Support for pre-school education and preparation of disadvantaged children on the territory of Dryanovo Municipality (Q3885058): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Fix eu contribution)
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Property / financed by
Property / financed by: European Union / rank
Normal rank
Property / country
Property / country: Bulgaria / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
161,602.5 Bulgarian lev
Amount161,602.5 Bulgarian lev
UnitBulgarian lev
Property / budget: 161,602.5 Bulgarian lev / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
82,417.27 Euro
Amount82,417.27 Euro
Property / budget: 82,417.27 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / budget: 82,417.27 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.51 Euro
Amount0.51 Euro
Property / budget: 82,417.27 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 1 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / start time
27 July 2016
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 27 July 2016 / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
5 September 2019
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 5 September 2019 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3885056 / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Socio-economic integration of marginalised communities such as the Roma / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Generic productive investment in small and medium–sized enterprises (‘SMEs’) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Natural gas / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Natural gas / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal and marine energy) and renewable energy integration (including storage, power to gas and renewable hydrogen infrastructure) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Electricity (TEN-E storage and transmission) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Railways (TEN-T comprehensive) / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): Дряново / rank
Normal rank
Property / fund
Property / fund: European Social Fund / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
42°58'33.85"N, 25°28'27.16"E
Property / coordinate location: 42°58'33.85"N, 25°28'27.16"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Gabrovo / rank
Normal rank
Property / programme
Property / programme: Science and Education for Smart Growth - BG - ESF/ERDF / rank
Normal rank
Property / instance of
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
137,362.12 Bulgarian lev
Amount137,362.12 Bulgarian lev
UnitBulgarian lev
Property / EU contribution: 137,362.12 Bulgarian lev / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
70,054.68 Euro
Amount70,054.68 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 70,054.68 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution: 70,054.68 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.51 Euro
Amount0.51 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 70,054.68 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 3 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 17:29, 19 May 2022

Project Q3885058 in Bulgaria
Language Label Description Also known as
Support for pre-school education and preparation of disadvantaged children on the territory of Dryanovo Municipality
Project Q3885058 in Bulgaria


    Проектното предложение "Подкрепа за предучилищно възпитание и подготовка на деца в неравностойно положение на територията на община Дряново" е насочено към 200 деца от ЦДГ „Детелина“ на възраст от 3 до 7 години, 47 от които са от ромски и турски произход; родителите на децата и всички други заинтересовани страни. Проектното предложение включва следните дейности: Подобряване на образователната среда в детски градини и в подготвителни групи; Дейности, насочени към съхраняване и развиване на културната идентичност на децата от етническите малцинства и техните връстници в интеграционна мултикултурна среда; Работа със семействата от етническите малцинства; Преодоляване на негативни обществени нагласи, основани на етнически произход и културна идентичност.В резултат на изпълнението на дейностите по проекта се очаква постигане на следните резултати:- подобрени на условията за равен достъп до предучилищна подготовка и възпитание;-допълнителни занимания с деца, за които българският език не е майчин за овладяване на официалния език преди постъпване в първи клас;- повишено качество на образованието в детските градини и в подготвителните групи, с цел тяхната образователна интеграция;- взаимно опознаване на децата от различни етноси и възпитаването им в дух на толерантност;- включени родителите във възпитателния процес;- създадени условия за успешна социализация на децата от етническите малцинства и/или от маргинализирани групи и от семейства, търсещи или получили международна закрила;- засилена мотивация на деца и родители за участие в образователния процес (постъпване в първи клас);- преодолени негативни обществени нагласи, основани на етнически произход. (Bulgarian)
    0 references
