Restoration, modification, endowment and change of destination in the museum of the former S.E.T.T.P.L. Historical monument building L.M.I. CS-ll-m-B-11174 (Q2744725): Difference between revisions
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(Created claim: summary (P836): Known as the former headquarters of S.E.T.T.P.P.L., the building targeted by the project is classified as a Class B monument, of local importance for the city of Oravita – code CS-II-m-B-11174, dating before 1837. The construction is present on an engraving in 1774, made at a litography in Graz, which means that it is built previously, although on the list of historical monuments appears as dating from the century. 17-18 (1837). The general obje...) |
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Known as the former headquarters of S.E.T.T.P.P.L., the building targeted by the project is classified as a Class B monument, of local importance for the city of Oravita – code CS-II-m-B-11174, dating before 1837. The construction is present on an engraving in 1774, made at a litography in Graz, which means that it is built previously, although on the list of historical monuments appears as dating from the century. 17-18 (1837). The general objective of the project is to: restoration and sustainable exploitation of the object of cultural heritage of local interest, former headquarters S.E.T.T.P.P.L. – code CS-II-m-B-11174 in Oravita city by changing its destination in the Museum of European Multiculturalism, in order to boost local development. The Danube region is characterised by a rich heritage of historical identities, cultures, ethnicities, religions and diverse societies. In terms of history and culture, the inhabitants of the Danube region share a common heritage. The city of Oravita is recognised for its reminiscents from the crossing of several ethnicities during the 16-20th centuries, along the Austrian and Habsburg masters. The proposed project is part of the Action Plan of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region – Priority 3 “Promoting culture and tourism, direct contacts between people”, by contributing to the actions: • “cultural heritage”, namely the action “Valorification of cultural diversity as a resource of the Danube region” by “Protecting the cultural values of the Danube region (...)” by restoring and sustainably capitalising on the cultural heritage object former S.E.T.T.P.P.L. headquarters – code CS-II-m-B-11174 in Oravita city and changing the destination in the Museum of European Multiculturalism, in order to develop and promote the identity of European multiculturalism. The collections displayed in this museum consist of over 300 objects and vestiges (three-dimensional objects), documents, books, the epoch press, testimonies atestand interethnic coexistences, interethnic popural traditions, cultural movements on ethnicities and exposing stages of the evolution of European multiculturalism from the 16th to 20th centuries. • “tourism”, namely the action “Development and intensification of active tourism” for a minimum of 360 visitors by “Establishing chain trips along the Danube with attractive resorts and multi-day tourist itineraries (...)” by including the heritage objective in a route of the Oravita museums within the Oravita Museum Complex, as well as its introduction into the existing cultural routes in the Danube Region by achieving a minimum of 1 convention/agreement with the travel agents in the Danube Region. The specific activities undertaken to achieve the general objective include: • Restoration, consolidation, protection and conservation of historical monuments: the building targeted by the project is classified as a Class B monument, of local importance for the city of Oravita – code CS-II-m-B-11174, c (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Known as the former headquarters of S.E.T.T.P.P.L., the building targeted by the project is classified as a Class B monument, of local importance for the city of Oravita – code CS-II-m-B-11174, dating before 1837. The construction is present on an engraving in 1774, made at a litography in Graz, which means that it is built previously, although on the list of historical monuments appears as dating from the century. 17-18 (1837). The general objective of the project is to: restoration and sustainable exploitation of the object of cultural heritage of local interest, former headquarters S.E.T.T.P.P.L. – code CS-II-m-B-11174 in Oravita city by changing its destination in the Museum of European Multiculturalism, in order to boost local development. The Danube region is characterised by a rich heritage of historical identities, cultures, ethnicities, religions and diverse societies. In terms of history and culture, the inhabitants of the Danube region share a common heritage. The city of Oravita is recognised for its reminiscents from the crossing of several ethnicities during the 16-20th centuries, along the Austrian and Habsburg masters. The proposed project is part of the Action Plan of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region – Priority 3 “Promoting culture and tourism, direct contacts between people”, by contributing to the actions: • “cultural heritage”, namely the action “Valorification of cultural diversity as a resource of the Danube region” by “Protecting the cultural values of the Danube region (...)” by restoring and sustainably capitalising on the cultural heritage object former S.E.T.T.P.P.L. headquarters – code CS-II-m-B-11174 in Oravita city and changing the destination in the Museum of European Multiculturalism, in