Modernisation of professional training workshops and professional classrooms for engineering and electrical engineering (Q3102647): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The overall objective of the present project is to create conditions for quality education and development of competences of pupils to apply them to the knowledge society. The project is processed in accordance with thematic objective No. 10 and Investment Priority IROP Investing in education through the development of educational infrastructure. It intervenes in the need to improve young people’s access to the labour market. It creates space fo...)
Property / summary
The overall objective of the present project is to create conditions for quality education and development of competences of pupils to apply them to the knowledge society. The project is processed in accordance with thematic objective No. 10 and Investment Priority IROP Investing in education through the development of educational infrastructure. It intervenes in the need to improve young people’s access to the labour market. It creates space for the pupil’s view. It expands its capabilities and future possibilities. By modernising the Secondary Technical School Piešt’any as a beneficiary of assistance, both in the range of professional classrooms equipped with modern didactic and teaching aids, as well as the reconstruction/modernisation of indoor spaces, it will enable better education at 21st century level, for the needs of practice and future employers. Modern teaching methods will be used for the development of key competences of pupils, their skills and abilities. The project’s translator is SOŠ Piešt’any with a focus on 26 Electrical Engineering and 24 Mechanical Engineering and other metalworking production II. This project concerns Division 24 Mechanical Engineering and other metalworking production II, where the IIU index is 25,93. The priority of the division group is high. The place of implementation is RIÚS Trnavský kraj, okres Piešt’any, town Piešt’any. The reason for the project is that the school does not have technical and material possibilities to meet the current challenges of upper secondary education and feels the need to improve the conditions for professional development and the direction of pupils’ development towards higher professional skills applicable directly in practice. The current state of professional training workshops and classrooms corresponds to the time of the last reconstruction in 2005. Teaching and didactic aids have not undergone any major systemic renewal.Through the main activities: No. 1 Equipment of the professional workshop workshop for car repairers is carried out with modern and diagnostic equipment and repair equipment. No. 2 Equipment of theoretical teaching classrooms for the fields of car repairer and electrical engineering – modernising teaching panels and measuring equipment not only for engineering fields, but also electrotechnical, which improves the efficiency of teaching.No. 3 Equipment of the technical training for engineering departments – they enable students to acquire knowledge and skills in the programming of CNC machines and equipment. The specific equipment of the main equipment and equipment are necessary to replace the main equipment in the framework of the project. — improvement of the technical equipment of professional classrooms and workshops of POs – the improvement of the energy performance of the main building SOŠ Objectives of the project are in line with the expected results of IROP support The project addresses 4 measurable indicators. The modernisation of equipment and equipment will respect the needs of inclusive education and accessibility of access. (English)
Property / summary: The overall objective of the present project is to create conditions for quality education and development of competences of pupils to apply them to the knowledge society. The project is processed in accordance with thematic objective No. 10 and Investment Priority IROP Investing in education through the development of educational infrastructure. It intervenes in the need to improve young people’s access to the labour market. It creates space for the pupil’s view. It expands its capabilities and future possibilities. By modernising the Secondary Technical School Piešt’any as a beneficiary of assistance, both in the range of professional classrooms equipped with modern didactic and teaching aids, as well as the reconstruction/modernisation of indoor spaces, it will enable better education at 21st century level, for the needs of practice and future employers. Modern teaching methods will be used for the development of key competences of pupils, their skills and abilities. The project’s translator is SOŠ Piešt’any with a focus on 26 Electrical Engineering and 24 Mechanical Engineering and other metalworking production II. This project concerns Division 24 Mechanical Engineering and other metalworking production II, where the IIU index is 25,93. The priority of the division group is high. The place of implementation is RIÚS Trnavský kraj, okres Piešt’any, town Piešt’any. The reason for the project is that the school does not have technical and material possibilities to meet the current challenges of upper secondary education and feels the need to improve the conditions for professional development and the direction of pupils’ development towards higher professional skills applicable directly in practice. The current state of professional training workshops and classrooms corresponds to the time of the last reconstruction in 2005. Teaching and didactic aids have not undergone any major systemic renewal.Through the main activities: No. 1 Equipment of the professional