NEETs II-faures your future! (Q3098342)

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Project Q3098342 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
NEETs II-faures your future!
Project Q3098342 in Romania


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    14,232,360.44 Romanian Leu
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    2,846,472.088 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    16,033,995.4 Romanian Leu
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    3,206,799.08 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    88.76 percent
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    45°47'19.36"N, 26°53'1.68"E
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    45°26'1.75"N, 28°3'17.78"E
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    43°53'45.28"N, 25°57'56.92"E
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    44°59'38.98"N, 24°50'56.08"E
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    45°16'17.80"N, 27°58'27.44"E
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    45°16'9.34"N, 26°46'29.35"E
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    44°18'54.68"N, 27°8'20.47"E
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    44°10'36.19"N, 28°39'2.74"E
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    OBIECTIVUL GENERAL Sa dezvoltam un mecanism integrat de promovare a unei ocupări sustenabile și de calitate a forței de muncă a cel putin 1052 de persoane care fac parte din categoria tinerilor NEETs someri cu varsta intre 16 – 29 ani, inregistrati la Servicul Public de Ocupare cu rezidenta in regiunile mai putin dezvoltate Sud-Est si Sud Muntenia. Mecanismul propus de noi asigura realizarea obiectivului specific al programului si apelului datorita elementelor care-l compun si modalitatilor de interventie stabilite. Din mecanimsul nostru fac parte: membri grupului tinta, activitatile /subactivitati, serviciile, intreprinderile infiintate. Totodata, dorim sa includem in mecanism si alti factori interesati de îmbunătățire a situației tinerilor din categoria NEETs: AJOFM, AJPIS, facultati cu profil economic si social, furnizori publici si privati de servicii de ocupare / formare continua a adultilor, directii de asistenta sociala, primarii si mass media. Principalele contributii si mutatii pe care le estimam sa le producem: a) Grup tinta: Creștem ocuparea tinerilor NEETs si îmbunătățim nivelul de competențe, inclusiv prin evaluarea și certificarea competențelor dobândite în sistem non-formal și informal al tinerilor NEETs șomeri cu vârsta între 16 - 29 ani, înregistrați la Serviciul Public de Ocupare, cu rezidența în regiunile Sud-Est si Sud Muntenia. . b) Activitatile si subactivitatile: sunt principalele instrumente de interventie pentru atingerea rezultatelor si obiectivelor proiectului. Ele asigura valorificarea superioara a resurselor umane, materiale si financiare; c) Serviciile: sunt un alt mijloc de atingere al obiectivelor si reprezinta cadru unitar de relationare al expertilor cu membri grupului tinta pentru cunoasterea si acoperirea nevoilor de informare, formare, mediere, consiliere, consultanta, sprijin individualizat pentru integrarea durabilă pe piața muncii etc. d) Factori interesati de Îmbunătățirea situației tinerilor din categoria NEETs: sunt piloni de sustinere ai actiunilor proiectului datorita rolului pe care –l au de transfer de informatii si comunicare la nivelul comunitatilor in care se implementeaza proiectul. Interesul lor este in relatie directa cu specificul Axei 2, deoarece unii formeaza specialisti pentru îmbunătățirea situației tinerilor NEETs și facilitează tranziția către piața muncii a acestora, altii administreaza comunitatile si majoritatea au atributii si responsabilitati in indeplinirea indicatorilor de tara referitori la educație, formare, ocupare (inclusiv antreprenoriat). Un loc aparte revine mass media in calitatea ei de vector de promovare a proiectului si a rezultatelor obinute prin proiect. Scopul proiectului vizeaza adresarea unor nevoi stringente ale grupului tinta, nevoi relevate in documentele strategice specifice, precum si combaterea problemelor cu care acestia se confrunta in momentul in care doresc sa ocupe un loc de munca, respectiv: - Nivelul scazut de educatie si pregatire p (Romanian)
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    To develop an integrated mechanism to promote a sustainable and quality employment of at least 1052 persons belonging to the category of NEETs aged 16-29, registered at the Public Employment Service with residency in the less developed regions South-East and South Muntenia. The mechanism proposed by us ensures the achievement of the specific objective of the program and the call due to the elements that comprise it and the established methods of intervention. Our mechanims include: members of the target group, activities/sub-activities, services, enterprises established. At the same time, we want to include in the mechanism other stakeholders in improving the situation of NEETs: AJOFM, AJPIS, faculties with economic and social profile, public and private providers of continuous adult employment/training services, social assistance directions, mayors and mass media. The main contributions and mutations that we estimate to produce: a) Target group: We increase the employment of NEETs and improve the skills level, including by assessing and certifying the skills acquired in a non-formal and informal system of unemployed NEETs aged 16-29, registered with the Public Employment Service, residing in the South-East and South Muntenia regions. .b) Activities and sub-activities: they are the main intervention tools to achieve the results and objectives of the project. They ensure the superior utilisation of human, material and financial resources; C) Services: they are another means of achieving the objectives and represent a unified framework for the relationship of experts with members of the target group for knowledge and coverage of information, training, mediation, counselling, consultancy, individualised support for sustainable integration into the labour market, etc. d) Factors interested in Improving the situation of NEETs: there are supporting pillars of the project actions due to the role they have of transferring information and communication at the level of the communities in which the project is implemented. Their interest is in direct relation to Axis 2 specifics, because some train specialists to improve the situation of NEETs and facilitate their transition to the labour market, others manage communities and most have responsibilities and responsibilities in meeting country indicators related to education, training, employment (including entrepreneurship). A special place belongs to the media as a vector for promoting the project and the results obtained through the project. The aim of the project is to address urgent needs of the target group, needs revealed in specific strategic documents, as well as to combat the problems they face when they want to take up a job, namely: Low level of education and training (English)
    16 September 2021
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