Modernisation and rehabilitation “Grigore Antipa” College (Q2740966): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 08:06, 17 September 2021

Project Q2740966 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Modernisation and rehabilitation “Grigore Antipa” College
Project Q2740966 in Romania


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    4,962,274.06 Romanian Leu
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    992,454.8119999999 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    5,837,969.47 Romanian Leu
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    1,167,593.894 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.85 percent
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    3 December 2018
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    31 December 2022
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    46°35'17.27"N, 26°57'44.96"E
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    Factorul esential in dezvoltarea unei economii nationale, respectiv regionale este reprezentat intr-o foarte mare masura de capitalul uman. Sunt necesare strategii pentru a se asigura ca toate persoanele considerate in deplina sanatate dobandesc pana la implinirea varstei de 18 ani un set semnificativ de aptitudini profesionale, tehnice sau academice. Nivelul de educatie este factor cheie al dezvoltarii nationale, deoarece determina in mare masura activitatea economica si productivitatea, precum si mobilitatea fortei de munca, creand premisele, pe termen lung pentru existenta unui nivel mai ridicat de trai si de calitate a vietii. Obiectivul general al proiectului „Modernizare si reabilitare Colegiul "Grigore Antipa" il constituie cresterea calitatii infrastructurii educationale relevanta pentru piata muncii in vederea imbunatatirii disponibilitatii, calitatii si relevantei acesteia si al dotarilor, pentru obtinerea de performante scolare si dobandirea de competente, care sa asigure resursele umane necesare unei dezvoltari durabile. Obiectivul general se incadreaza in obiectivul Prioritatii de investitii 4.4 „Investitiile in educatie si formare, inclusiv in formare profesionala, pentru dobandirea de competente si invatare pe tot parcursul vietii prin dezvoltarea infrastructurilor de educatie si formare”, respectiv Obiectiv Specific 4.5 „Cresterea calitatii infrastructurii educationale relevante pentru piata fortei de munca”, precum si in obiectivul general POR 2014–2020: cresterea competitivitatii economice si imbunatatirea conditiilor de viata ale comunitatilor locale si regionale, prin sprijinirea dezvoltarii mediului de afaceri, a conditiilor infrastructurale si a serviciilor, care sa asigure o dezvoltare sustenabila a regiunilor, capabile sa gestioneze in mod eficient resursele, sa valorifice potentialul lor de inovare si de asimilare a progresului tehnologic. Avand in vedere tendintele demografice negative, profilul educational al populatiei este o conditie esentiala pentru o crestere inteligenta, durabila si favorabila incluziunii. Acest deziderat nu se poate realiza insa fara o infrastructura adecvata/corespunzatoare ciclurilor educationale. Analizele socio-economice evidentiaza relatia cauzala intre nivelul de dezvoltare a capacitatilor fortei de munca si starea infrastructurii (existenta spatiilor si dotarilor adecvate) in care se desfasoara procesul educational. Investitiile planificate vor contribui la consolidarea rolului orasului ca motor de crestere, prin abordarea deficientele actuale in sistemul de invatamant si imbunatatirea disponibilitatii, calitatii si relevantei infrastructurii educationale si al dotarii. Obiectivul proiectului este in concordanta si cu prioritatile tematice ale Strategiei de Dezvoltare Regionala Nord Est, respectiv Imbunatatirea capitalului uman prin Obiectivul specific 1.1. Cresterea ocuparii in randul tinerilor si a grupurilor vulnerabile. Pentru indeplinirea viziunii de dezvoltare integrata, Strate (Romanian)
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    The essential factor in the development of a national and regional economy is to a great extent represented by human capital. Strategies are needed to ensure that all persons considered to be in full health acquire by the age of 18 a significant set of professional, technical or academic skills. The level of education is a key factor of national development, as it largely determines economic activity and productivity, as well as labour mobility, creating the long-term prerequisites for the existence of a higher standard of living and quality of life. The general objective of the project "Modernisation and rehabilitation "Grigore Antipa" College is to increase the quality of educational infrastructure relevant to the labour market in order to improve its availability, quality and relevance and equipment, to obtain educational performance and to acquire skills, to ensure the human resources necessary for sustainable development. The general objective is within the objective of investment priority 4.4 “Investing in education and training, including in vocational training, for acquiring skills and lifelong learning through the development of education and training infrastructures”, respectively Specific Objective 4.5 “Creating the quality of educational infrastructure relevant to the labour market”, as well as the general objective ROP 2014-2020: increasing economic competitiveness and improving the living conditions of local and regional communities, by supporting the development of the business environment, infrastructure conditions and services, ensuring a sustainable development of the regions, capable of efficiently managing resources, capitalising on their potential for innovation and assimilation of technological progress. Given the negative demographic trends, the educational profile of the population is an essential condition for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. This goal cannot be achieved without the appropriate infrastructure/corresponding to the educational cycles. Socio-economic analyses highlight the causal relationship between the level of development of the labour force capabilities and the state of the infrastructure (the existence of adequate spaces and facilities) in which the educational process takes place. The planned investments will contribute to strengthening the city’s role as a growth engine, by addressing current deficiencies in the education system and improving the availability, quality and relevance of the educational infrastructure and endowment. The objective of the project is also in accordance with the thematic priorities of the North East Regional Development Strategy, namely the improvement of human capital through Specific Objective 1.1. Increasing employment among young people and vulnerable groups. To achieve the vision of integrated development, Strate (English)
    14 September 2021
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    Municipiul Bacău, Romania
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