Active measures to stimulate employment for people with low employment opportunities (inactive people, rural people, Roma people) in the South-Muntenia Region (M.A.S.O.) (Q3096256): Difference between revisions
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Property / co-financing rate: 0.85 percent / rank | |||||||
Revision as of 12:13, 27 September 2021
Project Q3096256 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Active measures to stimulate employment for people with low employment opportunities (inactive people, rural people, Roma people) in the South-Muntenia Region (M.A.S.O.) |
Project Q3096256 in Romania |
3,673,201.934 Romanian Leu
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4,321,414.04 Romanian Leu
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2 July 2018
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31 December 2019
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Scopul proiectului este reprezentat de implementarea masurilor active de ocupare pentru 360 de persoane cu sanse reduse de angajare, din care 50% (180 persoane) vor face parte din categoria somerilor si persoanelor inactive (cu accent pe persoane cu varsta peste 54 ani, someri pe termen lung, persoane cu dizabilitati si persoane cu studii primare, gimnaziale, liceale sau postliceale), 20% vor apartine etniei Rome si 30% vor avea resedinta/domiciliul in mediul rural, din Regiunea Sud-Muntenia, prin oferirea de servicii specializate de informare si consiliere profesionala, formare profesionala, evaluare si certificare a competentelor profesionale si medierea muncii, in vederea identificarii, ocuparii si pastrarii de catre acestia a unui loc de munca sau infiintarea unei activitati independente. Scopul proiectului vizeaza adresarea unor nevoi stringente ale grupului tinta, nevoi relevate in documentele strategice specifice, precum si combaterea problemelor cu care acestia se confrunta in momentul in care doresc sa ocupe un loc de munca, respectiv: - Nivelul scazut de educatie si pregatire profesionala a persoanelor cu sanse reduse de angajare la momentul tranzitiei catre piata muncii; - Lipsa resurselor materiale/posibilitatilor financiare pentru participarea la programe de formare profesionala / evaluare a competenelor profesionale; - Neconcordanta dintre calificarile profesionale/experienta persoanelor cu sanse reduse de angajare si cerintele angajatorilor; - Dezvoltarea insuficienta a culturii muncii in randul persoanelor cu sanse reduse de angajare si lipsa competentelor acestora privind identificarea si ocuparea unui loc de munca. Proiectul contribuie la indeplinirea OS 3.1 al AP3, OT 8, PI 8.i si a rezultatelor asteptate ale acestuia, intrucat sprijina accesul la locuri de munca a 180 persoane din categoria Someri si inactivi, respectiv 36 persoane peste 54 de ani, 9 someri pe termen lung, 3 persoane cu dizabilitati, 28 absolventi invatamant primar/gimnazial, 14 absolventi invatamant liceal/postliceal si 90 persoane din alte categorii de someri si persoane inactive, prin furnizarea de servicii specializate de informare si consiliere profesionala si medierea muncii, finalizate cu ocuparea a minim 93 de persoane din aceasta categorie. Proiectul contribuie la indeplinirea OS 3.2 al AP3, OT 8, PI 8.i si a rezultatelor asteptate ale acestuia, intrucat sprijina accesul la locuri de munca a 72 persoane din categoria Persoane de etnie Roma, prin furnizarea de servicii specializate de informare si consiliere profesionala si medierea muncii, finalizate cu ocuparea a minim 37 de persoane din aceasta categorie. Proiectul contribuie la indeplinirea OS 3.3 al AP3, OT 8, PI 8.i si a rezultatelor asteptate ale acestuia, intrucat sprijina accesul la locuri de munca a 108 persoane din categoria Persoane din zona rurala, prin furnizarea de servicii specializate de informare si consiliere profesionala si medierea muncii, finalizate cu ocuparea a minim 5 (Romanian)
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The aim of the project is to implement active employment measures for 360 people with reduced employment opportunities, of which 50 % (180 people) will be in the unemployed and inactive category (with a focus on people over 54 years old, long-term unemployed, people with disabilities and people with primary, secondary, secondary or post-secondary education), 20 % will belong to Rome and 30 % will have residence/domicile in rural areas, from the South-Muntenia Region, by offering specialised information and counselling services, professional training, assessment and certification of professional competences and labor mediation, in order to identify, occupy and retain a job or establish an independent activity. The aim of the project is to address urgent needs of the target group, needs revealed in specific strategic documents, as well as to combat the problems they face when they want to take up a job, namely: Low level of education and professional training of people with low employment opportunities at the time of transition to the labour market; Lack of material resources/financial possibilities for participation in vocational training/evaluation programmes; — The mismatch between professional qualifications/experience of people with low employment opportunities and employers’ requirements; — Insufficient work culture development among people with low employment opportunities and lack of skills in identifying and taking up a job. The project contributes to the achievement of OS 3.1 of AP3, OT 8, PI 8.i and its expected results, as it supports access to jobs of 180 persons in the category of Someri and inactive, namely 36 persons over 54 years old, 9 long-term unemployed persons, 3 persons with disabilities, 28 primary/gimnasial education graduates, 14 secondary/post-secondary education graduates and 90 persons from other categories of unemployed persons and inactive persons, by providing specialised information and counselling services and work mediation, completed with the employment of at least 93 persons in this category. The project contributes to the achievement of OS 3.2 of AP3, OT 8, PI 8.i and its expected results, as it supports access to jobs of 72 persons from the Roma category, by providing specialised information and counselling services and work mediation, completed with the employment of at least 37 persons in this category. The project contributes to the achievement of OS 3.3 of AP3, OT 8, PI 8.i and its expected results, as it supports access to jobs for 108 people in the rural area, by providing specialised information and counselling services and work mediation, completed with employment of at least 5 (English)
14 September 2021
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Judeţul Argeş, Romania
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Judeţul Teleorman, Romania
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Judeţul Prahova, Romania
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Judeţul Ialomiţa, Romania
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Judeţul Giurgiu, Romania
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Judeţul Dâmboviţa, Romania
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Judeţul Călăraşi, Romania
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