Q3276937 (Q3276937): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Slovenia is one of the most institutionalised countries in the world (it is the second most institutionalised country in Europe), more than 20 000 people still live in institutions, most of them older people, together with people with long-term mental health problems and other obstacles remain out of the community and marginalised in institutions spend decades. In Italy, institutions were successfully closed down in the 1970s and transformed int...)
Property / summary
Slovenia is one of the most institutionalised countries in the world (it is the second most institutionalised country in Europe), more than 20 000 people still live in institutions, most of them older people, together with people with long-term mental health problems and other obstacles remain out of the community and marginalised in institutions spend decades. In Italy, institutions were successfully closed down in the 1970s and transformed into community services. We have so far successfully closed the only institution in the castle Cmurek in Trata, where until 2004 the Institute for Mental and Nervous Sickness was operating and since 2013 we have been building the Museum of Madness with various actors. At this symbolic place of closure, we develop the conditions for equal integration of people with obstacles in all segments of community life. In our experience, arts and culture, with their wide range of expression, play a key role in eliminating taboos, stigma, prejudice, inclusion of people in normal life situations, as active and passive participation in cultural events, active participation in work processes in the creation of events. We found that the process of cooperation and co-creation itself needs to be further explored in order to provide the conditions for the financial and social recognition of the work of all those involved in the work processes. The purpose of the project is to develop an innovative business idea in the field of KKS called DIFF-SHOP: Art FOR DEZINSTITUCIONALISATION. The project intends to prepare a business and financial plan for an innovative model of service and products for the future art shop within the 12 months of implementation. The project will (according to the prepared business plan) live as a startup in the Museum of Madness in Trata. The Museum of Madness thus also represents a potential business partner, with which we would joinly open a shop of art products dedicated to tourist cultural activities. In Slovenia, similar “store” exist, but the innovativeness of our idea is that we intend to prepare a business plan (English)
Property / summary: Slovenia is one of the most institutionalised countries in the world (it is the second most institutionalised country in Europe), more than 20 000 people still live in institutions, most of them older people, together with people with long-term mental health problems and other obstacles remain out of the community and marginalised in institutions spend decades. In Italy, institutions were successfully closed down in the 1970s and transformed into community services. We have so far successfully closed the only institution in the castle Cmurek in Trata, where until 2004 the Institute for Mental and Nervous Sickness was operating and since 2013 we have been building the Museum of Madness with various actors. At this symbolic place of closure, we develop the conditions for equal integration of people with obstacles in all segments of community life. In our experience, arts and culture, with their wide range of expression, play a key role in eliminating taboos, stigma, prejudice, inclusion of people in normal life situations, as active and passive participation in cultural events, active participation in work processes in the creation of events. We found that the process of cooperation and co-creation itself needs to be further explored in order to provide the conditions for the financial and social recognition of the work of all those involved in the work processes. The purpose of the project is to develop an innovative business idea in the field of KKS called DIFF-SHOP: Art FOR DEZINSTITUCIONALISATION. The project intends to prepare a business and financial plan for an innovative model of service and products for the future art shop within the 12 months of implementation. The project will (according to the prepared business plan) live as a startup in the Museum of Madness in Trata. The Museum of Madness thus also represents a potential business partner, with which we would joinly open a shop of art products dedicated to tourist cultural activities. In Slovenia, similar “store” exist, but the innovativeness of our idea is that we intend to prepare a business plan (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Slovenia is one of the most institutionalised countries in the world (it is the second most institutionalised country in Europe), more than 20 000 people still live in institutions, most of them older people, together with people with long-term mental health problems and other obstacles remain out of the community and marginalised in institutions spend decades. In Italy, institutions were successfully closed down in the 1970s and transformed into community services. We have so far successfully closed the only institution in the castle Cmurek in Trata, where until 2004 the Institute for Mental and Nervous Sickness was operating and since 2013 we have been building the Museum of Madness with various actors. At this symbolic place of closure, we develop the conditions for equal integration of people with obstacles in all segments of community life. In our experience, arts and culture, with their wide range of expression, play a key role in eliminating taboos, stigma, prejudice, inclusion of people in normal life situations, as active and passive participation in