React-EU Future Power (Q4040314)
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Project Q4040314 in Sweden
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | React-EU Future Power |
Project Q4040314 in Sweden |
3,509,307.0 Swedish krona
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3,509,307.0 Swedish krona
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1 January 2022
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30 April 2023
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Falun Borlänge-regionen AB
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The labor market is facing major changes as a result of the recent covid-19 pandemic. The transition to a more digital working life has moved forward at a furious pace. Many companies have been obliged to change the way they operate. Some have had to adjust their working arrangements significantly while others have gone out of business entirely. Many of the jobs that have disappeared as a result of this reorganization are the so-called entry-level jobs that many young people and people with a foreign background get as their first job. It is mainly the hotel and restaurant, culture, trade and service sectors that have been affected. In Sweden, youth unemployment was at a record high during the summer of 2020. This situation stabilized somewhat during the autumn when, as a response to declining job prospects, many young people applied to study at university and college,. Despite this, many young people are still without work or gainful employment. Compared to the same month in 2020, by August 2021, the total number of unemployed young people in Dalarna had fallen by 28% to 1,634 people. During the same period, the total number of unemployed people as a whole had increased by more than 12 months by 26.4% to 287. 529 young people had been unemployed for more than 6 months. This increase in long-term unemployment was greater among young men than among young women. And this gap between men and women was greater in the group that had been unemployed for more than 12 months, than in the group that had been unemployed for no more than 6 months. Virtually all categories of young people have been affected by the pandemic: young people who usually work for a couple of years before moving on to university studies; young people who have completed some form of higher education preparedness course but do not know what they want to do when they "grow up"; young people who have completed vocational training in an industry affected by the pandemic that is no longer recruiting new staff; and young people who are finding that they cannot get an apprenticeship or APL place. Those who are worst affected are those who are farthest away from the labor market. Most vulnerable are those young people who have not yet started, or completed their high school education, those who do not have an apprenticeship or internship, and those who have a shorter period of residence in Sweden and young people with a reduced working capacity that is a result of a disability. The Swedish Public Employment Service describes the consequences of this youth unemployment: increased unemployment among young people - and the greater risk of more long-term unemployed young people - is serious and can contribute to a longer-term weakening of young people’s position in the labor market and their continuing absence from the world of work. Young people who do not have a foothold in the labor market and who are not studying an upper secondary school program arethe responsibility of their local municipality’s activity provisions up to the age of 20 (or, KAA). Between the ages of 20 and 25 young people can be offered employment via their municipality’s unemployment or job-seekers’ departments. The purpose of the Future Power project is to strengthen the opportunities for young people between the ages of 16 and 24 who have become unemployed as a result of the pandemic or who, after completing their education and involvement in targeted employment initiatives, have still not been able to enter the labor market . Through a range of different and varied targeted initiatives and activities, the participants in the Future Power project will find their position in the labor market strengthened. The initiatives will be inclusive and accessible so that all participants can take take advantage of them. This in turn will enable them to move into work or studies directly, or at the very least bring them closer to the labor market by strengthening the position from which they can apply for for jobs, internships or training programs. In order to further strengthen individual capacity and increase employers’ access to a latent skills supply base, the project seeks to reflect the principles of horizontalism. Among other things, individuals are encouraged to make norm-breaking educational choices. The project is carried out in close collaboration with four municipalities (Falun, Borlänge, Säter and Gagnef), their policy responsibility for municipal employment (KAA in swedish) and their respective employment departments. An existing network of employers and training providers is also linked to the project. The initiatives planned for this project that are intended to supplement and strengthen the activities currently conducted in the municipalities will include: - initiatives to identify young people’s relevant competences - improving employer contacts – offering an arena for meetings and support in applying for and finding a job or education - coaching as a means of streng (Swedish)
