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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in en) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): The general objective of the project is to promote a sustainable and quality employment of the North East, Center and South East regions by offering within the SME Academy 600 entrepreneurs, managers and employees of human resources departments of tools, methods, practices etc. of human resources management and improved working conditions in order to adapt the activity to the dynamics of economic sectors with competitive potential identified acc...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The general objective of the project is to promote a sustainable and quality employment of the North East, Center and South East regions by offering within the SME Academy 600 entrepreneurs, managers and employees of human resources departments of tools, methods, practices etc. of human resources management and improved working conditions in order to adapt the activity to the dynamics of economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to the SNC/smart specialisation domains according to SNCDI. The general objective of the project is in line with Thematic Objective 8: Promoting sustainable and quality jobs and supporting workers’ mobility", with the Investment Priority 8.v "Adapting workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change" and with Specific Objective 3.8. “Increase in the number of staff benefiting from standard human resources management tools, methods, practices etc. and improved working conditions to adapt the activity to the dynamics of the potentially competitive economic sectors identified according to the NCNS/Smart Specialisation Areas according to the NCSD”. The project will be a prerequisite for counteracting the negative effects of the structural adjustments caused by the economic and financial crisis by creating optimal conditions for competitiveness by accelerating the adaptation of industry to change, by encouraging an environment conducive to initiative and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and by favouring better exploitation of the industrial potential of policies of innovation, research and technological development, policies of crucial importance in the context of global competition. In the long term, the benefits generated by the project aim to increase adaptability and competitiveness for the 600 members of the target group, by providing professional training programs in the field of entrepreneurial skills, human resources management, innovation management, strategic planning and financial education. All the activities involved in the realisation of the project contribute to the achievement of the specific objective of the program and call and will generate positive long-term effects. The awareness campaign for employers enterprises (mainly SMEs) operating in the economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to the NCNS and in conjunction with the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI, will contribute to the substantial increase of awareness about the importance and necessity of employees’ participation in continuous training programs. The implementation of the awareness campaign in the online environment will ensure the maximisation of the effects achieved with a low level of costs, through the rapid and efficient dissemination of the campaign information. By the sustainability measures included in the project (identification of medium (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The general objective of the project is to promote a sustainable and quality employment of the North East, Center and South East regions by offering within the SME Academy 600 entrepreneurs, managers and employees of human resources departments of tools, methods, practices etc. of human resources management and improved working conditions in order to adapt the activity to the dynamics of economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to the SNC/smart specialisation domains according to SNCDI. The general objective of the project is in line with Thematic Objective 8: Promoting sustainable and quality jobs and supporting workers’ mobility", with the Investment Priority 8.v "Adapting workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change" and with Specific Objective 3.8. “Increase in the number of staff benefiting from standard human resources management tools, methods, practices etc. and improved working conditions to adapt the activity to the dynamics of the potentially competitive economic sectors identified according to the NCNS/Smart Specialisation Areas according to the NCSD”. The project will be a prerequisite for counteracting the negative effects of the structural adjustments caused by the economic and financial crisis by creating optimal conditions for competitiveness by accelerating the adaptation of industry to change, by encouraging an environment conducive to initiative and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and by favouring better exploitation of the industrial potential of policies of innovation, research and technological development, policies of crucial importance in the context of global competition. In the long term, the benefits generated by the project aim to increase adaptability and competitiveness for the 600 members of the target group, by providing professional training programs in the field of entrepreneurial skills, human resources management, innovation management, strategic planning and financial education. All the activities involved in the realisation of the project contribute to the achievement of the specific objective of the program and call and will generate positive long-term effects. The awareness