ContiCompetitive Vest – HR and Professional Management (Q3098384)

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Project Q3098384 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
ContiCompetitive Vest – HR and Professional Management
Project Q3098384 in Romania


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    975,481.36 Romanian Leu
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    195,096.272 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    2,295,250.26 Romanian Leu
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    459,050.05199999997 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    42.5 percent
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    22 June 2020
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    21 December 2021
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    45°45'13.82"N, 21°13'32.70"E
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    45°41'28.75"N, 21°37'55.67"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este creşterea numarului de angajaţi ai Continental Automotive Romania SRL, de la sediul social din Timisoara, care beneficiaza de instrumente, metode, practici (etc.) standard de management al resurselor umane şi de condiţii de lucru îmbunătăţite în vederea adaptării activităţii companiei la dinamica sectorului de dezvoltare de produse software si hardware precum si productie de componente auto, activitati principale ale solicitantului. Obiectivul general al proiectului contribuie la atingerea obiectivului Prioritatii de investiţii 8.v: Adaptarea lucrătorilor, întreprinderilor și antreprenorilor la schimbare, prin faptul ca activitatile proiectului vizeaza angajatii care asigura managementul strategic al intreprinderii si care ocupa pozitii de management in cadrul acesteia (manager general, director general, manager executiv, director executiv, director adjunct, manager de departament, manager de proiect, manager de linie/ echipa etc.) si care lucreaza in departamentele de resurse umane, din cadrul Continental Automotive Romania SRL, Timisoara, ce isi desfasoara activitatea in industria auto ca dezvoltator de produse software si hardware precum si productie de componente auto, sector economic cu potential competitiv identificat in cadrul Strategiei Naţionale pentru Competitivitate 2015 - 2020 (SNC) corelat cu domeniile de specializare inteligentă identificate în Strategia naţională de cercetare, dezvoltare şi inovare 2014 – 2020. Astfel, conform informatiilor disponibile in certificatul constatator anexat cererii de finantare, domeniul de activitate principal al Continental Automotive Romania SRL, Timisoara, se inscrie in codul 2931 - Fabricarea de echipamente electrice şi electronice pentru autovehicule şi pentru motoare de autovehicule. Acest cod CAEN este eligibil pentru finantare in cadrul prezentului apel de proiecte, fiind identificat in Anexa 9 - Lista codurilor CAEN aferente direcţiilor de politică industrială menţionate în Strategia Naţională pentru Competitivitate 2014-2020. Obiectivul acestui proiect va fi atins prin formarea profesionala a minim 234 angajati care fie asigura managementul strategic al Continental Automotive Romania SRL, Timisoara, din care cel putin 204 ocupa pozitii de management (manager general, director general, manager executiv, director executiv, director adjunct, manager de departament, manager de proiect, manager de linie/ echipa etc.) iar minim 30 lucreaza in departamentul de resurse umane. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase the number of employees of Continental Automotive Romania SRL, from its registered office in Timisoara, which benefits from tools, methods, practices (etc.) of human resources management and improved working conditions in order to adapt the company’s activity to the dynamics of the software and hardware development sector, as well as the production of automotive components, main activities of the applicant. The general objective of the project contributes to achieving the objective of investment priority 8.v: Adapting workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change, by the fact that the project activities target employees who provide strategic management of the enterprise and occupy management positions within it (general manager, general manager, executive manager, executive director, deputy director, department manager, project manager, line manager/team, etc.) and who work in the human resources departments within Continental Automotive Romania SRL, Timisoara, which operates in the automotive industry as a software and hardware developer as well as production of automotive components, economic sector with competitive potential identified in the National Strategy for Competitiveness 2015-2020 (NCS) correlated with the fields of smart specialisation identified in the National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation 2014-2020. Thus, according to the information available in the certificate attached to the financing application, the main field of activity of Continental Automotive Romania SRL, Timisoara, is entered under code 2931 – Manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles and motors. This CAEN code is eligible for funding under this call for projects, being identified in Annex 9 – List of CAEN codes related to the industrial policy directions mentioned in the National Strategy for Competitiveness 2014-2020. The objective of this project will be achieved by professional training of minimum 234 employees who either provide strategic management of Continental Automotive Romania SRL, Timisoara, of which at least 204 occupy management positions (general manager, general manager, executive manager, executive director, deputy director, department manager, project manager, line manager/team, etc.) and a minimum of 30 works in the human resources department. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Timiş, Romania
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    Municipiul Timişoara, Romania
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