Integrated program – Education, Development, Integration (EDI) (Q3097577)

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Project Q3097577 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Integrated program – Education, Development, Integration (EDI)
Project Q3097577 in Romania


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    7,740,434.888 Romanian Leu
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    1,548,086.9776 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    9,106,394.0 Romanian Leu
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    1,821,278.8 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    85.0 percent
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    22 May 2018
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    21 May 2021
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    45°40'45.91"N, 24°20'38.76"E
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    45°21'10.84"N, 24°15'46.08"E
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    46°34'26.94"N, 24°8'46.43"E
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    43°54'15.16"N, 23°24'56.84"E
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    44°22'21.79"N, 24°22'56.86"E
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    Proiectul are ca scop imbunatatirea participarii in sistemul de educatie a copiilor cu risc de excluziune sociala si economica, a adultilor care nu au absolvit invatamantul minim obligatoriu si cresterea competentelor profesionale pentru profesorii din scolile vizate prin proiect – Catane, Racovita, Barza, Corbu, Milcovu din Deal. Obiectivul general al proiectului il constituie prevenirea si reducerea abandonului scolar timpuriu si reintoarcerea in sistemul de educatie si formare pentru tinerii si/sau adultii care nu si-au finalizat educatia obligatorie si imbunatatirea actului educational - pentru 1219 persoane provenind din mediul rural, prin dezvoltarea unui pachet integrat de masuri care presupun desfasurarea unor actiuni cu impact direct asupra facilitarii accesului la educatie si prevenirii/reducerii parasirii timpurii a scolii, a unor actiuni destinate imbunatatirii si diversificarii serviciilor educationale oferite si prin implementarea unor actiuni destinate dezvoltarii capacitatii resurselor umane din scoli. Indeplinirea obiectivului general al proiectului presupune: (1) cresterea participarii la invatamantul ante-prescolar si prescolar a copiilor de etnie roma si non-roma din mediul rural prin facilitarea accesului la educatie (2) reducerea parasirii timpurii a scolii prin masuri integrate de prevenire si de asigurare a oportunitatilor egale pentru elevii de etnie roma si non-roma din mediul rural (3) facilitarea accesului la educatie pentru tinerii /adultii de etnie roma si ne-roma din mediul rural care au parasit timpuriu scoala prin elaborarea si aplicarea de metode si instrumente specifice educatiei remediale de tip “a doua sansa” (4) dezvoltarea competentelor personalului didactic din invatamantul preuniversitar in vederea cresterii calitatii serviciilor educationale orientate pe nevoile elevilor si a unei scoli inclusive Astfel, in concordanta cu obiectivul tematic al prezentului apel de proiecte, acest proiect isi propune sa aplice o serie de masuri integrate pentru reducerea si prevenirea abandonului scolar; pentru asigurarea calitatii educatiei in scoli si gradinite prin formarea cadrelor didactice si a managerilor scolari; pentru facilitarea tranzitiei de la un ciclu scolar la altul; pentru reintegrarea tinerilor si adultilor in invatamantul preuniversitar. Prevenirea pasasirii timpurii a scolii prin metode integrate constituie obiectivul de baza al Strategiei privind reducerea parasirii timpurii a scolii in Romania si al Strategiei nationale pentru educatie. Efectele negative ale abandonului scolar sunt multiple: imposibilitatea ocuparii unui loc de munca, saracie, excludere sociala, forta de munca necalificata, presiuni crescute pe sistemul de protectie sociala, delincventa, exploatarea minorilor, munca „la negru”. In acest context, proiectul contribuie la atingerea obiectivelor (obiectiv pe termen scurt: implementarea unui sistem eficient de politici si masuri de prevenire, interventie si compensare pentru a solut (Romanian)
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    The project aims to improve the participation in the education system of children at risk of social and economic exclusion, of adults who have not completed the minimum compulsory education and to increase professional competences for teachers from schools targeted by the project – Catane, Racovita, Barza, Corbu, Milcovu from Deal. The general objective of the project is the prevention and reduction of early school leaving and the return to the education and training system for young people and/or adults who have not completed their compulsory education and the improvement of the educational act – for 1219 people coming from rural areas, by developing an integrated package of measures that involve carrying out actions with a direct impact on facilitating access to education and preventing/reduction of early school leaving, actions aimed at improving and diversifying the educational services offered and by implementing actions aimed at developing the capacity of human resources in schools. Achieving the general objective of the project involves: (1) Increasing participation in preschool and preschool preschool education of Roma and non-Roma children from rural areas by facilitating access to education (2) reducing early school leaving through integrated measures of prevention and ensuring equal opportunities for Roma and non-Roma students in rural areas (3) facilitating access to education for young Roma and non-Roma students from rural areas who have left school early by developing and applying methods and tools specific to education the remedy of “second chance” type (4) to develop the skills of teaching staff from pre-university education in order to increase the quality of the educational services and the educational needs of this project, so that the educational needs of this project are being developed. to ensure the quality of education in schools and kindergartens by training teachers and school managers; to facilitate transition from one school cycle to another; for the reintegration of young people and adults into pre-university education. Prevention of early school placement through integrated methods is the basic objective of the Strategy for reducing early school leaving in Romania and of the National Strategy for Education. The negative effects of school dropout are multiple: impossibility of employment, poverty, social exclusion, unskilled labour, increased pressures on social protection system, delinquency, exploitation of minors, undeclared work. In this context, the project contributes to achieving the objectives (short-term objective: implementing an effective system of policies and measures to prevent, intervene and compensate to solve (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Catane, Romania
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    Racoviţa, Romania
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    Milcov, Romania
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    Corbu, Romania
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    Bârza, Romania
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