order to develop and promote the identity of European multiculturalism. The collections displayed in this museum consist of over 300 objects and vestiges (three-dimensional objects), documents, books, the epoch press, testimonies atestand interethnic coexistences, interethnic popural traditions, cultural movements on ethnicities and exposing stages of the evolution of European multiculturalism from the 16th to 20th centuries. • “tourism”, namely the action “Development and intensification of active tourism” for a minimum of 360 visitors by “Establishing chain trips along the Danube with attractive resorts and multi-day tourist itineraries (...)” by including the heritage objective in a route of the Oravita museums within the Oravita Museum Complex, as well as its introduction into the existing cultural routes in the Danube Region by achieving a minimum of 1 convention/agreement with the travel agents in the Danube Region. The specific activities undertaken to achieve the general objective include: • Restoration, consolidation, protection and conservation of historical monuments: the building targeted by the project is classified as a Class B monument, of local importance for the city of Oravita – code CS-II-m-B-11174, c (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Known as the former headquarters of S.E.T.T.P.P.L., the building targeted by the project is classified as a Class B monument, of local importance for the city of Oravita – code CS-II-m-B-11174, dating before 1837. The construction is present on an engraving in 1774, made at a litography in Graz, which means that it is built previously, although on the list of historical monuments appears as dating from the century. 17-18 (1837). The general objective of the project is to: restoration and sustainable exploitation of the object of cultural heritage of local interest, former headquarters S.E.T.T.P.P.L. – code CS-II-m-B-11174 in Oravita city by changing its destination in the Museum of European Multiculturalism, in order to boost local development. The Danube region is characterised by a rich heritage of historical identities, cultures, ethnicities, religions and diverse societies. In terms of history and culture, the inhabitants of the Danube region share a common heritage. The city of Oravita is recognised for its reminiscents from the crossing of several ethnicities during the 16-20th centuries, along the Austrian and Habsburg masters. The proposed project is part of the Action Plan of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region – Priority 3 “Promoting culture and tourism, direct contacts between people”, by contributing to the actions: • “cultural heritage”, namely the action “Valorification of cultural diversity as a resource of the Danube region” by “Protecting the cultural values of the Danube region (...)” by restoring and sustainably capitalising on the cultural heritage object former S.E.T.T.P.P.L. headquarters – code CS-II-m-B-11174 in Oravita city and changing the destination in the Museum of European Multiculturalism, in order to develop and promote the identity of European multiculturalism. The collections displayed in this museum consist of over 300 objects and vestiges (three-dimensional objects), documents, books, the epoch press, testimonies atestand interethnic coexistences, interethnic popural traditions, cultural movements on ethnicities and exposing stages of the evolution of European multiculturalism from the 16th to 20th centuries. • “tourism”, namely the action “Development and intensification of active tourism” for a minimum of 360 visitors by “Establishing chain trips along the Danube with attractive resorts and multi-day tourist itineraries (...)” by including the heritage objective in a route of the Oravita museums within the Oravita Museum Complex, as well as its introduction into the existing cultural routes in the Danube Region by achieving a minimum of 1 convention/agreement with the travel agents in the Danube Region. The specific activities undertaken to achieve the general objective include: • Restoration, consolidation, protection and conservation of historical monuments: the building targeted by the project is classified as a Class B monument, of local importance for the city of Oravita – code CS-II-m-B-11174, c (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 14 September 2021
Revision as of 15:19, 14 September 2021
Project Q2744725 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Restoration, modification, endowment and change of destination in the museum of the former S.E.T.T.P.L. Historical monument building L.M.I. CS-ll-m-B-11174 |
Project Q2744725 in Romania |
2,610,412.012 Romanian Leu
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3,071,072.95 Romanian Leu
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0.85 percent
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27 December 2018
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31 October 2021
