“Green Cities” — Small-scale green-surface interventions based on community planning (Q3954299): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
2.5.1 Proof of the project’s necessity, antecedents The sites affected by the Green City project have emerged over the years. These areas were selected as a result of public feedback, as a result of continuous community involvement. The Municipality of Kőszeg decided on the five selected areas, taking into account the recommendations of the population and civil society organisations. In recent months, several site visits and surveys have been carried out in order to make the most appropriate decision for the call for proposals. 2.5.2 Preparedness of the project The five green surfaces affected by the project were subject to a health check (with the photo documentation attached to the application). After several months of planning meetings, the preparation plan documentation and the designer’s cost estimate — broken down into 5 locations, were completed. After consultations with some NGOs, each of the five sites received their “owner” representing one NGO. 2.5.3 The project’s target group(s) The project’s development will reach out to all target groups, especially for children and families, and in Dreiszker Park, a community space is created for the elderly — where generations can meet. 2.5.4 Activities to be implemented The “Green City” project concerns 5 public areas of community use in Kőszeg: — 1: Europe Park: The city of Kőszeg has many external relations with different European cities. Five of them have a town twinning agreement and an external relations system across Europe. The Kőszegi Brother Town Association, which would be a kind of “host” of this park, is also involved in maintaining and establishing these links, but also a community area that can be used for educational purposes for the children of Ádám Béri Balogh Primary School and the Újváros Kindergarten in neighbouring areas. — 2: Dreiszker Park: The park in front of Dreisker Sanatorium is an ideal meeting point for generations. This is why we have planned a rest park in the framework of the project, where both the elderly and young people will find the recreation program of interest to them. Thus, during the visit of the residents of the institute, kinships and friends can meet outdoors and perform community activities (e.g. thanks to the chess table, mill table). — 3: Three-bedroom: an iconic rendezvous, starting point known to all Kőszegi — from here you can go to the Suleiman lookout tower, but also to the giant chestnut tree and the Old House. Interactive tools to show local specificities would be installed in the area (after sorting it out). — 4: Firefighting adventure park: For the volunteer fire brigade in Ószeg, which has a long history, the training of supply is a priority. The “training track/adventure park” to be set up in the vicinity of the new firehouse would serve to ensure that children and families can not only have fun, but also perform skill tasks that will make them feel like entering an organisation that is of great importance to the community. — 5: Kiss János Park: Military traditions are of paramount importance in Kőszeg. This would be a kind of representation area in the Kiss János housing estate, a park to be built around the statue of the lieutenant general, which is located right next to the bus stop in Kőszeg, so it would function as a community meeting point. In addition, the Kőszeg Retirement Association (and through them other traditional military organisations) can be a kind of representation area — ceremonies, commemorations and community meetings. (English)
Property / summary: 2.5.1 Proof of the project’s necessity, antecedents The sites affected by the Green City project have emerged over the years. These areas were selected as a result of public feedback, as a result of continuous community involvement. The Municipality of Kőszeg decided on the five selected areas, taking into account the recommendations of the population and civil society organisations. In recent months, several site visits and surveys have been carried out in order to make the most appropriate decision for the call for proposals. 2.5.2 Preparedness of the project The five green surfaces affected by the project were subject to a health check (with the photo documentation attached to the application). After several months of planning meetings, the preparation plan documentation and the designer’s cost estimate — broken down into 5 locations, were completed. After consultations with some NGOs, each of the five sites received their “owner” representing one NGO. 2.5.3 The project’s target group(s) The project’s development will reach out to all target groups, especially for children and families, and in Dreiszker Park, a community space is created for the elderly — where generations can meet. 2.5.4 Activities to be implemented The “Green City” project concerns 5 public areas of community use in Kőszeg: — 1: Europe Park: The city of Kőszeg has many external relations with different European cities. Five of them have a town twinning agreement and an external relations system across Europe. The Kőszegi Brother Town Association, which would be a kind of “host” of this park, is also involved in maintaining and establishing these links, but also a community area that can be used for educational purposes for the children of Ádám Béri Balogh Primary School and the Újváros Kindergarten in neighbouring areas. — 2: Dreiszker Park: The park in front of Dreisker Sanatorium is an ideal meeting point for generations. This is why we have planned a rest park in the framework of the project, where both the elderly and young people will find the recreation program of interest to them. Thus, during the visit of the residents of the institute, kinships and friends can meet outdoors and perform community activities (e.g. thanks to the chess table, mill table). — 3: Three-bedroom: an iconic rendezvous, starting point known to all Kőszegi — from here you can go to the Suleiman lookout tower, but also to the giant chestnut tree and the Old House. Interactive tools to show local specificities would be installed in the area (after sorting it out). — 4: Firefighting adventure park: For the volunteer fire brigade in Ószeg, which has a long history, the training of supply is a priority. The “training track/adventure park” to be set up in the vicinity of the new firehouse would serve to ensure that children and families can not only have fun, but also perform skill tasks that will make them feel like entering an organisation that is of great importance to the community. — 5: Kiss János Park: Military traditions are of paramount importance in Kőszeg. This would be a kind of representation area in the Kiss János housing estate, a park to be built around the statue of the lieutenant general, which is located right next to the bus stop in Kőszeg, so it would function as a community meeting point. In addition, the Kőszeg Retirement Association (and through them other traditional military organisations) can be a kind of representation area — ceremonies, commemorations and community meetings. