Modification of signaling pathways of canine Th17 lymphocytes subset to improve Adoptive cellular immunotherapy for humans (Q84267)

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Project Q84267 in Poland
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Modification of signaling pathways of canine Th17 lymphocytes subset to improve Adoptive cellular immunotherapy for humans
Project Q84267 in Poland


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    1,999,750.0 zloty
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    479,940.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    1,999,750.0 zloty
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    479,940.0 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    100.0 percent
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    1 November 2017
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    31 October 2020
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    Adoptive cell transfer (ACT) immunotherapy is considered the most promising treatment of cancer; however it is still limited by the use of short-lived and exhausted T cells. Recently, IL-17 producing CD4+ T lymphocytes (Th17 cells) have been shown to be superior in eradication of melanoma in mouse compared to Th1 cells. We propose to determine the expanding ex vivo protocol of Th17 cells from domestic dog in order to support comparative oncology research and improve the ACT-based immunotherapy for humans. We hypothesized that pharmacological manipulation of signaling pathways of canine Th17 cells will enhance their antitumor activity and increase the efficacy of tumor immunotherapy. We plan to evaluate the results on the tumor infiltrating lymphocytes from melanoma-bearing dogs (patients of Veterinary Clinic). The outcomes of the project will provide the rationale for designing next-generation clinical trials for human cancer patients and facilitate development of cell-based drugs. (Polish)
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    Adoptive cell transfer (ACT) immunotherapy is considered the most promising treatment of cancer; however it is still limited by the use of short-lived and exhausted T cells. Recently, IL-17 producing CD4+ T lymphocytes (Th17 cells) have been shown to be superior in eradication of melanoma in mouse compared to Th1 cells. We propose to determine the expanding ex vivo protocol of Th17 cells from domestic dog in order to support comparative oncology research and improve the ACT-based immunotherapy for humans. We hypothesised that pharmacological manipulation of signaling pathways of canine Th17 cells will enhance their antitumor activity and increase the efficacy of tumor immunotherapy. We plan to evaluate the results on the tumor infiltrating lymphocytes from melanoma-bearing dogs (patients of Veterinary Clinic). The outcomes of the project will provide the rationale for designing next-generation clinical trials for human cancer patients and facilitate development of cell-based drugs. (English)
    14 October 2020
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    L’immunothérapie par transfert de cellules adoptives (ACT) est considérée comme le traitement le plus prometteur du cancer; cependant, il est encore limité par l’utilisation de cellules T de courte durée et épuisées. Récemment, l’IL-17 produisant des lymphocytes CD4+ T (cellules Th17) s’est avéré supérieur dans l’éradication du mélanome chez la souris par rapport aux cellules Th1. Nous proposons de déterminer le protocole ex vivo en expansion des cellules Th17 du chien domestique afin de soutenir la recherche comparative en oncologie et d’améliorer l’immunothérapie à base d’ACT pour les humains. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que la manipulation pharmacologique des voies de signalisation des cellules canines Th17 améliorerait leur activité antitumorale et augmenterait l’efficacité de l’immunothérapie tumorale. Nous prévoyons d’évaluer les résultats sur les lymphocytes tumoraux infiltrés de chiens porteurs de mélanome (patients de la clinique vétérinaire). Les résultats du projet fourniront la justification de la conception d’essais cliniques de prochaine génération pour les patients atteints de cancer chez l’homme et faciliteront la mise au point de médicaments à base de cellules. (French)
    30 November 2021
