Development of sectoral skills at Palette-Wood s.r.o. (Q3105447)
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Project Q3105447 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Development of sectoral skills at Palette-Wood s.r.o. |
Project Q3105447 in Slovakia |
165,762.21 Euro
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195,014.36 Euro
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85.0 percent
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1 January 2020
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6 January 2021
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Palette-Wood s.r.o.
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Hlavným zámerom spoločnosti Pallete-Wood s.r.o. pri realizácii projektu Rozvoj sektorových zručností v spoločnosti Palette-Wood s. r. o. je rozvoj zručností zamestnancov v sektore výroby drevených paliet a drevených obalov, konkrétne pri narábaní so strojmi na výrobných linkách, dodržiavanie pracovných postupov, zvyšovanie úrovne vedomostí z oblasti výrobného procesu jednotlivých drevených výrobkov a zvýšenie bezpečnosti pri práci, s potenciálom k budúcemu odbornému a kariérnemu rastu. Smerujeme tiež k zvyšovaniu odbornej a kvalitatívnej úrovne zamestnancov firmy a to aj zvyšovaním poznatkov z oblasti IKT. Výsledkom bude skupina 28 zamestnancov, ktorá bude mať zvýšené znalosti a zručnosti v oblasti výroby a administratívy, čo prispeje k dlhodobému udržateľnému rastu našej spoločnosti. Projekt bude realizovaný v rámci dvoch hlavných aktivít, pričom prvá z nich sa skladá z dvoch podaktivít. Projekt bude realizovaný na oprávnenom území menej rozvinutých regiónov SR, t.j. územie SR okrem Bratislavského samosprávneho kraja nasledovne: NUTS II – Západné Slovensko (Trnavský, Nitriansky a Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj) – v Nemčiciach (okres Topoľčany, Nitriansky samosprávny kraj). Cieľovou skupinou sú zamestnanci spoločnosti Palette-Wood s.r.o. pracujúci v pracovnom pomere podľa Zákonníka práce, v znení neskorších predpisov, s trvalým pobytom na území Slovenskej republiky (SR) a miestom výkonu práce, určenom v pracovnej zmluve, na oprávnenom území menej rozvinutého regiónu SR, t.j. územia SR okrem Bratislavského samosprávneho kraja. Predpokladaný začiatok realizácie hlavných aktivít projektu je v auguste 2019 a predpokladané ukončenie realizácie hlavných aktivít projektu je v júli 2020; teda predpokladaná doba realizácie projektu je 12 mesiacov. Projekt bude napĺňať nasledovné merateľné ukazovatele: P0683 Zamestnané osoby, vrátane samostatne zárobkovo činných osôb (ďalej aj SZČ) - plánovaná cieľová hodnota 28 osôbP0640 Účastníci, ktorí úspešne absolvovali vzdelávanie / odbornú prípravu - plánovaná cieľová hodnota 28 osôbP0641 Účastníci, ktorí využili príspevok na založenie/udržanie pracovného miesta vrátane samostatnej zárobkovej činnosti a sú v čase odchodu zamestnaní, a to aj samostatne zárobkovo činní - plánovaná cieľová hodnota 28 osôbP0109 Osoby vo veku nad 50 rokov - plánovaná cieľová hodnota 6 osôbP0107 Osoby so základným (ISCED 1) alebo nižším sekundárnym (ISCED2) vzdelaním - plánovaná cieľová hodnota 2 osoby Projekt je v súlade so špecifickým cieľom 3.1.2 výzvy - Zlepšiť prístup na trh práce uplatnením účinných nástrojov na podporu zamestnanosti, vrátane podpory mobility pre získanie zamestnania, samostatnej zárobkovej činnosti a aktivít vo vidieckych oblastiach ako aj v súlade s horizontálnymi princípmi udržateľný rozvoj, podpora rovnosti mužov a žien a nediskriminácia, ktoré sú definované v Partnerskej dohode SR na roky 2014 – 2020 a v čl. 7 a 8 všeobecného nariadenia. (Slovak)
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The main aim of Pallete-Wood s.r.o. in the implementation of the project Development of Sector Skills at Palette-Wood s.r.o. is to develop the skills of employees in the wood pallet and wooden packaging sector, namely in the handling of machines on production lines, compliance with working procedures, increasing the level of knowledge in the production process of individual wooden products and increasing safety at work, with potential for future professional and career development. We also aim to raise the professional and quality level of the company’s employees, including by increasing knowledge in the field of ICT. The result will be a group of 28 employees that will have increased knowledge and skills in manufacturing and administration, contributing to the long-term sustainable growth of our company. The project will