Integrated measures for marginalised communities in the SDL territory in the context of CLLD mechanism (Q3097984)
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Project Q3097984 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Integrated measures for marginalised communities in the SDL territory in the context of CLLD mechanism |
Project Q3097984 in Romania |
4,483,709.48 Romanian Leu
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4,805,094.58 Romanian Leu
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93.31 percent
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11 February 2021
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31 December 2023
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Reducerea numarului de persoane aflate in risc de saracie sau excluziune sociala din comunitatile marginalizate de pe teritoriul GAL Tara Hategului – Tinutul Padurenilor prin implementarea de masuri integrate in contextul mecanismului DLRC, in domeniile social, educatie, ocupare, nediscriminare pentru 250 persoane (189 adulti persoane adulte somere sau inactive, persoane cu dizabilități sau parinți/ tutori/ ingrijitori informali ai ante-preșcolarilor/prescolarilor/elevilor cu risc de parasire timpurie a școlii si 61 copii) care locuiesc in teritoriul acoperit de GAL Tara Hategului – Tinutul Padurenilor, judetele Hunedoara si Caras Severin, regiunea Vest, timp de 35 luni. Proiectul contribuie la atingerea Obiectivului general al programului POCU, respectiv de dezvoltare a resurselor umane prin accesul acestora la sistemul de educatie si formare profesionala, de stimulare a ocuparii, reducerea saraciei si excluziunii sociale si al Obiectivului general al apelului Axa prioritară 5: Dezvoltare locală plasată sub responsabilitatea comunității, Obiectivul tematic 9: Promovarea incluziunii sociale, combaterea sărăciei și a oricărei forme de discriminare, Prioritatea de investiții Strategii de dezvoltare locală plasate sub responsabilitatea comunității, obiectivul specific 5.2, prin reducerea numarul de persoane aflate in risc de saracie si excluziune sociala, respectiv infiintarea si dezvoltarea de servicii integrate specifice, adresate persoanelor a caror nevoi au fost indentificate in cadrul unui studiu local. Pachetul de servicii propuse prin activitatile proiectului asigura pe termen lung schimbari pozitive ale comunitatii vizate de proiect, prin implicarea directa a autoritatilor locale si judetene si a membrilor zonei marginalizate, astfel interventiile directe ale rezultatelor proiectului produc schimbari ale indicatorilor, precum si schimbari ale situatiei comunitatii prin dezvoltarea economico-sociala la nivel de teritoriu, astfel reducandu-se disparitatile de statut social (cresterea veniturilor) si de excluziune sociala (acces servicii sociale, de educatie, de ocupare). De mentionat ca serviciile demarate pe perioada proiectului prin asigurarea sustenabilitatii si complementaritati cu masurile din PNDR vor produce efecte si rezultate mult si dupa finalizarea proiectului, generand astfel pe termen lung 7-10 ani, imbunatatiri economice si sociale ale comunitatii. Prin sustenabilitatea serviciilor sociale din Casa de tip familial, ne-am asumat mentinerea serviciilor in infrastructura finantata prin PNDR (masura LEADER) minim 6 luni dupa incheierea perioadei de sustenabilitate din contractul de finantare aferent acesteia. Pentru indeplinirea obiectivului general al proiectului se vor realiza urmatoarele obiective specifice: (Romanian)
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Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion from marginalised communities on the territory of LAG Tara Hategului – Forest Land by implementing integrated measures in the context of the CLLD mechanism, in the social, education, employment, non-discrimination areas for 250 persons (189 adults unemployed or inactive adults, persons with disabilities or parents/guardians/informal caregivers of preschoolers/preschoolers/school students at risk of early school leaving and 61 children) living in the territory covered by GAL Country Hategului – Forest Youth, Hunedoara and Caras Severin counties, West Region, for 35 months. The project contributes to the achievement of the general objective of the POCU programme, namely to develop human resources through their access to the education and training system, to stimulate employment, reduce poverty and social exclusion and of the General Objective of the Priority Axis 5 call: Community-Led Local Development, Thematic Objective 9: Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any form of discrimination, Investment Priority Community-led local development strategies, specific objective 5.2, by reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion, namely the establishment and development of specific integrated services, addressed to people whose needs have been identified in a local study. The package of services proposed through the project activities provides long-term positive changes of the