    The project proposal “Support for pre-school education and preparation of disadvantaged children on the territory of Dryanovo Municipality” is aimed at 200 children from “Detelina” Center, aged 3 to 7, 47 of whom are of Roma and Turkish origin; children’s parents and all other stakeholders. The project proposal includes the following activities: Improving the educational environment in kindergartens and in preparatory groups; Activities aimed at preserving and developing the cultural identity of children from ethnic minorities and their peers in an integrated multicultural environment; Working with ethnic minority families; Overcoming negative public attitudes based on ethnic origin and cultural identity. As a result of the implementation of the project activities are expected to achieve the following results: — improved conditions for equal access to pre-school preparation and education; — additional activities with children for whom the Bulgarian language is not mother tongue for mastering the official language before entering the first grade; — increased quality of education in kindergartens and preparatory groups, for the purpose of their educational integration;- mutual knowledge of children of different ethnicities and their education in a spirit of tolerance;- involving parents in the educational process;- created conditions for successful socialisation of children from ethnic minorities and/or marginalised groups and by families seeking or receiving international protection;- increased motivation of children and parents to participate in the educational process (entry to the first grade);- overcome negative social attitudes based on ethnic origin. (English)
    2 December 2021
    0 references
    La proposition de projet «Soutien à l’éducation préscolaire et à la préparation des enfants défavorisés sur le territoire de la municipalité de Dryanovo» s’adresse à 200 enfants du centre «Detelina», âgés de 3 à 7 ans, dont 47 d’origine rom et turque; les parents des enfants et toutes les autres parties prenantes. La proposition de projet comprend les activités suivantes: L’amélioration de l’environnement éducatif dans les jardins d’enfants et dans les groupes préparatoires; Activités visant à préserver et à développer l’identité culturelle des enfants issus de minorités ethniques et de leurs pairs dans un environnement multiculturel intégré; Travailler avec des familles appartenant à des minorités ethniques; Surmonter les attitudes négatives du public fondées sur l’origine ethnique et l’identité culturelle: la mise en œuvre des activités du projet devrait aboutir aux résultats suivants: — amélioration des conditions d’accès égal à la préparation et à l’éducation préscolaires; — activités supplémentaires avec les enfants dont la langue bulgare n’est pas la langue maternelle pour maîtriser la langue officielle avant d’entrer en première année; — amélioration de la qualité de l’éducation dans les jardins d’enfants et les groupes préparatoires, en vue de leur intégration scolaire;- la connaissance mutuelle des enfants de différentes ethnies et leur éducation dans un esprit de tolérance;- la participation des parents au processus éducatif;- la création de conditions propices à la socialisation réussie des enfants issus de minorités ethniques et/ou de groupes marginalisés et par les familles qui cherchent ou bénéficient d’une protection internationale;- une motivation accrue des enfants et des parents à participer au processus éducatif (entrée en première année);- à surmonter les attitudes sociales négatives fondées sur l’origine ethnique. (French)
    3 December 2021
    0 references
    Der Projektvorschlag „Unterstützung der Vorschulbildung und Vorbereitung benachteiligter Kinder auf dem Gebiet der Gemeinde Dryanovo“ richtet sich an 200 Kinder des Zentrums „Detelina“ im Alter von 3 bis 7 Jahren, von denen 47 Roma und türkischer Herkunft sind; Kindereltern und alle anderen Interessengruppen. Der Projektvorschlag umfasst folgende Aktivitäten: Verbesserung des Bildungsumfelds in Kindergärten und in Vorbereitungsgruppen; Maßnahmen zur Erhaltung und Entwicklung der kulturellen Identität von Kindern ethnischer Minderheiten und ihrer Gleichaltrigen in einem integrierten multikulturellen Umfeld; Arbeiten mit Familien der ethnischen Minderheit; Überwindung negativer öffentlicher Einstellungen aufgrund ethnischer Herkunft und kultureller Identität. Durch die Durchführung der Projektaktivitäten sollen folgende Ergebnisse erzielt werden: – Verbesserung der Bedingungen für den gleichberechtigten Zugang zu Vorschulvorbereitung und Bildung; – zusätzliche Aktivitäten mit Kindern, für die die bulgarische Sprache keine Muttersprache ist, um die Amtssprache vor dem Eintritt in die erste Klasse zu beherrschen; – Verbesserung der Qualität der Bildung in Kindergärten und Vorbereitungsgruppen zum Zwecke ihrer schulischen Integration; – gegenseitige Kenntnis von Kindern unterschiedlicher ethnischer Zugehörigkeit und ihrer Erziehung im Geiste der Toleranz;- Einbeziehung der Eltern in den Bildungsprozess;- Schaffung von Bedingungen für eine erfolgreiche Sozialisierung von Kindern aus ethnischen Minderheiten und/oder marginalisierten Gruppen und von Familien, die internationalen Schutz suchen oder erhalten;- stärkere Motivation von Kindern und Eltern, am Bildungsprozess teilzunehmen (Eintritt in die erste Klasse);- negative soziale Einstellungen aufgrund der ethnischen Herkunft überwinden. (German)
    4 December 2021
    0 references