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: 2.5.1 Proof of the project’s necessity, antecedents The sites affected by the Green City project have emerged over the years. These areas were selected as a result of public feedback, as a result of continuous community involvement. The Municipality of Kőszeg decided on the five selected areas, taking into account the recommendations of the population and civil society organisations. In recent months, several site visits and surveys have been carried out in order to make the most appropriate decision for the call for proposals. 2.5.2 Preparedness of the project The five green surfaces affected by the project were subject to a health check (with the photo documentation attached to the application). After several months of planning meetings, the preparation plan documentation and the designer’s cost estimate — broken down into 5 locations, were completed. After consultations with some NGOs, each of the five sites received their “owner” representing one NGO. 2.5.3 The project’s target group(s) The project’s development will reach out to all target groups, especially for children and families, and in Dreiszker Park, a community space is created for the elderly — where generations can meet. 2.5.4 Activities to be implemented The “Green City” project concerns 5 public areas of community use in Kőszeg: — 1: Europe Park: The city of Kőszeg has many external relations with different European cities. Five of them have a town twinning agreement and an external relations system across Europe. The Kőszegi Brother Town Association, which would be a kind of “host” of this park, is also involved in maintaining and establishing these links, but also a community area that can be used for educational purposes for the children of Ádám Béri Balogh Primary School and the Újváros Kindergarten in neighbouring areas. — 2: Dreiszker Park: The park in front of Dreisker Sanatorium is an ideal meeting point for generations. This is why we have planned a rest park in the framework of the project, where both the elderly and young people will find the recreation program of interest to them. Thus, during the visit of the residents of the institute, kinships and friends can meet outdoors and perform community activities (e.g. thanks to the chess table, mill table). — 3: Three-bedroom: an iconic rendezvous, starting point known to all Kőszegi — from here you can go to the Suleiman lookout tower, but also to the giant chestnut tree and the Old House. Interactive tools to show local specificities would be installed in the area (after sorting it out). — 4: Firefighting adventure park: For the volunteer fire brigade in Ószeg, which has a long history, the training of supply is a priority. The “training track/adventure park” to be set up in the vicinity of the new firehouse would serve to ensure that children and families can not only have fun, but also perform skill tasks that will make them feel like entering an organisation that is of great importance to the community. — 5: Kiss János Park: Military traditions are of paramount importance in Kőszeg. This would be a kind of representation area in the Kiss János housing estate, a park to be built around the statue of the lieutenant general, which is located right next to the bus stop in Kőszeg, so it would function as a community meeting point. In addition, the Kőszeg Retirement Association (and through them other traditional military organisations) can be a kind of representation area — ceremonies, commemorations and community meetings. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 9 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 16:55, 9 February 2022

Project Q3954299 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
“Green Cities” — Small-scale green-surface interventions based on community planning
Project Q3954299 in Hungary


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    96,782.35 Euro
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    35,000,000 forint
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    112,561.054 Euro
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    47°22'57.83"N, 16°31'49.48"E
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    2.5.1 A projekt szükségességének alátámasztása, előzmények A „zöld városka” projekt által érintett helyszínek évek alatt merültek fel. Lakossági visszajelzésekből kifolyólag kerültek kiválasztásra ezek a területek, folyamatos közösségbevonás következtében. Kőszeg Város Önkormányzata a lakosság és a civil szervezetek javaslatait figyelembe véve döntött az öt kiválasztott terület mellett. Az elmúlt hónapokban több helyszínbejárás, felmérés is történt, hogy a pályázati kiírásnak legmegfelelőbb döntés szülessen. 2.5.2 A projekt előkészítettsége A projekt által érintett öt zöldfelületen megtörtént az állapotfelmérés (melyről a pályázathoz csatoltuk a fotódokumentációt). A több hónapos tervezői egyeztetések után elkészültek az előkészítési tervdokumentációk, valamint a tervezői költségbecslés – tételesen lebontva az 5 helyszínre. Egyes civil szervezetekkel folytatott egyeztetések után pedig mind az öt helyszín megkapta a „gazdáját” egy-egy civil szervezet képviseletében. 