Structural Measure in JadeBay Region II (Q7271697): Difference between revisions

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(‎Set a claim value: summary (P836): Como projeto de acompanhamento, esta medida de construção estrutural baseia-se na medida «Medida Estruturante na Região do JadeBay 2017-2018».)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt)
label / ptlabel / pt
Medida Estrutural na Região de JadeBay II
Medida estrutural na região de JadeBay II

Latest revision as of 04:23, 13 October 2024

Project GENERATED-ID-2014DE16M2OP001-2024-2-9-166828 in Germany
Language Label Description Also known as
Structural Measure in JadeBay Region II
Project GENERATED-ID-2014DE16M2OP001-2024-2-9-166828 in Germany


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    574,346.49 Euro
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    1 April 2019
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    31 March 2021
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    JadeBay GmbH Entwicklungsgesellschaft
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    53°34'0.70"N, 8°5'14.53"E
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    Diese strukturbildende Maßnahme orientiert sich als Folgeprojekt an der Maßnahme „Strukturbildende Maßnahme in der JadeBay-Region 2017-2018“. (German)
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    Cette action structurelle s’inscrit dans le prolongement de l’action «Action de formation structurelle dans la région de JadeBay 2017-2018». (French)
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    As a follow-up project, this structural-building measure is based on the measure “Structuring Measure in the JadeBay Region 2017-2018”. (English)
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    Como proyecto de seguimiento, esta medida de construcción estructural se basa en la medida «Medidas estructurales en la región de JadeBay 2017-2018». (Spanish)
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    Като последващ проект тази мярка за структурно изграждане се основава на мярката „Мярка за структуриране в региона JadeBay за периода 2017—2018 г.“. (Bulgarian)
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    Ako následný projekt je toto štrukturálne opatrenie založené na opatrení „Opatrenie štruktúry v regióne JadeBay 2017 – 2018“. (Slovak)
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    Kā papildu projekts šis strukturālais veidošanas pasākums ir balstīts uz pasākumu “Strukturēšanas pasākums JadeBay reģionā 2017.–2018. gadā”. (Latvian)
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    V rámci navazujícího projektu je toto strukturální opatření založeno na opatření „Strukturální opatření v regionu JadeBay 2017–2018“. (Czech)
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    Kot nadaljnji projekt ta strukturni ukrep temelji na ukrepu „Structuring measures in the JadeBay Region 2017–2018“. (Slovenian)
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    Als vervolgproject is deze structurele bouwmaatregel gebaseerd op de maatregel „Structuring Measure in the JadeBay Region 2017-2018”. (Dutch)
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    Som opfølgningsprojekt er denne strukturopbygningsforanstaltning baseret på foranstaltningen "Structuring Measure in the JadeBay Region 2017-2018". (Danish)
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    Ως επακόλουθο έργο, το εν λόγω μέτρο διαρθρωτικής οικοδόμησης βασίζεται στο μέτρο «Διαρθρωτικό μέτρο στην περιφέρεια JadeBay 2017-2018». (Greek)
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    Come progetto di follow-up, questa misura di costruzione strutturale si basa sulla misura "Misura di strutturazione nella regione di JadeBay 2017-2018". (Italian)
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    Bħala proġett ta’ segwitu, din il-miżura ta’ bini strutturali hija bbażata fuq il-miżura “Miżura Strutturata fir-Reġjun ta’ JadeBay 2017–2018”. (Maltese)
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    Kao popratni projekt, ova mjera strukturne izgradnje temelji se na mjeri „Mjera strukturiranja u regiji JadeBay 2017. – 2018.”. (Croatian)
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    Jatkohankkeena tämä rakenteellista rakentamista koskeva toimenpide perustuu toimenpiteeseen ”Rakennetoimenpide JadeBayn alueella 2017–2018”. (Finnish)
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    Como projeto de acompanhamento, esta medida de construção estrutural baseia-se na medida «Medida Estruturante na Região do JadeBay 2017-2018». (Portuguese)
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    Järelprojektina põhineb see struktuuriehitusmeede meetmel „Structuring Measure in the JadeBay Region 2017–2018“ (Structuring Measure in the JadeBay Region 2017–2018). (Estonian)
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    Som ett uppföljningsprojekt bygger denna strukturbyggande åtgärd på åtgärden ”Structuring Measure in the JadeBay Region 2017–2018”. (Swedish)
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    Vykdant tolesnį projektą, ši struktūrinio kūrimo priemonė grindžiama priemone „Struktūrinė priemonė JadeBay regione 2017–2018 m.“. (Lithuanian)
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    Ca proiect de monitorizare, această măsură de consolidare structurală se bazează pe măsura „Măsura de restructurare în regiunea JadeBay 2017-2018”. (Romanian)
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    Mar thionscadal leantach, tá an beart tógála struchtúrach seo bunaithe ar an mbeart “Beart Structuring i Réigiún JadeBay 2017-2018”. (Irish)
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    Nyomonkövetési projektként ez a strukturálisépítő intézkedés a „Structuring Measure in the JadeBay Region 2017–2018” elnevezésű intézkedésen alapul. (Hungarian)
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    16 February 2024
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    Wilhelmshaven, Stadt
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