Improvement of the professional qualification and key competences of employees in the company “Karabulev — joinery and furniture” Ltd. (Q3832908): Difference between revisions
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Property / financed by | |||||||||||||||
Property / financed by: European Union / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / country | |||||||||||||||
Property / country: Bulgaria / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 58,740.0 Bulgarian lev / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 29,957.4 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget: 29,957.4 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 29,957.4 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 49,929.0 Bulgarian lev / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 25,463.79 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution: 25,463.79 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 25,463.79 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / start time | |||||||||||||||
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Property / start time: 2 April 2018 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / end time | |||||||||||||||
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Property / end time: 2 April 2019 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary: Q3832907 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field: Enhancing equal access to lifelong learning for all age groups in formal, non-formal and informal settings, upgrading the knowledge, skills and competences of the workforce, and promoting flexible learning pathways including through career guidance and validation of acquired competences / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field: Generic productive investment in small and medium–sized enterprises (‘SMEs’) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field: Natural gas / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field: Natural gas / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field: Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal and marine energy) and renewable energy integration (including storage, power to gas and renewable hydrogen infrastructure) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field: Productive investment in large enterprises linked to the low-carbon economy / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field: Natural gas / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string): България / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / fund | |||||||||||||||
Property / fund: European Social Fund / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||||||
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Property / coordinate location: 42°36'26.64"N, 25°29'8.38"E / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Stara Zagora oblast / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / programme | |||||||||||||||
Property / programme: Human Resources Development - BG - ESF/YEI / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / instance of | |||||||||||||||
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
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Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Revision as of 17:33, 19 May 2022
Project Q3832908 in Bulgaria
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Improvement of the professional qualification and key competences of employees in the company “Karabulev — joinery and furniture” Ltd. |
Project Q3832908 in Bulgaria |
Обучението на персонала е процес на усъвършенстване, целенасочена промяна на знанията, уменията, нагласите и поведението на човешките ресурси, за да могат ефективно да извършват настоящи и бъдещи, вкл. по-сложни и по-отговорни задачи, с цел да се удовoлетворяват нуждите на хората и на организацията, което се осъществява и подпомага чрез съответни управленски дейности по предоставяне на възможности за обучение/учене, за да се подобри индивидуалното, груповото и организационното представяне, като се осигурява необходимата обвързаност със стратегията на организацията.В резултат на това се стига до нови качества на хората в организацията - те притежават усъвършенствани и обогатени знания,умения,нагласи и поведение;ефективно извършват настоящи задачи; имат способности да осъществяват в бъдеще по-сложни и по-отговорни дейности; разбират, че целенасочените промени в техните качества водят до по-висока степен на удовлетвореност както на техните, така и на организационните нужди.Тези резултати не могат да бъдат постигнати без конкретни усилия и дейности по представяне на възможности за учене.В тази връзка в проектното предложение е предвидено предоставяне на професионално обучение за придобиване на професионална квалификация по професия "Техник-технолог в дървообработването" и обучение по ключова компетентност "Общуване на чужди езици", като повишаването на уменията на заетите лица ще окаже положително влияние в един по-широк икономически и социален контекст.Подобряването на уменията на лицата е процес, от който ще спечелят всички заинтересовани страни–икономическите субекти, обществото, работодателите и всеки един индивид поотделно.Подобряването на уменията ще допринесе за успешното реализиране на лицата на пазара на труда,за тяхното задържане и най-вече за повишаване на възможностите им за кариерно развитие и намиране на по-добра и по-подходяща работа.Подходящите умения и компетенции са основополагащи за адекватното включването в работния,в социалния и граждански живот. (Bulgarian)
