“EcoADAPT – Adapting employees to the dynamics of economic sectors with smart specialisation potential – South-East Region” (Q3096077)

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Project Q3096077 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
“EcoADAPT – Adapting employees to the dynamics of economic sectors with smart specialisation potential – South-East Region”
Project Q3096077 in Romania


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    1,454,885.112 Romanian Leu
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    290,977.0224 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1,801,715.41 Romanian Leu
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    360,343.082 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    80.75 percent
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    30 May 2018
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    29 May 2019
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    45°47'19.36"N, 26°53'1.68"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este adaptarea lucratorilor, a intreprinderilor si a antreprenorilor la schimbare prin cresterea cu 520 a numarului de angajati care beneficiaza de instrumente/metode/practici si de conditii de lucru imbunatatite in vederea adaptarii activitatii la dinamica sectoarelor economice cu potential competitiv identificate conform SNC, respectiv turism si ecoturism si procesarea alimentelor si bauturilor, in corelare cu domeniile de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI, in euroregiunea Sud Est. Proiectul contribuie la realizarea obiectivului POCU 3.8 prin implementarea unor masuri identificate si proiectate in baza nevoilor concrete identificate de Solicitant in cadrul domeniilor mentionate mai sus, atat prin prisma experientei dar si in raport cu statisticile si documentele cadru elaborate nu doar la nivel national dar si la nivel comunitar. In acest sens, se va avea in vedere o abordare integrata, care sa vizeze manageri, antreprenori si angajati din departamentele de resurse umane, din mai multe unghiuri si domenii de interventie. Pentru efecte vizibile atat la nivelul fiecarei persoane implicate in grupul tinta dar si la nivel de sistem si de societate in general, proiectul vizeaza un grup tinta total de 520 persoane, din care 400 de angajati cu contract individual de munca din pozitii de management sau antreprenori care isi gestioneaza propria firma si 120 de angajati in cadrul departamentelor de resurse umane din cadrul firmelor din zona Sud Est cu activitate in sectoarele economice turism si ecoturism si respectiv procesarea alimentelor si bauturilor, in conformitate cu ghidul solicitantului conditii specifice. Nucleul si obiectivul principal al proiectului va fi adaptarea lucratorilor, intreprinderilor si antreprenorilor la schimbare (in vederea promovarii unei ocupari sustenabile si de calitate a fortei de munca si sprijinirea mobilitatii fortei de munca), pentru care, grupul tinta vizat va beneficia de o serie de activitati programate in sistem integrat. Pentru atingerea acestui obiectiv, se va porni de la o activitate de recrutare, iar odata intrat in proiect, grupul tinta va trece printr-o serie de faze care vor contribui la atingerea obiectivului general dar si a obiectivelor specifice. Fiecare membru al grupului tinta va participa la un set de activitati care sa contribuie la imbunatatirea nivelului de competente si care sa duca in definitiv la o practica profesionala caracterizata de un inalt grad de calitate si profesionalism si relevanta atat pentru indivizi cat si pentru piata muncii. Prin interventiile organizate se vor aborda in mod concret probleme reale cu care se confrunta profesionistii din domeniile de mai sus (identificate prin prisma pietei muncii dar si in raport cu documentele cadru de referinta), aspect care va duce la imbunatatirea competentelor si implicit la o atingerea obiectivelor specifice. Toate activitatile planificate in cadrul proiectului alcatuiesc un complex de masuri (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to adapt workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change by increasing by 520 the number of employees benefiting from tools/methods/practices and improved working conditions in order to adapt the activity to the dynamics of the economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to the NSC, namely tourism and ecotourism and food and drink processing, in conjunction with the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI, in the South East Euroregion. The project contributes to the achievement of POCU 3.8 objective by implementing measures identified and designed on the basis of the concrete needs identified by the Applicant within the areas mentioned above, both in terms of experience but also in relation to statistics and framework documents developed not only at national level but also at Community level. In this respect, an integrated approach will be considered, targeting managers, entrepreneurs and employees from human resources departments, from several angles and fields of intervention. For visible effects both at the level of each person involved in the target group but also at the level of the system and society in general, the project targets a total target group of 520 people, of which 400 employees with an individual employment contract from management positions or entrepreneurs who manage their own company and 120 employees within human resources departments within companies in the South East with activity in the economic sectors tourism and ecotourism and respectively food and drink processing, in accordance with the applicant’s guide specific conditions. The core and main objective of the project will be to adapt workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change (in order to promote sustainable and quality employment and support labour mobility), for which the target group will benefit from a series of activities programmed in an integrated system. In order to achieve this objective, it will start from a recruitment activity, and once entered into the project, the target group will undergo a series of phases that will contribute to the achievement of the general objective and the specific objectives. Each member of the target group will participate in a set of activities that contribute to improving the level of competence and ultimately lead to a professional practice characterised by a high quality and professionalism and relevant to both individuals and the labour market. The organised interventions will address concretely real problems faced by professionals in the above fields (identified from the perspective of the labor market but also in relation to the reference framework documents), which will lead to the improvement of the skills and implicitly to the achievement of the specific objectives. All the activities planned within the project make up a complex of measures (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Brăila, Romania
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