Increasing the capacity of public social assistance service providers for vulnerable groups in Dolj county for managing the COVID-19 health crisis (Q3099491)

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Project Q3099491 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Increasing the capacity of public social assistance service providers for vulnerable groups in Dolj county for managing the COVID-19 health crisis
Project Q3099491 in Romania


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    2,641,135.17 Romanian Leu
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    528,227.034 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    2,641,135.17 Romanian Leu
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    528,227.034 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    44°6'36.90"N, 23°3'8.53"E
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    44°13'44.65"N, 23°9'27.36"E
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    43°55'39.68"N, 24°12'4.00"E
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    47°32'32.93"N, 25°30'13.68"E
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    44°22'3.65"N, 23°25'32.63"E
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    44°33'26.35"N, 23°40'53.29"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este consolidarea capacitatii de gestionare a crizei sanitare COVID 19 a institutiilor publice din judetul Dolj care furnizeaza servicii de asistenta sociala catre persoanele vulnerabile, in regim rezidential, prin asigurarea unui raspuns in timp util si eficient al acestora la criza sanitara. Proiectul isi propune dotarea unitatilor medico-sociale din judetul Dolj (UMS Amarastii de Jos, UMS Brabova, UMS Bechet, UMS Cetate, UMS Melinesti, UMS Plenita, UMS Sadova), a centrelor sociale rezidentiale publice pentru categorii vulnerabile (persoane varstnice/persoane cu dizabilitati/copii etc.) din cadrul Directiei Generale de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului Dolj cu echipamente de protectie: masti de protecție, manusi de unica folosinta, combinezoane, inclusiv cu gluga si protectie incaltaminte, botosei, bonete, halate impermeabile de unica folosinta, viziera de protectie, biocide, soluții necesare asigurarii igienei si dezinfectiei, alte materiale de protectie. Aceste institutii sunt subordonate Consiliului Judetean Dolj si furnizeaza servicii de asistenta sociala in regim de rezidenta persoanelor vulnerabile, prin personal specializat. Personalul lucreaza in regim de permanenta in contextul crizei COVID 19 (14 zile izolare la locul de munca, 14 zile izolare la domiciliu). In prezent, nivelul de echipare cu materiale de protectie a celor opt institutii este redus si, in consecinta, capacitatea lor de gestionare a crizei sanitare este foarte redusa din perspectiva preventiei si protectiei in conditiile in care aceasta protectie trebuie asigurata, atat beneficiarilor rezidenti (724 persoane), cat si personalului (868 persoane). Avand in vedere contagiozitatea extrem de inalta a virusului, care nu poate fi tinuta sub control in lipsa unor echipamente specializate de protectie, atat pentru personal, cat si pentru rezidentii din cele 8 institutii, se impune luarea de masuri in vederea pregatirii acestor unitati care furnizeaza servicii de asistenta sociala in regim de rezidenta persoanelor vulnerabile pentru gestionarea infectiilor cu noul virus, inclusiv supravegherea activa, depistarea timpurie si izolarea cazurilor, in vederea prevenirii raspandirii continue a infectiei in judetul Dolj. De asemenea, aceste institutii trebuie sa fie pregatite pentru gestionarea fiecarui caz de suspiciune sau caz confirmat de infectare cu noul coronavirus, astfel ca este necesara folosirea unor echipamente specializate de protectie pana cand persoanele afectate sunt transferate catre unitatile sanitare specializate. O problema serioasa o constituie faptul ca multe persoane prezinta simptome asemanatoare infectarii cu Covid 19, iar perioada pana la sosirea rezultatelor testelor este de cateva zile, timp in care utilizarea unor echipamente medicale de protectie specifice, propuse a se achizitiona prin acest proiect, sunt primele elemente de maxima importanta in managementul unei situatii critice. Impiedicarea raspandirii (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity to manage the COVID 19 health crisis of the public institutions in Dolj county that provide social assistance services to vulnerable persons, in a residential regime, by ensuring a timely and effective response to the health crisis. The project aims to equip the medical and social units in Dolj county (UMS Amarastii de Jos, UMS Brabova, UMS Bechet, UMS Cetate, UMS Melinesti, UMS Plenita, UMS Sadova), of public residential social centers for vulnerable groups (old people/persons with disabilities/children, etc.) within the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Dolj with protection equipment: protective masks, disposable gloves, suits, including hood and footwear protection, botosei, caps, disposable waterproof gowns, protective visor, biocides, solutions needed to ensure hygiene and disinfection, other protective materials. These institutions are subordinated to Dolj County Council and provide social assistance services in the residency of vulnerable persons, through specialised personnel. Staff work on a permanent basis in the context of the COVID 19 crisis (14 days of confinement at the workplace, 14 days of confinement at home). Currently, the level of equipping the eight institutions with protective materials is low and, as a consequence, their capacity to manage the health crisis is very low from the perspective of prevention and protection, as this protection must be provided, both to resident beneficiaries (724 persons) and to staff (868 persons). Given the extremely high infectivity of the virus, which cannot be kept under control in the absence of specialised protective equipment, both for staff and for residents in the 8 institutions, it is necessary to take measures to prepare these units that provide social assistance services in the residence of vulnerable persons for the management of infections with the new virus, including active surveillance, early detection and isolation of cases, in order to prevent the continuous spread of infection in Dolj county. These institutions also need to be prepared to manage every suspected or confirmed case of infection with the new coronavirus, so it is necessary to use specialised protective equipment until the affected persons are transferred to the specialised health units. A serious problem is the fact that many people have symptoms similar to Covid 19 infection, and the period until the arrival of the test results is a few days, during which the use of specific medical protective equipment, proposed to be purchased through this project, are the first elements of maximum importance in the management of a critical situation. Preventing the spread (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Pleniţa, Romania
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    Brabova, Romania
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    Cetate, Romania
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    Amărăştii de Jos, Romania
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    Sadova, Romania
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    Oraş Bechet, Romania
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