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Project Q3098432 in Romania
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English | No label defined |
Project Q3098432 in Romania |
4,432,019.19 Romanian Leu
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5,296,729.11 Romanian Leu
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1,059,345.8220000002 Euro
0.2 Euro
13 September 2021
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0.84 percent
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25 June 2018
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24 November 2019
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Cresterea ocuparii si imbunatatirea nivelului de competente pentru 352 persoane cu rezidenta in regiunile Sud-Est, Sud-Muntenia, Centru si Nord-Est, prin furnizarea de servicii personalizate de informare si consiliere profesionala, formare profesionala, evaluarea si certificarea competentelor dobandite in sistem non-formal si informal, mediere pe piata muncii. Prin implementarea proiectului, parteneriatul urmareste integrarea socioprofesionala durabila pe piata muncii a 352 persoane grup tinta (GT) total, GT format din: 176 (50% din 352 grup tinta total) someri si persoane inactive, someri de lunga durata, lucratorii varstnici (55-64 ani), persoane cu dizabilitati, persoane cu nivel redus de educatie, din care 36 persoane cu varsta peste 54 ani (20,45% din total 176 someri si persoane inactive) si 53 someri pe termen lung si/sau persoane cu dizabilitati si/sau persoane cu studii primare sau gimnaziale si/sau Persoane cu studii liceale (ISCED 3) sau postliceale (ISCED 4) (30,11% din total 176 someri si persoane inactive); 106 persoane din mediul rural, in special cele din agricultura de subzistenta si semi-subzistenta (30% din 352 grup tinta total); 70 cetateni romani apartinand minoritatii roma (20% din 352 grup tinta total), prin furnizarea de servicii personaliate si masuri specifice de ocupare precum, informare si consiliere profesionala, formare profesionala autorizata (ANC), evaluarea si certificarea competentelor dobandite in sistem non-formal si informal, mediere pe piata muncii, cu scopul cresterii nivelului de ocupare in randul acestora, respectiv angajarea a minim 180 persoane din 352 grup tinta total (51,13% din grup tinta total). Astfel, masurile specifice de ocupare pe care proiectul si le-a propus contribuie in mod direct la realizarea obiectivului tematic 8 al POCU: „Promovarea unei ocupari sustenabile si de calitate a fortei de munca si sprijinirea mobilitatii fortei de munca”, Prioritatea de investitii 8.i: „Accesul la locuri de munca pentru persoanele aflate in cautarea unui loc de munca si pentru persoanele inactive, inclusiv pentru somerii de lunga durata si pentru persoanele cu sanse mici de angajare, inclusiv prin initiative locale de angajare si sprijin pentru mobilitatea fortei de munca”, precum si la realizarea obiectivelor specifice aferente apelului de proiecte POCU/298/3/14/Operatiunea compozita 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 si 3.6/14/Operatiunea compozita 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 si 3.6: „Obiectivul specific 3.1: Cresterea ocuparii somerilor si a persoanelor inactive, cu accent pe somerii de lunga durata, lucratorii varstnici (55-64 ani), persoanelor cu dizabilitati, persoanelor cu nivel redus de educatie”; „Obiectivul specific 3.2: Cresterea ocuparii cetatenilor romani apartinand minoritatii roma”; „Obiectivul specific 3.3: Cresterea ocuparii persoanelor din mediul rural, in special cele din agricultura de subzistenta si semi-subzistenta”; „Obiectivul specific 3.4: Imbunatatirea nivelului de competente, inclusiv prin evalua (Romanian)
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Increasing employment and improving the level of competence for 352 persons residing in the regions of South-East, South-Muntenia, Center and North-East, by providing personalised services of information and counselling, professional training, evaluation and certification of skills acquired in non-formal and informal system, mediation on the labour market. Through the implementation of the project, the partnership aims at sustainable socio-professional integration into the labour market of 352 persons total target group (GT), GT consisting of: 176 (50 % of 352 total target group) unemployed and inactive, long-term unemployed, older workers (55-64 years), persons with disabilities, persons with low educational attainment, of whom 36 persons over 54 years of age (20.45 % of total 176 unemployed and inactive persons) and 53 long-term unemployed persons and/or persons with disabilities and/or persons with primary or secondary education and/or persons with upper secondary education (ISCED 3) or post-secondary (ISCED 4) (30.11 % of total 176 unemployed persons and inactive persons); 106 people from rural areas, especially those from subsistence and semi-subsistence agriculture (30 % of 352 total target group); 70 Romanian citizens belonging to the Roma minority (20 % of 352 total target group), through the provision of personal services and specific measures of employment, as well as information and counselling, authorised professional training (ANC), evaluation and certification of competences acquired in non-formal and informal system, mediation on the labour market, with the aim of increasing the employment level among them, i.e. employing at least 180 persons from 352 total target group (51.13 % of the total target group). Thus, the specific employment measures proposed by the project directly contribute to the achievement of POCU thematic objective 8: “Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility”, Investment Priority 8.i: “Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility”, as well as the achievement of the specific objectives related to the call for projects POCU/298/3/14/Composite operation 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6/14/Composite operation 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6/14: ‘Specific objective 3.1: Increasing the employment of unemployed people and inactive people, with a focus on long-term unemployed, older workers (55-64 years old), people with disabilities, people with low education”; ‘Specific objective 3.2: Increasing the occupation of Romanian citizens belonging to the Roma minority”; ‘Specific objective 3.3: Increasing the employment of people in rural areas, especially those in subsistence and semi-subsistence agriculture”; ‘Specific objective 3.4: Improving the level of competence, including by assessing (English)
16 September 2021
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