be implemented within two main activities, the first of which consists of two sub-activities. The project will be implemented in the eligible territory of the less developed regions of the Slovak Republic, i.e. the territory of the Slovak Republic except the Bratislava Self-Governing Region as follows: Nuts II – Western Slovakia (Trnavský, Nitra and Trenčín Self-Governing Region) – in Germany (Country of Topoľčany, Nitra Self-governing Region). The target group is employees of Palette-Wood s.r.o. working in an employment relationship according to the Labour Code, as amended, with permanent residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic (SR) and the place of work specified in the employment contract, in the eligible territory of the less developed region of the Slovak Republic, i.e. the territory of the Slovak Republic, except the Bratislava Self-Governing Region. The project’s main activities are expected to start in August 2019 and the project’s main activities are expected to be completed in July 2020; thus, the estimated period of implementation of the project is 12 months. (English)
28 September 2021
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L’objectif principal de Pallete-Wood s.r.o. dans la mise en œuvre du projet Développement des compétences sectorielles à Palette-Wood s.r.o. est de développer les compétences des employés du secteur des palettes en bois et de l’emballage en bois, notamment dans la manutention des machines sur les lignes de production, le respect des procédures de travail, l’augmentation du niveau de connaissance dans le processus de production de produits en bois individuels et l’amélioration de la sécurité au travail, avec un potentiel de développement professionnel et professionnel futur. Nous visons également à élever le niveau professionnel et de qualité des employés de l’entreprise, notamment en augmentant les connaissances dans le domaine des TIC. Il en résultera un groupe de 28 employés qui auront des connaissances et des compétences accrues dans le domaine de la fabrication et de l’administration, contribuant ainsi à la croissance durable à long terme de notre entreprise. Le projet sera mis en œuvre dans le cadre de deux activités principales, dont la première se compose de deux sous-activités. Le projet sera mis en œuvre sur le territoire éligible des régions moins développées de la République slovaque, c’est-à-dire sur le territoire de la République slovaque, à l’exception de la région autonome de Bratislava, comme suit: NUTS II — Slovaquie occidentale (région autonome de Trnavský, Nitra et Trenčín) — en Allemagne (pays de Topo’čany, région autonome de Nitra). Le groupe cible est les employés de Palette-Wood s.r.o. qui travaillent dans une relation de travail conformément au Code du travail, tel que modifié, ayant leur résidence permanente sur le territoire de la République slovaque (RS) et le lieu de travail spécifié dans le contrat de travail, sur le territoire éligible de la région la moins développée de la République slovaque, c’est-à-dire le territoire de la République slovaque, à l’exception de la région autonome de Bratislava. Les principales activités du projet devraient débuter en août 2019 et les principales activités du projet devraient être achevées en juillet 2020; ainsi, la période de mise en œuvre du projet est estimée à 12 mois. (French)
27 November 2021
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Das Hauptziel von Pallete-Wood s.r.o. bei der Umsetzung des Projektes Entwicklung von Sektorkompetenzen bei Palette-Wood s.r.o. ist die Entwicklung der Kompetenzen der Mitarbeiter im Holzpaletten- und Holzverpackungssektor, nämlich im Umgang mit Maschinen auf Produktionslinien, der Einhaltung von Arbeitsverfahren, der Verbesserung des Wissensstandes im Produktionsprozess einzelner Holzprodukte und der Erhöhung der Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz, mit Potenzial für die zukünftige berufliche und berufliche Entwicklung. Darüber hinaus wollen wir das Berufs- und Qualitätsniveau der Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens erhöhen, unter anderem durch die Verbesserung des Wissens im Bereich der IKT. Das Ergebnis wird eine Gruppe von 28 Mitarbeitern sein, die über mehr Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten in der Fertigung und Verwaltung verfügen und zum langfristigen nachhaltigen Wachstum unseres Unternehmens beitragen werden. Das Projekt wird im Rahmen von zwei Hauptaktivitäten durchgeführt, wobei die erste aus zwei