Improving the quality of life in Oravita city through the rehabilitation and re-functionalisation of three buildings located in the protection area of historic monuments and a park part of Urban Ensemble Oravita code LMI CS-II-a-B-11134 (Q2744733)

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Project Q2744733 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Improving the quality of life in Oravita city through the rehabilitation and re-functionalisation of three buildings located in the protection area of historic monuments and a park part of Urban Ensemble Oravita code LMI CS-II-a-B-11134
Project Q2744733 in Romania


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    15,250,219.74 Romanian Leu
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    3,050,043.9480000003 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    17,941,434.97 Romanian Leu
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    3,588,286.994 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    21 June 2018
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    28 February 2023
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    45°2'17.27"N, 21°41'9.82"E
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    Obiectivul general al investitiei il constituie valorificarea potentialului turistic social si cultural al cladirilor de patrimoniu din centrul istoric al orasului, prin reabilitarea cladirilor incluse in Ansamblul Urban Oravita astfel incat sa se atinga obiectivul strategic pe termen mediu: transformarea zonei orasului vechi intr-o zona de interes turistic si cultural major, pilon de dezvoltare durabila urbana, echilibrat finantata, cu amanarea veniturilor directe ale administratiei publice in favoarea cresterii vitezei procesului controlat de repunere in valoare a patrimoniului. Scopul proiectului consta in imbunatatirea calitatii vietii populatiei din orasul Oravita. De asemenea, prezenta cerere de finantare este in concordanta cu obiectivul general al Programului Operational Regional 2014-2020, de crestere a competitivitatii economice si imbunatatire a conditiilor de viata ale comunitatilor locale si regionale, prin sprijinirea dezvoltarii mediului de afaceri, a conditiilor infrastructurale si serviciilor care sa asigure si dezvoltarea sustenabila a regiunilor, capabile sa gestioneze in mod eficient resursele, sa valorifice potentialul lor de inovare si asimilare a progresului tehnologic. Ponderea populatiei din zona marginalizata a Orasului Oravita este de 2,65%, iar numarul de locuitori din zona marginalizata este de 302 persoane, prin prezentul proiect se doreste imbunatatirea conditiilor de trai si oferirea unei vieti economice, sociale si culturale populatiei la nivelul standardelor europene aflandu-se in deplina concordanta cu obiectivul specific 13.1, prioritarea de investitii 9b care prevede: oferirea de sprijin pentru revitalizarea fizică, economică și socială a comunităților defavorizate din regiunile urbane și rurale. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the investment is to capitalise on the social and cultural touristic potential of the heritage buildings in the historical center of the city, by rehabilitating the buildings included in the Oravita Urban Ensemble so as to achieve the medium-term strategic objective: transforming the old city area into an area of major tourist and cultural interest, a pillar of sustainable urban development, balanced financed, with the postponement of direct revenues of the public administration in favour of increasing the speed of the controlled process of restoring heritage. The aim of the project is to improve the quality of life of the population in Oravita. Also, this financing application is consistent with the general objective of the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, to increase economic competitiveness and improve the living conditions of local and regional communities, by supporting the development of the business environment, infrastructure and services conditions that ensure and the sustainable development of regions, capable of efficiently managing resources, capitalising on their potential for innovation and assimilation of technological progress. The share of the population in the marginalised area of Oravita City is 2.65 %, and the number of inhabitants in the marginalised area is 302 persons, through this project it is intended to improve living conditions and provide an economic, social and cultural life to the population at the level of European standards, being fully in line with specific objective 13.1, investment priority 9b which states: provide support for the physical, economic and social revitalisation of disadvantaged communities in urban and rural regions. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Oraş Oraviţa, Romania
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