workshop workshop for car repairers is carried out with modern and diagnostic equipment and repair equipment. No. 2 Equipment of theoretical teaching classrooms for the fields of car repairer and electrical engineering – modernising teaching panels and measuring equipment not only for engineering fields, but also electrotechnical, which improves the efficiency of teaching.No. 3 Equipment of the technical training for engineering departments – they enable students to acquire knowledge and skills in the programming of CNC machines and equipment. The specific equipment of the main equipment and equipment are necessary to replace the main equipment in the framework of the project. — improvement of the technical equipment of professional classrooms and workshops of POs – the improvement of the energy performance of the main building SOŠ Objectives of the project are in line with the expected results of IROP support The project addresses 4 measurable indicators. The modernisation of equipment and equipment will respect the needs of inclusive education and accessibility of access. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The overall objective of the present project is to create conditions for quality education and development of competences of pupils to apply them to the knowledge society. The project is processed in accordance with thematic objective No. 10 and Investment Priority IROP Investing in education through the development of educational infrastructure. It intervenes in the need to improve young people’s access to the labour market. It creates space for the pupil’s view. It expands its capabilities and future possibilities. By modernising the Secondary Technical School Piešt’any as a beneficiary of assistance, both in the range of professional classrooms equipped with modern didactic and teaching aids, as well as the reconstruction/modernisation of indoor spaces, it will enable better education at 21st century level, for the needs of practice and future employers. Modern teaching methods will be used for the development of key competences of pupils, their skills and abilities. The project’s translator is SOŠ Piešt’any with a focus on 26 Electrical Engineering and 24 Mechanical Engineering and other metalworking production II. This project concerns Division 24 Mechanical Engineering and other metalworking production II, where the IIU index is 25,93. The priority of the division group is high. The place of implementation is RIÚS Trnavský kraj, okres Piešt’any, town Piešt’any. The reason for the project is that the school does not have technical and material possibilities to meet the current challenges of upper secondary education and feels the need to improve the conditions for professional development and the direction of pupils’ development towards higher professional skills applicable directly in practice. The current state of professional training workshops and classrooms corresponds to the time of the last reconstruction in 2005. Teaching and didactic aids have not undergone any major systemic renewal.Through the main activities: No. 1 Equipment of the professional workshop workshop for car repairers is carried out with modern and diagnostic equipment and repair equipment. No. 2 Equipment of theoretical teaching classrooms for the fields of car repairer and electrical engineering – modernising teaching panels and measuring equipment not only for engineering fields, but also electrotechnical, which improves the efficiency of teaching.No. 3 Equipment of the technical training for engineering departments – they enable students to acquire knowledge and skills in the programming of CNC machines and equipment. The specific equipment of the main equipment and equipment are necessary to replace the main equipment in the framework of the project. — improvement of the technical equipment of professional classrooms and workshops of POs – the improvement of the energy performance of the main building SOŠ Objectives of the project are in line with the expected results of IROP support The project addresses 4 measurable indicators. The modernisation of equipment and equipment will respect the needs of inclusive education and accessibility of access. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 28 September 2021
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:06, 28 September 2021

Project Q3102647 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Modernisation of professional training workshops and professional classrooms for engineering and electrical engineering
Project Q3102647 in Slovakia


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    549,752.38 Euro
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    646,767.5 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 April 2019
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    1 December 2022
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    Stredná odborná škola technická, Nová 5245/9, Piešťany
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    48°35'21.23"N, 17°50'2.58"E
