New and flexible educational offers in tertiary and non-university technical education according to the requirements of the changing labour market (Q3097900)
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Project Q3097900 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | New and flexible educational offers in tertiary and non-university technical education according to the requirements of the changing labour market |
Project Q3097900 in Romania |
5,085,576.87 Romanian Leu
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1,017,115.3740000001 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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5,997,102.53 Romanian Leu
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84.8 percent
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8 February 2019
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17 September 2022
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Prezentul proiect prin obiectivul general si obiectivele specifice definite se incadreaza in Axa Prioritara 6, Prioritatea de Investitii 10 ii, urmarind asigurarea imbunătățirea calității și eficienței și accesul la învățământul terțiar și a celui echivalent în scopul de a asigura creșterea participării și a nivelului de educație, în special pentru grupurile defavorizate. Obiectivul General al proiectului consta in cresterea ratei de acces si participarii in invatamantul tertiar non-universitar, a cresterii atractivitatii ofertelor educationale din invatamantul tertiar universitar (adresandu-se in acest sens unui grup tinta de min.310 studenti) si non-universitar (adresandu-se unui grup tinta de min. de 45 cursanti provenind din grupuri vulnerabile) prin dezvoltarea si pilotarea furnizarii unui numar de 7 oferte educationale noi si.sau redefinite, cu continut inovator, corelate cu imbunatatirea competentelor unui numar de 66 cadre didactice universitare, in scopul de a oferi programe de studii bazate atat pe nevoile cursantilor/studentilor dar si adecvate unei piete de munca aflata in continua miscare. Proiectul prin obiectivul sau general contribuie in mod direct la atingerea scopului urmarit prin apelul de proiect (evidentiat la pg. 6 din GSCS), acesta fiind dedicat asigurarii cresterii : - ratei de acces și participarii în învățământul terțiar nouniversitar , precum si a - atractivității ofertelor educaționale din învățământul terțiar universitar și non-universitar organizat în cadrul instituțiilor de învățământ superior acreditate, corelat cu îmbunătățirea competentelor cadrelor didactice universitare de a proiecta și oferi programe de studii bazate pe nevoile studenților/cursanților, in vederea unui răspuns mai adecvat cerințelor unei piețe de locuri de muncă în continuă schimbare. Astfel, prezentul proiect isi propune sa indeplineasca scopul strategic urmarit prin GSCS pe seama celor 9 obiective definite la nivelul sau, si contribuind exclusiv la imbunatatirea performantelor de ansamblu inregistrate in sistemul de educatie tertiar romanesc, urmare a imbunatatirii calitatii, eficientei si a accesului la invatamantul tertiar si echivalent pentru cursanti si studenti, in vederea cresterii participarii la invatamantul tertiar, indeosebi pentru persoanele apartinand grupurilor defavorizate. Interventia nerambursabila sprijinita prin proiect, prioritara in vederea atingerii obiectivelor proiectului justifica realizarea proiectului, intrucat acesta raspunde unor nevoie exacte si specific delimitate la nivelu grupului tinta vizat prin proiect, precum: - nevoia de crestere/imbunatatire a ratei de cuprindere in invatamantul tertiar, in special pentru persoanele apartinand categoriilor dezavantajate (populatia roma, populatia dezavantajata economic din mediul rural, cursanti/student netraditionali etc.), respectiv facilitarea accesului la invatamantul tertiar pentru aceste categorii dezavantajate; - nevoia de diminuare a tendintei de ab (Romanian)
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This project through the general objective and the specific objectives defined falls under Priority Axis 6, Investment Priority 10 ii, aiming to ensure the improvement of quality and efficiency and access to tertiary and equivalent education in order to ensure increased participation and level of education, especially for disadvantaged groups. The general objective of the project is to increase the rate of access and participation in non-university non-university education, to increase the attractiveness of educational offers from third-tertiary university education (addressing in this regard to a target group of min.310 students) and non-university (addressing a target group of 45 students from vulnerable groups) by developing and piloting the provision of 7 new and.or redefined educational offers, with innovative content, correlated with improving the competences of a number of 66 academics, in order to provide study programs based on both the needs of the students and the right businesses. The project through its general objective directly contributes to the achievement of the goal pursued through the project call (obvious to pg. 6 of GSCS), which is dedicated to ensuring