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Cunoscuta drept fostul sediu S.E.T.T.P.P.L., cladirea vizata prin proiect este clasificată ca un monument de clasă B, de importanță locala pentru orasul Oravita – cod CS-II-m-B-11174, datare inainte de 1837. Constructia este prezenta pe o gravura din anul 1774, realizata la o litografie din Graz, ceea ce inseamna ca ea este construita anterior, desi pe lista monumentelor istorice figureaza ca datare din sec. 17-18 (1837). Obiectivul general al proiectului constă în: restaurarea și valorificarea durabila a obiectului de patrimoniu cultural de interes local fostul sediu S.E.T.T.P.P.L. - cod CS-II-m-B-11174 din orasul Oravita prin schimbarea destinatiei in Muzeul Multiculturalismului European, în vederea impulsionarii dezvoltarii locale. Regiunea Dunării este caracterizată de un patrimoniu bogat de identități istorice, culturi, etnii, religii si societăți diversificate. În ceea ce privește istoria și cultura, locuitorii regiunii Dunării au un patrimoniu comun. Orasul Oravita este recunoscut pentru reminiscentele provenite din incrucisarea mai multor etnii pe parcursul secolelor 16-20, de-a lungul stapanirilor austriece si habsburgice. Proiectul propus se inscrie in Planul de actuni a Strategiei Uniunii Europene pentru Regiunea Dunării – Prioritatea 3 “Promovarea culturii și a turismului, a contactelor directe între oameni”, prin contributia la actiunile: • “Patrimoniu cultural”, respectiv actiunea “Valorificarea diversității culturale ca resursă a regiunii Dunării” prin “Protejarea valorilor culturale ale regiunii Dunării (…)” prin restaurarea și valorificarea durabila a obiectului de patrimoniu cultural fostul sediu S.E.T.T.P.P.L. - cod CS-II-m-B-11174 din orasul Oravita si schimbarea destinatiei in Muzeul Multiculturalismului European, in scopul dezvoltarii si promovarii identitatii multiculturalismului european. Colectiile expuse in cadrul acestui muzeu constau in peste 300 de obiecte si vestigii (obiecte tridimensionale), documente, carte, presa de epoca, marturii atestand convietuiri interetnice, traditii popurale interetnice, miscari culturale pe etnii si expunand etape din evolutia multiculturalismului european din secolele 16-20. • “Turism”, respectiv actiunea “Dezvoltarea și intensificarea turismului activ” pentru minim 360 vizitatori prin “Stabilirea unor călătorii în lanț de-a lungul Dunării cu stațiuni atractive și oferte de itinerarii turistice de mai multe zile (…)” prin includerea obiectivului de patrimoniu intr-o ruta a muzeelor oravitene din cadrul Complexului Muzeal Oravita, dar si introducerea sa in rutele culturale existente din Regiunea Dunarii prin realizarea a minim 1 conventie/acord cu agentii de turism din Regiunea Dunarii. Activitățile specifice derulate în vederea atingerii obiectivului general includ: • Restaurarea, consolidarea, protecţia şi conservarea monumentelor istorice: cladirea vizata prin proiect este clasificată ca un monument de clasă B, de importanță locala pentru orasul Oravita – cod CS-II-m-B-11174, c (Romanian)
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Known as the former headquarters of S.E.T.T.P.P.L., the building targeted by the project is classified as a Class B monument, of local importance for the city of Oravita – code CS-II-m-B-11174, dating before 1837. The construction is present on an engraving in 1774, made at a litography in Graz, which means that it is built previously, although on the list of historical monuments appears as dating from the century. 17-18 (1837). The general objective of the project is to: restoration and sustainable exploitation of the object of cultural heritage of local interest, former headquarters S.E.T.T.P.P.L. – code CS-II-m-B-11174 in Oravita city by changing its destination in the Museum of European Multiculturalism, in order to boost local development. The Danube region is characterised by a rich heritage of historical identities, cultures, ethnicities, religions and diverse societies. In terms of history and culture, the inhabitants of the Danube region share a common heritage. The city of Oravita is recognised for its reminiscents from the crossing of several ethnicities during the 16-20th centuries, along the Austrian and Habsburg masters. The proposed project is part of the Action Plan of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region – Priority 3 “Promoting culture and tourism, direct contacts between people”, by contributing to the actions: • “cultural heritage”, namely the action “Valorification of cultural diversity as a resource of the Danube region” by “Protecting the cultural values of the Danube region (...)” by restoring and sustainably capitalising on the cultural heritage object former S.E.T.T.P.P.L. headquarters – code CS-II-m-B-11174 in Oravita city and changing the destination in the Museum of European Multiculturalism, in order to develop and promote the identity of European multiculturalism. The collections displayed in this museum consist of over 300 objects and vestiges (three-dimensional objects), documents, books, the epoch press, testimonies atestand interethnic coexistences, interethnic popural traditions, cultural movements on ethnicities and exposing stages of the evolution of European multiculturalism from the 16th to 20th centuries. • “tourism”, namely the action “Development and intensification of active tourism” for a minimum of 360 visitors by “Establishing chain trips along the Danube with attractive resorts and multi-day tourist itineraries (...)” by including the heritage objective in a route of the Oravita museums within the Oravita Museum Complex, as well as its introduction into the existing cultural routes in the Danube Region by achieving a minimum of 1 convention/agreement with the travel agents in the Danube Region. The specific activities undertaken to achieve the general objective include: • Restoration, consolidation, protection and conservation of historical monuments: the building targeted by the project is classified as a Class B monument, of local importance for the city of Oravita – code CS-II-m-B-11174, c (English)
14 September 2021
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Oraş Oraviţa, Romania
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