Support for comprehensive provision of local civil services in the village Ratková (Q3100882)

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Revision as of 13:55, 28 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The village Ratková has a large Roma minority in its cadastral territory. In view of the fact that they are largely socially disadvantaged, it also records a number of negative phenomena resulting from the poor financial situation of its population. It’s causing a lot of trouble for the village. Such settlements are characterised by the existence of pathological phenomena that are not socially desirable. These include small-scale crime, but also...)
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Project Q3100882 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Support for comprehensive provision of local civil services in the village Ratková
Project Q3100882 in Slovakia


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    85,684.59 Euro
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    100,805.4 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 January 2018
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    1 December 2020
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    Obec Ratková
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    48°35'29.72"N, 20°5'50.24"E
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    Obec Ratková má vo svojom katastrálnom území početnú rómsku menšinu. Vzhľadom na to, že ide z veľkej časti o sociálne znevýhodnené skupiny, eviduje aj množstvo negatívnych javov, ktoré vyplývajú zo zlej finančnej situácie jej obyvateľov. Spôsobuje to množstvo problémov pre obec. Pre takéto osídlenia je typická existencia patologických javov, ktoré nie sú spoločensky žiadúce. Ide napríklad o drobnú kriminalitu, ale aj priestupky proti občianskemu spolunažívaniu, vytvárania nelegálnych skládok a pod. Situáciu je možné riešiť práve existenciou občianskych hliadok, ktoré by zabezpečovali poriadok a bezproblémové spolunažívanie obyvateľov osady medzi sebou a takisto s obyvateľmi obce. Práve občianske hliadky by pomohli odstrániť tieto negatívne javy a situáciu v obci zlepšiť, čím sa zlepšia podmienky života jej obyvateľov, kvalita života obyvateľov obce, či už ide o väčšinové alebo menšinové obyvateľstvo. Hlavným cieľom projektu je: podporovať komplexné poskytovanie miestnej občianskej poriadkovej služby v obci Ratková. Realizácia je zabezpečená tým spôsobom, že sa budú pri činnosti striedať dve hliadky po dvoch členoch. Tí budú pôsobiť v lokalite v súlade s predmetom výzvy. (Slovak)
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    The village Ratková has a large Roma minority in its cadastral territory. In view of the fact that they are largely socially disadvantaged, it also records a number of negative phenomena resulting from the poor financial situation of its population. It’s causing a lot of trouble for the village. Such settlements are characterised by the existence of pathological phenomena that are not socially desirable. These include small-scale crime, but also offences against coexistence, illegal landfilling, etc. The situation can be solved by the existence of civil patrols that would ensure the order and smooth coexistence of the inhabitants of the settlement with each other and also with the inhabitants of the village. It is civil patrols that would help to eliminate these negative phenomena and improve the situation in the municipality, thus improving the living conditions of its inhabitants, the quality of life of the inhabitants of the municipality, whether they are majority or minority populations. The main objective of the project is to: support the comprehensive provision of local civil law services in the village of Ratková. Implementation is ensured by alternating two patrols between two members. They will operate on the site in accordance with the subject of the call. (English)
    28 September 2021
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