån. Resultatindikatorer: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Swedish)
2 July 2022
0 references
Projekti peamine eesmärk on suurendada ettevõtte Wiatrzyk Marek Firma FOREST konkurentsivõimet kodu- ja välisturgudel, suurendada ettevõtte tootlikkust ja tõhusust tänu puidu kuivatamise uuendusliku tehnoloogia kasutuselevõtule ja seeläbi parandada 12 praegu pakutavat toodet ja rakendada 4 uut toodet, mida praegu ei pakuta, st: 1. Terrassilaud 2. Kõrgustipp 3. Mööbli raami elemendid 4. Põrandalauad, mida iseloomustavad ainulaadsed omadused, näiteks: puidu parem lõdvendamine, valmismaterjalide mõõtmete täpsuse suurendamine, mis mõjutab otseselt lõpptoodet, lühendab kuivamisaega ja teisi. Projekt hõlmab teadusüksuse isikliku taotluse alusel välja töötatud teadus- ja arendustegevuse tulemuste rakendamist. Projekti raames viiakse ellu 1 ülesanne, mis viiakse ellu ajavahemikul 01.02.2019–31.12.2021. Taotleja ostab osana ülesandest uusi püsi- ja immateriaalseid varasid ning ühte kasutatud seadet. Taotleja kavatseb investeeringut rahastada välistest allikatest, st investeerimislaenust. Tulemusnäitajad: Number of R & D results implemented [pcs.] | settlement pc.1 Number of non-technological innovations introduced [pcs.] | clearing pcs.1 Number of process innovations introduced [PLN] | settlement pc.1 Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Revenue from the implemented results of R & D work [PLN] | settlement — 3986120,00 Increase in employment in supported enterprises (CI8) [EPC] | clearing 2 posts of the Group as well as from the current project, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant from both the project and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, and both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, both the applicant and the applicant, as well as from the current project, the applicant and the (Estonian)
2 July 2022
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WOJ.: LUBELSKIE, POW.: hrubieszowski
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13 December 2023
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0 references