cultural events, active participation in work processes in the creation of events. We found that the process of cooperation and co-creation itself needs to be further explored in order to provide the conditions for the financial and social recognition of the work of all those involved in the work processes. The purpose of the project is to develop an innovative business idea in the field of KKS called DIFF-SHOP: Art FOR DEZINSTITUCIONALISATION. The project intends to prepare a business and financial plan for an innovative model of service and products for the future art shop within the 12 months of implementation. The project will (according to the prepared business plan) live as a startup in the Museum of Madness in Trata. The Museum of Madness thus also represents a potential business partner, with which we would joinly open a shop of art products dedicated to tourist cultural activities. In Slovenia, similar “store” exist, but the innovativeness of our idea is that we intend to prepare a business plan (English) / qualifier
point in time: 19 October 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 09:46, 19 October 2021

Project Q3276937 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
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Project Q3276937 in Slovakia


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    14,680.0 Euro
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    1 January 2020
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    31 December 2021
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    46°39'51.37"N, 15°58'34.10"E
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    Slovenija sodi med najbolj institucionalizirane države na svetu (je druga najbolj institucionalizirana država v Evropi), v institucijah še zmeraj živi več kot 20.000 ljudi, med njimi največ starejših, skupaj z ljudmi z dolgotrajnimi težavami v duševnem zdravju in drugimi ovirami ostajajo izrinjeni iz skupnosti in marginalizirani v institucijah preživljajo desetletja. V Italiji so uspešno zaprli institucije že v 70-tih letih prejšnjega stoletja in jih preoblikovali v službe v skupnosti. Pri nas smo doslej edino ustanovo uspešno zaprli prav v gradu Cmurek na Tratah, kjer je do leta 2004 deloval Zavod za duševno in živčno bolne, od leta 2013 pa v njem z različnimi akterji gradimo Muzej norosti. Na tem simboličnem mestu zaprtja razvijamo pogoje za enako vključevanje ljudi z ovirami v vse segmente življenja v skupnosti. Po naših izkušnjah umetnost in kultura s svojim širokim izraznim razponom igrata ključno vlogo pri odpravljanju tabujev, stigme, predsodkov, vključevanju ljudi v običajne življenjske situacije, kot aktivna in pasivna udeležba na kulturnih dogodkih, aktivna udeležba v delovnih procesih pri ustvarjanju dogodkov. Ugotovili smo, da prav sam proces sodelovanja in soustvarjanja moramo dodatno raziskati, da bi lahko zagotovili pogoje za finančno in družbeno priznanje dela vseh, vključenih v delovne procese. Namen projekta je razvoj inovativne poslovne ideje s področja KKS, imenovane DIFF-SHOP: UMETNOST ZA DEZINSTITUCIONALIZACIJO.Projekt namerava v 12 mesecih izvajanja pripraviti poslovni in finančni načrt inovativnega modela storitve in produktov za bodočo umetniško trgovino, ki bo (po pripravljenem poslovnem načrtu) kot startup zaživela v Muzeju norosti na Tratah. Muzej norosti tako predstavlja tudi potencialnega poslovnega partnerja, s katerim bi družno odprli trgovina z umetniškimi izdelki, namenjeni turistični kulturni dejavnosti.V Sloveniji podobne “trgovina” sicer obstajajo, a inovativnost naše ideje je v tem, da nameravamo poslovni načrt pripraviti (Slovenian)
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    Slovenia is one of the most institutionalised countries in the world (it is the second most institutionalised country in Europe), more than 20 000 people still live in institutions, most of them older people, together with people with long-term mental health problems and other obstacles remain out of the community and marginalised in institutions spend decades. In Italy, institutions were successfully closed down in the 1970s and transformed into community services. We have so far successfully closed the only institution in the castle Cmurek in Trata, where until 2004 the Institute for Mental and Nervous Sickness was operating and since 2013 we have been building the Museum of Madness with various actors. At this symbolic place of closure, we develop the conditions for equal integration of people with obstacles in all segments of community life. In our experience, arts and culture, with their wide range of expression, play a key role in eliminating taboos, stigma, prejudice, inclusion of people in normal life situations, as active and passive participation in cultural events, active participation in work processes in the creation of events. We found that the process of cooperation and co-creation itself needs to be further explored in order to provide the conditions for the financial and social recognition of the work of all those involved in the work processes. The purpose of the project is to develop an innovative business idea in the field of KKS called DIFF-SHOP: Art FOR DEZINSTITUCIONALISATION. The project intends to prepare a business and financial plan for an innovative model of service and products for the future art shop within the 12 months of implementation. The project will (according to the prepared business plan) live as a startup in the Museum of Madness in Trata. The Museum of Madness thus also represents a potential business partner, with which we would joinly open a shop of art products dedicated to tourist cultural activities. In Slovenia, similar “store” exist, but the innovativeness of our idea is that we intend to prepare a business plan (English)
    19 October 2021
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