Social services for residents of Harmanli Municipality (Q3888432)
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Project Q3888432 in Bulgaria
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Social services for residents of Harmanli Municipality |
Project Q3888432 in Bulgaria |
425,000.0 Bulgarian lev
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500,000.0 Bulgarian lev
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0.85 percent
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1 November 2015
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1 August 2017
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Q3888431 (Deleted Item)
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Чрез създаването на център за почасово предоставяне на услуги за социално включване в общността или в домашна среда , в това число подкрепящи и интегрирани услуги се цели да се предостави необходимата помощ в ежедневието на хората с увреждания и възрастни над 65 години. С това ще се подпомогне процеса на социална адаптация и ще се намали риска от институционализацията им. (Bulgarian)
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The establishment of a centre for the provision of social inclusion services in the community or in the home environment, including supportive and integrated services, aims to provide the necessary assistance in the daily lives of people with disabilities and adults over 65 years of age. This will support the process of social adaptation and reduce the risk of their institutionalisation. (English)
2 December 2021
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La création d’un centre pour la fourniture de services d’inclusion sociale dans la communauté ou dans le milieu familial, y compris des services de soutien et intégrés, vise à fournir l’assistance nécessaire dans la vie quotidienne des personnes handicapées et des adultes de plus de 65 ans. Cela soutiendra le processus d’adaptation sociale et réduira le risque de leur institutionnalisation. (French)
3 December 2021
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