No label defined (Q3098052)

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Revision as of 10:38, 16 September 2021 by DG Regio (talk | contribs) (‎Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project aims, by promoting the principles of non-discrimination, gender equality and chance, increasing the degree of participation and facilitating access to motivating continuous training programs for adults employed in the Centre Region, especially for those with low qualification level (ISCED 0-2) and/or with qualifications that are no longer required on the labour market or have occupations in major group 9 acco...)
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Project Q3098052 in Romania
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Project Q3098052 in Romania


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    3,796,759.41 Romanian Leu
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    759,351.8820000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,686,095.67 Romanian Leu
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    937,219.1340000001 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.81 percent
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    17 February 2021
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    16 February 2023
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului urmareste, prin promovarea principiilor de nediscriminare, egalitate de gen si de sansa, cresterea gradului de participare si facilitarea accesului la programe motivante de formare profesionala continua pentru adultii angajati din Regiunea Centru, in special pentru cei cu nivel scazut de calificare (ISCED 0-2) si/sau cu calificari care nu mai sunt cerute pe piata muncii sau au ocupatii din grupa majora 9 conform COR (nivel ISCED 3) si care au varsta peste 40 ani si/sau au domiciliul intr-o zona rurala din Regiunea Centru, prin masuri sustinute care sa conduca la constientizarea angajatilor si angajatorilor cu privire la beneficiile formarii profesionale continue (FPC), care sa conduca la sustinerea unui sistem coerent si de durata de informare, consiliere si orientare profesionala adulti in Regiunea Centru, care sa furnizeze programe de FPC racordate la cerintele regionale ale pietei muncii si ale nevoilor beneficiarilor directi, adaptate atat nevoilor individuale de dezvoltare a competentelor profesionale proprii, cat si a competentelor-cheie ce sustin dezvoltarea personala, ocuparea unui loc de munca si incluziunea sociala, corelativ cu stimularea cooperarii si a implicarii partenerilor sociali din Regiunea Centru in dezvoltarea sistemului de FPC. Prin grupul tinta stabilit, actiunile propuse si rezultatele vizate, proiectul isi aduce contributia la realizarea obiectivelor din documentele nationale si europene strategice relevante pentru imbunatatirea accesului egal la invatare pe tot parcursul vietii (IPV) pentru toate grupurile de varsta, cu accent pe adulti, in contextul tendintelor demografice si al imbatranirii populatiei cu varsta de munca din Romania, ca o actiune structurata si directionata concret pentru indeplinirea obiectivelor angajate de Romania in contextul major al cresterii economice incluzive prevazuta de Strategia Europa 2020 si ET 2020, ce prevede o participare sporita pe pietele muncii, dobandirea de noi abilitati cheie si profesionale si diminuarea saraciei. Proiectul isi aduce contributia la realizarea obiectivului specific AP 6/PI 10.iii/OS 6.12 si a rezultatelor vizate de acesta, cu tinta catre indeplinirea obiectivului strategic POCU 2014-2020 de valorizare a capitalului uman ca resursa pentru o dezvoltare sustenabila in viitor, obiectivul general al proiectului fiind similar cu obiectivul specific al apelului, ca urmare a modului in care isi defineste grupul tinta, activitatile si rezultatele prevazute. Astfel: a) Persoanele care vor beneficia de sprijin si care vor forma grupul tinta (GT) al proiectului vor fi angajati din Regiunea Centru, respectiv 656 angajati, din care minim 60% (394 persone) vor fi femei si minim 32% (210 persoane) vor fi angajati cu nivel scazut de calificare, din mediul rural sau cu varsta peste 40 ani, din care: minim 70 persoane vor fi cu nivel scazut de calificare/cu calificari ce nu mai sunt cerute pe piata muncii/au ocupatii din grupa majora 9 cf.CO (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project aims, by promoting the principles of non-discrimination, gender equality and chance, increasing the degree of participation and facilitating access to motivating continuous training programs for adults employed in the Centre Region, especially for those with low qualification level (ISCED 0-2) and/or with qualifications that are no longer required on the labour market or have occupations in major group 9 according to COR (ISCED level 3) and who are over 40 years old and/or reside in a rural area of the Centre Region, by means of sustained measures leading to the awareness of employees and employers on the benefits of continuous professional training (FPC), which will lead to the support of a coherent system of information, counselling and adult professional guidance in the Centre Region, providing CVT programs connected to the regional labour market requirements and the needs of direct beneficiaries, adapted both to the individual needs of developing their professional skills, as well as of the key competences supporting personal development, employment and social inclusion, correlated with the stimulation of cooperation and involvement of the social partners in the Centre Region in the development of the CVT system. Through the established target group, the proposed actions and the targeted results, the project contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the relevant national and European strategic documents for improving equal access to lifelong learning (IPV) for all age groups, with a focus on adults, in the context of demographic trends and the ageing of the working-age population in Romania, as a structured and targeted action to achieve the objectives committed by Romania in the major context of inclusive economic growth provided by the Europe 2020 and ET 2020 Strategy, which provides for an increased participation in the labour markets, the acquisition of new key and professional skills and the reduction of poverty. The project contributes to the achievement of the specific objective PA 6/PI 10.iii/OS 6.12 and the results targeted by it, with the aim of achieving the strategic objective POCU 2014-2020 of valorisation of human capital as a resource for sustainable development in the future, the general objective of the project being similar to the specific objective of the call, as a result of the way in which it defines its target group, activities and expected results. As follows: a) People who will benefit from support and who will form the target group (GT) of the project will be employed from the Center Region, respectively 656 employees, of which at least 60 % (394 persons) will be women and at least 32 % (210 people) will be employed with low level of qualification, from rural areas or over 40 years old, of which: minimum 70 persons will have low level of qualification/with qualifications that are no longer required on the labor market/have occupations in the major group 9 cf.CO (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Alba, Romania
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    Judeţul Sibiu, Romania
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    Judeţul Mureş, Romania
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    Judeţul Harghita, Romania
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    Judeţul Covasna, Romania
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    Judeţul Braşov, Romania
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