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The labor market is facing major changes as a result of the recent COVID-19 pandemic. The transition to a more digital working life has moved forward at a furious pace. Many companies have been obliged to change the way they operate. Some have to adjust their working arrangements significantly while others have gone out of business entirely. Many of the jobs that have disappeared as a result of this Reorganisation is the so-called entry-level jobs that many young people and people with a foreign background get as their first job. It is mainly the hotel and restaurant, culture, trade and service sectors that have been affected. In Sweden, youth unemployment was at a record high during the summer of 2020. This situation was stabilised somewhat during the autumn when, as a response to declining job prospects, many young people applied to study at university and college. Despite this, many young people are still without work or Gainful employment. Compared to the same month in 2020, by August 2021, the total number of unemployed young people in Dalarna had fallen by 28 % to 1,634 people. During the same period, the total number of unemployed people as a whole had increased by more than 12 months by 26.4 % to 287. 529 young people had been unemployed for more than 6 months. This increase in long-term unemployment was greater among young men than among young women. And this gap between men and women was greater in the group that had been unemployed for more than 12 months, than in the group that had been unemployed for no more than 6 months. Virtually all categories of young people have been affected by the pandemic: young people who usually work for a couple of years before moving on to university studies; young people who have completed some form of higher education preparedness course but do not know what they want to do when they “grow up”. young people who have completed vocational training in an industry affected by the pandemic that is no longer recruiting new staff; and young people who are finding that they cannot get an apprenticeship or APL place. Those who are worst affected are those who are Farthest away from the labor market. Most vulnerable are those young people who have not yet started, or completed their high school education, those who do not have an apprenticeship or internship, and those who have a shorter period of residence in Sweden and young people with a reduced working capacity that is a result of a disability. The Swedish Public Employment Service describes the consequences of this youth unemployment: increased unemployment among young people — and the greater risk of more long-term unemployed young people — is serious and can contribute to a longer-term weakening of young people’s position in the labor market and their continuing absence from the world of work. Young people who do not have a foothold in the labor market and who are not studying an upper secondary school program are the responsibility of their local municipality’s activity provisions up to the age of 20 (or, KAA). Between the ages of 20 and 25 young people can be offered employment via their municipality’s unemployment or job-seekers’ departments. The purpose of the Future Power project is to strengthen the opportunities for young people between the ages of 16 and 24 who have become unemployed as a result of the pandemic or who, after completing their education and involvement in targeted employment initiatives, have still not been able to enter the labor market. Through a range of different and varied targeted initiatives and activities, the participants in the Future Power project will find their position in the labor market strengthened. The initiatives will be inclusive and accessible so that all participants can take advantage of them. This in turn will enable them to move into work or studies directly, or at the very least bring them closer to the labor market by strengthening the position from which they can apply for jobs, internships or training programs. In order to further strengthen individual capacity and increase employers’ access to a latent skills supply base, the project seeks to reflect the principles of horizontalism. Among other things, individuals are encouraged to make norm-breaking educational choices. The project is carried out in close collaboration with four municipalities (Falun, Borlänge, Säter and Gagnef), their policy responsibility for municipal employment (KAA in swedish) and their respective employment departments. An existing network of employers and training providers is also linked to the project. The initiatives planned for this project that are intended to supplement and strengthen the activities currently conducted in the municipalities will include: — initiatives to identify young people’s relevant competences — improving employer contacts — offering an arena for meetings and support in applying for and finding a job or education — coaching as a means of streng (English)
