No label defined (Q2746952)

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Revision as of 12:39, 17 June 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): Stimulating the tourist attractiveness of the Unitarian Church Ensemble in Aita Mare, by sustainable use of the cultural heritage (consolidation, restoration and promotion of the heritage objective).The general objective of this project can be achieved by achieving the following specific objectives, which contribute to the specific objective of the investment priority, namely: boosting local development by preserving, protecting and capitalising...)
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Project Q2746952 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
No label defined
Project Q2746952 in Romania


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    5,388,017.64 Romanian Leu
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    1,077,603.528 Euro
    15 June 2021
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    6,338,844.279999999 Romanian Leu
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    1,267,768.856 Euro
    15 June 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    11 March 2015
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    45°58'5.05"N, 25°33'49.64"E
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    Stimularea atractivităţii turistice a Ansamblului Bisericii Unitariene din comuna Aita Mare, prin valorificarea durabilă a patrimoniului cultural (consolidarea, restaurarea şi promovarea obiectivului de patrimoniu).Obiectivul general al prezentului proiect poate fi atins prin realizarea următoarelor obiective specifice, acestea contribuind la obiectivul specific al priorităţii de investiţii, şi anume: impulsionarea dezvoltării locale prin conservarea, protejarea şi valorificarea patrimoniului cultural şi a identităţii culturale, conservarea şi valorificarea Ansamblului Bisericii Unitariene din Aita Mare, parte a patrimoniului cultural naţional, creşterea numărului anual de vizitatori (turişti) care vizitează Ansamblul Bisericii Unitariene din Aita Mare cu cel puţin 6%, promovarea şi valorificarea obiectivului de patrimoniu prin activităţi de marketing, concomitent cu reintroducerea întregului ansamblu în circuitul turistic. (Romanian)
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    Stimulating the tourist attractiveness of the Unitarian Church Ensemble in Aita Mare, by sustainable use of the cultural heritage (consolidation, restoration and promotion of the heritage objective).The general objective of this project can be achieved by achieving the following specific objectives, which contribute to the specific objective of the investment priority, namely: boosting local development by preserving, protecting and capitalising on cultural heritage and cultural identity, preserving and capitalising on the Unitarian Church Assembly in Aita Mare, part of the national cultural heritage, increasing the annual number of visitors (tourists) who visit the Unitarian Church Assembly in Aita Mare by at least 6 %, promoting and capitalising on the heritage objective through marketing activities, while reintroducing the entire ensemble into the tourist circuit. (English)
    17 June 2021
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