Improving the quality of life of the population in Targu Secuiesc (Q2746964)
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Project Q2746964 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Improving the quality of life of the population in Targu Secuiesc |
Project Q2746964 in Romania |
19,794,375.04 Romanian Leu
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23,287,500.0 Romanian Leu
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85.0 percent
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1 November 2014
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30 November 2023
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Obiectivul general al proiectului prezent consta in îmbunatatirea calitatii vietii locuitorilor din Mun. Targu Secuiesc, mai exact imbunatatirea serviciilor culturale, recreative si a spatiilor publice urbane. Indeplinirea acestui obiectiv va duce la: dezvoltarea atractivitatii municipiului pentru locuitorii sai, cat si pentru vizitatori si navetisti, stimularea populatiei municipiului de a petrece timpul in aer liber, stimularea deplasarii nemotorizate (pe jos sau cu bicicleta), stimularea implicarii locuitorilor in activitati culturale, care vor contribui la dezvoltarea relatiilor interpersonale, dezvoltarea capacitatii de integrare, mai ales pentru persoanele care provin din grupuri vulnerabile si cresterea numarului de vizitatori anuali. Implementarea prezentului proiect conduce la cresterea standardelor de viata in cadrul mun Targu Secuiesc prin imbunatatirea ofertei culturale datorita infiintarii Centrului Cultural,prin imbunatatirea conditiilor de locuire pentru locuitorii Municipiului prin crearea unui spatiu verde prin amenajarea parcului. In vederea asigurarii dezvoltarii echilibrate si pentru cresterea atractivitatii mun Targu Secuiesc prezentul proiect are o abordare integrata a problemelor si propune o abordare integrata la nivelul solutiilor identificate. Acest aspect este reflectat de faptul ca proiectul urmareste concomitent imbunatatirea serviciilor culturale precum si imbunatatirea spatiilor publice urbane din Mun Targu Secuiesc, ceea ce va conduce la imbunatatirea vietii locuitorilor in general. Proiectul prezent, datorita abordarii integrate va solutiona simultan mai multe cerinte si necesitati ale populatiei din Mun Targu Secuiesc: lipsa unor servicii culturale adegcate, lipsa unor spatii verzi/parcuri la standarde europene, cu impact pozitiv asupra atractivitatii localitatii, a standardelor de viata, asupra migrarii locuitorilor catre centre urbane mai dezvoltate, etc. Caracterul integrat este demonstrat de investitiile din cadrul categoriei de activitati A (Centrul cultural) si din cadrul categoriei de activitati de tip B (Infiintarea parcului). Obiectivul proiectului este in concordanta cu obiectivul specific al Axei prioritare 13 Sprijinirea regenerarii oraselor mici si mijlocii, Obiectiv specific 13.1 Imbunatirea calitatii vietii populatiei in orasele mici si mijlocii din Romania. Astfel prin modernizarea cladirii publice si reamenajarea spatiului verde degradat, proiectul va contribui la realizarea obiectivului specific. (Romanian)
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The general objective of the present project is to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of Mun. Targu Secuiesc, more specifically the improvement of cultural, recreational services and urban public spaces. Achieving this objective will lead to: developing the city’s attractiveness for its inhabitants, as well as for visitors and commuters, stimulating the municipality’s population to spend time outdoors, stimulating non-motorised travel (on foot or cycling), stimulating the involvement of residents in cultural activities, which will contribute to the development of interpersonal relationships, the development of integration capacity, especially for people coming from vulnerable groups and increasing the number of annual visitors. The implementation of this project leads to the increase of living standards within Targu Secuiesc by improving the cultural offer due to the establishment of the Cultural Center, by improving the living conditions for the inhabitants of the Municipality by creating a green space through the arrangement of the park. In order to ensure the balanced development and to increase the attractiveness of the municipality Targu Secuiesc, the present project has an integrated approach to the problems and proposes an integrated approach to the solutions identified. This is reflected by the fact that the project aims simultaneously to improve cultural services as well as to improve urban public spaces in Mun Targu Secuiesc, which will lead to the improvement of the lives of the inhabitants in general. The present project, thanks to the integrated approach, will simultaneously solve several requirements and needs of the population of Targu Secuiesc: lack of dedicated cultural services, lack of green spaces/parks at European standards, with positive impact on the attractiveness of the locality, living standards, on the migration of residents to more developed urban centers, etc. The integrated character is demonstrated by investments within category of activities A (Cultural Center) and within the category of activities type B (Establishment of the park). The objective of the project is in accordance with the specific objective of Priority Axis 13 Supporting the regeneration of small and medium-sized cities, Specific Objective 13.1 to improve the quality of life of the population in small and medium-sized cities in Romania. Thus, by modernising the public building and redesigning the degraded green space, the project will contribute to the achievement of the specific objective. (English)
16 September 2021
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Municipiul Târgu Secuiesc, Romania
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