27 January 2022
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Der Arbeitsmarkt ist aufgrund der jüngsten COVID-19-Pandemie mit großen Veränderungen konfrontiert. Der Übergang zu einem digitaleren Arbeitsleben hat sich in einem furiosen Tempo vorangebracht. Viele Unternehmen waren verpflichtet, ihre Funktionsweise zu ändern. Einige müssen ihre Arbeitsregelungen erheblich anpassen, während andere vollständig aus dem Geschäft gegangen sind. Viele der Arbeitsplätze, die infolge dieser Neuorganisation verschwunden sind, sind die sogenannten Einstiegsjobs, die viele junge Menschen und Menschen mit ausländischem Hintergrund als erster Arbeitsplatz erhalten. Betroffen sind vor allem die Hotel- und Gaststätten-, Kultur-, Handels- und Dienstleistungssektoren. In Schweden war die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit im Sommer 2020 auf einem Rekordhoch. Diese Situation wurde im Herbst etwas stabilisiert, als sich viele junge Menschen als Reaktion auf die rückläufigen Beschäftigungsaussichten für ein Studium an Universitäten und Hochschulen beworben hatten. Trotzdem sind viele junge Menschen immer noch ohne Arbeit oder Erwerbstätige. Im Vergleich zum gleichen Monat im Jahr 2020 war die Gesamtzahl der arbeitslosen Jugendlichen in Dalarna bis August 2021 um 28 % auf 1.634 Menschen zurückgegangen. Im selben Zeitraum war die Gesamtzahl der Arbeitslosen insgesamt um mehr als 12 Monate um 26,4 % auf 287 gestiegen. 529 junge Menschen waren seit mehr als 6 Monaten arbeitslos. Dieser Anstieg der Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit war bei jungen Männern größer als bei jungen Frauen. Und diese Kluft zwischen Männern und Frauen war in der Gruppe, die seit mehr als 12 Monaten arbeitslos war, größer als in der Gruppe, die nicht länger als sechs Monate arbeitslos war. Praktisch alle Kategorien junger Menschen sind von der Pandemie betroffen: junge Menschen, die in der Regel für ein paar Jahre arbeiten, bevor sie zu einem Hochschulstudium gehen; junge Menschen, die eine Art Vorbereitungskurs für die Hochschulbildung absolviert haben, wissen aber nicht, was sie tun wollen, wenn sie „aufwachsen“. junge Menschen, die eine Berufsausbildung in einer von der Pandemie betroffenen Industrie abgeschlossen haben, die kein neues Personal mehr rekrutiert; und junge Menschen, die feststellen, dass sie keine Lehrstelle oder APL-Stelle erhalten können. Diejenigen, die am stärksten betroffen sind, sind diejenigen, die am weitesten vom Arbeitsmarkt entfernt sind. Am stärksten gefährdet sind die jungen Menschen, die ihre High-School-Bildung noch nicht begonnen oder abgeschlossen haben, Personen, die keine Ausbildung oder ein Praktikum haben, und diejenigen, die eine kürzere Aufenthaltsdauer in Schweden haben, sowie junge Menschen mit einer eingeschränkten Arbeitskapazität, die auf eine Behinderung zurückzuführen ist. Die schwedische öffentliche Arbeitsverwaltung beschreibt die Folgen dieser Jugendarbeitslosigkeit: die Zunahme der Arbeitslosigkeit unter jungen Menschen – und das höhere Risiko für mehr Langzeitarbeitslose – ist ernst und kann zu einer längerfristigen Abschwächung der Stellung junger Menschen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und ihrer anhaltenden Abwesenheit aus der Arbeitswelt beitragen. Junge Menschen, die nicht auf dem Arbeitsmarkt Fuß fassen und keine Sekundarstufe II studieren, sind in den Zuständigkeitsbereich ihrer lokalen Gemeinden bis zum Alter von 20 Jahren (oder KAA). Zwischen 20 und 25 Jahren können junge Menschen über die Arbeitslosigkeit oder Arbeitsuchenden ihrer Gemeinde eine Beschäftigung anbieten. Ziel des Future Power-Projekts ist es, die Chancen für junge Menschen zwischen 16 und 24 Jahren zu stärken, die infolge der Pandemie arbeitslos geworden sind oder nach Abschluss ihrer Ausbildung und Beteiligung an gezielten Beschäftigungsinitiativen noch immer nicht in den Arbeitsmarkt eintreten konnten. Durch verschiedene und abwechslungsreiche gezielte Initiativen und Aktivitäten finden die Teilnehmer des Future Power-Projekts ihre Position auf dem Arbeitsmarkt gestärkt. Die Initiativen werden inklusiv und zugänglich sein, damit alle Teilnehmer diese nutzen können. Dies wiederum ermöglicht es ihnen, direkt in eine Arbeit oder ein Studium zu gehen, oder sie zumindest näher am Arbeitsmarkt zu bringen, indem sie die Position stärken, von der aus sie sich für Jobs, Praktika oder Ausbildungsprogramme bewerben können. Um die individuellen Kapazitäten weiter zu stärken und den Zugang der Arbeitgeber zu einem latenten Qualifikationsangebot zu verbessern, soll das Projekt den Grundsätzen des Horizontalismus Rechnung tragen. Unter anderem werden Einzelpersonen ermutigt, normbrechende Bildungsentscheidungen zu treffen. Das Projekt wird in enger Zusammenarbeit mit vier Gemeinden (Falun, Borlänge, Säter und Gagnef), deren politische Verantwortung für die kommunale Beschäftigung (KAA in Schweden) und ihren jeweiligen Arbeitsabteilungen durchgeführt. Ein bestehendes Netzwerk von Arbeitgebern und Ausbildungsanbietern ist ebenfalls mit dem Projekt verknüpft. Zu den für dieses Projekt geplanten Initiativen, die die derzeit in den ... (German)
27 January 2022
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