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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
The priority project EFOP-1.9.3-VEKOP-17 “Developing the professional processes of occupational rehabilitation” aims to establish and operate a Centre for Rehabilitation Development in order to increase the effectiveness of complex rehabilitation, to renew and modernise occupational rehabilitation through its professional research activities and to implement rehabilitation professional development. Implement developments directly supporting employment for people with disabilities, in particular by supporting the adaptation of jobs for people with disabilities. One of the project’s milestones is to simplify rehabilitation processes, to reduce the duration of administrative procedures by training and developing relevant experts and consultants, and to improve the employability of people with disabilities. The improvements provided by the project will greatly contribute to improving the employment situation of people with disabilities. Another milestone of the project is to increase the social integration of people with disabilities, to improve their life chances (including their chances of employment) with the further development of the rehabilitation professional system, which is complemented by the development supporting the employment of people with disabilities, as well as the promotion of the adaptation of jobs for people with disabilities. The project will establish a Rehabilitation Development Centre in order to achieve the above objectives and, in particular, to coordinate professional methodological developments. Interdisciplinary contacts and professional dialogue with those involved in occupational rehabilitation are strengthened in the process of professional research and methodological development in the project, both at county and national level. As a result of the training provided to professionals, the preparedness of professionals working in the field of occupational rehabilitation will be improved and help to prevent burnout due to continuous loads. As a result of the methodological developments of occupational rehabilitation, methodological materials with higher professional content and quality are prepared, using which training courses serve to prepare professionals in the field, to increase their knowledge, to homogenise their professional knowledge and thus to integrate people with disabilities into the labour market. The dissemination of the results of the project helps to standardise the knowledge and competences of those working in the field. As a result of developments that directly support employment stimulation, the employability of the target group included in the project will increase after the successful completion of the trainings supported by the project. In order to increase the number of employers open to the employment of people with disabilities, a network of consultants will be established. The staff of the Network, in addition to the purchased sensitising awareness-raising service for employers, the planned rehabilitation engineer service, promotes the development of clients and the awareness-raising of employers through the provision of occupational rehabilitation services and operates the grants available in the project (adaptation of workplaces, training and livelihood support, housing support). The toolkit, consisting of the service and support elements available in the project, complements the grants of similar projects and is suitable for meeting the specific development needs of people with disabilities with complex occupational rehabilitation problems, along with synergistic effects, and promoting their sustainable reintegration into the labour market on a lasting basis. In addition to general information and knowledge, an Occupational Rehabilitation Portal will be established to facilitate labour demand and supply matching for the target group. The portal helps to ensure that information, professional knowledge, good practices, experience, information is shared and accessible in one place related to the employment of people with disabilities, as well as online applications will be developed to spread the possibility of teleworking to the benefit of the employment of people with disabilities and the employment of the target group. 800 project participants will be employed as a result of the use of grants directly facilitating employment and the employer’s awareness-raising, the services and operation of the portal. (English)
Property / summary: The priority project EFOP-1.9.3-VEKOP-17 “Developing the professional processes of occupational rehabilitation” aims to establish and operate a Centre for Rehabilitation Development in order to increase the effectiveness of complex rehabilitation, to renew and modernise occupational rehabilitation through its professional research activities and to implement rehabilitation professional development. Implement developments directly supporting employment for people with disabilities, in particular by supporting the adaptation of jobs for people with disabilities. One of the project’s milestones is to simplify rehabilitation processes, to reduce the duration of administrative procedures by training and developing relevant experts and consultants, and to improve the employability of people with disabilities. The improvements provided by the project will greatly contribute to improving the employment situation of people with disabilities. Another milestone of the project is to increase the social integration of people with disabilities, to improve their life chances (including their chances of employment) with the further development of the rehabilitation professional system, which is complemented by the development supporting the employment of people with disabilities, as well as the promotion of the adaptation