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Staff training is a process of improvement, targeted change of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviour of human resources, in order to be able to effectively carry out current and future tasks, including more complex and more responsible tasks, in order to satisfy the needs of people and the organisation, which is implemented and supported through relevant management activities to provide training/learning opportunities to improve individual, group and organizational representation, ensuring the necessary link with the organisation’s strategy. As a result, new qualities of people in the organisation — they possess advanced and enriched knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviour; effectively perform current tasks; have the capacity to carry out more complex and responsible activities in the future; understand that targeted changes in their qualities lead to a higher level of satisfaction of both their and organizational needs.These results cannot be achieved without concrete efforts and activities to present learning opportunities.In this regard, the project proposal provides for the provision of vocational training for the acquisition of professional qualification by profession “Technical-technologist in woodworking” and training on key competences “Communicating foreign languages”, as the upgrading of the skills of employees will have a positive impact in a broader economic and social context. Improving the skills of individuals is a process from which all stakeholders-economic actors, society, employers and each individual will benefit from the skills-replacement and the inclusion of individual skills. (English)
2 December 2021
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La formation du personnel est un processus d’amélioration, de changement ciblé des connaissances, des compétences, des attitudes et des comportements des ressources humaines, afin de pouvoir s’acquitter efficacement des tâches actuelles et futures, y compris des tâches plus complexes et plus responsables, afin de répondre aux besoins des personnes et de l’organisation, qui est mise en œuvre et soutenue par des activités de gestion pertinentes pour offrir des possibilités de formation/d’apprentissage pour améliorer la représentation individuelle, collective et organisationnelle, en assurant le lien nécessaire avec la stratégie de l’organisation. avoir la capacité de mener des activités plus complexes et plus responsables à l’avenir; à cet égard, la proposition de projet prévoit la fourniture d’une formation professionnelle pour l’acquisition de qualifications professionnelles par la profession «Technical-technologiste en travail du bois» et la formation sur les compétences clés «Communiquer les langues étrangères», car l’amélioration des compétences des salariés aura un impact positif dans un contexte économique et social plus large. L’amélioration des compétences des individus est un processus à partir duquel tous les acteurs économiques, la société, les employeurs et chaque individu bénéficieront du remplacement des compétences et de l’inclusion des compétences individuelles. (French)
3 December 2021
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Die Schulung des Personals ist ein Prozess der Verbesserung, des gezielten Wandels von Wissen, Fähigkeiten, Einstellungen und Verhalten der Humanressourcen, um die aktuellen und künftigen Aufgaben, einschließlich komplexerer und verantwortungsvoller Aufgaben, wirksam erfüllen zu können, um den Bedürfnissen der Menschen und der Organisation gerecht zu werden, die durch entsprechende Managementaktivitäten umgesetzt und unterstützt wird, um Schulungs- und Lernmöglichkeiten zur Verbesserung der individuellen, gruppen- und organisatorischen Vertretung zu bieten und die notwendige Verbindung mit der Strategie der Organisation zu gewährleisten. in der Lage sind, in Zukunft komplexere und verantwortungsvollere Tätigkeiten durchzuführen; verstehen, dass gezielte Veränderungen in ihren Qualitäten zu einer höheren Zufriedenheit sowohl ihrer Bedürfnisse als auch der organisatorischen Bedürfnisse führen.Diese Ergebnisse können nicht ohne konkrete Anstrengungen und Aktivitäten zur Präsentation von Lernmöglichkeiten erzielt werden.In diesem Zusammenhang sieht der Projektvorschlag die Bereitstellung von Berufsausbildungen zum Erwerb von Berufsqualifikationen durch den Beruf „Technical-Technologin in der Holzbearbeitung“ und die Ausbildung zu Schlüsselkompetenzen „Fremdsprachen vermitteln“ vor, da die Verbesserung der Kompetenzen der Arbeitnehmer positive Auswirkungen auf einen breiteren wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Kontext haben wird. (German)
