Modernisation of the E 75 Rail Baltica railway line — Białystok — Lithuanian border, stage I, Warsaw Rembertów — Zielonka — Fat (Sadowne) Phase II (Q85983): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claim: summary (P836): The project involves the modernisation of the E 75 railway line on the Warsaw Rembertów — Zielonka — Tłuszcz (Sadowne) line to the following extent:• modernisation of railways:— No 449 on the Warsaw Rembertów — Zielonka, — No 6 on the section Zielonka — Tłuszcz — to the station of Hungarian-Hungarian (the name of Sadowne Węglowan in accordance with the core of the Network) with the stations:Green, Wołomin, Tłszcz, Łochów,• the replacement of t...) |
(Created claim: summary (P836): The project includes the modernisation of the E 75 railway line between Warsaw Rembertów – Zielonka – Tłuszcz (Sadowne) in the following scope: • Upgrading of railway lines: — No 449 on the section of Warszawa Rembertów – Zielonka, – nr 6 on the section Zielonka – Tłuz – to Sadowne Węgrowskie station (name Sadowne Węgrowskie according to the Basic Description of the Network) together with the stations: Zielonka, Wołomin, Tłuz, Łochów • the addit...) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The project includes the modernisation of the E 75 railway line between Warsaw Rembertów – Zielonka – Tłuszcz (Sadowne) in the following scope: • Upgrading of railway lines: — No 449 on the section of Warszawa Rembertów – Zielonka, – nr 6 on the section Zielonka – Tłuz – to Sadowne Węgrowskie station (name Sadowne Węgrowskie according to the Basic Description of the Network) together with the stations: Zielonka, Wołomin, Tłuz, Łochów • the addition of two new tracks on the section Zielonka – Wołomin Słoneczna (designed for suburban traffic) In addition, the project includes works related to the preparation of touring line No. 10 Legionowo – Tłuz to take over the traffic during the modernisation works on the railway line E 75. The implementation of the project was divided into: • Phase I – works/services planned to be performed under the OPI 2007-2013 • Phase II – works/services planned to be performed under the OPI 2014-2020. The section of Warsaw Rembertów – Zielonka – Tłuz (Sadowne) is a fragment of the railway line E 75 Rail Baltica Warsaw – Bialystok – the border of the state with Lithuania, forming part of the core network corridor North Sea – Baltic Sea, listed in Annex 1 to the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No. 1316/2013 of 11 December 2013 The Corridor of the Corridor is connected with the transport section of Tallinn – Riga-Kowno-Warsaw, it is the only connection between the European Parliament and the Council of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) No 1316/2013 of 11 December 2013, part I.2, section of Tallinn – Riga-Kowno-Kowno-Warsaw, it is the only rail connection between the European Parliament and the Council, it is the only rail connection to the Baltic Sea, part of the Baltic Sea, the section of Tallinn – Ryga – Kowno – Warsaw, is the only rail connection between the European Parliament and the Council. The project is located in the area of Mazowieckie voivodship within the following powiats: M. St. Warsaw, Wolominski and Węgrowski. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The project includes the modernisation of the E 75 railway line between Warsaw Rembertów – Zielonka – Tłuszcz (Sadowne) in the following scope: • Upgrading of railway lines: — No 449 on the section of Warszawa Rembertów – Zielonka, – nr 6 on the section Zielonka – Tłuz – to Sadowne Węgrowskie station (name Sadowne Węgrowskie according to the Basic Description of the Network) together with the stations: Zielonka, Wołomin, Tłuz, Łochów • the addition of two new tracks on the section Zielonka – Wołomin Słoneczna (designed for suburban traffic) In addition, the project includes works related to the preparation of touring line No. 10 Legionowo – Tłuz to take over the traffic during the modernisation works on the railway line E 75. The implementation of the project was divided into: • Phase I – works/services planned to be performed under the OPI 2007-2013 • Phase II – works/services planned to be performed under the OPI 2014-2020. The section of Warsaw Rembertów – Zielonka – Tłuz (Sadowne) is a fragment of the railway line E 75 Rail Baltica Warsaw – Bialystok – the border of the state with Lithuania, forming part of the core network corridor North Sea – Baltic Sea, listed in Annex 1 to the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No. 1316/2013 of 11 December 2013 The Corridor of the Corridor is connected with the transport section of Tallinn – Riga-Kowno-Warsaw, it is the only connection between the European Parliament and the Council of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) No 1316/2013 of 11 December 2013, part I.2, section of Tallinn – Riga-Kowno-Kowno-Warsaw, it is the only rail connection between the European Parliament and the Council, it is the only rail connection to the Baltic Sea, part of the Baltic Sea, the section of Tallinn – Ryga – Kowno – Warsaw, is the only rail connection between the European Parliament and the Council. The project is located in the area of Mazowieckie voivodship within the following powiats: M. St. Warsaw, Wolominski and Węgrowski. