Increase PTIR’s capacity to formulate alternative public policies in the field of de-bureaucraticisation and simplification of procedures applicable to the business environment (Q3096044)

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Project Q3096044 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Increase PTIR’s capacity to formulate alternative public policies in the field of de-bureaucraticisation and simplification of procedures applicable to the business environment
Project Q3096044 in Romania


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    649,951.8383 Romanian Leu
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    789,694.71 Romanian Leu
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    44°26'10.10"N, 26°6'9.79"E
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    45°26'1.75"N, 28°3'17.78"E
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    47°10'38.10"N, 24°32'28.10"E
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    43°53'45.28"N, 25°57'56.92"E
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    45°39'8.32"N, 25°36'36.97"E
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    44°10'36.19"N, 28°39'2.74"E
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    44°57'40.21"N, 23°19'32.45"E
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    46°38'38.72"N, 25°37'12.29"E
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    45°47'45.06"N, 22°56'40.13"E
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    44°35'45.89"N, 27°12'5.90"E
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    47°40'19.78"N, 24°11'43.69"E
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    47°9'22.36"N, 23°1'9.08"E
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    47°31'57.54"N, 25°50'4.52"E
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    45°41'28.75"N, 21°37'55.67"E
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    45°10'39.07"N, 28°48'5.87"E
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    45°2'25.62"N, 24°9'13.93"E
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    46°29'51.94"N, 27°48'11.12"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este reprezentat de cresterea capacitatii Patronatului Tinerilor Intreprinzatori din Romania de a elabora, fundamenta si sustine politici publice in domeniul sau de activitate, pentru a sprijini dezvoltarea competitivitatii sectorului IMM si pentru a facilita adaptarea administratiei publice din Romania la nevoile reale ale mediului de afaceri. Elementul central al proiectului este debirocratizarea si simplificarea procedurilor aplicabile mediului de afaceri, prin reducerea sarcinilor administrative impuse acestuia, cu accent pe obtinerea autorizatiei de functionare a IMM-urilor, a avizelor si a acordurilor aferente. Autoritatile publice concep si implementeaza politici si programe prin care urmaresc dezvoltarea si consolidarea sectorului IMM-urilor. In acest sens, variantele de politici publice ale Guvernului vizeaza, printre altele, si indeplinirea cerintelor de imbunatatire a mediului de afaceri autohton, la nivel national si local, inclusiv a IMM-urilor. Insa, la nivelul intregii administratii publice din Romania exista in continuare deficiente in ceea ce priveste elaborarea si fundamentarea politicilor publice, implicit in conceperea si implementarea instrumentelor de sustinere a IMM-urilor. Fundamentarea procesului decizional cu atributii in privinta sectorului IMM si a mediului de afaceri, nu a avut la baza, in ultimii ani, dovezile si argumentele reale, provenite din partea mediului de afaceri, a IMM-urilor sau al altor parteneri de interes, necesare pentru a sustine identificarea corecta a unor probleme, prioritizarea abordarii acestora si implementarea unor solutii eficiente, care sa raspunda tintit unor probleme specifice identificate. Cea mai mare parte dintre antreprenorii romani s-a confruntat cu piedici birocratice in derularea afacerii, printre barierele care i-au afectat cel mai mult fiind procedurile indelungate si complicate de autorizare, costurile ridicate administrative si numeroase taxe parafiscale. Firmele inregistreaza dificultati si adevarate obstacole in procesul de infiintare, mai ales in ceea ce inseamna obtinerea autorizatiilor de functionare. Astfel, se impune realizarea unei radiografieri a starii actuale a instrumentelor de sprijin pentru obtinerea de autorizatii de functionare de catre societati, care sa ofere o imagine de ansamblu corecta, reala, in ceea ce priveste care sunt acestea, institutiile de la care trebuie obtinute, modalitatea prin care se obtin, fluxul acestora, dar si principalele masuri si perspective de simplificare, debirocratizare. Acesta este modul in care prezentul proiect isi propune sa raspunda unei nevoi reale identificate si sa contribuie la elaborarea unor politici publice eficiente, structurata si facil de inteles de catre societati, capabila sa vina in sprijinul dezvoltarii sectorului IMM si imbunatatirii mediului de afaceri din Romania. Ulterior, pe baza experientei dobandite din implementarea proiectului si utilizand competentele in domeniul fun (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to increase the capacity of the Romanian Young Entrepreneurs Employers‘Employers’ Employeeship to develop, substantiate and support public policies in its field of activity, in order to support the development of the competitiveness of the SME sector and to facilitate the adaptation of the Romanian public administration to the real needs of the business environment. The central element of the project is the de-bureaucratisation and simplification of the procedures applicable to the business environment, by reducing the administrative burdens imposed on it, with a focus on obtaining the authorisation to operate SMEs, the approvals and related agreements. Public authorities design and implement policies and programmes aimed at developing and consolidating the SME sector. In this respect, the Government’s public policy options aim, among other things, at meeting the requirements to improve the domestic business environment, at national and local level, including SMEs. However, at the level of the entire public administration in Romania, there are still shortcomings in the development and rationalisation of public policies, implicitly in the design and implementation of SME support tools. The foundation of the decision-making process with responsibilities in the SME sector and the business environment has not been based in recent years on the real evidence and arguments, from the business environment, SMEs or other interested partners, needed to support the correct identification of problems, prioritisation of their approach and the implementation of effective solutions that respond to specific identified problems. Most of the Romanian entrepreneurs faced bureaucratic obstacles in running their business, among the barriers that affected them the most being long and complicated authorisation procedures, high administrative costs and numerous parafiscal charges. Companies register difficulties and real obstacles in the process of establishment, especially in what it means to obtain operating authorisations. Thus, it is necessary to carry out an X-ray of the current state of the support instruments for obtaining operating authorisations by companies, providing a correct, real overview, in terms of which they are, the institutions from which they must be obtained, the way they are obtained, their flow, as well as the main measures and perspectives of simplification, de-bureaucracy. This is how this project aims to respond to an identified real need and to contribute to the development of efficient, structured and easily understood public policies by companies, capable of supporting the development of the SME sector and improving the business environment in Romania. Later, based on the experience gained from the implementation of the project and using the skills in the fun field (English)
    16 September 2021
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