Galati, learn to practice and learn! (Q3097250)

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Project Q3097250 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Galati, learn to practice and learn!
Project Q3097250 in Romania


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    1,811,254.905 Romanian Leu
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    362,250.981 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    2,214,471.52 Romanian Leu
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    442,894.304 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.82 percent
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    21 June 2018
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    20 February 2020
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului: Creşterea gradului de ocupare pentru 250 de studenti inscrisi in invatamantul superior din Regiunea de Sud-Est ca urmare a accesului la activitati de învățare la un potențial loc de muncă cu precadere in sectoarele econimice cu potential competitiv conform SNC și SNCDI. Scopul proiectului urmează sa fie atins pe de o parte, prin oferirea de servicii de consiliere și orientare profesională pentru 250 de studenți, axate pe dobândirea de competențe care răspund necesităților pieței muncii ,iar, pe de alta parte, organizarea și derularea programelor de practica si învățare la locul de muncă cu precadere in sectoarele econimice cu potential competitiv conform SNC și SNCDI avand ca rezultat cresterea nivelului de calificare al viitorilor angajati, precum si cresterea ocupabilitatii a minimum 44% dintre studentii participanti la stagiile de practica. Proiectul își propune trei direcții majore de acțiune ce au ca scop final indeplinirea obiectivului general al proiectului si participarea la indeplinirea obiectivelor de program: • Informarea studentilor despre beneficiie si oportunitatile oferite in cadrul proiectului si recrutarea a 250 de studenti eligibili, dintre care 250 vor beneficia de servicii de consiliere si orientare profesioala in vederea dobandirii competentelor si cunostintelor teoretice privind insertia pe piata muncii, sustinand astfel direcţiile de acţiune pentru formarea profesională obiectivelor strategice stabilite prin Strategia Educației și Formării Profesionale din România pentru perioada 2014 - 2020 , precum si Strategia națională pentru învățământ terțiar 2015 - 2020 prin oferire de servicii complementare programei educationale standard. • Organizarea și derularea programelor de invatare la locul de munca pentru 250 de studenti cu precadere in sectoarele econimice cu potential competitiv conform SNC și SNCDI conducand la dezvoltarea competentelor practice pentru 250 de studenti, dintre care minimum 40% femei, contribuind la atingerea obiectivelor Programului Operational Capital Uman 2014-2020, precum si la atingerea obiectivelor din cadrul Strategiei Națională pentru Competitivitate 2014 – 2020 și SNCDI. • Impulsionarea crearii a 250 planuri de cariera si premierea a 20% dintre acestea in mod transparent si nediscriminatoriu care va avea ca rezultat cresterea gradului de incredere a viitorilor angajati in cunostintele si aptitudinile dobandite pe parcursul activitatii educationale, in corelare cu Planul de Dezvoltare al Regiunii Sud-Est si insertia pe piata muncii a minimum 44% dintre studentii beneficiarii stagiilor de practica, activitatea ce va contribui la indeplinirea obiectivelor Initiativei Locuri de Munca pentru Tineret si a Strategiei Nationale pentru Ocuparea Fortei de Munca. • Promovarea dezvoltării culturii antreprenoriale prin campanii online și offline de informare cu privire la oportunitățile de dezvoltare a unei activități economice pe cont propriu și prin promovarea (Romanian)
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    General objective of the project: Increasing the employment rate for 250 students enrolled in higher education in the South-East Region as a result of access to learning activities to a potential pre-decade job in economic sectors with competitive potential according to SNC and SNCDI. The aim of the project is to be achieved on the one hand, by providing counselling and career guidance services for 250 students, focused on acquiring skills that meet the needs of the labour market, and on the other hand, the organisation and implementation of work-based practical and learning programs in the econimic sectors with competitive potential according to SNC and SNCDI, resulting in an increase in the qualification level of future employees, as well as increasing the occupancy of at least 44 % of the students participating in the internships. The project aims at three major strands of action with the ultimate goal of achieving the general objective of the project and participating in the achievement of the programme objectives: • Informing students about the benefits and opportunities offered within the project and recruiting 250 eligible students, of which 250 will benefit from professional counseling and guidance services in order to acquire the theoretical skills and knowledge regarding the insertion into the labour market, thus supporting the directions of action for training the strategic objectives set by the Strategy of Vocational Education and Training in Romania for the period 2014-2020, as well as the National Strategy for tertiary education 2015-2020 by providing complementary services to the standard educational curriculum. • Organising and conducting on-the-job learning programs for 250 students with a high degree in econimic sectors with competitive potential according to SNC and SNCDI leading to the development of practical skills for 250 students, of which at least 40 % women, contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020, as well as to the achievement of the objectives of the National Strategy for Competitiveness 2014-2020 and SNCDI. • Boosting the creation of 250 career plans and awarding 20 % of them in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner, which will result in increasing the confidence of future employees in the knowledge and skills acquired during the educational activity, in conjunction with the Development Plan of the South-East Region and the insertion into the labour market of at least 44 % of students beneficiaries of internships, the activity that will contribute to the objectives of the Youth Employment Initiative and the National Strategy for Employment of the Labour Force. • Promoting the development of entrepreneurial culture through online and offline information campaigns on opportunities to develop an economic activity on their own and by promoting (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Galaţi, Romania
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