growth: — the rate of access and participation in non-university tertiary education, as well as the attractiveness of the educational offers from university and non-university tertiary education organised within accredited higher education institutions, in conjunction with the improvement of the competences of the academic staff to design and offer study programs based on the needs of students/students, in order to better respond to the demands of an ever-changing job market. Thus, the present project aims to achieve the strategic goal pursued by GSCS on account of the 9 objectives defined at its level, and contributing exclusively to improving the overall performances recorded in the Romanian third-party education system, as a result of improving the quality, efficiency and access to third-party and equivalent education for students and students, in order to increase participation in third-party education, especially for people belonging to disadvantaged groups. The non-reimbursable intervention supported by the project, the priority in order to achieve the project’s objectives justifies the realisation of the project, as it responds to precise and specific needs defined at the level of the target group targeted by the project, such as: — the need to increase/improve the rate of enrolment in third-country education, especially for people belonging to disadvantaged groups (Roma population, economically disadvantaged population in rural areas, non-traditional students/student, etc.), as well as facilitating access to third-party education for these disadvantaged categories; — the need to reduce the tendency of ab (English)
16 September 2021
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Ce projet à travers l’objectif général et les objectifs spécifiques définis relève de l’axe prioritaire 6, priorité d’investissement 10 ii, qui vise à améliorer la qualité et l’efficacité ainsi que l’accès à l’enseignement supérieur et équivalent afin d’accroître la participation et le niveau d’éducation, en particulier pour les groupes défavorisés. L’objectif général du projet est d’augmenter le taux d’accès et de participation à l’enseignement non universitaire non universitaire, d’accroître l’attractivité des offres éducatives de l’enseignement universitaire de troisième cycle (concernant à cet égard un groupe cible de min.310 étudiants) et non universitaire (en s’adressant à un groupe cible de 45 étudiants issus de groupes vulnérables) en développant et en pilotant l’offre de 7 offres éducatives nouvelles ou redéfinies, avec un contenu innovant, en corrélation avec l’amélioration des compétences d’un certain nombre d’universitaires, afin d’offrir des programmes d’études basés à la fois sur les besoins des étudiants et sur les bonnes entreprises. Le projet, à travers son objectif général, contribue directement à la réalisation de l’objectif poursuivi par l’appel à projets (évident à pg. 6 des SGC), qui vise à assurer la croissance: — le taux d’accès et de participation à l’enseignement supérieur non universitaire, ainsi que l’attractivité des offres d’enseignement de l’enseignement supérieur universitaire et non universitaire organisés au sein d’établissements d’enseignement supérieur agréés, parallèlement à l’amélioration des compétences du personnel académique pour concevoir et proposer des programmes d’études basés sur les besoins des étudiants/étudiants, afin de mieux répondre aux exigences d’un marché du travail en constante évolution. Ainsi, le présent projet vise à atteindre l’objectif stratégique poursuivi par les SGC en raison des 9 objectifs définis à son niveau, et à contribuer exclusivement à l’amélioration des performances globales enregistrées dans le système d’enseignement tiers roumain, grâce à l’amélioration de la qualité, de l’efficacité et de l’accès à l’enseignement tiers et équivalent pour les étudiants et les étudiants, afin d’accroître la participation à l’enseignement tiers, en particulier pour les personnes appartenant à des groupes défavorisés. L’intervention non remboursable soutenue par le projet, la priorité pour atteindre les objectifs du projet justifie la réalisation du projet, car elle répond à des besoins précis et spécifiques définis au niveau du groupe cible visé par le projet, tels que: — la nécessité d’augmenter/d’améliorer le taux de scolarisation dans l’enseignement des pays tiers, en particulier pour les personnes appartenant à des groupes défavorisés (population rom, population économiquement désavantagée dans les zones rurales, étudiants/étudiants non traditionnels, etc.), ainsi que de faciliter l’accès à l’éducation de tiers pour ces catégories défavorisées; — la nécessité de réduire la tendance de l’ab (French)
27 November 2021
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Municipiul Bucureşti, Romania
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Judeţul Timiş, Romania
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Judeţul Dâmboviţa, Romania
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Judeţul Cluj, Romania
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Judeţul Iaşi, Romania
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