Property / instance of | |
| | |
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / financed by | |
| | |
Property / financed by: European Union / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / intervention field | |
| | |
Property / intervention field: Protection, development and promotion of public cultural and heritage assets / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / country | |
| | |
Property / country: Romania / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / EU contribution | |
| 11,908,964.28 Romanian Leu | |
Property / EU contribution: 11,908,964.28 Romanian Leu / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / EU contribution | |
| 2,381,792.856 EuroAmount | 2,381,792.856 Euro |
Unit | Euro |
| |
Property / EU contribution: 2,381,792.856 Euro / rank | |
| Preferred rank
| |
Property / EU contribution: 2,381,792.856 Euro / qualifier | |
| | |
Property / EU contribution: 2,381,792.856 Euro / qualifier | |
| point in time: 15 June 2021Timestamp | +2021-06-15T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / budget | |
| 14,010,546.209999999 Romanian Leu | |
Property / budget: 14,010,546.209999999 Romanian Leu / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / budget | |
| 2,802,109.242 EuroAmount | 2,802,109.242 Euro |
Unit | Euro |
| |
Property / budget: 2,802,109.242 Euro / rank | |
| Preferred rank
| |
Property / budget: 2,802,109.242 Euro / qualifier | |
| | |
Property / budget: 2,802,109.242 Euro / qualifier | |
| point in time: 15 June 2021Timestamp | +2021-06-15T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / co-financing rate | |
| | |
Property / co-financing rate: 0.85 percent / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / start time | |
| 23 April 2018Timestamp | +2018-04-23T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / start time: 23 April 2018 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / end time | |
| 31 August 2021Timestamp | +2021-08-31T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / end time: 31 August 2021 / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / beneficiary name (string) | |
| |
Property / beneficiary name (string): MANASTIREA JITIANU / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / location (string) | |
| DJ, sat Braniste,comuna Podari, str. Mânastirea Jitianu, nr. 92, judetul Dolj
| |
Property / location (string): DJ, sat Braniste,comuna Podari, str. Mânastirea Jitianu, nr. 92, judetul Dolj / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / summary | |
| consolidarea si restaurarea a doua monumente istorice (Biserica "Sf. Dumitru" si Turn clopotnita – parti componente/integranteale ansamblului Manastirii Jitianu) cu scopul de a aduce ansamblul la starea initiala (produsul turistic - ansamblul ManastiriiJitianu, a suferit degradari din cele mai grave cauzate atât de trecerea timpului, care si-a spus cuvântul, cât si din lipsa totala degrija a comunitatii, dar si a institutiilor abilitate sa conserve patrimoniul cultural local si national (în primul rând din lipsa banilor/ asurselor de finantare, etc.) au dus la deteriorarea acestui monument istoric – mostenirea cultural istorica a tarii noastre; (Romanian)
| |
Property / summary: consolidarea si restaurarea a doua monumente istorice (Biserica "Sf. Dumitru" si Turn clopotnita – parti componente/integranteale ansamblului Manastirii Jitianu) cu scopul de a aduce ansamblul la starea initiala (produsul turistic - ansamblul ManastiriiJitianu, a suferit degradari din cele mai grave cauzate atât de trecerea timpului, care si-a spus cuvântul, cât si din lipsa totala degrija a comunitatii, dar si a institutiilor abilitate sa conserve patrimoniul cultural local si national (în primul rând din lipsa banilor/ asurselor de finantare, etc.) au dus la deteriorarea acestui monument istoric – mostenirea cultural istorica a tarii noastre; (Romanian) / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / summary | |
| consolidation and restoration of two historical monuments (St. Dumitru" and bell tower – components/integrating parts of the Jitianu Monastery ensemble) in order to bring the ensemble to its original state (the tourist product – the Jitianu Monastery ensemble, suffered degradation from the most serious caused both by the passage of time, which has said its word, as well as from the total lack of concern of the community, but also of institutions able to preserve the local and national cultural heritage (primarily from the lack of money/assurance of our cultural heritage) have the historical deterioration of this cultural heritage, etc. (English)
| |
Property / summary: consolidation and restoration of two historical monuments (St. Dumitru" and bell tower – components/integrating parts of the Jitianu Monastery ensemble) in order to bring the ensemble to its original state (the tourist product – the Jitianu Monastery ensemble, suffered degradation from the most serious caused both by the passage of time, which has said its word, as well as from the total lack of concern of the community, but also of institutions able to preserve the local and national cultural heritage (primarily from the lack of money/assurance of our cultural heritage) have the historical deterioration of this cultural heritage, etc. (English) / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |
Property / summary: consolidation and restoration of two historical monuments (St. Dumitru" and bell tower – components/integrating parts of the Jitianu Monastery ensemble) in order to bring the ensemble to its original state (the tourist product – the Jitianu Monastery ensemble, suffered degradation from the most serious caused both by the passage of time, which has said its word, as well as from the total lack of concern of the community, but also of institutions able to preserve the local and national cultural heritage (primarily from the lack of money/assurance of our cultural heritage) have the historical deterioration of this cultural heritage, etc. (English) / qualifier | |
| point in time: 17 June 2021Timestamp | +2021-06-17T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| |
Property / beneficiary | |
| Q2754910 (Deleted Item)
| |
Property / beneficiary: Q2754910 (Deleted Item) / rank | |
| Normal rank
| |