Teilaktivitäten besteht. Das Projekt wird im förderfähigen Gebiet der weniger entwickelten Regionen der Slowakischen Republik, d. h. im Gebiet der Slowakischen Republik mit Ausnahme der Selbstverwaltungsregion Bratislava, wie folgt durchgeführt: Nüsse II – Westslowakei (Trnavský, Nitra und Trenčín Self-Governing Region) – in Deutschland (Land Topoľčany, Nitra Selbstverwaltungsregion). Zielgruppe sind Arbeitnehmer der Palette-Wood s.r.o., die gemäß dem Arbeitsgesetzbuch in der geänderten Fassung in einem Arbeitsverhältnis mit ständigem Wohnsitz im Gebiet der Slowakischen Republik (SR) und dem im Arbeitsvertrag festgelegten Arbeitsort im förderungswürdigen Gebiet der weniger entwickelten Region der Slowakischen Republik, d. h. dem Gebiet der Slowakischen Republik, mit Ausnahme der Selbstverwaltungsregion Bratislava, arbeiten. Die Hauptaktivitäten des Projekts werden voraussichtlich im August 2019 beginnen, und die wichtigsten Aktivitäten des Projekts werden voraussichtlich im Juli 2020 abgeschlossen sein; somit beträgt der geschätzte Durchführungszeitraum des Projekts 12 Monate. (German)
29 November 2021
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Het belangrijkste doel van Pallete-Wood s.r.o. bij de uitvoering van het project Ontwikkeling van sectorvaardigheden bij Palette-Wood s.r.o. is het ontwikkelen van de vaardigheden van werknemers in de houtpallet- en houten verpakkingssector, namelijk het hanteren van machines op productielijnen, het naleven van werkprocedures, het verhogen van het kennisniveau in het productieproces van individuele houten producten en het verhogen van de veiligheid op het werk, met potentieel voor toekomstige professionele en loopbaanontwikkeling. We streven er ook naar om het professionele en kwaliteitsniveau van de medewerkers van het bedrijf te verhogen, onder meer door de kennis op het gebied van ICT te vergroten. Het resultaat is een groep van 28 medewerkers die meer kennis en vaardigheden op het gebied van productie en administratie zullen hebben, wat bijdraagt aan de duurzame groei op lange termijn van ons bedrijf. Het project zal worden uitgevoerd in het kader van twee hoofdactiviteiten, waarvan de eerste bestaat uit twee subactiviteiten. Het project zal worden uitgevoerd op het subsidiabele grondgebied van de minder ontwikkelde regio’s van de Slowaakse Republiek, d.w.z. het grondgebied van de Slowaakse Republiek, met uitzondering van de autonome regio Bratislava, en wel als volgt: NUTS II — West-Slowakije (Trnavský, Nitra en Trenčín zelfbestuurde regio) — in Duitsland (land van Topo-čany, regio Nitra). De doelgroep is werknemers van Palette-Wood s.r.o. die werkzaam zijn in een arbeidsverhouding overeenkomstig het arbeidswetboek, zoals gewijzigd, met een vaste verblijfplaats op het grondgebied van de Slowaakse Republiek (SR) en de in de arbeidsovereenkomst gespecificeerde arbeidsplaats, in het in aanmerking komende grondgebied van de minder ontwikkelde regio van de Slowaakse Republiek, d.w.z. het grondgebied van de Slowaakse Republiek, met uitzondering van de autonome regio Bratislava. De belangrijkste activiteiten van het project zullen naar verwachting in augustus 2019 van start gaan en de belangrijkste activiteiten van het project zullen naar verwachting in juli 2020 worden voltooid; de geschatte uitvoeringsperiode van het project bedraagt dus 12 maanden. (Dutch)
4 December 2021
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L'obiettivo principale di Pallete-Wood s.r.o. nell'attuazione del progetto Development of Sector Skills at Palette-Wood s.r.o. è quello di sviluppare le competenze dei dipendenti nel settore dei pallet in legno e degli imballaggi in legno, vale a dire nella movimentazione di macchine su linee di produzione, nel rispetto delle procedure di lavoro, nell'aumento del livello di conoscenza nel processo produttivo dei singoli prodotti in legno e nell'aumento della sicurezza sul lavoro, con potenzialità per il futuro sviluppo professionale e professionale. Il nostro obiettivo è anche quello di aumentare il livello professionale e qualitativo dei dipendenti dell'azienda, anche aumentando le conoscenze nel campo delle TIC. Il risultato sarà un gruppo di 28 dipendenti che avranno maggiori conoscenze e competenze nel settore manifatturiero e amministrativo, contribuendo alla crescita sostenibile a lungo termine della nostra azienda. Il progetto sarà attuato nell'ambito di due attività principali, la prima delle quali consiste in due sottoattività. Il progetto sarà attuato nel territorio