Micca – Integrated measures to increase employee qualification (Q3098263)

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Project Q3098263 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Micca – Integrated measures to increase employee qualification
Project Q3098263 in Romania


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    3,849,992.22 Romanian Leu
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    769,998.4440000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,701,473.12 Romanian Leu
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    940,294.6240000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    81.89 percent
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    15 February 2021
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    14 February 2023
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    OBIECTIVUL GENERAL al proiectului il reprezinta – imbunatatirea accesului pentru cresterea participarii la programele de FPC inclusiv la procesele de validare a competentelor profesionale dobandite in context non-formale si informale, pe o perioada de 24 luni, a 654 persoane din care 198 persoane cu varsta peste 40 ani, persoane cu nivel scazut de calificare si din mediul rural, facilitand certificarea a 563 de angajati din domeniile constructii, industrie, comert, turism si servicii, urmare actiunilor de consiliere si orientare in cariera de care beneficiaza 654 persoane. Obiectivul proiectului corespunde intru totul obiectivului specific al AP6, prioritatea de investitii 10.iii. si a fost stabilit pornind de la elaborarea piramidei necesitatilor in cadrul mai multor societati comerciale cu activitate relevanta in domeniul proiectului: pondere ridicata a angajatilor necalificati in domeniul activitatilor pe care le presteaza, deprofesionalizarea si demotivarea angajatilor, pierderea increderii in sine a angajatilor,lipsa de interes atat a angajatorilor cat si a angajatilor privind FPC, gama restransa de servicii de informare, consiliere si orientare in cariera. Proiectul va genera un efect pozitiv pe termen lung determinand prin cresterea nivelului de calificare al angajatilor, imbunatatirea competitivitatii in vederea obtinerii unei calificari complete, actuale si corelarea educatiei si invatarii pe parcursul vietii cu cerintele pietei muncii. Prin activitatile de formare specifice si furnizarea de competente necesare personalului angajat, prezentul proiect contribuie la calificarea/recalificarea/specializarea angajatilor din domeniile industrie, comert, turism si servicii, determinand cresterea nivelului de calificare in corelatie cu piata muncii;- asigura îmbunatatirea abilitatilor de baza si transversale, atat profesionale, cat si non-profesionale, precum si a competentelor antreprenoriale -promovarea accesului angajatilor la programe de FPC inclusiv la procesele de validare a competentelor profesionale dobandite in contexte non-formale si informale, in vederea obtinerii de catre acestia a unei calificari complete;-promovarea beneficiilor FPC in randul angajatilor/angajatorilor;-propunerea de activitati inovatoare privind accesul si participarea la formare profesionala continua si dobandirea de noi competente. Implementarea activitatilor proiectului contribuie la realizarea temelor secundare FSE: - 02 -inovare sociala prin actiuni bugetate in suma de 264009,5 lei reprezentand 5,615 % din bugetul total al proiectului (rezultand din:Lider parteneriat P1 112500 lei -seminarii inovare sociala+onorarii vorbitori-22500 lei+28,51%salariu Expert organizare evenimente-20217,59; P3:108792 lei, rezultand din organizare evenimente27200 lei+onorarii vorbitori 11136 lei+materiale tiparite 3808 lei+papetarie, consumabile 19200 lei+contrb. Salariu coordonator 47748 lei); - 05 – imbunatatirea accesibilitatii, a utilizarii si calitatii tehnolog (Romanian)
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    The GENERAL objective of the project is to improve access for increasing participation in CVT programs, including the validation processes of professional competences acquired in non-formal and informal contexts, for a period of 24 months, of 654 people of whom 198 persons over 40 years old, persons with low qualification and rural areas, facilitating the certification of 563 employees in the fields of construction, industry, trade, tourism and services, following the career counseling and guidance actions that benefit 654 people. The objective of the project corresponds entirely to the specific objective of AP6, investment priority 10.iii. and was established starting from the elaboration of the pyramid needs within several companies with relevant activity in the field of the project: high share of unskilled employees in the field of activities they perform, de-professionalisation and demotivation of employees, loss of self-confidence of employees, lack of interest of both employers and employees regarding CVT, narrow range of information services, counseling and career guidance. The project will generate a positive long-term effect by increasing the qualification level of the employees, improving the competitiveness in order to achieve a complete, current qualification and linking education and learning throughout life with the requirements of the labor market. Through the specific training activities and the provision of the necessary skills to the staff employed, this project contributes to the qualification/reskilling/specialisation of the employees in the fields of industry, trade, tourism and services, leading to the increase of the qualification level in relation to the labour market;- ensures the improvement of basic and transversal skills, both professional and non-professional, as well as of entrepreneurial skills -promoting employees’ access to CVT programs including the validation processes of professional competences acquired in non-formal and informal contexts, in order to obtain a complete qualification by them;-promoting the benefits of CVT among employees/employers;-proposing innovative activities regarding access and participation in continuous professional training and acquiring new skills. The implementation of the project activities contributes to the realisation of the ESF sub themes: — 02 – social innovation through actions budgeted in the amount of RON 264009,5 representing 5,615 % of the total budget of the project (resulting din:Lider partnership P1 112500 lei – seminars social innovation + speakers fees-22500 lei + 28.51 %Event organisation expert salary-20217,59; P3:108792 lei, resulting from the organisation of events27200 lei+speaking fees 11136 lei + printed materials 3808 lei+papetery, consumables 19200 lei + contrb. Coordinator salary 47748 lei); — 05 – Improving accessibility, use and quality of technology (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Judeţul Bacău, Romania
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    Judeţul Sibiu, Romania
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    Judeţul Harghita, Romania
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    Judeţul Covasna, Romania
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    Judeţul Braşov, Romania
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    Judeţul Neamţ, Romania
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