of jobs for people with disabilities. The project will establish a Rehabilitation Development Centre in order to achieve the above objectives and, in particular, to coordinate professional methodological developments. Interdisciplinary contacts and professional dialogue with those involved in occupational rehabilitation are strengthened in the process of professional research and methodological development in the project, both at county and national level. As a result of the training provided to professionals, the preparedness of professionals working in the field of occupational rehabilitation will be improved and help to prevent burnout due to continuous loads. As a result of the methodological developments of occupational rehabilitation, methodological materials with higher professional content and quality are prepared, using which training courses serve to prepare professionals in the field, to increase their knowledge, to homogenise their professional knowledge and thus to integrate people with disabilities into the labour market. The dissemination of the results of the project helps to standardise the knowledge and competences of those working in the field. As a result of developments that directly support employment stimulation, the employability of the target group included in the project will increase after the successful completion of the trainings supported by the project. In order to increase the number of employers open to the employment of people with disabilities, a network of consultants will be established. The staff of the Network, in addition to the purchased sensitising awareness-raising service for employers, the planned rehabilitation engineer service, promotes the development of clients and the awareness-raising of employers through the provision of occupational rehabilitation services and operates the grants available in the project (adaptation of workplaces, training and livelihood support, housing support). The toolkit, consisting of the service and support elements available in the project, complements the grants of similar projects and is suitable for meeting the specific development needs of people with disabilities with complex occupational rehabilitation problems, along with synergistic effects, and promoting their sustainable reintegration into the labour market on a lasting basis. In addition to general information and knowledge, an Occupational Rehabilitation Portal will be established to facilitate labour demand and supply matching for the target group. The portal helps to ensure that information, professional knowledge, good practices, experience, information is shared and accessible in one place related to the employment of people with disabilities, as well as online applications will be developed to spread the possibility of teleworking to the benefit of the employment of people with disabilities and the employment of the target group. 800 project participants will be employed as a result of the use of grants directly facilitating employment and the employer’s awareness-raising, the services and operation of the portal. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The priority project EFOP-1.9.3-VEKOP-17 “Developing the professional processes of occupational rehabilitation” aims to establish and operate a Centre for Rehabilitation Development in order to increase the effectiveness of complex rehabilitation, to renew and modernise occupational rehabilitation through its professional research activities and to implement rehabilitation professional development. Implement developments directly supporting employment for people with disabilities, in particular by supporting the adaptation of jobs for people with disabilities. One of the project’s milestones is to simplify rehabilitation processes, to reduce the duration of administrative procedures by training and developing relevant experts and consultants, and to improve the employability of people with disabilities. The improvements provided by the project will greatly contribute to improving the employment situation of people with disabilities. Another milestone of the project is to increase the social integration of people with disabilities, to improve their life chances (including their chances of employment) with the further development of the rehabilitation professional system, which is complemented by the development supporting the employment of people with disabilities, as well as the promotion of the adaptation of jobs for people with disabilities. The project will establish a Rehabilitation Development Centre in order to achieve the above objectives and, in particular, to coordinate professional methodological developments. Interdisciplinary contacts and professional dialogue with those involved in occupational rehabilitation are strengthened in the process of professional research and methodological development in the project, both at county and national level. As a result of the training provided to professionals, the preparedness of professionals working in the field of occupational rehabilitation will be improved and help to prevent burnout due to continuous loads. As a result of the methodological developments of occupational rehabilitation, methodological materials with higher professional content and quality are prepared, using which training courses serve to prepare professionals in the field, to increase their knowledge, to homogenise their professional knowledge and thus to integrate people with disabilities into the labour market. The dissemination of the results of the project helps to standardise the knowledge and competences of those working in the field. As a result of developments that directly support employment stimulation, the employability of the target group included in the project will increase after the successful completion of the trainings supported by the project. In