Production school Lübeck (Q6940658)

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Revision as of 01:23, 13 October 2024 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Set a claim value: summary (P836): Aprendizagem e trabalho em condições realistas no âmbito da escola de produção Lübeck para jovens.)
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Project LPA/C2/110 in Germany
Language Label Description Also known as
Production school Lübeck
Project LPA/C2/110 in Germany


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    326,465.93 Euro
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    1,026,793.75 Euro
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    31.79 percent
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    1 August 2014
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    31 December 2016
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    Berufsausbildungs- und Qualifizierungsagentur Lübeck GmbH BQL
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    53°51'27.90"N, 10°39'35.60"E
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    Lernen und Arbeiten unter realistischen Bedingungen im Rahmen der Produktionsschule Lübeck für Jugendliche. (German)
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    Learning and working under realistic conditions within the framework of the production school Lübeck for young people. (English)
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    Mokymasis ir darbas realiomis sąlygomis Liubeko gamybos mokykloje jaunimui. (Lithuanian)
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    Oppiminen ja työskentely realistisissa olosuhteissa Lyypekin tuotantokoulun puitteissa nuorille. (Finnish)
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    Lärande och arbete under realistiska förhållanden inom ramen för produktionsskolan Lübeck för ungdomar. (Swedish)
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    Učenje in delo v realnih pogojih v okviru produkcijske šole Lübeck za mlade. (Slovenian)
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    Læring og arbejde under realistiske forhold inden for rammerne af produktionsskolen Lübeck for unge. (Danish)
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    Õppimine ja töötamine realistlikes tingimustes noortele mõeldud Lübecki tootmiskooli raames. (Estonian)
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    Aprendizagem e trabalho em condições realistas no âmbito da escola de produção Lübeck para jovens. (Portuguese)
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    Vzdelávanie a práca v realistických podmienkach v rámci výrobnej školy Lübeck pre mladých ľudí. (Slovak)
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    Tanulás és munka reális körülmények között a Lübeck-i produkciós iskola keretében a fiatalok számára. (Hungarian)
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    Foghlaim agus obair faoi dhálaí réalaíocha faoi chuimsiú na scoile léiriúcháin Lübeck do dhaoine óga. (Irish)
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    It-tagħlim u x-xogħol f’kundizzjonijiet realistiċi fil-qafas tal-iskola tal-produzzjoni Lübeck għaż-żgħażagħ. (Maltese)
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    Učenje i rad u realnim uvjetima u okviru produkcijske škole Lübeck za mlade. (Croatian)
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    Učení a práce za reálných podmínek v rámci produkční školy Lübeck pro mladé lidi. (Czech)
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    Imparare e lavorare in condizioni realistiche nell'ambito della scuola di produzione Lubecca per i giovani. (Italian)
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    Învățarea și munca în condiții realiste în cadrul școlii de producție Lübeck pentru tineri. (Romanian)
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    Учене и работа при реалистични условия в рамките на производственото училище Любек за млади хора. (Bulgarian)
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    Apprendre et travailler dans des conditions réalistes dans le cadre de l’école de production de Lübeck pour les jeunes. (French)
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    Aprender y trabajar en condiciones realistas en el marco de la escuela de producción Lübeck para jóvenes. (Spanish)
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    Mācīšanās un darbs reālos apstākļos Lībekas ražošanas skolas ietvaros jauniešiem. (Latvian)
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    Μάθηση και εργασία υπό ρεαλιστικές συνθήκες στο πλαίσιο της σχολής παραγωγής του Lübeck για τους νέους. (Greek)
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    Leren en werken onder realistische omstandigheden in het kader van de productieschool Lübeck voor jongeren. (Dutch)
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    12 February 2024
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