Phase of the project Rehabilitation of water supply system, sewerage system and treatment plants in Vaslui, Bârlad, Huși and Negreşti agglomerations – Vaslui County CCI [2011 RO 161 PR 007] (Q3095596)

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Project Q3095596 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Phase of the project Rehabilitation of water supply system, sewerage system and treatment plants in Vaslui, Bârlad, Huși and Negreşti agglomerations – Vaslui County CCI [2011 RO 161 PR 007]
Project Q3095596 in Romania


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    230,862,516.0 Romanian Leu
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    46,172,503.2 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    271,602,960.0 Romanian Leu
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    54,320,592.0 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    1 April 2015
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    31 December 2023
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    44°28'25.97"N, 26°4'35.04"E
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    44°23'45.82"N, 26°6'55.55"E
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    Obiectivul strategic al proiectului este cresterea nivelului de colectare si epurare a apelor uzate urbane, precum si a gradului de asigurare a alimentarii cu apa potabila a populatiei in localitatile din aglomerarile Vaslui, Barlad, Husi si Negresti. Principalele obiectivele specifice ale Proiectului sunt : - asigurarea unor servicii adecvate de apa si de canalizare, la tarife accesibile; - asigurarea unei calitati adecvate a apei potabile in toate aglomerarile urbane; - imbunatatirea calitatii cursurilor de apa; - imbunatatirea nivelului de management al namolului; - creerea de structuri eficiente si novatoare de management al apei. Contractul de Finantare a fost semnat la data de 09.07.2013. Prin Cererea de Fazare – aprobata de catre AM POS Mediu – s-a solicitat Comisiei Europene, la data de 30.03.2016, fazarea proiectului in doua etape de finantare: faza I POS Mediu 2007-2013 si faza II 2014-2020. Prin prezenta notificare se confirma faptul ca documentele (studiu de fezabilitate, inclusiv analiza de optiuni si rezultatele ACB, evaluarea impactului asupra mediului, analiza institutionala etc.) care au stat la baza Deciziei C(2012) 9215 din 07.12. 2012, precum si informatiile comunicate prin cererea de fazare (organismul responsabil cu implementarea proiectului, investitia si locul de realizare, conform cererii de finantare evaluate si aprobate de COM, costul total si costul eligibil total, luand in considerare cerintele stabilite la art 61 din Regulamentul COM CE 1303/2013) se mentin si nu sunt de natura a schimba scopul si obiectivele initiale ale proiectului precum si rezultatele analizei cost-beneficiu. Precizam ca cererea de fazare cuprinde costurile estimate iar prezenta notificare cuprinde costurile rezultate in urma derularii procesului de achizitie publica, dupa caz. (Romanian)
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    The strategic objective of the project is to increase the level of collection and treatment of urban waste water, as well as to ensure the drinking water supply of the population in the localities of Vaslui, Barlad, Husi and Negresti agglomerations. The main specific objectives of the Project are: ensuring adequate water and sewerage services at affordable rates; ensuring an adequate quality of drinking water in all urban agglomerations; — improving the quality of water courses; improvement of the level of sludge management; — creating efficient and innovative water management structures. The Financing Contract was signed on 9 July 2013. The Phase Application – approved by the Environment SOP MA – requested the European Commission, on 30 March 2016, to phase the project into two stages of financing: phase I SOP Environment 2007-2013 and Phase II 2014-2020. This notification confirms that the documents (feasibility study, including options analysis and CBA results, environmental impact assessment, institutional analysis, etc.) which formed the basis for Decision C(2012) 9215 of 07.12. 2012, as well as the information communicated through the phase request (the body responsible for the implementation of the project, the investment and the place of implementation, according to the financing request assessed and approved by the COM, the total cost and total eligible cost, taking into account the requirements set out in Article 61 of Regulation COM EC 1303/2013) are maintained and are not such as to change the original purpose and objectives of the project as well as the results of the cost-benefit analysis. Please note that the phase-in request includes the estimated costs and this notification includes the costs resulting from the public procurement process, as the case may be. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Bîrlad, Romania
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    Oraş Negreşti, Romania
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    Municipiul Vaslui, Romania
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    Municipiul Huşi, Romania
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