Good teachers for happy children (Q3096289)

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Project Q3096289 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Good teachers for happy children
Project Q3096289 in Romania


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    1,674,315.904 Romanian Leu
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    334,863.18080000003 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    1,969,783.41 Romanian Leu
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    393,956.68200000003 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    11 April 2018
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    10 May 2020
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    44°24'57.78"N, 26°8'24.47"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului:Prevenirea abandonului scolar si imbunatatirea calitatii invatamantului din scolile defavorizate Centrul Scolar pentru Educatie Incluziva Babeni si Scoala Gimnaziala Colonie Ramnicu Valcea, prin actiuni tintite pe dezvoltarea competentelor profesionale si motivarea cadrelor didactice din cele doua scoli. Cele doua scoli defavorizate din care vor fi selectati profesorii din grupul tinta sunt incluse in Anexa 1-Scoli defavorizate; copiii din aceste scoli sunt in situatie de risc educational-Centrul Şcolar pentru Educaţie Incluzivă Băbeni este o şcoală pentru copii cu dizabilităţi mintale şi asociate, care oferă programe educaţionale şi de terapie recuperatorie adaptate nevoilor beneficiarilor săi iar in cazul Școlii Gimnaziale Colonie Rm. Vâlcea elevii provin în din grupurile etnice de rromi (rudari, caldarari, inelari, unguri, gabori), din familii cu un nivel de pregătire intelectuală foarte scăzută, din familii cu venituri foarte mici (care au ca surse de venit alocațiile copiilor, alocații complementare, ajutoare sociale, cantine sociale), din familii monoparentale, din familii care migrează periodic în căutarea surselor de trai zilnic prin județ, prin țară și în străinătate. Proiectul aduce urmatoarele beneficii pe termen lung : 1.creste sansele copiiilor din cele doua scoli de a se integra in societate beneficiind de un nivel sporit de competente profesionale al cadrelor didactice incluse in proiect 2.creste motivatia cadrelor didactice de realiza o educatie incluziva si de calitate pentru copiii din scolile tinta 3.contribuie la cresterea competentelor profesionale ale profesorilor din grupul tinta (Romanian)
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    General objective of proiectului:Prevenirea school dropout and improving the quality of education in disadvantaged schools, School Center for Inclusive Education Babeni and Secondary School Colonie Ramnicu Valcea, through actions aimed at developing professional competences and motivating teachers from the two schools. The two disadvantaged schools from which the teachers from the target group will be selected are included in Annex 1 – Disadvantaged schools; the children in these schools are at risk of educational risk – the School Center for Inclusive Education Băbeni is a school for children with mental disabilities and associated, which offers educational and recovery therapy programs adapted to the needs of its beneficiaries and in the case of Colonie Rm Secondary School. Vâlcea students come from ethnic Roma groups (relatives, Caldarari, ringers, Hungarians, gabori), from families with a very low level of intellectual background, from families with very low incomes (who have as income sources child benefits, complementary allowances, social benefits, social canteens), single parent families, families that regularly migrate in search of daily sources of living through the county, country and abroad. The project brings the following long-term benefits: 1.Increases the chances of children from the two schools to integrate into society with an increased level of professional competence of the teachers included in the project 2.Increases the motivation of teachers to achieve an inclusive and quality education for children from target schools 3. (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Craiova, Romania
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    Oraş Băbeni, Romania
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    Municipiul Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania
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