Monitoring and evaluation of the status of Stage III waters (Q3100632): Difference between revisions
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Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): Výskumný ústav vodného hospodárstva / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Základným ciežom predkladaného projektu je zabezpečenie výkonu monitorovania povrchových a podzemných vôd Slovenska v súlade so schváleným Programom monitorovania vôd Slovenska na rok 2015 a Rámcovým programom monitorovania vôd Slovenska na obdobie rokov 2016-2021 v súlade s poiadavkami vodného plánovania a pre plnenie poiadaviek medzinárodných predpisov.iadatež bude zabezpečova odbery vzoriek, terénne merania a prieskumy, spracovanie vzoriek, analytické práce a prvotné vyhodnotenie výsledkov. Konkrétne pôjde o monitorovanie povrchových vôd, podzemných vôd v zranitežných oblastiach a monitorovanie chránených území (referenčné lokality). Získava sa budú terénne abiotické informácie, stanovova sa budú fyzikálno-chemické, chemické, mikrobiologické, hydrobiologické, rádiochemické a hydromorfologické ukazovatele, resp. prvky kvality. Vetky práce budú vykonávané v systéme akreditovaného a certifikovaného manaérstva kvality. Jednotlivé činnosti budú prepojené so spolupracujúcimi organizáciami podža Rámcového programu monitorovania vôd Slovenska na obdobie 2016-2021.Súčasou projektu bude aj obnova prístrojov a zariadení pre terénne prieskumy a analytické práce a to z dôvodu novej legislatívy v oblasti znečistenia vôd. Konkrétne pôjde najmä o najnoviu analytickú techniku na stanovovanie ultra-nízkych koncentrácií znečisujúcich látok v podzemných a povrchových vodách. V rámci projektu sa budú aplikova aj nové a inovatívne postupy monitorovania (napr. pasívne vzorkovanie). Na projekte budú pracova spôsobilí, kolení a odborne erudovaní interní pracovníci VÚVH. Niektoré peciálne činnosti (napr. ichtyologické prieskumy, analýzy dioxínov) budú zabezpečené externe. Výsledky budú tvori informačnú základňu pre prípravu ďalieho plánovacieho cyklu v oblasti vodného plánovania. (Slovak) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The basic objective of the present project is to ensure the performance of monitoring of surface and groundwater of Slovakia in accordance with the approved Water Monitoring Programme of Slovakia for 2015 and the Framework Water Monitoring Programme of Slovakia for the period 2016-2021 in accordance with the requirements of water planning and for the fulfilment of requirements of international regulations. The request will ensure sampling, field measurements and surveys, sample processing, analytical work and initial evaluation of results. In particular, monitoring of surface waters, groundwater in vulnerable areas and monitoring of protected areas (reference sites). Field abiotic information will be obtained, physico-chemical, chemical, microbiological, hydrobiological, radiochemical and hydromorphological indicators or quality elements will be established. All work will be carried out in the system of accredited and certified quality management. The various activities will be linked to cooperating organisations under the Slovak Water Monitoring Framework Programme for the period 2016-2021.The project will also include the renewal of instruments and equipment for field surveys and analytical work due to new legislation in the field of water pollution. In particular, this will be the latest analytical technique for the determination of ultra-low concentrations of polluting substances in groundwater and surface waters. The project will also apply new and innovative monitoring procedures (e.g. passive sampling). The project will be qualified, training and professionally knowledgeable internal staff of VÚVH. Some special activities (e.g., hothyological surveys, dioxin analyses) will be outsourced. The results will form an informative basis for the preparation of the next water planning planning cycle. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The basic objective of the present project is to ensure the performance of monitoring of surface and groundwater of Slovakia in accordance with the approved Water Monitoring Programme of Slovakia for 2015 and the Framework Water Monitoring Programme of Slovakia for the period 2016-2021 in accordance with the requirements of water planning and for the fulfilment of requirements of international regulations. The request will ensure sampling, field measurements and surveys, sample processing, analytical work and initial evaluation of results. In particular, monitoring of surface waters, groundwater in vulnerable areas and monitoring of protected areas (reference sites). Field abiotic information will be obtained, physico-chemical, chemical, microbiological, hydrobiological, radiochemical and hydromorphological indicators or quality elements will be established. All work will be carried out in the system of accredited and certified quality management. The various activities will be linked to cooperating organisations under the Slovak Water Monitoring Framework Programme for the period 2016-2021.The project will also include the renewal of instruments and equipment for field surveys and analytical work due to new legislation in the field of water pollution. In particular, this will be the latest analytical technique for the determination of ultra-low concentrations of polluting substances in groundwater and surface waters. The project will also apply new and innovative monitoring procedures (e.g. passive sampling). The project will be qualified, training and professionally knowledgeable internal staff of VÚVH. Some special activities (e.g., hothyological surveys, dioxin analyses) will be outsourced. The results will form an informative basis for the preparation of the next water planning planning cycle. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Revision as of 13:47, 24 September 2021
Project Q3100632 in Slovakia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Monitoring and evaluation of the status of Stage III waters |
Project Q3100632 in Slovakia |
18,338,602.7 Euro
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21,574,826.71 Euro
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0.85 percent
0 references
1 July 2015
0 references
1 December 2023
0 references
0 references