4 December 2021
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De opleiding van het personeel is een proces van verbetering, gerichte verandering van kennis, vaardigheden, attitudes en gedrag van menselijke hulpbronnen, teneinde de huidige en toekomstige taken, met inbegrip van complexere en meer verantwoordelijke taken, effectief uit te voeren, teneinde tegemoet te komen aan de behoeften van mensen en de organisatie, die wordt uitgevoerd en ondersteund door relevante managementactiviteiten om opleiding/leermogelijkheden te bieden om de individuele, groeps- en organisatorische vertegenwoordiging te verbeteren en de noodzakelijke koppeling met de strategie van de organisatie te waarborgen. Als gevolg daarvan beschikken zij over geavanceerde en verrijkte kennis, vaardigheden, attitudes en gedrag; voeren zij de huidige taken effectief uit; beschikken over de capaciteit om in de toekomst complexere en verantwoordelijkere activiteiten uit te voeren; begrijpen dat gerichte veranderingen in hun kwaliteiten leiden tot een hogere mate van voldoening van zowel hun als organisatorische behoeften.Deze resultaten kunnen niet worden bereikt zonder concrete inspanningen en activiteiten om leermogelijkheden te presenteren.In dit verband voorziet het projectvoorstel in het aanbieden van beroepsopleidingen voor de verwerving van beroepskwalificatie door het beroep „Technisch-technoloog in houtbewerking” en opleiding inzake sleutelcompetenties „Communiceren vreemde talen”, aangezien de verbetering van de vaardigheden van werknemers een positief effect zal hebben in een bredere economische en sociale context. Het verbeteren van de vaardigheden van individuen is een proces waarvan alle belanghebbenden-economische actoren, de samenleving, de werkgevers en elk individu zullen profiteren van de vaardigheden-vervanging en de integratie van individuele vaardigheden. (Dutch)
10 December 2021
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La formazione del personale è un processo di miglioramento, cambiamento mirato delle conoscenze, delle competenze, degli atteggiamenti e del comportamento delle risorse umane, al fine di essere in grado di svolgere efficacemente compiti attuali e futuri, compresi compiti più complessi e più responsabili, al fine di soddisfare le esigenze delle persone e dell'organizzazione, che viene implementata e sostenuta attraverso le pertinenti attività di gestione per fornire opportunità di formazione/apprendimento per migliorare la rappresentanza individuale, di gruppo e organizzativa, garantendo il necessario collegamento con la strategia dell'organizzazione. Di conseguenza, nuove qualità delle persone nell'organizzazione — possiedono conoscenze avanzate e arricchite, competenze, atteggiamenti e comportamenti; svolgono efficacemente i compiti attuali; avere la capacità di svolgere in futuro attività più complesse e responsabili; a questo proposito, la proposta di progetto prevede l'erogazione di una formazione professionale per l'acquisizione di qualifiche professionali da parte della professione "Tecnologo-tecnologo nella lavorazione del legno" e la formazione sulle competenze chiave "Comunicare le lingue straniere", in quanto il miglioramento delle competenze dei dipendenti avrà un impatto positivo in un contesto economico e sociale più ampio. Migliorare le competenze degli individui è un processo da cui tutti gli attori economici, la società, i datori di lavoro e ogni singolo individuo beneficeranno del trasferimento delle competenze e dell'inclusione delle competenze individuali. (Italian)
13 January 2022
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La formación del personal es un proceso de mejora, cambio específico de conocimientos, aptitudes, actitudes y comportamiento de los recursos humanos, a fin de poder llevar a cabo eficazmente las tareas actuales y futuras, incluidas tareas más complejas y más responsables, a fin de satisfacer las necesidades de las personas y de la organización, que se lleva a cabo y apoya mediante actividades de gestión pertinentes para ofrecer oportunidades de formación y aprendizaje para mejorar la representación individual, grupal y organizativa, asegurando el vínculo necesario con la estrategia de la organización. tener la capacidad de llevar a cabo actividades más complejas y responsables en el futuro; comprender que los cambios específicos en sus cualidades conducen a un mayor nivel de satisfacción tanto de sus necesidades como de la organización. Estos resultados no pueden lograrse sin esfuerzos y actividades concretos para presentar oportunidades de aprendizaje.En este sentido, la propuesta de proyecto prevé la provisión de formación profesional para la adquisición de cualificaciones profesionales por la profesión «Tecnólogo-tecnológico en el trabajo de la madera» y la formación sobre competencias clave «Comunicación de lenguas extranjeras», ya que la mejora de las competencias de los empleados tendrá un impacto positivo en un contexto económico y social más amplio. (Spanish)
14 January 2022
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