“Supplementation of the operating capacities for the landing runway and the aircraft stationing platform at Iasi Airport” (Q3099403)

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Project Q3099403 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
“Supplementation of the operating capacities for the landing runway and the aircraft stationing platform at Iasi Airport”
Project Q3099403 in Romania


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    21,473,735.31 Romanian Leu
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    4,294,747.062 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    25,263,218.01 Romanian Leu
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    5,052,643.602000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    31 January 2020
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    16 March 2026
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    47°9'41.51"N, 27°35'1.00"E
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    Aeroportul Iasi se situeaza pe reteaua centrala trans-europeana de transport (TEN-T CORE), reglementata de Regulamentele (EU) 1316/2013 & 1315/2013 si care are ca scop crearea unei rețele complete de transport intre statele membre, la standarde comune. Acest obiectiv a fost transpus si in strategia nationala de transport, definita de Master Planul General al Transporturilor, si urmareste inlesnirea circulației persoanelor și a bunurilor între statele membre UE si cele adiacente Granitei de Est. In acesti termeni, obiectivul general al proiectului este reprezentat de modernizarea si dezvoltarea Aeroportului Iasi in vederea cresterii eficientei si atractivitatii pentru utilizatori, în contextul conectarii eficiente la punctele aeroportuare de trafic comunitare si internationale, prin: • Cresterea capacitatii de operare (infrastructura si facilitati) pentru satisfacerea cererii de piata. • Cresterea numarului de pasageri procesati. Proiectul reprezinta o etapa in indeplinirea strategiei de dezvoltare a Judetului Iasi, al carei prim obiectiv strategic il reprezinta "Imbunatatirea infrastructurii, conectivitatii si accesibilitatii" si are ca directie prioritara "Dezvoltarea sistemelor de transport intermodal de calatori si marfuri si asigurarea spatiilor logistice intermodale". (http://www.icc.ro/sites/default/files/files/strategie_dezvoltare/2014/8a.pdf). Prin Programul Operational Infrastructura Mare, Axa prioritara 2, Obiectiv specific 2.3. se promoveaza actiuni ce contribuie la modernizarea aeroporturilor situate pe reteaua TEN-T , contribuind la realizarea obiectivelor de crestere a accesibilitatii si mobilitatii regionale. Proiectul propus spre finantare se incadreaza in categoria proiectelor de tip A (extinderea de suprafete de miscare, insotita de masuri de protectia mediului). Prin implementarea proiectului de investitii se optimizeaza gradul de utilizare a infrastructurii existente (pista de decolare-aterizare) si imbunatatirea eficientei utilizarii acesteia si se permite cresterea numarului de pasageri imbarcati / debarcati. Totodata, implementarea proiectului de fata va avea ca efect implicit, imbunatatirea conditiilor de mediu, prin: • Reducerea emisiilor unitare ale aeronavei in faza de rulaj. • Cresterea capacitatii de operare a pistei cu 40% prin reducerea distantelor de rulaj si a timpului de eliberare a pistei. • Ameliorarea calitatii apelor uzate evacuate, prin constructia unui bazin de retentie pentru colectarea apelor provenite din degivrarea/antigivrarea avioanelor si a unui separator de hidrocarburi pentru epurarea apelor inainte de a fi evacuate in emisar natural. Masura are ca scop prevenirea poluarii apelor in perioada de exploatare iar costurile sunt evidentiate in analiza cost – beneficiu, reprezentant un procent de 10,78% din totalul investitiei. Masurile specifice impuse pentru perioada de executie prin Acordul de Mediu cu nr. 2/2019 nu au costuri evidentiate in analiza cost-beneficiu dar se are in ve (Romanian)
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    Iasi Airport is located on the Trans-European Transport Central Network (TEN-T CORE), regulated by Regulations (EU) 1316/2013 & 1315/2013 and which aims to create a complete transport network between Member States at common standards. This objective has also been transposed into the national transport strategy, defined by the Master General Plan of Transport, and aims to facilitate the movement of people and goods between EU member states and those adjacent to the Eastern border. In these terms, the general objective of the project is the modernisation and development of Iasi Airport in order to increase efficiency and attractiveness for users, in the context of efficient connection to the airport points of community and international traffic, by: • Increasing operating capacity (infrastructure and facilities) to meet market demand. • Increase in the number of passengers processed. The project represents a stage in achieving the development strategy of Iasi County, whose first strategic objective is “Improving infrastructure, connectivity and accessibility” and has as a priority direction “Development of intermodal transport systems for passengers and goods and providing intermodal logistics spaces”. (http://www.icc.ro/sites/default/files/files/strategie_dezvoltare/2014/8a.pdf). The Large Infrastructure Operational Programme, Priority Axis 2, Specific Objective 2.3. promotes actions that contribute to the modernisation of airports located on the TEN-T network, contributing to the achievement of the objectives of increasing regional accessibility and mobility. The project proposed for financing falls within the category of type A projects (extension of movement areas, accompanied by environmental protection measures). The implementation of the investment project optimises the use of the existing infrastructure (take-off-land check) and improves the efficiency of its use and allows to increase the number of passengers embarked/disembarked. At the same time, the implementation of this project will have the implicit effect of improving the environmental conditions by: • Reduction of unit emissions of aircraft in the running phase. • Increase the operating capacity of the runway by 40 % by reducing runway distances and runway clearance time. • Improving the quality of the discharged waste water, by constructing a retention basin for collecting water from the de-icing/antigivation of aeroplanes and a hydrocarbon separator for water treatment before being discharged into the natural emissary. The measure aims to prevent water pollution during the exploitation period and the costs are highlighted in the cost-benefit analysis, representing 10.78 % of the total investment. The specific measures imposed for the execution period by Environmental Agreement no. 2/2019 do not have any costs highlighted in the cost-benefit analysis but are in the past (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Municipiul Iaşi, Romania
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