community targeted by the project, through the direct involvement of local and county authorities and members of the marginalised area, thus direct interventions of the project results produce changes in indicators, as well as changes in the community situation through economic and social development at territorial level, thus reducing disparities in social status (increasing income) and social exclusion (access to social services, education, employment). It should be noted that the services started during the project period by ensuring sustainability and Complementarities with the measures of the NRDP will produce long-term effects and results after the completion of the project, thus generating in the long term 7-10 years, economic and social improvements of the community. Through the sustainability of social services in the Family House, we have undertaken to maintain the services in the infrastructure financed by the NRDP (LEADER measure) for a minimum of 6 months after the end of the sustainability period in the related financing contract. In order to achieve the general objective of the project, the following specific objectives will be achieved: (English)
16 September 2021
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Réduire pendant 35 mois le nombre de personnes exposées au risque de pauvreté ou d’exclusion sociale des communautés marginalisées sur le territoire du GAL Tara Hategului — Terres forestières en mettant en œuvre des mesures intégrées dans le cadre du mécanisme LAL, dans les domaines social, éducatif, de l’emploi, de la non-discrimination pour 250 personnes (189 adultes au chômage ou inactifs, personnes handicapées ou parents/tuteurs/responsables informels des enfants d’âge préscolaire/préscolaire/élèves à risque de décrochage scolaire et 61 enfants) vivant sur le territoire couvert par GAL Country Hategului — Forest Youth, comtés de Hunedoara et Caras Severin, région de l’Ouest, pendant 35 mois. Le projet contribue à la réalisation de l’objectif général du programme POCU, à savoir développer les ressources humaines grâce à leur accès au système d’éducation et de formation, stimuler l’emploi, réduire la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale et de l’objectif général de l’axe prioritaire 5: Développement local mené par les collectivités, Objectif thématique 9: Promotion de l’inclusion sociale, lutte contre la pauvreté et toute forme de discrimination, priorité d’investissement Stratégies de développement local menées par les collectivités, objectif spécifique 5.2, en réduisant le nombre de personnes exposées au risque de pauvreté et d’exclusion sociale, à savoir la mise en place et le développement de services intégrés spécifiques, destinés aux personnes dont les besoins ont été identifiés dans une étude locale. L’ensemble de services proposés dans le cadre des activités du projet apporte des changements positifs à long terme à la communauté visée par le projet, grâce à la participation directe des autorités locales et des comtés et des membres de la zone marginalisée, ce qui entraîne des changements dans les indicateurs ainsi que des changements dans la situation communautaire par le développement économique et social au niveau territorial, réduisant ainsi les disparités de statut social (augmentation des revenus) et l’exclusion sociale (accès aux services sociaux, éducation, emploi). Il convient de noter que les services commencés au cours de la période du projet en assurant la durabilité et les complémentarités avec les mesures du PDRN auront des effets et des résultats à long terme après l’achèvement du projet, générant ainsi à long terme 7-10 ans, des améliorations économiques et sociales de la collectivité. Grâce à la durabilité des services sociaux dans la Maison familiale, nous nous sommes engagés à maintenir les services dans l’infrastructure financée par le NRDP (mesure LEADER) pendant au moins 6 mois après la fin de la période de durabilité dans le contrat de financement correspondant. Afin d’atteindre l’objectif général du projet, les objectifs spécifiques suivants seront atteints: (French)
27 November 2021
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Bretea Română, Romania
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Topliţa, Romania
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Teliucu Inferior, Romania
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Lunca Cernii de Jos, Romania
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Lelese, Romania
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Lăpugiu de Jos, Romania
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Ghelari, Romania
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Dobra, Romania
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Cârjiţi, Romania
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Cerbăl, Romania
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Bunila, Romania
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Bătrâna, Romania
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