    Het projectvoorstel „Steun voor voorschools onderwijs en voorbereiding van kansarme kinderen op het grondgebied van de gemeente Dryanovo” is gericht op 200 kinderen uit het „Detelina”-centrum in de leeftijd van 3 tot 7, 47 van Roma en van Turkse afkomst; ouders van kinderen en alle andere belanghebbenden. Het projectvoorstel omvat de volgende activiteiten: Verbetering van de onderwijsomgeving in kleuterscholen en voorbereidende groepen; Activiteiten gericht op het behoud en de ontwikkeling van de culturele identiteit van kinderen uit etnische minderheden en hun leeftijdsgenoten in een geïntegreerde multiculturele omgeving; Werken met etnische minderheidsgezinnen; Het overwinnen van negatieve publieke attitudes op basis van etnische afkomst en culturele identiteit. Als gevolg van de uitvoering van de projectactiviteiten zullen naar verwachting de volgende resultaten bereiken: — betere voorwaarden voor gelijke toegang tot voorschoolse voorbereiding en onderwijs; — aanvullende activiteiten met kinderen voor wie de Bulgaarse taal geen moedertaal is om de officiële taal te beheersen voordat ze in de eerste klas komen; — hogere kwaliteit van het onderwijs in kleuterscholen en voorbereidende groepen, met het oog op hun integratie in het onderwijs; wederzijdse kennis van kinderen van verschillende etniciteiten en hun opleiding in een geest van tolerantie;- ouders betrekken bij het onderwijsproces;- voorwaarden scheppen voor succesvolle socialisatie van kinderen uit etnische minderheden en/of gemarginaliseerde groepen en door gezinnen die internationale bescherming zoeken of ontvangen;- verhoogde motivatie van kinderen en ouders om deel te nemen aan het onderwijsproces (toetreding tot de eerste klas);- overwinnen van negatieve sociale attitudes op basis van etnische afkomst. (Dutch)
    12 December 2021
    0 references
    La proposta di progetto "Sostegno per l'educazione prescolastica e la preparazione di bambini svantaggiati sul territorio del Comune di Dryanovo" è rivolta a 200 bambini del Centro "Detelina", di età compresa tra 3 e 7, 47 dei quali di origine rom e turca; i genitori dei bambini e tutte le altre parti interessate. La proposta di progetto comprende le seguenti attività: Migliorare l'ambiente educativo negli asili nido e nei gruppi preparatori; Attività volte a preservare e sviluppare l'identità culturale dei minori appartenenti a minoranze etniche e dei loro coetanei in un ambiente multiculturale integrato; Lavorare con famiglie appartenenti a minoranze etniche; Il superamento di atteggiamenti pubblici negativi basati sull'origine etnica e sull'identità culturale. A seguito dell'attuazione delle attività del progetto si prevede che i seguenti risultati: — migliori condizioni per la parità di accesso alla preparazione e all'istruzione prescolastica; — attività aggiuntive con bambini per i quali la lingua bulgara non è madrelingua per la padronanza della lingua ufficiale prima di entrare nel primo grado; — miglioramento della qualità dell'istruzione negli asili e nei gruppi preparatori, ai fini della loro integrazione educativa; la conoscenza reciproca dei bambini di diverse etnie e della loro istruzione in uno spirito di tolleranza;- il coinvolgimento dei genitori nel processo educativo;- ha creato le condizioni per una socializzazione riuscita dei bambini appartenenti a minoranze etniche e/o gruppi emarginati e da parte di famiglie che cercano o ricevono protezione internazionale;- una maggiore motivazione dei bambini e dei genitori a partecipare al processo educativo (ingresso al primo grado);- superare gli atteggiamenti sociali negativi basati sull'origine etnica. (Italian)
    13 January 2022
    0 references
    La propuesta de proyecto «Apoyo a la educación preescolar y la preparación de niños desfavorecidos en el territorio del municipio de Dryanovo» está dirigida a 200 niños del Centro «Detelina», de 3 a 7 años, de los cuales 47 son de origen romaní y turco; los padres de los niños y todas las demás partes interesadas. La propuesta de proyecto incluye las siguientes actividades: Mejorar el entorno educativo en los jardines de infancia y en los grupos preparatorios; B) Actividades encaminadas a preservar y desarrollar la identidad cultural de los niños de las minorías étnicas y sus pares en un entorno multicultural integrado; C) Trabajar con familias pertenecientes a minorías étnicas; Superar las actitudes públicas negativas basadas en el origen étnico y la identidad cultural; como resultado de la ejecución de las actividades del proyecto, se espera que los siguientes resultados sean: — mejoramiento de las condiciones para la igualdad de acceso a la preparación y la educación preescolares; — actividades adicionales con niños para los que el idioma búlgaro no es lengua materna para dominar el idioma oficial antes de entrar en el primer grado; — aumento de la calidad de la educación en jardines de infancia y grupos preparatorios, con miras a su integración educativa;- conocimiento mutuo de los niños de diferentes etnias y su educación en un espíritu de tolerancia; participación de los padres en el proceso educativo;- creación de condiciones para la socialización exitosa de los niños de minorías étnicas o grupos marginados y por familias que buscan o reciben protección internacional;- aumento de la motivación de los niños y los padres para participar en el proceso educativo (entrada al primer grado);- superar actitudes sociales negativas basadas en el origen étnico. (Spanish)
    15 January 2022
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