GENESIS: A sustainable career for a sustainable economy (Q3097142): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project is to strengthen the professional knowledge and develop the key competences of 604 employees (out of which 183 people with low qualification level, people from rural areas, people over 40 years old) from the Centre region (Brasov, Covasna, Sibiu, Harghita, Mures, Alba) by participating in training programs (qualification/initiation/specialisation) and knowledge assessment, accompanied by professional counseli...)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: translated_label)
label / enlabel / en
GENESIS: A sustainable career for a sustainable economy

Revision as of 10:32, 16 September 2021

Project Q3097142 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
GENESIS: A sustainable career for a sustainable economy
Project Q3097142 in Romania


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    3,875,803.4 Romanian Leu
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    775,160.68 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    4,719,333.75 Romanian Leu
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    943,866.75 Euro
    13 September 2021
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    0.82 percent
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    15 March 2021
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    14 March 2023
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului consta in consolidarea cunostintelor profesionale si dezvoltarea competentelor cheie a 604 angajati (din care 183 persoane cu nivel scazut de calificare, persoane din mediul rural, persoane cu varsta peste 40 de ani) din regiunea Centru (judetele Brasov, Covasna, Sibiu, Harghita, Mures, Alba), prin participarea la programe de formare (calificare/initiere/specializare) si evaluare a cunostintelor, insotite de consiliere profesionala si tutorat / coaching, si activitati experientiale de dezvoltare profesionala (analiza profilului competentelor digitale si workshopuri interactive), in vederea cresterii ratei de participare la programele de formare continua. Pe termen lung se vizeaza optimizarea ofertei de FPC si informarea adecvata a angajatilor cu privire la beneficiile formarii si gama de programe, in vederea facilitarii procesului de corelare a FPC cu cerintele si tendintele pietei muncii, prin introducerea unor elemente inovatoare in sedintele de consiliere (dezvoltarea meta-competentelor - autonomia invatarii), metodele si tehnicile de dobandire a cunostintelor profesionale (analiza profilului de competente digitale si workshopuri interactive) si propunerea unor programe de formare care sa fie corelate cu cerintele agentilor economici. Acest obiectiv general si cele 4 obiective specifice se vor indeplini prin intermediul a 8 tipuri de programe de calificare (de nivelul 2 si 3), 4 tipuri de programe de formare de specializare / initiere, evaluarea cunostintelor dobandite in mod informal, servicii de consiliere in cariera si tutorat/coaching, analizarea profilului de competente digitale (A4.1) si 9 workshopuri interactive de bune practici, precum si prin consolidarea si promovarea beneficiilor FPC si a egalitatii de sanse prin 2 campanii de constientizare si informare. Dupa cum evidentiaza indicatorii de realizare si de rezultat ai proiectului, acestea vor produce beneficii de lunga durata in randul persoanelor ce constituie grupul tinta, contribuind la dobandirea cunostintelor profesionale si competentelor cheie necesare mentinerii pe pietii muncii si consolidarii unei cariere durabile. Atingerea acestui obiectiv va genera un efect pozitiv pe termen lung asupra grupului tinta si asupra regiunii, deoarece proiectul vizeaza imbunatatirea procesului de corelare a competentelor dobandite de angajati cu cerintele agentilor economici locali si asigurarea serviciilor si instrumentelor de instruiré necesare consolidarii competentelor profesionale si meta-competentelor prin programe de formare, sesiuni complementare de consiliere si tutorat si o serie de servicii inovative pentru imbunatatirea si insusirea cunostintelor dobandite. Toate acestea vor avea ca rezultat “Participarea crescuta la programele de formare profesionala continua, cu accent pe acei adulti, cu un nivel scazut de calificare si persoanele cu varsta de peste 40 ani, din zone rurale defavorizate, inclusiv prin recunoasterea si certificarea rezultat (Romanian)
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    The general objective of the project is to strengthen the professional knowledge and develop the key competences of 604 employees (out of which 183 people with low qualification level, people from rural areas, people over 40 years old) from the Centre region (Brasov, Covasna, Sibiu, Harghita, Mures, Alba) by participating in training programs (qualification/initiation/specialisation) and knowledge assessment, accompanied by professional counseling and tutoring/coaching, and professional development experiential activities (analysis of digital skills profile and interactive workshops), in order to increase the participation rate in continuous training programs. In the long term, the aim is to optimise the offer of CVT and to adequately inform the employees about the benefits of training and the range of programs, in order to facilitate the process of linking CVT with the requirements and trends of the labour market, by introducing innovative elements in the counseling sessions (development of meta-competences – autonomy of learning), the methods and techniques of acquiring professional knowledge (analysis of the profile of digital skills and interactive workshops) and proposing training programs that are correlated with the requirements of the economic agents. This general objective and the 4 specific objectives will be achieved through 8 types of qualification programs (level 2 and 3), 4 types of specialisation/initiation training programs, evaluation of knowledge acquired informally, career counseling and tutoring/coaching services, analysis of the digital skills profile (A4.1) and 9 interactive workshops of good practices, as well as by strengthening and promoting the benefits of FPC and equal opportunities through 2 awareness and information campaigns. As evidenced by the project output and result indicators, they will produce long-term benefits among the people who constitute the target group, helping to acquire the professional knowledge and key competences necessary to maintain the labor market and strengthen a sustainable career. Achieving this goal will generate a long-term positive effect on the target group and the region, as the project aims to improve the process of matching the skills acquired by employees with the requirements of local economic agents and to provide the necessary training services and tools to strengthen professional and meta-competences through training programs, complementary counselling and tutoring sessions and a series of innovative services to improve and acquire the acquired knowledge. All this will result in "Increased participation in continuous vocational training programmes, with a focus on those adults with a low level of qualification and people over 40 years old, from disadvantaged rural areas, including through the recognition and certification result (English)
    16 September 2021
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    Judeţul Alba, Romania
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    Judeţul Sibiu, Romania
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    Judeţul Mureş, Romania
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    Judeţul Harghita, Romania
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    Judeţul Covasna, Romania
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    Judeţul Braşov, Romania
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