campaign for employers enterprises (mainly SMEs) operating in the economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to the NCNS and in conjunction with the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI, will contribute to the substantial increase of awareness about the importance and necessity of employees’ participation in continuous training programs. The implementation of the awareness campaign in the online environment will ensure the maximisation of the effects achieved with a low level of costs, through the rapid and efficient dissemination of the campaign information. By the sustainability measures included in the project (identification of medium (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The general objective of the project is to promote a sustainable and quality employment of the North East, Center and South East regions by offering within the SME Academy 600 entrepreneurs, managers and employees of human resources departments of tools, methods, practices etc. of human resources management and improved working conditions in order to adapt the activity to the dynamics of economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to the SNC/smart specialisation domains according to SNCDI. The general objective of the project is in line with Thematic Objective 8: Promoting sustainable and quality jobs and supporting workers’ mobility", with the Investment Priority 8.v "Adapting workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change" and with Specific Objective 3.8. “Increase in the number of staff benefiting from standard human resources management tools, methods, practices etc. and improved working conditions to adapt the activity to the dynamics of the potentially competitive economic sectors identified according to the NCNS/Smart Specialisation Areas according to the NCSD”. The project will be a prerequisite for counteracting the negative effects of the structural adjustments caused by the economic and financial crisis by creating optimal conditions for competitiveness by accelerating the adaptation of industry to change, by encouraging an environment conducive to initiative and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and by favouring better exploitation of the industrial potential of policies of innovation, research and technological development, policies of crucial importance in the context of global competition. In the long term, the benefits generated by the project aim to increase adaptability and competitiveness for the 600 members of the target group, by providing professional training programs in the field of entrepreneurial skills, human resources management, innovation management, strategic planning and financial education. All the activities involved in the realisation of the project contribute to the achievement of the specific objective of the program and call and will generate positive long-term effects. The awareness campaign for employers enterprises (mainly SMEs) operating in the economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to the NCNS and in conjunction with the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI, will contribute to the substantial increase of awareness about the importance and necessity of employees’ participation in continuous training programs. The implementation of the awareness campaign in the online environment will ensure the maximisation of the effects achieved with a low level of costs, through the rapid and efficient dissemination of the campaign information. By the sustainability measures included in the project (identification of medium (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 14 September 2021
Revision as of 15:44, 14 September 2021
Project Q3096176 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | No label defined |
Project Q3096176 in Romania |
2,774,084.911 Romanian Leu
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3,263,629.3 Romanian Leu
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0.85 percent
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1 May 2018
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30 April 2019
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Obiectivul general al proiectului il reprezinta promovarea unei ocupari sustenabile si de calitate a fortei de munca din regiunile Nord Est, Centru si Sud Est prin oferirea in cadrul SME Academy catre 600 de intreprinzatori, manageri si angajati ai departamentelor de resurse umane de instrumente, metode, practici etc standard de management al resurselor umane și de condiții de lucru îmbunătățite în vederea adaptării activității la dinamica sectoarelor economice cu potențial competitiv identificate conform SNC/domeniilor de specializare inteligentă conform SNCDI. Obiectivul general al proiectului este in linie cu Obiectivul tematic 8: Promovarea unor locuri de munca durabile si de calitate si sprijinirea mobilitatii lucratorilor”, cu Prioritatea de investitii 8.v “Adaptarea lucrătorilor, întreprinderilor și antreprenorilor la schimbare” si cu Obiectivul specific 3.8. “Creșterea numărului de angajați care beneficiază de instrumente, metode, practici etc standard de management al resurselor umane și de condiții de lucru îmbunătățite în vederea adaptării activității la dinamica sectoarelor economice cu potențial competitiv identificate conform SNC/domeniilor de specializare inteligentă conform SNCDI”. Proiectul va constitui o premisa pentru contracararea efectelor negative ale ajustarilor structurale generate de criza economico-financiara prin crearea unor condiții optime pentru competitivitate prin accelerarea adaptării industriei la schimbare, prin încurajarea unui mediu favorabil inițiativei și dezvoltării întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii și prin favorizarea unei