2.5.3 A projekt által érintett célcsoport(ok) A projekt által megvalósítandó fejlesztés valamennyi célcsoportot megszólít, különösen gyermekeknek és családoknak kialakított terek jönnek létre, illetve a Dreiszker parknál elsősorban az idősek számára kerül kialakításra közösségi tér – ahol a generációk találkozhatnak. 2.5.4 Megvalósítandó tevékenységek A „Zöld városka” projekt 5 db kőszegi közösségi használatú közterületet érint: - 1: Európa park (Testvérvárosi park): Kőszeg városának számos külkapcsolata van különböző európai városokkal. Ezek közül öttel van testvérvárosi megállapodása, illetve van egy egész Európát behálózó külkapcsolati rendszere. Ezen kapcsolatok fenntartásában, kialakításában oroszlán szerepet vállal a Kőszegi Testvérvárosi Egyesület, amely egyfajta „gazdája” lenne ennek a kialakítandó parknak, ugyanakkor a szomszédos területeken található Béri Balogh Ádám Általános Iskola és az Újvárosi Óvoda gyermekei számára is ismeretterjesztési célokra használható közösségi terület. - 2: Dreiszker park: A Dreiszker Szanatórium előtti park ideális találkozási pontja a generációknak. Ezért terveztünk a projekt keretében ide olyan pihenőparkot, ahol idősek és fiatalok egyaránt megtalálják a számukra érdekes kikapcsolódási programot. Így az intézet lakóinak látogatása során a rokonság, barátok a szabadban tudnak találkozni és közösségi tevékenységeket végezni (többek között a sakkasztalnak, malomasztalnak köszönhetően). - 3: Hármaspad: egy olyan ikonikus találkozási, kiindulási pont, amit minden kőszegi ismer – innen lehet továbbmenni a Szulejmán kilátóhoz, de az óriás gesztenyefához és az Óházhoz is. A területen (annak rendbetétele után) a helyi sajátosságokat is bemutató interaktív eszközöket helyeznénk el. - 4: Tűzoltó kalandpark: A nagy múltra visszatekintő őszegi önkéntes tűzoltóság számára az utánpótlás nevelése elsődleges szempontú. Az új tűzoltólaktanya szomszédságában kialakítandó „gyakorlópálya/kalandpark” azt a célt szolgálná, hogy a gyerekek, családosok nem csak szórakozhatnak, de olyan ügyességi feladatokat végezhetnek, amivel kedvet kaphatnak egy, a közösség számára kiemelkedően fontos szervezetbe való belépéshez. - 5: Kiss János park: Kőszegen kiemelkedően fontosak a katonai hagyományok. Ennek lenne egyfajta reprezentációs területe a Kiss János lakótelepen, az altábornagy szobra körül kialakítandó park, mely egyúttal közvetlenül a legforgalmasabb kőszegi buszmegálló mellett helyezkedik el, így közösségi, találkozási pontként is funkcionálna. Ezen kívül a Kőszegi Nyugállományúak Egyesületének (és rajtuk keresztül más, katonai hagyományőrző szervezeteknek) egyfajta reprezentációs területe lehet – ünnepségekre, megemlékezésekre, közösségi találkozókra. (Hungarian)
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    2.5.1 Proof of the project’s necessity, antecedents The sites affected by the Green City project have emerged over the years. These areas were selected as a result of public feedback, as a result of continuous community involvement. The Municipality of Kőszeg decided on the five selected areas, taking into account the recommendations of the population and civil society organisations. In recent months, several site visits and surveys have been carried out in order to make the most appropriate decision for the call for proposals. 2.5.2 Preparedness of the project The five green surfaces affected by the project were subject to a health check (with the photo documentation attached to the application). After several months of planning meetings, the preparation plan documentation and the designer’s cost estimate — broken down into 5 locations, were completed. After consultations with some NGOs, each of the five sites received their “owner” representing one NGO. 2.5.3 The project’s target group(s) The project’s development will reach out to all target groups, especially for children and families, and in Dreiszker Park, a community space is created for the elderly — where generations can meet. 2.5.4 Activities to be implemented The “Green City” project concerns 5 public areas of community use in Kőszeg: — 1: Europe Park: The city of Kőszeg has many external relations with different European cities. Five of them have a town twinning agreement and an external relations system across Europe. The Kőszegi Brother Town Association, which would be a kind of “host” of this park, is also involved in maintaining and establishing these links, but also a community area that can be used for educational purposes for the children of Ádám Béri Balogh Primary School and the Újváros Kindergarten in neighbouring areas. — 2: Dreiszker Park: The park in front of Dreisker Sanatorium is an ideal meeting point for generations. This is why we have planned a rest park in the framework of the project, where both the elderly and young people will find the recreation program of interest to them. Thus, during the visit of the residents of the institute, kinships and friends can meet outdoors and perform community activities (e.g. thanks to the chess table, mill table). — 3: Three-bedroom: an iconic rendezvous, starting point known to all Kőszegi — from here you can go to the Suleiman lookout tower, but also to the giant chestnut tree and the Old House. Interactive tools to show local specificities would be installed in the area (after sorting it out). — 4: Firefighting adventure park: For the volunteer fire brigade in Ószeg, which has a long history, the training of supply is a priority. The “training track/adventure park” to be set up in the vicinity of the new firehouse would serve to ensure that children and families can not only have fun, but also perform skill tasks that will make them feel like entering an organisation that is of great importance to the community. — 5: Kiss János Park: Military traditions are of paramount importance in Kőszeg. This would be a kind of representation area in the Kiss János housing estate, a park to be built around the statue of the lieutenant general, which is located right next to the bus stop in Kőszeg, so it would function as a community meeting point. In addition, the Kőszeg Retirement Association (and through them other traditional military organisations) can be a kind of representation area — ceremonies, commemorations and community meetings. (English)
    9 February 2022
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    Kőszeg, Vas
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