ammissibile delle regioni meno sviluppate della Repubblica slovacca, vale a dire il territorio della Repubblica slovacca, ad eccezione della regione autonoma di Bratislava: NUTS II — Slovacchia occidentale (Trnavský, Nitra e Trenčín) — in Germania (paese di Topoľčany, regione autonoma di Nitra). Il gruppo destinatario è costituito dai dipendenti di Palette-Wood s.r.o. che lavorano in un rapporto di lavoro ai sensi del codice del lavoro, come modificato, con residenza permanente nel territorio della Repubblica slovacca (SR) e il luogo di lavoro specificato nel contratto di lavoro, nel territorio ammissibile della regione meno sviluppata della Repubblica slovacca, vale a dire il territorio della Repubblica slovacca, ad eccezione della regione autonoma di Bratislava. Le attività principali del progetto dovrebbero iniziare nell'agosto 2019 e le attività principali del progetto dovrebbero essere completate nel luglio 2020; pertanto, il periodo stimato di attuazione del progetto è di 12 mesi. Il progetto risponderà ai seguenti indicatori misurabili: P0683 Employed persons, including self-employed persons (hereafter CAM) — planned target of 28 personsP0640 Participants who have successfully completed education/training — planned target of 28 personsP0641 Participants who benefited from a job creation/maintenance allowance, including self-employment and are in employment at the time of departure, including self-employment — the planned target value of 28 persons in the field of gender equality, the planned target value of women over the age of 50 — the planned target value of 6 personsP0107 Persons with basic (ISCED 1) or lower secondary (ISCED 1) persons who are also self-employed (ISCED2), including the promotion of effective mobility in the SR, and in accordance with the principle of gender employment, the principle of gender mainstreaming — the principle of non-50 years of employment — The planned target value of 6 personsP0107 Persons with basic (ISCED 1) or lower secondary (ISCED) education, including in terms of education and training, the planned target of 28 personsP0641 Participants who benefited from the contribution to establish/maintain a job, including self-employment and who are in employment at the time of departure, including self-employment — the planned target of 28 persons — the planned target value of 28 persons P0641 — the planned target value of 6 persons, including self-employment, who are also self-employed at the time of leaving, including self-employed — the planned target value of 28 persons — the planned target of 28 persons over the age of 50 — the planned target value of 6 persons, including self-employment, who are also self-employed at the time of exit — including self-employment — the planned target value of 28 persons, including in terms of gender equality, and the principle of equality over the age of 50 — the planned target of 6 personsP0107 Persons with a basic (ISCED 1) or lower secondary (ISCED 1) who are defined in 2014 — the promotion of effective mobility, including in terms of gender equality, and in accordance with the principle of sustainable employment — the principle of gender equality — the planned target of 6 personsP0107 Persons with basic (ISCED 1) or lower secondary (ISCED) education, including in terms of education, 2 people with education and training, including in line with the objective of gender mainstreaming — the principle of sustainable employment — the principle of gender equality — the planned target value of 6 personsP0107 Persons with basic (ISCED 1) or lower secondary (ISCED 1) education and training, including in terms of education and training — the planned target of 28 personsP0641 Persons over the age of 50 — the planned target value of 6 personsP0107 Persons with basic employment (ISCED 1) who are also self-employed at the time of leaving, including self-employment — the... (Italian)
12 January 2022