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    Celkovým cieľom predkladaného projektu je vytvoriť podmienky pre kvalitné vzdelávanie a rozvoj spôsobilostí žiakov k ich uplatneniu sa vo vedomostnej spoločnosti.Projekt je spracovaný v súlade s Tematickým cieľom č. 10 a Investičnou prioritou IROP Investovanie do vzdelania cez vývoj vzdelávacej infraštruktúry. Intervenuje potreby zlepšenia prístupu mladých ľudí na trh práce. Vytvára priestor pre rozhľad  žiaka. Rozširuje  jeho schopnosti a budúce  možnosti uplatnenia. Modernizáciou Strednej odbornej školy technickej  Piešťany ako prijímateľa pomoci jednak v rozsahu odborných  učební  vybavených modernými didaktickými a učebnými pomôckami, ako aj rekonštrukciou/ modernizáciou vnútorných  priestorov , umožní kvalitnejšie vzdelávanie na úrovni 21. storočia, pre potreby praxe a budúcich zamestnávateľov. Budú pri tom  využívané moderné vyučovacie metódy,  pre rozvoj kľúčových spôsobilostí žiakov, ich zručností a schopností.Predkladateľom projektu je SOŠ  Piešťany s zameraním na odbory 26 Elektrotechnika a  24 Strojárstvo a ostatná kovospracúvacia výroba II. Tento projekt sa týka odboru 24 Strojárstvo a ostatná kovospracúvacia výroba II, kde je indexom IIÚ 25,93. Priorita skupiny odboru vysoká. Miestom realizácie je teda RIÚS Trnavského kraja, okres Piešťany, mesto Piešťany. Dôvodom spracovania projektu je, že škola nedisponuje technickými a materiálnymi možnosťami čeliť aktuálnym výzvam vyššieho sekundárneho vzdelávania a cíti potrebu zlepšiť podmienky pre odborný rast a smerovanie vývoja žiakov aj ku vyšším odborným zručnostiam uplatniteľným priamo v praxi. Súčasný stav dielní odborného výcviku a odborných učební odpovedá ich času  poslednej rekonštrukcie v roku 2005. Učebné a didaktické pomôcky neprešli žiadnou väčšou systémovou obnovou.Prostredníctvom hlavných aktivít: č. 1 Vybavenie odborného pracoviska dielňa pre autoopravárov sa realizuje dovybavenie  dielní OV  modernou a diagnostickou technikou a opravárenskou technikou.č. 2 Vybavenie odbornej učebne teoretického vyučovania pre odbory autoopravár a elektrotechnické odbory  - modernizujú výučbu výučbovými panelmi a meracou  technikou nielen pre odbory strojárske, ale aj elektrotechnické, čím sa zvyšuje efektívnosť vyučovania.č. 3 Vybavenie odbornej učebne TV pre strojárske odbory -  umožňujú žiakom získať vedomosti a zručnosti v programovaní CNC strojov a zariadení.Stavebno-montážne práce k tomu potrebné sú navrhnuté v minimálnom rozsahu úprav doterajších priestorov školy na ich funkčnosť a sú súčasťou  dotknutých hlavných aktivít typu a).V hlavnej aktivite č. 4 Zvýšenie energetickej hospodárnosti budovy teoretického vyučovania , ktorá si vyžadujú hlavne výmenu nevyhovujúcich okien v oceľových rámoch  a s tým spojené stavebné úpravy.Úspešnou realizáciou aktivít sa naplnia špecifické ciele projektu : - zlepšenie technického vybavenia odborných  učební a dielne OV- zvýšenie energetickej hospodárnosti hlavnej budovy SOŠCiele projektu sú v súlade s  očakávanými výsledkami podpory IROP Projektom je adresované  4  merateľné ukazovatele. Modernizácia materiálno-technického vybavenia bude rešpektovať potreby inkluzívneho vzdelávania a bezbariérovosti prístupu. (Slovak)
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    The overall objective of the present project is to create conditions for quality education and development of competences of pupils to apply them to the knowledge society. The project is processed in accordance with thematic objective No. 10 and Investment Priority IROP Investing in education through the development of educational infrastructure. It intervenes in the need to improve young people’s access to the labour market. It creates space for the pupil’s view. It expands its capabilities and future possibilities. By modernising the Secondary Technical School Piešt’any as a beneficiary of assistance, both in the range of professional classrooms equipped with modern didactic and teaching aids, as well as the reconstruction/modernisation of indoor spaces, it will enable better education at 21st century level, for the needs of practice and future employers. Modern teaching methods will be used for the development of key competences of pupils, their skills and abilities. The project’s translator is SOŠ Piešt’any with a focus on 26 Electrical Engineering and 24 Mechanical Engineering and other metalworking production II. This project concerns Division 24 Mechanical Engineering and other metalworking production II, where the IIU index is 25,93. The priority of the division group is high. The place of implementation is RIÚS Trnavský kraj, okres Piešt’any, town Piešt’any. The reason for the project is that the school does not have technical and material possibilities to meet the current challenges of upper secondary education and feels the need to improve the conditions for professional development and the direction of pupils’ development towards higher professional skills applicable directly in practice. The current state of professional training workshops and classrooms corresponds to the time of the last reconstruction in 2005. Teaching and didactic aids have not undergone any major systemic renewal.Through the main activities: No. 1 Equipment of the professional workshop workshop for car repairers is carried out with modern and diagnostic equipment and repair equipment. No. 2 Equipment of theoretical teaching classrooms for the fields of car repairer and electrical engineering – modernising teaching panels and measuring equipment not only for engineering fields, but also electrotechnical, which improves the efficiency of teaching.No. 3 Equipment of the technical training for engineering departments – they enable students to acquire knowledge and skills in the programming of CNC machines and equipment. The specific equipment of the main equipment and equipment are necessary to replace the main equipment in the framework of the project. — improvement of the technical equipment of professional classrooms and workshops of POs – the improvement of the energy performance of the main building SOŠ Objectives of the project are in line with the expected results of IROP support The project addresses 4 measurable indicators. The modernisation of equipment and equipment will respect the needs of inclusive education and accessibility of access. (English)
    28 September 2021
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