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The project includes the modernisation of the E 75 railway line between Warsaw Rembertów – Zielonka – Tłuszcz (Sadowne) in the following scope: • Upgrading of railway lines: — No 449 on the section of Warszawa Rembertów – Zielonka, – nr 6 on the section Zielonka – Tłuz – to Sadowne Węgrowskie station (name Sadowne Węgrowskie according to the Basic Description of the Network) together with the stations: Zielonka, Wołomin, Tłuz, Łochów • the addition of two new tracks on the section Zielonka – Wołomin Słoneczna (designed for suburban traffic) In addition, the project includes works related to the preparation of touring line No. 10 Legionowo – Tłuz to take over the traffic during the modernisation works on the railway line E 75. The implementation of the project was divided into: • Phase I – works/services planned to be performed under the OPI 2007-2013 • Phase II – works/services planned to be performed under the OPI 2014-2020. The section of Warsaw Rembertów – Zielonka – Tłuz (Sadowne) is a fragment of the railway line E 75 Rail Baltica Warsaw – Bialystok – the border of the state with Lithuania, forming part of the core network corridor North Sea – Baltic Sea, listed in Annex 1 to the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No. 1316/2013 of 11 December 2013 The Corridor of the Corridor is connected with the transport section of Tallinn – Riga-Kowno-Warsaw, it is the only connection between the European Parliament and the Council of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) No 1316/2013 of 11 December 2013, part I.2, section of Tallinn – Riga-Kowno-Kowno-Warsaw, it is the only rail connection between the European Parliament and the Council, it is the only rail connection to the Baltic Sea, part of the Baltic Sea, the section of Tallinn – Ryga – Kowno – Warsaw, is the only rail connection between the European Parliament and the Council. The project is located in the area of Mazowieckie voivodship within the following powiats: M. St. Warsaw, Wolominski and Węgrowski. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 14 October 2020
Revision as of 15:13, 14 October 2020
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Modernisation of the E 75 Rail Baltica railway line — Białystok — Lithuanian border, stage I, Warsaw Rembertów — Zielonka — Fat (Sadowne) Phase II |
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio |
417,692,047.42 zloty
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491,402,408.73 zloty
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85.0 percent
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14 August 2014
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31 December 2021
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Q2515024 (Deleted Item)
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Projekt obejmuje modernizację linii kolejowej E 75 na odcinku Warszawa Rembertów - Zielonka - Tłuszcz (Sadowne) w następującym zakresie: • modernizacja linii kolejowych: - nr 449 na odcinku Warszawa Rembertów – Zielonka, - nr 6 na odcinku Zielonka – Tłuszcz – do stacji Sadowne Węgrowskie (nazwa Sadowne Węgrowskie zgodna z Podstawowym Opisem Sieci) wraz ze stacjami: Zielonka, Wołomin, Tłuszcz, Łochów, • dobudowa dwóch nowych torów na odcinku Zielonka - Wołomin Słoneczna (przeznaczonych dla ruchu podmiejskiego) Ponadto, Projekt obejmuje roboty związane z przygotowaniem linii objazdowej nr 10 Legionowo – Tłuszcz do przejęcia ruchu w czasie prowadzenia robót modernizacyjnych na linii kolejowej E 75. Realizacja projektu została podzielona na: • FAZĘ I - roboty/usługi planowane do wykonania w ramach POIiŚ 2007-2013 • FAZĘ II - roboty/usługi planowane do wykonania w ramach POIiŚ 2014-2020. Odcinek Warszawa Rembertów - Zielonka - Tłuszcz (Sadowne) jest fragmentem linii kolejowej E 75 Rail Baltica Warszawa - Białystok - granica państwa z Litwą, stanowiącego część korytarza sieci bazowej Morze Północne – Morze Bałtyckie, wymienionego w Załączniku nr 1 do Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) nr 1316/2013 z dnia 11 grudnia 2013 r, część I.2, odcinek Tallin – Ryga – Kowno – Warszawa, Jest to jedyne połączenie kolejowe pomiędzy krajami bałtyckimi i Polską, z możliwością połączeń z innymi stolicami jak Praga, i Wiedeń, jako że korytarz łączy się w Warszawie z korytarzem Morze Bałtyckie – Morze Adriatyckie.Projekt ma na celu usprawnienie transportu pasażerskiego i towarowego w Korytarzu Transportowym Morze Północne – Morze Bałtyckie, zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa, zwiększenie stopnia wykorzystania transportu kolejowego w transporcie pasażerskim i towarowym oraz poprawę stanu środowiska w otoczeniu linii kolejowej E 75. Projekt jest zlokalizowany na obszarze województwa mazowieckiego w obrębie następujących powiatów: m. st. Warszawa, wołomiński i węgrowski. (Polish)
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The project includes the modernisation of the E 75 railway line between Warsaw Rembertów – Zielonka – Tłuszcz (Sadowne) in the following scope: • Upgrading of railway lines: — No 449 on the section of Warszawa Rembertów – Zielonka, – nr 6 on the section Zielonka – Tłuz – to Sadowne Węgrowskie station (name Sadowne Węgrowskie according to the Basic Description of the Network) together with the stations: Zielonka, Wołomin, Tłuz, Łochów • the addition of two new tracks on the section Zielonka – Wołomin Słoneczna (designed for suburban traffic) In addition, the project includes works related to the preparation of touring line No. 10 Legionowo – Tłuz to take over the traffic during the modernisation works on the railway line E 75. The implementation of the project was divided into: • Phase I – works/services planned to be performed under the OPI 2007-2013 • Phase II – works/services planned to be performed under the OPI 2014-2020. The section of Warsaw Rembertów – Zielonka – Tłuz (Sadowne) is a fragment of the railway line E 75 Rail Baltica Warsaw – Bialystok – the border of the state with Lithuania, forming part of the core network corridor North Sea – Baltic Sea, listed in Annex 1 to the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No. 1316/2013 of 11 December 2013 The Corridor of the Corridor is connected with the transport section of Tallinn – Riga-Kowno-Warsaw, it is the only connection between the European Parliament and the Council of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) No 1316/2013 of 11 December 2013, part I.2, section of Tallinn – Riga-Kowno-Kowno-Warsaw, it is the only rail connection between the European Parliament and the Council, it is the only rail connection to the Baltic Sea, part of the Baltic Sea, the section of Tallinn – Ryga – Kowno – Warsaw, is the only rail connection between the European Parliament and the Council. The project is located in the area of Mazowieckie voivodship within the following powiats: M. St. Warsaw, Wolominski and Węgrowski. (English)
14 October 2020
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