No label defined (Q3095991)
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Project Q3095991 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3095991 in Romania |
2,413,822.14 Romanian Leu
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3,007,297.17 Romanian Leu
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0.8 percent
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22 May 2018
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21 May 2019
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Obiectivul general al proiectului (OG) il reprezinta cresterea numarului de angajati din Regiunea de dezvoltare Vest care beneficiaza de instrumente, metode, practici etc standard de management al resurselor umane si de conditii de lucru imbunatatite in vederea adaptarii activitatii la dinamica sectoarelor economice cu potential competitiv identificate conform SNC/domeniilor de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI prin asigurarea accesului la programe de formare profesionala continua pentru 505 manageri, antreprenori si angajati ai departamentelor de resurse umane si prin sprijinirea unui numar de 70 de intreprinderi din sectoarele/domeniile vizate (din care 47 IMM-uri), pe o perioada de 12 luni. OG al proiectului contribuie astfel in mod direct la atingerea obiectivului specific (OS) 3.8 al AP 3, POCU 2014-2020. Implementarea acestui proiect vizeaza generarea efectelor pozitive pe termen lung atat la nivelul Regiunii de dezvoltare Vest si implicit la nivel national, si mai ales la nivelul celor 505 beneficiari ai proiectului si la nivelul celor 70 de intreprinderi sprijinite prin proiect prin promovarea unei ocupari sustenabile si cresterea calitatii fortei de munca prin sprijinirea adaptarii la schimbare, prin intermediul urmatoarelor tipuri de masuri/activitati care conduc la atingerea obiectivului specific al programului si al apelului: - programe de formare profesionala continua dedicate managerilor si antreprenorilor intreprinderilor care isi desfasoara activitatea intr-unul dintre sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv conform SNC si in corelare cu unul din domeniile de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI; - programe de formare profesionala continua dedicate angajatilor din departamentele de resurse umane ale intreprinderilor care isi desfasoara activitatea intr-unul dintre sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv conform SNC si in corelare cu unul din domeniile de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI; - sprijinirea intreprinderilor care isi desfasoara activitatea intr-unul dintre sectoarele economice cu potential competitv conform SNC si in corelare cu unul din domeniile de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI atat prin programele de formare profesionala a angajatilor cat si prin sprijin in vederea elaborarii/revizuirii/adaptarii unei planificari strategice pe termen lung. Generarea efectelor pozitive pe termen lung ale proiectului va fi asigurata prin intermediul tuturor actvitatilor de mai sus, care genereaza dezvoltare durabila, promoveaza si asigura egalitatea de sanse, nediscriminarea, inovarea sociala si cresterea performantelor in plan profesional al grupului tinta care pe termen lung vor genera la randul lor cresterea calitatii vietii si cresterea economica sustenabila. Pe termen lung, proiectul de fata duce la indeplinirea Strategiei Programului Capital Uman urmărind integrarea nevoilor de dezvoltare a resurselor umane în ansamblul programelor şi politicilor publice ale Romaniei, ca stat membru al U (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project (GO) is to increase the number of employees in the West Development Region who benefit from standard tools, methods, practices etc. of human resources management and improved working conditions in order to adapt the activity to the dynamics of the economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to NCNS/smart specialisation domains according to SNCDI by providing access to continuous training programs for 505 managers, entrepreneurs and employees of human resources departments and by supporting a number of 70 enterprises in the sectors/areas concerned (of which 47 SMEs), over a period of 12 months. The GO of the project thus directly contributes to the achievement of specific objective (SO) 3.8 of AP 3, POCU 2014-2020. The implementation of this project aims to generate long-term positive effects both at West Development Region and thus at national level, and especially at the level of the 505 project beneficiaries and at the level of the 70 enterprises supported by the project by promoting sustainable employment and increasing the quality of the workforce by supporting adaptation to change, through the following types of measures/activities that lead to the achievement of the specific objective of the program and call: — continuous professional training programs dedicated to managers and entrepreneurs of enterprises that operate in one of the economic sectors with competitive potential according to SNC and in conjunction with one of the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI; — continuous professional training programs dedicated to the employees of the human resources departments of the enterprises operating in one of the economic sectors with competitive potential according to SNC and in conjunction with one of the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI; — supporting companies that operate in one of the economic sectors with potential competition according to the NCNS and in conjunction with one of the areas of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI both through the training programs of employees and through support for the elaboration/revision/adaptation of a long-term strategic planning. Generating the long-term positive effects of the project will be ensured through all the above actions, which generate sustainable development, promote and ensure equal opportunities, non-discrimination, social innovation and professional performance growth of the target group, which in the long term will generate increased quality of life and sustainable economic growth. In the long term, the present project leads to the fulfillment of the Human Capital Programme Strategy aiming to integrate the human resources development needs into the entire public programs and policies of Romania, as a member state of the U (English)
16 September 2021
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Judeţul Arad, Romania
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Judeţul Timiş, Romania
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Judeţul Hunedoara, Romania
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Judeţul Caraş-Severin, Romania
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