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El objetivo principal de Pallete-Wood s.r.o. en la ejecución del proyecto Desarrollo de competencias sectoriales en Palette-Wood s.r.o. es desarrollar las habilidades de los empleados en el sector de los palets y embalajes de madera, en particular en la manipulación de máquinas en líneas de producción, el cumplimiento de los procedimientos de trabajo, el aumento del nivel de conocimiento en el proceso de producción de productos de madera individuales y el aumento de la seguridad en el trabajo, con potencial para el desarrollo profesional y profesional futuro. También buscamos elevar el nivel profesional y de calidad de los empleados de la empresa, incluso aumentando el conocimiento en el campo de las TIC. El resultado será un grupo de 28 empleados que tendrán un mayor conocimiento y habilidades en la fabricación y administración, contribuyendo al crecimiento sostenible a largo plazo de nuestra empresa. El proyecto se ejecutará en el marco de dos actividades principales, la primera de las cuales consiste en dos subactividades. El proyecto se ejecutará en el territorio elegible de las regiones menos desarrolladas de la República Eslovaca, es decir, en el territorio de la República Eslovaca, excepto en la Región Autónoma de Bratislava, de la siguiente manera: NUTS II — Eslovaquia occidental (región autónoma de Trnavský, Nitra y Trenčín) — en Alemania (País de Topoíčany, Región Autónoma de Nitra). El grupo destinatario son los empleados de Palette-Wood s.r.o. que trabajan en una relación laboral con arreglo al Código del Trabajo, en su versión modificada, con residencia permanente en el territorio de la República Eslovaca y el lugar de trabajo especificado en el contrato de trabajo, en el territorio elegible de la región menos desarrollada de la República Eslovaca, es decir, el territorio de la República Eslovaca, excepto la Región Autónoma de Bratislava. Se espera que las principales actividades del proyecto comiencen en agosto de 2019 y se espera que las principales actividades del proyecto concluyan en julio de 2020; por lo tanto, el período estimado de ejecución del proyecto es de 12 meses. El proyecto cumplirá los siguientes indicadores mensurables: P0683 Employed persons, including self-employed persons (hereafter CAM) — planned target of 28 personsP0640 Participants who have successfully completed education/training — planned target of 28 personsP0641 Participants who benefited from a job creation/maintenance allowance, including self-employment and are in employment at the time of departure, including self-employment — the planned target value of 28 persons in the field of gender equality, the planned target value of women over the age of 50 — the planned target value of 6 personsP0107 Persons with basic (ISCED 1) or lower secondary (ISCED 1) persons who are also self-employed (ISCED2), including the promotion of effective mobility in the SR, and in accordance with the principle of gender employment, the principle of gender mainstreaming — the principle of non-50 years of employment — The planned target value of 6 personsP0107 Persons with basic (ISCED 1) or lower secondary (ISCED) education, including in terms of education and training, the planned target of 28 personsP0641 Participants who benefited from the contribution to establish/maintain a job, including self-employment and who are in employment at the time of departure, including self-employment — the planned target of 28 persons — the planned target value of 28 persons P0641 — the planned target value of 6 persons, including self-employment, who are also self-employed at the time of leaving, including self-employed — the planned target value of 28 persons — the planned target of 28 persons over the age of 50 — the planned target value of 6 persons, including self-employment, who are also self-employed at the time of exit — including self-employment — the planned target value of 28 persons, including in terms of gender equality, and the principle of equality over the age of 50 — the planned target of 6 personsP0107 Persons with a basic (ISCED 1) or lower secondary (ISCED 1) who are defined in 2014 — the promotion of effective mobility, including in terms of gender equality, and in accordance with the principle of sustainable employment — the principle of gender equality — the planned target of 6 personsP0107 Persons with basic (ISCED 1) or lower secondary (ISCED) education, including in terms of education, 2 people with education and training, including in line with the objective of gender mainstreaming — the principle of sustainable employment — the principle of gender equality — the planned target value of 6 personsP0107 Persons with basic (ISCED 1) or lower secondary (ISCED 1) education and training, including in terms of education and training — the planned target of 28 personsP0641 Persons over the age of 50 — the planned target value of 6 personsP0107 Persons with basic employment (ISCED 1) who are also self-employed at the time of leav... (Spanish)
13 January 2022
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