mai bune exploatări a potențialului industrial al politicilor de inovare, cercetare și dezvoltare tehnologică, politici de o importanță crucială în contextul concurenței mondiale. Pe termen lung, beneficiile generate de proiect vizeaza cresterea adaptabilitatii si competitivitatii pentru cei 600 de membri ai grupului tinta, prin furnizarea programelor de formare profesionala in domeniul competentelor antreprenoriale, managementului resurselor umane, managementului inovarii, planificarii strategice si educatiei financiare. Toate activitatile implicate de realizarea proiectului contribuie la realizarea obiectivului specific al programului si apelului si vor genera efecte pozitive pe termen lung. Campania de constientizare pentru angajatorii intreprinderi (cu precadere din IMM-uri) care isi desfasoara activitatea in sectoarele economice cu potential competitiv identificate conform SNC si in corelare cu domeniile de specializare inteligenta conform SNCDI, va contribui la cresterea substantiala a gradului de constientizare cu privire la importanta si necesitatea participarii angajatilor la programe de formare continua. Implementarea campaniei de constientizare in mediul online va asigura maximizarea efectelor obtinute cu un nivel redus de costuri, prin diseminarea rapida si eficienta a informatiilor campaniei. Prin masurile de sustenabilitate incluse in proiect (identificarea de mijloac (Romanian)
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The general objective of the project is to promote a sustainable and quality employment of the North East, Center and South East regions by offering within the SME Academy 600 entrepreneurs, managers and employees of human resources departments of tools, methods, practices etc. of human resources management and improved working conditions in order to adapt the activity to the dynamics of economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to the SNC/smart specialisation domains according to SNCDI. The general objective of the project is in line with Thematic Objective 8: Promoting sustainable and quality jobs and supporting workers’ mobility", with the Investment Priority 8.v "Adapting workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change" and with Specific Objective 3.8. “Increase in the number of staff benefiting from standard human resources management tools, methods, practices etc. and improved working conditions to adapt the activity to the dynamics of the potentially competitive economic sectors identified according to the NCNS/Smart Specialisation Areas according to the NCSD”. The project will be a prerequisite for counteracting the negative effects of the structural adjustments caused by the economic and financial crisis by creating optimal conditions for competitiveness by accelerating the adaptation of industry to change, by encouraging an environment conducive to initiative and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and by favouring better exploitation of the industrial potential of policies of innovation, research and technological development, policies of crucial importance in the context of global competition. In the long term, the benefits generated by the project aim to increase adaptability and competitiveness for the 600 members of the target group, by providing professional training programs in the field of entrepreneurial skills, human resources management, innovation management, strategic planning and financial education. All the activities involved in the realisation of the project contribute to the achievement of the specific objective of the program and call and will generate positive long-term effects. The awareness campaign for employers enterprises (mainly SMEs) operating in the economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to the NCNS and in conjunction with the fields of intelligent specialisation according to SNCDI, will contribute to the substantial increase of awareness about the importance and necessity of employees’ participation in continuous training programs. The implementation of the awareness campaign in the online environment will ensure the maximisation of the effects achieved with a low level of costs, through the rapid and efficient dissemination of the campaign information. By the sustainability measures included in the project (identification of medium (English)
14 September 2021
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Judeţul Bacău, Romania
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Judeţul Sibiu, Romania
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Judeţul Mureş, Romania
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Judeţul Harghita, Romania
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Judeţul Covasna, Romania
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Judeţul Braşov, Romania
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Judeţul Alba, Romania
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Judeţul Buzău, Romania
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Judeţul Vrancea, Romania
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Judeţul Tulcea, Romania
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Judeţul Galaţi, Romania
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Judeţul Constanţa, Romania
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Judeţul Brăila, Romania
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Judeţul Vaslui, Romania
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Judeţul Suceava, Romania
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Judeţul Neamţ, Romania
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Judeţul Iaşi, Romania
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Judeţul Botoşani, Romania
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