order to increase the number of employers open to the employment of people with disabilities, a network of consultants will be established. The staff of the Network, in addition to the purchased sensitising awareness-raising service for employers, the planned rehabilitation engineer service, promotes the development of clients and the awareness-raising of employers through the provision of occupational rehabilitation services and operates the grants available in the project (adaptation of workplaces, training and livelihood support, housing support). The toolkit, consisting of the service and support elements available in the project, complements the grants of similar projects and is suitable for meeting the specific development needs of people with disabilities with complex occupational rehabilitation problems, along with synergistic effects, and promoting their sustainable reintegration into the labour market on a lasting basis. In addition to general information and knowledge, an Occupational Rehabilitation Portal will be established to facilitate labour demand and supply matching for the target group. The portal helps to ensure that information, professional knowledge, good practices, experience, information is shared and accessible in one place related to the employment of people with disabilities, as well as online applications will be developed to spread the possibility of teleworking to the benefit of the employment of people with disabilities and the employment of the target group. 800 project participants will be employed as a result of the use of grants directly facilitating employment and the employer’s awareness-raising, the services and operation of the portal. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 11:34, 8 February 2022

Project Q3895887 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3895887 in Hungary


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    2,368,320.61 Euro
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    866,366,122 forint
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    3,981,709.163 Euro
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    10 December 2021
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    1,456,567,118.359 forint
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    59.48 percent
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    1 November 2017
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    31 December 2021
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    „A foglalkoztatási rehabilitáció szakmai folyamatainak fejlesztése” elnevezésű EFOP-1.9.3-VEKOP-17 kiemelt projekt célja a komplex rehabilitáció eredményességének növelése érdekében Rehabilitációs Fejlesztési Központ létrehozása és működtetése, annak szakmai kutatási tevékenysége révén a foglalkozási rehabilitáció megújítása, korszerűsítése, a rehabilitációs szakmafejlesztés megvalósítása. A megváltozott munkaképességű személyek foglalkoztatás élénkítését közvetlenül támogató fejlesztések megvalósítása, ezen belül kiemelten a megváltozott munkaképességű emberek számára munkahelyek adaptációjának támogatása. A projekt egyik részcélja a rehabilitációs folyamatok egyszerűsítése, a hatósági eljárások időtartamának csökkentése az érintett szakértők, tanácsadók képzésével, fejlesztésével, továbbá a megváltozott munkaképességű személyek foglalkoztathatóságának javítása. A projekt által biztosított fejlesztések nagymértékben elősegítik a megváltozott munkaképességű személyek foglalkoztatási helyzetének javulását. A projekt másik részcélja a megváltozott munkaképességű személyek társadalmi integrációjának növelése, életesélyeinek (ezen belül elhelyezkedési esélyeinek) javítása a rehabilitációs szakmai rendszer további fejlesztésével, amelyet kiegészít a megváltozott munkaképességű személyek foglalkoztatásának élénkítését, valamint a munkahelyek megváltozott munkaképességű személyek számára történő adaptációjának elősegítését támogató fejlesztés A projekt keretében a fenti célok elérése és kiemelten a szakmai módszertani fejlesztések koordinálása érdekében Rehabilitációs Fejlesztési Központ kerül kialakításra. A projektben megvalósuló szakmai kutatások és módszertani fejlesztések folyamatában erősödnek az interdiszciplináris kapcsolatok, a szakmai párbeszéd a foglalkozási rehabilitációban érintettekkel mind megyei, mind országos szinten. A szakemberek számára biztosított képzések eredményeként javul a foglalkozási rehabilitáció területén dolgozó szakemberek felkészültsége, segítséget kapnak a folyamatos terhelés miatti kiégés megelőzésére. A foglalkozási rehabilitáció módszertani fejlesztéseinek eredményeként magasabb szakmai tartalommal és minőséggel bíró módszertani anyagok kerülnek elkészítésre, amelyek alkalmazásával megvalósuló képzések a területen dolgozó szakemberek felkészítését, tudásának növelését, szakmai ismereteinek homogenizálását és ezen keresztül a megváltozott munkaképességű személyek munkaerő-piaci integrációját szolgálják. A projekt eredményeinek disszeminációja a szakterületen dolgozók ismereteinek és kompetenciáinak egységesítését segíti elő. A foglalkoztatás élénkítését közvetlenül támogató fejlesztések eredményeként növekedik a projektbe vont célcsoport foglalkoztathatósága a projekt keretében támogatott képzések sikeres befejezését követően. A megváltozott munkaképességű emberek foglalkoztatása iránt nyitott munkáltatók számának növelése érdekében Tanácsadói Hálózat kialakítása valósul meg. A Hálózat munkatársai – kiegészítve a vásárolt, munkaadók számára nyújtott érzékenyítő szemléletformáló szolgáltatást, a beszerezni tervezett rehabilitációs szakmérnök szolgáltatást – az ügyfelek fejlesztését és a munkaadók szemléletformálását segítik elő foglalkozási rehabilitációs szolgáltatások biztosítása révén, illetve működtetik a projektben elérhető támogatásokat (munkahelyek adaptációja, képzési és megélhetést