Promotion of continuing vocational training in the state of Brandenburg, continuing vocational training in companies, associations and public and free providers of child and youth welfare (Q6970013)

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Project GENERATED-ID-2014DE05SFOP006-2024-2-9-29796 in Germany
Language Label Description Also known as
Promotion of continuing vocational training in the state of Brandenburg, continuing vocational training in companies, associations and public and free providers of child and youth welfare
Project GENERATED-ID-2014DE05SFOP006-2024-2-9-29796 in Germany


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    2,570.0 Euro
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    12 January 2021
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    31 December 2021
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    WBD - Wohnungsbau- und -ver- waltungsgesellschaft Drebkau m.b.H.
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    51°39'27.86"N, 14°13'13.80"E
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    An- und Verkauf eines Immobilienverwaltungsunternehmens, WEG-Jahresabrechnung I + II, Leitungsrechte u. A. (German)
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    Purchase and sale of a real estate management company, WEG annual statement I + II, management rights etc. (English)
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    Acquisto e vendita di una società di gestione immobiliare, dichiarazione annuale WEG I + II, diritti di gestione ecc. (Italian)
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    Aankoop en verkoop van een vastgoedbeheermaatschappij, WEG-jaarafschrift I + II, beheersrechten enz. (Dutch)
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    Cumpărarea și vânzarea unei societăți de administrare imobiliară, declarația anuală WEG I + II, drepturi de management etc. (Romanian)
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    Nákup a prodej realitní společnosti, roční výkaz WEG I + II, manažerská práva atd. (Czech)
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    Køb og salg af et ejendomsforvaltningsselskab, WEG's årsopgørelse I + II, forvaltningsrettigheder m.v. (Danish)
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    Nakup in prodaja družbe za upravljanje nepremičnin, letno poročilo WEG I + II, pravice upravljanja itd. (Slovenian)
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    Ingatlankezelő társaság vétele és eladása, WEG éves beszámoló I + II, kezelési jogok stb. (Hungarian)
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    Achat et vente d’une société de gestion immobilière, décompte annuel WEG I + II, droits de direction, etc. (French)
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    Compra e venda de uma empresa de gestão imobiliária, declaração anual da WEG I + II, direitos de gestão, etc. (Portuguese)
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    Kinnisvarahaldusettevõtte ost ja müük, WEG aastaaruanne I + II, juhtimisõigused jne. (Estonian)
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    Nekustamā īpašuma pārvaldīšanas uzņēmuma pirkšana un pārdošana, WEG gada pārskats I + II, pārvaldības tiesības u. c. (Latvian)
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    Compra y venta de una sociedad de gestión inmobiliaria, estado anual de WEG I + II, derechos de gestión, etc. (Spanish)
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    Nákup a predaj realitnej správcovskej spoločnosti, výročné vyhlásenie WEG I + II, správcovské práva atď. (Slovak)
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    Αγορά και πώληση εταιρείας διαχείρισης ακινήτων, ετήσια δήλωση I + II της WEG, δικαιώματα διαχείρισης κ.λπ. (Greek)
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    Kupnja i prodaja društva za upravljanje nekretninama, godišnje izvješće WEG-a I + II, upravljačka prava itd. (Croatian)
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    Nekilnojamojo turto valdymo bendrovės pirkimas ir pardavimas, WEG metinė ataskaita I + II, valdymo teisės ir kt. (Lithuanian)
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    Покупка и продажба на дружество за управление на недвижими имоти, годишен отчет на WEG I + II, права на управление и др. (Bulgarian)
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    Kiinteistönhoitoyhtiön osto ja myynti, WEG:n vuosikertomus I + II, hallinnointioikeudet jne. (Finnish)
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    Köp och försäljning av ett fastighetsbolag, WEG:s årsredovisning I + II, förvaltningsrättigheter m.m. (Swedish)
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    Ix-xiri u l-bejgħ ta’ kumpanija tal-ġestjoni tal-proprjetà immobbli, id-dikjarazzjoni annwali tal-WEG I + II, id-drittijiet ta’ ġestjoni eċċ. (Maltese)
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    Ceannach agus díol cuideachta bainistíochta eastáit réadaigh, ráiteas bliantúil WEG I + II, cearta bainistíochta etc. (Irish)
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    12 February 2024
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