Phase of the project “Extension and modernisation of water and wastewater systems in Covasna County” (Q3095593)
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Project Q3095593 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Phase of the project “Extension and modernisation of water and wastewater systems in Covasna County” |
Project Q3095593 in Romania |
14,656,073.89 Romanian Leu
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2,931,214.7780000004 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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17,242,439.87 Romanian Leu
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3,448,487.9740000004 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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0.85 percent
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1 January 2016
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31 December 2018
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Proiectul are ca obiectiv strategic cresterea nivelului de colectare si epurare a apelor uzate urbane, precum si a gradului de asigurare a alimentarii cu apa potabila a populatiei din localităţile Sfântu Gheorghe, Târgu Secuiesc, Covasna şi Întorsura Buzăului. Proiectul constă în continuarea lucrărilor aferente etapei I POS Mediu a proiectului "Extinderea şi modernizarea sistemelor de apă şi apă uzată în judeţul Covasna". Prin prezenta se confirmă faptul că documentele (studiu de fezabilitate, inclusiv analiza de opţiuni şi rezultatele ACB, evaluarea impactului asupra mediului, analiza instituţională etc.) care au stat la baza Deciziei C(2011) 1613/11.03.2011, precum şi informaţiile comunicate prin Cererea de fazare (organismul responsabil cu implementarea proiectului, investiţia şi locul de realizare, conform Cererii de finanţare evaluate şi aprobate de COM, costul total şi costul eligibil total, luând în considerare cerinţele stabilite la art. 61 din Regulamentul COM CE 1303/2013) se menţin şi nu sunt de natură a schimba scopul şi obiectivele iniţiale ale proiectului precum şi rezultatele analizei cost-beneficiu. Precizăm că Cererea de fazare cuprinde costurile estimate iar prezenta notificare cuprinde costurile rezultate în urma derulării procesului de achiziţie publică, după caz. Lucrarile ce urmeaza a fi finantate din POIM sunt cele enumerate mai jos: Reabilitare puturi (buc.) – 15 (Sfantu Gheorghe) Reabilitare captari de suprafata (buc.) – 1 (Covasna) Reabilitare aductiuni (m) – 4.027,04 (Covasna), Reabilitare si extindere statii de tratare a apei (buc.) – 1 (Covasna) Constructie statii de pompare a apei (buc.) – 1 (Intorsura Buzaului) Extindere retea de distributie apa (m) – 2.326,20 (Intorsura Buzaului) Reabilitare retea de distributie apa (m) – 3.759,35 (Intorsura Buzaului) Extindere retea de canalizare (m) – 4.276,44 (Intorsura Buzaului) Reabilitare retea de canalizare (m) – 1.991,00 (Intorsura Buzaului) Constructie statii de pompare ape uzate (buc.) – 4 (Intorsura Buzaului) Constructie conducta de refulare (m) – 1.100,00 (Intorsura Buzaului) (Romanian)
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The strategic objective of the project is to increase the level of collection and treatment of urban waste water, as well as to ensure the drinking water supply of the population of Sfantu Gheorghe, Târgu Secuiesc, Covasna and Întorsura Buzăului. The project consists of the continuation of the works related to stage I SOP Environment of the project “Extension and modernisation of water and wastewater systems in Covasna County”. It is hereby confirmed that the documents (feasibility study, including the analysis of options and the results of the CBA, the environmental impact assessment, institutional analysis, etc.) underlying Decision C(2011) 1613/11.03.2011, as well as the information communicated in the phase-up request (the body responsible for the implementation of the project, the investment and the place of implementation, according to the financing application assessed and approved by the COM, the total cost and the total eligible cost, taking into account the requirements set out in Article 61 of COM Regulation (EC) 1303/2013) are maintained and are not such as to change the original purpose and objectives of the project as well as the results of the cost-benefit analysis. Please note that the phase request includes the estimated costs and this notification includes the costs resulting from the procurement process, as appropriate. The works to be financed from LIOP are those listed below: Rehabilitation of wells (pcs) – 15 (Sfantu Gheorghe) Rehabilitation of surface abstractions (pcs) – 1 (Covasna) Rehabilitation of water pumping stations (m) – 4.027.04 (Covasna), Rehabilitation and extension of water treatment station (pcs) – 1 (Covasna) Construction of water pumping stations (pcs) – 1 (Buzaului Turnura) Expansion of water distribution network (m) – 2.326, 20 (Intorsura Buzaului) Rehabilitation of water distribution network (m) – 3.759.35 (Intorsura Buzaului) Extension of sewerage network (m) – 4.276.44 (Intorsura Buzaului) Rehabilitation of the sewer network (m) – 1.991.00 (Intorsura Buzaului) Construction of wastewater pumping stations (pcs) – 4 (Intorsura Buzaului) Construction of the discharge pipe (m) – 1.100.00 (Intorsura Buzaului) (English)
14 September 2021
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Municipiul Sfântul Gheorghe, Romania
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Oraş Întorsura Buzăului, Romania
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Oraş Covasna, Romania
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