biztosító támogatás, lakhatási támogatás). A projektben rendelkezésre álló szolgáltatási és támogatási elemekből álló eszközrendszer a hasonló projektek támogatásait kiegészítve, a szinergikus hatások mentén alkalmas az inaktivitásból fakadóan összetett, foglalkozási rehabilitációt akadályozó problémákkal rendelkező megváltozott munkaképességű személyek egyedi fejlesztési szükségleteinek kielégítésére és tartós, fenntartható munkaerő-piaci visszailleszkedésének elősegítésére. Az általános tájékozató, tudástár jellegen túl a célcsoportra irányuló munkaerő-kereslet és a kínálat illesztésének elősegítése érdekében Foglalkozási Rehabilitációs Portál kerül kialakításra. A portál a megváltozott munkaképességű emberek foglalkozatásához kapcsolódó információk, szakmai ismertek, jó gyakorlatok, tapasztalatok, információk megosztása, egy helyen való elérhetőségének biztosítását segíti elő, emellett online alkalmazások kialakításra kerülnek a weben keresztül történő munkaerő-közvetítés és a célcsoport foglalkoztatása számára előnyös távmunka lehetőségének elterjesztése érdekében. A munkavállalást közvetlenül elősegítő támogatások alkalmazásának és a munkaadói szemléletformálás, a portál szolgáltatásainak, működésének eredményeként 800 projektrésztvevő válik foglalkoztatottá. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The priority project EFOP-1.9.3-VEKOP-17 “Developing the professional processes of occupational rehabilitation” aims to establish and operate a Centre for Rehabilitation Development in order to increase the effectiveness of complex rehabilitation, to renew and modernise occupational rehabilitation through its professional research activities and to implement rehabilitation professional development. Implement developments directly supporting employment for people with disabilities, in particular by supporting the adaptation of jobs for people with disabilities. One of the project’s milestones is to simplify rehabilitation processes, to reduce the duration of administrative procedures by training and developing relevant experts and consultants, and to improve the employability of people with disabilities. The improvements provided by the project will greatly contribute to improving the employment situation of people with disabilities. Another milestone of the project is to increase the social integration of people with disabilities, to improve their life chances (including their chances of employment) with the further development of the rehabilitation professional system, which is complemented by the development supporting the employment of people with disabilities, as well as the promotion of the adaptation of jobs for people with disabilities. The project will establish a Rehabilitation Development Centre in order to achieve the above objectives and, in particular, to coordinate professional methodological developments. Interdisciplinary contacts and professional dialogue with those involved in occupational rehabilitation are strengthened in the process of professional research and methodological development in the project, both at county and national level. As a result of the training provided to professionals, the preparedness of professionals working in the field of occupational rehabilitation will be improved and help to prevent burnout due to continuous loads. As a result of the methodological developments of occupational rehabilitation, methodological materials with higher professional content and quality are prepared, using which training courses serve to prepare professionals in the field, to increase their knowledge, to homogenise their professional knowledge and thus to integrate people with disabilities into the labour market. The dissemination of the results of the project helps to standardise the knowledge and competences of those working in the field. As a result of developments that directly support employment stimulation, the employability of the target group included in the project will increase after the successful completion of the trainings supported by the project. In order to increase the number of employers open to the employment of people with disabilities, a network of consultants will be established. The staff of the Network, in addition to the purchased sensitising awareness-raising service for employers, the planned rehabilitation engineer service, promotes the development of clients and the awareness-raising of employers through the provision of occupational rehabilitation services and operates the grants available in the project (adaptation of workplaces, training and livelihood support, housing support). The toolkit, consisting of the service and support elements available in the project, complements the grants of similar projects and is suitable for meeting the specific development needs of people with disabilities with complex occupational rehabilitation problems, along with synergistic effects, and promoting their sustainable reintegration into the labour market on a lasting basis. In addition to general information and knowledge, an Occupational Rehabilitation Portal will be established to facilitate labour demand and supply matching for the target group. The portal helps to ensure that information, professional knowledge, good practices, experience, information is shared and accessible in one place related to the employment of people with disabilities, as well as online applications will be developed to spread the possibility of teleworking to the benefit of the employment of people with disabilities and the employment of the target group. 800 project participants will be employed as a result of the use of grants directly facilitating employment and the employer’s awareness-raising, the services and operation of the portal. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Budapest, Budapest
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