No label defined (Q3056765)

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Revision as of 12:38, 15 July 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The aim of the project “Development of the Business Environment in Liepaja, Round I” (hereinafter – the Project) is to increase the amount of private investments and the creation of new jobs in Liepaja by investing in city infrastructure, indirectly by supporting current and potential future entrepreneurs working in the Project area and improving the urban environment. The existing street infrastructure and its territory is not suitable for succ...)
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Project Q3056765 in Latvia
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Project Q3056765 in Latvia


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    909,507.64 Euro
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    1,070,008.99 Euro
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    4 October 2017
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    3 November 2018
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    Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldības administrācija"
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    56°32'6.22"N, 21°0'42.84"E
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    Projekta “Uzņēmējdarbības vides attīstība Liepājā, I kārta” (turpmāk tekstā – Projekts) mērķis ir palielināt privāto investīciju apjomu un jaunu darba vietu izveidi Liepājā, veicot ieguldījumus pilsētas infrastruktūrā, netieši ar to atbalstot Projekta teritorijā šobrīd strādājošos un potenciālos nākotnē piesaistāmos komersantus un uzlabojot pilsētvidi.Projekta ietvaros tiks pārbūvēta Krūmu iela posmā no Ziemeļu ielas līdz Pulvera ielai. Pašlaik esošā ielas infrastruktūra un tās teritorija nav piemērota iedzīvotāju iespējām veiksmīgi pārvietoties šajā teritorijā, kā arī nav piemērota uzņēmējdarbības attīstībai.Veicot ielas infrastruktūras pārbūvi, tiks atjaunots esošais ielas segums un posmā, kurā pašlaik nav asfalta segums, tas tiks izveidots, izbūvēts apgaismojums, izbūvēta jauna lietus ūdens kanalizācija, pārbūvēta esošā un izbūvēta jauna sadzīves kanalizācijas un ūdensapgādes sistēma, pārvietoti elektronisko sakaru tīkli zem ietves.Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldība (turpmāks tekstā – Pašvaldība) ir veikusi sarunas ar Krūmu ielas teritorijā strādājošiem komersantiem un fiziskām personām, kuras vēlas attīstīt savu uzņēmējdarbību šajā ielas teritorijā, par šīs teritorijas attīstību, un saņēmusi viena uzņēmuma apliecinājuma par interesi šo teritoriju attīstīt un vienas fiziskās personas apliecinājuma par interesi šo teritoriju attīstīt . Uzņēmums apliecinājis, ka veiks investīcijas savā uzņēmumā par vismaz EUR 1 466 926,00 apjomā un izveidos vismaz 45 jaunas darba vietas.Būvprojekts ir izstrādāts 2015.gadā. Projekta īstenošanas laikā, veicot būvdarbus, tiks nodrošināta būvdarbu būvuzraudzība un autoruzraudzība, kā arī Projekta publicitātes pasākumi.Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas ir 1 070 008,99 euro. Plānotais līdzfinansējums no ERAF – 909 507,64 euro, kas veido 85% no Projekta attiecināmām izmaksām.Projektu plānots uzsākt 2017.gadā un pabeigt 2018.gadā 13 mēnešu laikā. (Latvian)
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    The aim of the project “Development of the Business Environment in Liepaja, Round I” (hereinafter – the Project) is to increase the amount of private investments and the creation of new jobs in Liepaja by investing in city infrastructure, indirectly by supporting current and potential future entrepreneurs working in the Project area and improving the urban environment. The existing street infrastructure and its territory is not suitable for successful movement in this territory, as well as is not suitable for business development.Reconstruction of the street infrastructure will be restored and in section where there is no asphalt cover, it will be created, lighting will be built, new rainwater drainage was built, new rainwater sewerage system will be rebuilt and new system of household sewerage and water supply is built, it will be created, lighting will be built, a new rainwater drainage system will be built, a new rainwater drainage drainage system will be built, a new rainwater drainage system will be built, it will be built, it will be built, it will be built, a new rainwater drainage system will be built, it will be built, it will be built, lighting will be built, a new rainwater drainage system will be built, and a new household sewerage and water supply system will be rebuilt, it will be constructed, lighting will be built, a new rainwater sewerage system will be built, a new rainwater sewerage system will be built, and a new household sewerage and water supply system will be rebuilt, it will be created, it will be built, lighting will be built, a new rain rain water sewerage sewerage system will be built, and a new household sewerage and water supply system will be rebuilt, it will be constructed, it will be constructed, lighting will be built, a new rain rainwater drainage system will be built, a new rainwater drainage system will be built, it will be rebuilt and a new system of household sewerage and water supply will be built, it will be built, lighting will be built, a new rain rainwater sewerage drainage has been built, a new rainwater drainage system will be rebuilt, a new household sewerage and water supply system will be built, it will be built, it will be built, lighting will be built, a new rainwater drainage drainage has been built, a new rainwater drainage system will be built, a new system of household sewerage and water supply will be built, it will be built, lighting will be built, a new rain rainwater sewerage drainage has been built, a new rainwater drainage system will be built, a new system of household sewerage and water supply will be built, it will be built, lighting will be built, a new rain rain The company has confirmed that it will invest at least EUR 1 466 926.00 and will create at least 45 new jobs.The project was developed in 2015. During the implementation of the project, construction supervision and author supervision, as well as publicity measures, will be ensured.The total eligible costs of the project are EUR 1070008,99. Planned co-financing from ERDF – EUR 909507,64, which represents 85 % of the eligible costs of the Project.The project is planned to start in 2017 and complete in 2018 within 13 months. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Krūmu iela, Liepāja
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    Mazirbes iela, Liepāja
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