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Project Q2741545 in Romania
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Project Q2741545 in Romania |
6,188,141.06 Romanian Leu
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7,280,165.95 Romanian Leu
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1,456,033.1900000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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85.0 percent
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5 April 2018
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30 September 2021
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Dezvoltarea invatamantului gimnazial obligatoriu in Municipiul Vatra Dornei prin crearea unei oferte educationale de buna calitate de natura a asigura conditiile initiale necesare atingerii unei rate mai mare de absolvire precum si la cresterea posibilitatilor de a accesa niveluri superioare de educatie. Obiectivul propus vine in sprijinul realizararii obiectivului specific 10.1. al Axei Prioritare 10 din POR 2014-2020, in sensul ca prin atingerea lui, invatamantul obligatoriu se va situa pe un prag de calitate superior, va deveni mai atractiv pentru elevi, cu implicatii deosebite in participarea acestora la proces, reducerea abandonuui scolar si mai ales a parasirii timpurii a scolii. Dintr-o alta perspectiva se urmareste si pregatirea elevilor, pentru accesarea intr-un numar cat mai mare a invatamantului superior, cu implicatii in cresterea calitatii vietii si a nivelului de trai in Romania. Obiectivul se inscrie direct pe linia strategiilor de dezvoltare durabila, atat a celor ce vizeaza activitatea economica, cat si a celor care urmaresc o incluziune sociala adecvata si favorabila, actiunile selectate participand la contracararea tendintelor demografice negative. Avand la baza printre masurile de management si organizare adecvate, dezvoltarea infrastructurii de educatie scolara, in subsidiar se urmareste si orientarea actului de invatare catre abordari si metode de varf identificate aproape in toate regiunile tarii ca fiind cele ce pot asigura o dezvoltarea reala, competitiva, in salile corpului de cladire (sali de clasa, laboratoare, biblioteca, etc.) derulandu-se activitati ce tin de dezvoltarea copilului dincolo de curricula de curs, utilizandu-se facilitatile achizitionate prin proiect, inclusiv activele necorporale. Scoala gimnaziala nr. 2 din municipiul Vatra Dornei este o cladire in regim de inaltime Demisol partial+Parter+Etaj. Constructia a fost realizata in anii 1964-1966, aceasta suferind pe durata de folosinta atat degradari ale finisajelor exterioare din cauza intemperiilor atmosferice, degradari ale finisajelor interioare datorate uzurii din partea elevilor si a cadrelor didactice dar si deficiente date de calitatea spatiilor si a fluxului generat de procesul educational: insuficienta grupurilor sanitare, insuficienta salilor de clasa si a laboratoarelor, etc. In mod direct se urmareste prin proiect imbunatatirea conditiilor de studiu ale elevilor, sa se asigure o calitate ridicata ale acestora, de natura a spori accesul si participarea persoanelor dezavantajate la sistemul de învatamant obligatoriu (ex. persoane ce provin din mediul rural in care nivelul educatiei este relativ scazut, persoane apartinand altor etnii, persoane cu dizabilitati), conditii de natura a veni in sprijinul masurilor de aliniere a invatamantului obligatoriu romanesc la cel european. Chiar daca, o parte din conditiile specifice ale programului propun si justifica necesitatea implementarii proiectului in scoli cu indicatori de parasire a scolii foar (Romanian)
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Developing compulsory secondary education in Vatra Dornei by creating a good quality educational offer of nature to ensure the initial conditions necessary to achieve a higher graduation rate as well as to increase the possibilities to access higher levels of education. The proposed objective is to support the achievement of the specific objective 10.1. of Priority Axis 10 of ROP 2014-2020, in the sense that by achieving it, the compulsory education will be on a higher quality threshold, will become more attractive for students, with special involvement in their participation in the process, reducing school dropout and especially early school leaving. From another perspective, students are also trained to access higher education in a larger number, with implications in increasing the quality of life and living standards in Romania. The objective is directly in line with sustainable development strategies, both those aiming at economic activity and those aiming for adequate and favorable social inclusion, the selected actions participating in counteracting negative demographic trends. Based on appropriate management and organisation measures, the development of school education infrastructure, subsidiaryly, is aimed at guiding the learning act towards approaches and top methods identified in almost all regions of the country as those that can ensure a real, competitive development, in the halls of the building body (class rooms, laboratories, library, etc.) carrying out activities related to the development of the child beyond the course curricula, using the facilities acquired through the project, including intangible assets. Secondary School No. 2 from Vatra Dornei Municipality is a building in height: Partial Demisol + Ground + Floor. The construction was made in 1964-1966, suffering during use both degradation of exterior finishes due to atmospheric weather, degradation of interior finishes due to wear on the part of students and teachers, as well as deficiencies given by the quality of spaces and flow generated by the educational process: insufficient sanitary groups, insufficiency of classrooms and laboratories, etc. The project directly aims to improve students’ learning conditions, to ensure a high quality of students, of the nature of increasing the access and participation of disadvantaged people to the compulsory education system (e.g. people coming from rural areas where the level of education is relatively low, people belonging to other ethnicities, people with disabilities), conditions of nature to support measures to align Romanian compulsory education with the European one. Even though, some of the specific conditions of the program propose and justify the need to implement the project in schools with indicators for leaving the school (English)
14 September 2021
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Municipiul Vatra Dornei, Romania
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