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    Adoptive Zelltransfer (ACT) Immuntherapie gilt als die vielversprechendste Behandlung von Krebs; es ist jedoch immer noch begrenzt durch die Verwendung von kurzlebigen und erschöpften T-Zellen. Vor kurzem hat sich gezeigt, dass IL-17 mit CD4+ T-Lymphozyten (Th17-Zellen) bei der Tilgung des Melanoms in der Maus im Vergleich zu Th1-Zellen überlegen ist. Wir schlagen vor, das expandierende Ex-vivo-Protokoll von Th17-Zellen von Haushunden zu bestimmen, um die vergleichende Onkologieforschung zu unterstützen und die ACT-basierte Immuntherapie für den Menschen zu verbessern. Wir vermuteten, dass die pharmakologische Manipulation von Signalwegen von Canin Th17-Zellen ihre Antitumoraktivität verbessern und die Wirksamkeit der Tumorimmuntherapie erhöhen wird. Wir planen, die Ergebnisse der Tumorinfiltrierung Lymphozyten von melanomatragenden Hunden (Patienten der Veterinärklinik) zu bewerten. Die Ergebnisse des Projekts werden die Gründe für die Entwicklung klinischer Studien der nächsten Generation für humane Krebspatienten liefern und die Entwicklung zellbasierter Arzneimittel erleichtern. (German)
    7 December 2021
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    Adoptieve celoverdracht (ACT) immunotherapie wordt beschouwd als de meest veelbelovende behandeling van kanker; het wordt echter nog steeds beperkt door het gebruik van kortstondige en uitgeputte T-cellen. Onlangs is aangetoond dat IL-17 CD4+ T lymfocyten (Th17 cellen) superieur is in de uitroeiing van melanoom bij muizen in vergelijking met Th1 cellen. Wij stellen voor om het uitbreidende ex vivo protocol van Th17 cellen van huishond te bepalen om vergelijkend oncologieonderzoek te steunen en de ACT-gebaseerde immunotherapie voor mensen te verbeteren. We hypothesen dat Farmacologische manipulatie van signalerende paden van canine Th17 cellen hun antitumoractiviteit zal verbeteren en de werkzaamheid van tumorimmunotherapie zal verhogen. We zijn van plan om de resultaten te evalueren van de tumor die lymfocyten van melanoomdragende honden (patiënten van de veterinaire kliniek) infiltreert. De resultaten van het project zullen de basis vormen voor het ontwerpen van klinische proeven van de volgende generatie voor patiënten met kanker bij mensen en de ontwikkeling van geneesmiddelen op basis van cellen vergemakkelijken. (Dutch)
    16 December 2021
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    L'immunoterapia a trasferimento cellulare adottivo (ACT) è considerata il trattamento più promettente del cancro; tuttavia, è ancora limitato dall'uso di cellule T di breve durata ed esaurite. Recentemente, IL-17 producendo i linfociti CD4+ T (cellule Th17) ha dimostrato di essere superiore nell'eradicazione del melanoma nel topo rispetto alle cellule Th1. Proponiamo di determinare il protocollo ex vivo in espansione delle cellule Th17 da cane domestico al fine di sostenere la ricerca comparata oncologia e migliorare l'immunoterapia ACT-based per l'uomo. Abbiamo ipotizzato che la manipolazione farmacologica delle vie di segnalazione delle cellule canine Th17 migliorerà la loro attività antitumorale e aumenterà l'efficacia dell'immunoterapia tumorale. Pianifichiamo di valutare i risultati sui linfociti tumorali infiltrati da cani portatori di melanoma (pazienti della clinica veterinaria). I risultati del progetto forniranno le motivazioni per la progettazione di sperimentazioni cliniche di prossima generazione per pazienti affetti da cancro umano e faciliteranno lo sviluppo di farmaci cellulari. (Italian)
    16 January 2022
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    La inmunoterapia de transferencia de células adoptivas (ACT) se considera el tratamiento más prometedor del cáncer; sin embargo, sigue estando limitada por el uso de células T de corta duración y agotadas. Recientemente, se ha demostrado que la IL-17 que produce linfocitos CD4+ T (células Th17) es superior en la erradicación del melanoma en ratón en comparación con las células Th1. Proponemos determinar el protocolo ex vivo en expansión de las células Th17 del perro doméstico con el fin de apoyar la investigación oncológica comparativa y mejorar la inmunoterapia basada en ACT para humanos. Planteamos la hipótesis de que la manipulación farmacológica de las vías de señalización de las células caninas Th17 mejorará su actividad antitumoral y aumentará la eficacia de la inmunoterapia tumoral. Planeamos evaluar los resultados de los linfocitos infiltrantes tumorales de perros portadores de melanoma (pacientes de la Clínica Veterinaria). Los resultados del proyecto proporcionarán la justificación para diseñar ensayos clínicos de próxima generación para pacientes con cáncer humano y facilitarán el desarrollo de medicamentos basados en células. (Spanish)
    19 January 2022
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