SPIMM – SME support for the South-East region (Q3097770)

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Project Q3097770 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
SPIMM – SME support for the South-East region
Project Q3097770 in Romania


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    3,097,644.52 Romanian Leu
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    619,528.904 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    3,712,858.69 Romanian Leu
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    742,571.738 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    83.43 percent
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    13 December 2019
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    12 May 2021
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    45°26'1.75"N, 28°3'17.78"E
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    45°16'9.34"N, 26°46'29.35"E
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    44°10'36.19"N, 28°39'2.74"E
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    OBIECTIVUL GENERAL AL PROIECTULUI: imbunatatirea competentelor si cresterea performantelor profesionale pentru 330 persoane avand calitatea de angajati, prin furnizarea unor programe personalizate de formare si alte activitati, in scopul cresterii sanselor de dezvoltare sustenabila si a gradului de adaptabilitate a activitatii la dinamica sectoarelor economice cu potential competitive identificate conform SNC si din domeniile de specializare inteligenta, in Regiunea Sud-Est. SCOPUL PROIECTULUI vizeaza 3 aspecte principale care conduc la dezvoltarea sustenabila, dinamica si competitiva a angajatilor si a sectorului IMM pe plan regional, respectiv: 1) cresterea gradului de constientizare a 100 de angajatori care isi desfasoara activitatea si/sau intentioneaza sa isi adapteze activitatea in sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv, privind initiativele eficiente, durabile si sustenabile orientate spre dezvoltarea resurselor umane si a competitivitatii economice, imbunatatirea cunostintelor / competentelor / aptitudinilor; 2) cresterea gradului de adaptabilitate a activitatii la dinamica economica si mecanismele progresului tehnologic, cresterea numarului de angajati (330 persoane) care beneficiaza de prgrame de formare profesionala; 3) consolidarea sectorului IMM la nivel regional prin sprijinirea unui numar de 36 intreprinderi pentru elaborarea si introducerea unor programe de invatare la locul de munca, asigurand un mediu favorabil cooperarii si inovarii, in contextul concurentei la nivel de sector si regiune. CONTRIBUTIA PROIECTULUI LA REALIZAREA OBIECTIVULUI SPECIFIC AL POCU 2014-2020: Prin obiectivul sau general, proiectul raspunde prioritatilor de investitii, obiectivelor si actiunilor asumate de catre Romania in cadrul Stategiei POCU 2014-2020, respectiv valorizarea capitalului uman, ca resursa pentru o dezvoltare sustenabila in viitor. Prin masurile sale, proiectul genereaza oportunitati de imbunatatire a cunostintelor / competentelor / aptitudinilor angajatilor pentru 330 persoane, in regiunea SudEst, in cele 3 judete selectate (respectiv Constanta, Buzau si Galati), si promoveaza un model de dezvoltare economica sustenabila bazat pe inovare, mobilitate, incluziune, non-discriminare, egalitate de sanse si gen, solidaritate si responsabilitate sociala care contribuie in acelasi timp la cresterea competitivitatii si la dezvoltarea capitalului uman, in concordanta cu prioritatile strategiei POCU 2014-2020. Activitatile proiectului aduc o contributie la asigurarea conditiilor asumate de Romania si astfel: interventiile sub forma unor masuri de imbunatatire a performantelor profesionale, cresterea gradului de adaptabilitate a activitatii la dinamica economica si mecanismele progresului tehnologic din sectoarele cu potential de specializare inteligenta constituie un mijloc de stimulare a cresterii economice la nivelul regiunii de implementare Sud-Est si sustin atingerea obiectivelor stabilite in cadrul altor provocari de dezvolt (Romanian)
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    GENERAL OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT: improving skills and increasing professional performance for 330 people with the quality of employees, by providing customised training programs and other activities, in order to increase the chances of sustainable development and the degree of adaptability of the activity to the dynamics of economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to the NCS and in the fields of intelligent specialisation, in the South-East Region. The PROJECT aims at 3 main aspects that lead to the sustainable, dynamic and competitive development of employees and the SME sector at regional level, namely: 1) to increase the awareness of 100 employers who operate and/or intend to adapt their activity in economic sectors with competitive potential, on efficient, sustainable and sustainable initiatives aimed at developing human resources and economic competitiveness, improving knowledge/skills/skills; 2) Increasing the adaptability of the activity to the economic dynamics and mechanisms of technological progress, increasing the number of employees (330 people) who benefit from Prgrams of professional training; 3) strengthening the SME sector at regional level by supporting 36 enterprises to develop and introduce work-based learning programs, ensuring an environment conducive to cooperation and innovation, in the context of competition at sector and region level. CONTRIBUTION OF THE PROJECT TO THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE OF POCU 2014-2020: Through its general objective, the project responds to the investment priorities, objectives and actions assumed by Romania within the POCU Stategy 2014-2020, namely the valorisation of human capital, as a resource for sustainable development in the future. Through its measures, the project generates opportunities to improve the knowledge/skills/skills of employees for 330 people, in the region of SudEst, in the 3 selected counties (i.e. Constanta, Buzau and Galati), and promotes a sustainable economic development model based on innovation, mobility, inclusion, non-discrimination, equal opportunities and gender, solidarity and social responsibility that at the same time contribute to increasing competitiveness and developing human capital, in line with the priorities of the POCU 2014-2020 strategy. The project activities contribute to ensuring the conditions assumed by Romania and as follows: interventions in the form of measures to improve professional performance, increase the adaptability of the activity to economic dynamics and mechanisms of technological progress in the sectors with potential for intelligent specialisation are a means of stimulating economic growth at the level of the South-East implementation region and support the achievement of the objectives set in other challenges to develop (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Buzău, Romania
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    Judeţul Galaţi, Romania
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    Judeţul Constanţa, Romania
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